Lady Squee said
I'm pretty sure that's what Clive Barker's wet dreams look like.
Lady Squee said
Giygas said
I feel badEspecially when I skimmed a list and saw a G, then I got excited for half a second, and looked back at it to see it was some other G nameI don't know if I've had any non short conversations with 10 of you.But doivid, joe, kaga, toellner, hamburgerhelper and my temporary bodyguards I got from when I had the minecraft server.
Larfleeze said
Larfleeze said
Larfleeze said
Aragorn said
It's okay. I was largely ignored too, and I've been around for about 3 years. But hey, at least I'm friends with Mike. :p(<3 u man. No homo.)(P.s. You seem cool too. Have a cookie.)
Awson said
1. Captain Ahab2. Ozymandias3. Atlas Graveyard4. Captain Jordan5. Maxi6. Orbb7. Beast8. Darkmatter9. Dark Desire10. Bandit Keith
idlehands said
Getting back at being left off?
Wayne said
6 - Dervish You're a friendly guy with a sense of humor that I like, but I have noticed that it's not too rarely that you seem to flare up towards people in some of your responses. But knowing me, I have hostile streaks... so who am I to be saying that.
TheMusketMan said
Holmshire- She remembered me when I came back.
Elendra said
And further, I'm cheating and making it 7 people.
5 through 10* - Doivid, Herlmi, Jorick, Seba, Smiral, Sophi
( *See: 11 )
Dervish said
I'm really a bear that figured out how to use a keyboard after eating the family who lives here.They went down good with tartar sauce.Anyways, whenever I seem like I'm being vicious is usually snark. I'm not an angry guy. I'll call people out on stupid shit, but it's rarely personal. Personally, I like the vast majority of people around here, which is part of the reason I don't want to make a list (cooooop ouuuuuuuuuuut, the crowd jeers). It takes quite a bit for me to actively despise somebody. You can tell if I'm angry or hostile if I'm not cracking jokes. Then it's murderswitch engage.
Frizan said 5. Maggie(AKA Magic Magnum) - We've clashed before, but you've always been reasonable
Wayne said Chances are, I disagree with many of your views, and sometimes you seem to have streaks of arrogance. But you know what? You're still a decent guy from what I can tell. With that, I'm willing to dismiss your slight bits of narcissism. We have only talked once from what I can remember,and you seem to be good company. I can appreciate that.
Awson said 3. Atlas Graveyard
Giygas said
I feel badEspecially when I skimmed a list and saw a G, then I got excited for half a second, and looked back at it to see it was some other G nameI don't know if I've had any non short conversations with 10 of you.But doivid, joe, kaga, toellner, hamburgerhelper and my temporary bodyguards I got from when I had the minecraft server.
Magic Magnum said
Atlas is still around? If Atlas is he would have been on my list too, I didn't add him because I thought he fell under the "People who are long gone" category.