I really want the last post.
K-97 said
I really want the last post.
Azarthes said
Sherlock I need you to buy me a new tablet thanks
Sherlock Holmes said
Why do I need to buy it for you? Get yo'self job, lazy.
Azarthes said
I have one but I just spent a lot of money and I'm poor
Sherlock Holmes said
I just put down new floors throughout my whole place and ordered a custom made couch -- I'm tapped out. Sorry.
Dervish said
I'll buy you a tablet. I'll even deliver to your door so I can enjoy the anguished look on your face when I smash it. <3
Halo said
Why do you hate sugary delicious treats, Dervish? What happened to you to make your heart so dark?
Halo said
Why do you hate sugary delicious treats, Dervish? What happened to you to make your heart so dark?