Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Underneath a mostly harmless telemarketing company dwells the pit of devils, the slime of the earth, the baddies that want to do more than just make some money, the infamous [at least in the villain community] E.V.I.L. corporation. The rather large underground structure contains three major divisions which in turn have their own accommodations and facilities. The story begins in the confines of the somewhat dank and dreary Bronze Division where villains gather who are treated as noobs, given the scraps from their betters tables to trickle down to their level. Still, even in this lowest of lows there are devious and dangerous individuals, along with some who don't know what in the world they're doing. Even down there are plenty of missions and things to do, money is going to be made, especially since so little money is put into the Bronze division in the first place.

Somewhat out of place in this low end section is a short android. Her bright colors of white and blue clash with the mostly low-end industrial look of the Bronze division. She has gotten the name Sammy and has been operation for almost a year. Thanks to the wonders of Vocaloid, Gumi version, she even sounds mostly human and if one couldn't see her roboticness might possibly mistake her for a flesh and blood girl. At the moment she was messing with a holographic status window that projected from left forearm and with the right she manipulated the screen. "Alright, I have you grouped up as a team for mission 'steal the priceless gem'. I have you all registered so now you can expect payment on the successful completion of your mission." With a final click on the screen the flashing word "Accepted" appeared and the group of darkly clan, soon to be thieves, nodded and left.

"Well that takes care of that, I should receive a new batch any minute now." The android mussed and sat down on a packing crate that often served as a seat in the Bronze division. "Ahh, I kind of wish they'd let me go out on a mission, this place is not very stimulating. Everytime I ask they say I'm not ready yet." She sighed and then as if to prove their point, Sammy had not calculated the strength of the box correctly which buckled and then cracked apart under her weight, causing her to crash, butt first, into the middle of the mostly destroyed crate. "I have to remember to run a strength check before sitting down."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Lucile resembled a doll. She had clear pale skin and long black hair that was never out of place. Lucile's nails were uniformly shaped, long and painted black. Her eyes a gray color and lips the perfect shade of red. She was an unnaturally pretty girl, that was of course before she got wounded. Before she had been stabbed in the eye with a pen. She was still beautiful but there was imperfection on her face, in the form of a black eyepatch.

Lucile walked into Bronze Division. She had a gray pouch at her waist. The pouch itself was attached to a similarly colored belt that she was wearing. The pouch contained Lucile's puppeteering needs. In a relatively small handbag she was carrying was her cat Marionette. Hugging the bag holding Marionette close to her body, Lucile walked to a crate and sat down. Once seated, Lucile dug into her pouch and got out a puppet. She dug into her pouch and pulled out some puppet string and quickly attached it to the puppet. Lucile then began to make the doll move and dance on the floor.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ChibiYuki


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Genesis looked up from the corner of where she was sitting in and looked at the Android and Pretty Girl who entered the Bronze Division Group. She had foretold they they were coming inside because she had her crystal ball out already, looking outside of the room's front entrance where the other two had presumably entered through because she honestly wasn't honestly paying attention as she was occupied with working something. From anyone view point you could easily see that Genesis was frustrated but they couldnt see what she was messing around with.

In her hand she was fumbling with the tarot cards she always had and was trying to work with them but gave up quite soon, as she never knew how to work the cards. Often from the corner of her eye she would check her crystal ball for any interference or if anyone was entering the room before she went back to doing her own thing. And then before long Genesis sighed once more before she banged her head against the wall behind her and stuffed her tarot cards back into its case before she placed it in her 'bag of tricks', or her purse but the other name seemed funner. After stuffing her cards away, she looked at the other two occupants in the rooms and studied them slightly wondering what was interesting about them, and started on the android before going to the girl.

From her observation and vibe coming from the girl, Genesis wondered if something was different about that girl but shrugged considering that everyone was different from everyone one so she just laid her head back and sighed. Keeping her eye focused on the Crystal Ball now which was watching this room, and the doors which entered this room.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Michelle was sitting on a stool at a small table. She paid little attention to the others as she examined and cleaned a variety of pieces of metal and plastic with a rag and a brush. Some parts were quite a bit harder to clean than others, but eventually the task was complete. She then began attaching the pieces together in fluid motions until her sniper rifle was fully assembled and loaded. Next she did the same with another assortment of pieces until her pistol was likewise assembled and loaded.

Michelle was currently wearing her cloak and mask, and she liked it that way. She preferred that people judged her not according to things like gender, but by personality. Her gun cleaning done, she placed her five-seven in a holster inside her cloak, but kept her rifle in her hands, always ready for action. She looked at the others through the piercing red eye holes of her grim mask, waiting for her moment to act.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blox
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Blox Eye. See. You.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Shay enjoyed getting an early start to her day. Today marked the one year anniversary for her arriving as an employee for E.V.I.L. c., a day that changed her life forever. She would always be ever grateful for the opportunity to work with the company and has several successful missions logged in her file to prove how valuable of an employee she really was. But Shay had greater goals in mind. Her next step was to get out of the Bronze Division and in to the next Division that held more opportunities and a better lifestyle. She thought she already deserved this promotion but knew that only time, hard work, and a little bit of luck would get her out of this slum hole. She was keeping a look out for the next big mission that would help elevate her to that level.

Shay strolled through the hallways of the hidden building, boots thudding in a soft rhythm, her sword being dragged behind her leaving a low yet surprisingly annoying scraping sound that echoed around the rooms. In her other hand Shay held an apple, taking large bites as she continued down the halls. She looked around at familiar faces as she passed. She knew almost everyone here as she wasn't one to shy from conversations or any possible missions being given out or recruited for. Finishing her apple, she flicked the core to her right. Without looking her core flew to the side, unknowingly flying right towards the head of the puppeteer Lucile.

Shay, eyes still forward, looked towards one of her old partners named Alex, who was talking with a small group across the room. "Hey Alex, you better not be talking about me shithead" she yelled, giving him a small grin as she made her way towards him. Although Alex found her physically attractive, her brazen attitude and disruptive antics were something he could not stand and tried to stay away from. Alex narrowed his eyes and gaze a small groan.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Walking around, the Albino Japanese woman, Kanata, was lost in the Bronze Division area. She was only recently recruited, and by chance. Kanata was not a person whom could keep a stable job due to her predisposition. Having spoken to someone in E.V.I.L. c. it seems that they would accept her. The newbie was not really a villain, but alas, sometimes there's nothing else left to do, and in her case, there really was not anything else left to do. Even the heroes who saved her, have tried to prevent her capture, but could not stop it. It was roughly a weekly occurrence. Thinking about her problems, Kanata sighed. I've got to do my best here! she tried to motivate herself.

Turning a corner, she noticed a blue girl who had broken a crate. Um... if I am not mistaken ... Kanata tried to remember. Ah! It's Sammy, the android the higher ups made, I think. She's so ... life-like ... "Um... Konichiwa Sammy-chan!" Kanata greeted the blue android. "My name is Kanata, Himegaya Kanata. I just started today ... so I am not sure if you would know my name or not in your database. Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu!." Kanata bowed. "Oh, I mean, It is a pleasure to meet you and I hope we get along and work hard together." Kanata corrected herself. She had a habit of throwing in Japanese from time to time. For a moment, she pondered if Sammy knew other languages like Japanese or not.

Kanata was only just recruited, and the only reason why she knew about Sammy was because of her induction. Telling her about the different divisions, and how she would be working in the Bronze Division with, essentially the least 'pay'. They also told her that missions would be given by a blue android named Sammy. Thus she thought of Sammy would be something like a manager or boss to her, but she was unsure if that was how it was, or if she was simply there for mission giving. Either way, she intended to get along with everyone, as that was the kind of nice person she is.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Why do I feel like I'm forgetting something? I took a shower...brushed my teeth...called Ma...Oh, am I wearing clean socks?! Wait, yes, I am. That's not it. Shoot, what am I forgetting?

The blonde haired boy sat hunched over, arms crossed, and an intensely concentrated look on his face. He tapped his foot somewhat feverishly onto the floor, likely attracting the attention of those who walked by him. He had the feeling he was forgetting something, but for the life of him he just could not think of anything. He was squeaky clean, he had contacted his cranky mother, he remembered to wear clean socks...so why did he feel like he was forgetting something? Man, this was going to kill him until he remembered. Maybe he forgot to record his show of Kung Fu Dudes? No, he never forgets that. Darn it what was it?!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marshmellow


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

There outside the meeting room, a severe young man was making his way through the halls of the Bronze Division. He had a look in his eyes and a stride that said he knew precisely what he was doing; sharp brown eyes with matching hair, above a rugged and angular face that failed to acknowledge any of the other pedestrians roaming the hallway who all seemed to instinctively move out of his way. He turned a corner. The meeting room was just ahead; he continued toward it with measured steps.

The man walked right past the room, headed for Silver Division where he properly belonged. Having to associate with these Bronze losers was anathema to him; how he hated these interdivision meetings that took him away from Silver.

Behind him, a nondescript intern pushed open the meeting room door with tray in hand. On the tray was a mug, and in the mug was delicious freshly brewed synthetic motor oil. The intern moved along the wall to approach Sammy, said something unimportant to her that was quickly forgotten by all involved, and offered the tray to the company's resident robot. Apparently, even robots sometimes send out interns on coffee runs.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sammy was approaching by a young female who introduced herself as Sammy managed to extricate herself from the broken crate. "Himegaya Kanata, my databanks were just updated this morning so I see you were just added to the new recruit list. Welcome to E.V.I.L. c., if you were wondering I fully understand Japanese along with all major world languages." Sammy was indeed equipped with multiple languages in her processor but only given access to languages that any world wide business might use for trade. Sammy heard some nondiscript intern speak to her and offer her a mug of motor oil. Her processor failed to recognize the man.

"Thanks, my machinery was dying for some lubrication!" Taking the mug, Sammy took a quick chug with a satisfied look on her face. "Ahh, that hits the spot. The next batch of missions should appear in my data banks shortly and then we'll get to see what I can send you out on." Thanks to the wonders of a wireless interface Sammy had instant access to E.V.I.L.'s mainframe and therefore instantly received missions and commands from central command, wherever that was in the underground complex.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blox
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Blox Eye. See. You.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Shay watched as Alex quickly turned away with his group to avoid talking to her, leaving Shay standing alone in the hallway. Shay narrowed her brow, not amused by Alex's avoidance. Whatever, Shay thought to herself, turning around and swining her blade to rest over her shoulder as she turned 180 to walk the other direction. I don't have time to deal with people like them anyway. I'm so close to a promotion to the Silver Division then I'll never have to see his stupid face ever again.

Shay knew of Sammy, as did everyone, but she also knew Sammy was the one who grouped and delegated for missions. If you wanted a chance for a good mission you kept close to Sammy and did your best never to piss her off. Shay had done both, the latter being very hard due to Shay's brazen nature.

Shay kept walking, people entering the hallway dodging her swaying sword as it rest in a backhanded grip upon her shoulder. Shay was making her way towards Sammy, eager and impatient for work and the chance for a promotion to the Silver Division. She turned a sharp corner, her sword swinging around and forcing Velcro Man to jump backwards and drop all of his paperwork; that put a grin on Shay's face as she heard his folders scatter noisily across the floor. One less competitor to deal with for promotion.

Finally, Shay came to the meeting room where Sammy was. Apparently she had company. Normally she did so Shay was not surprised but did not recognize the young female. Shay's dark blue eyes scanned over Kanata, peering through strands of her dark long bangs. Shay's eyes moved to the other person in the room, an generic male intern that she didn't recognize either....although she might have seen him before. Or was she thinking of another intern that must have looked like him. Shay mentally shrugged and focused on who she came here to see. Sammy.

"Hey Sammy!" Shay called out brightly, interrupting whatever conversation was going on between her and the young Japanese girl. "I'm ready for another mission. Class A. I'm ready for the next level for my Silver promotion." She paused. "You know I'm ready for this." she added eagerly, wanting to make her point very clear.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sammy glanced over to the brazen Shay. "Ready or not it is what missions are actually available that will decide what happens." A small bleeping sound started to go off and a red light strobed on her forearm. Sammy made sure her monitor was ready and up came the missions screen where two exclamation marks appeared. Tapping the light screen the two missions appeared and quickly names were placed into the empty slots. The two missions that popped up were 'security for Mr. Hassenhoff's birthday bash' and 'steal experimental weapon from the Crushers'. Sammy scrolled through the information only as fast as a machine could and quickly had all the information she needed to make her decision.

"Alright listen up people! We have two missions here that need to be filled. The first is a security detail for Mr. Hassenhoff. As none of you know, lets just say Mr. Hassenhoff is one of our most consistent benifactors and has promised a hefty bonus this year if we ensure his birthday bash goes unimpeded. He is known for his extravagant parties, high-society big-wig, and being a ladies-man extraordinare or dandy man. It is not believed that any real trouble will ensue but then again that is what you are there for. If I had to guess he might have just contacted us to show off to some of his closest friends who are in on his secret sponsorship." Sammy mad sure the screen was faced so that it was not toward her but to the other people in the area so they could see. Images of a rather extravagant mansion and the face of a handsome man, probably in his late 30s, who short blonde hair and dazzling white teeth.

The next mission showed a group of men, rather large looking men, with special enhanced body suits that looks like they could give a man the strength to tear open a shipping container. It was rather hard to make out too many details though. "This group called the Crushers is a mercenary group for hire who also happen to be rather gifted in the tech field. Their name comes, obviously, from the fact that they like to crush the opposition with their powerful suits. E.V.I.L. has come to realize that they have finished work on a new project, most likely a prototype that they have been hoping to sell on the black market. We have figured out where they are going next, a warehouse on the outskirts of Jasper City where we believe a deal is going to happen. Your mission will be to steal the prototype right from under them and bring it back to headquarters. We don't really have the money to spend on such a prototype so we're just going to steal it." Pictures of a rather large, though obviously poorly maintained, warehouse showed up on the screen, it looked like a few good punches could crash a hole through it. The screen split, between the two missions and names were promptly added below them.

"Lucile Greatsworth, Michelle Kine, Shay Ortella. You are locate the Crushers and steal the prototype, bringing it to the dropoff point located next to the city dump. To aid in this endevour, E.V.I.L. has procured for itself an old Toyota pickup, white, quite inconspicuous." After briefly explaining Sammy moved on to the others.

"Genesis Evagreen, Himegaya Kanata, Jensen Ericks, Karol Mitchelson. You will be assigned as extra security for Mr. Hassenhoff. Try to dress for the occassion, it is a party after all. The mansion is located downtown and has its own walled compound, you're recognize it instantly by the extravagence put into the design and decorations. Make E.V.I.L. proud or you'll be sorry!" Sammy smiled at after the last sentence as if she had not just threatened them all and was completely innocent, one had to wonder just who programmed her.
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