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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Headphones


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

“Hey, do you know? Why does the rain hush in autumn?”

It was a cool day in the midst of autumn, when the trees were dressed in their lovely seasonal gowns of red, yellow, brown and all the colours in between, when the sun had hidden under a thin cover of clouds, like a child frightened by the cold, and the sky was a gentle light gray. From the eaves and edges high above the mortal heads to the muddy filthy ground below their feet, the raindrops made little sound, for they could barely be seen on a colourful background. Ofttimes, however, they made a loud tap, tap, tap when hitting the surface of an air conditioner, stray notes in the orchestra of serenity, but the impact they made with the green umbrella was a sound so soft that it somehow deafened the holder to the mistakes the musicians made.
Underneath, in the small patch of moving dry space, was a man in a dark brown coat, whose short black hair slightly stuck out, most likely due to the humidity. In a steady pace he waltzed between the many puddles on the cracked pavement, as vehicles roared past him, creating waves or splashes on their way, which were, thankfully, small and not required to be avoided. By the sidewalk, on a lower level, a natural canal had formed, through which water flowed steadily, just like a river, washing away the city’s filth. It was not rare to spot a leaf drifting slowly as it followed the current. Having fallen from its graceful tops and now stained in dark hues, it was no longer worthy of remaining on the surface and would soon plummet from between the iron gates down into the chasm of darkness where all the sewage resides.
The rain was persistent to continue its play, yet remained ever so light and he continued his path. Between the tall skyscrapers with multi-layered windows, through the narrow streets where the mist would linger, by a purple entrance sided by graffiti, past a red building with a sweet smell, there was barely a soul to be seen. Many had retreated into the confines of their homes or workplaces, where they hussled and bustled through their daily routine or snuggled under a blanket with a warm cup in their hands. The unfortunate ones, however, had to struggle to find shelter, for those who had not a place to call home would rarely be welcomed into a new one. The world was the same as always. During the day the moon is there, simply hidden by the light. At the night’s darkest hour it shines with the sun’s light. Two entities, as opposite as they can be, holding hands for all eternity. Such was the rule not only in the sky, but also on the ground, in the water, within life itself. And thus, with this in mind, the parade of life continued on this cold autumn day.

“Maybe it wants to be heard? Or perhaps to be left alone?”

A bird abruptly flapped its wings and flew off in the rain, the cracking of the motion quickly fading in the distance. The veil of many gray shades steadily floated above. It was as if one was observing a ship at sea, the point of view being from below the waves. There was no thunder, nor lightning, nor any harsh wind grueling about, making the trees shiver and bend. Only a gentle breeze would pass occasionally, bringing that chilly, yet not unpleasant, essence of this time of year.
From one leaf to another the raindrops playfully skipped in the trees by the tracks. As the man went through an underpass in the bridge, a train rushed above at a speed slower than the norm, due to the weather. There he held to a stop to pet a white-eared black cat, which purred in delight and rubbed its head against his hand. Seeing as he had found a place to rest and a friend to keep him company, he decided to stay a bit, perhaps have a chat. Earphones plugged into the phone, he placed one in and lent an ear to what the radio had to say.

“On our broadcast today, unease rises, the leader of Iraq assures the country’s government is not siding with ISIS.”

“The new album’s coming out next month, so be on the lookout! Her manager says the limited edition was her idea, not his, but fans shouldn’t be worried, because the songs will be released again later this year. But who doesn’t want that cover?!”

“No ferries on the Kumobloha river until the end of the month, sadly. The general cleaning period is shorter than last year’s, but is that due to there being less rubbish or from having a tight pocket, we can only guess.”

“-of civilian uprising in Crossroad district. Who killed the pregnant wo-”

“-brings joy to the workers at the wildlife foundation. Tigers are still not out of danger, however due to poa- ”

“-and they say it’s horrible. “Ukraine has no intention of being Russia’s plaything.” says Turchinov, but will this result in an increase in clashes or will the two sides hear each other out?”

“The Cloud Giraffe might have a delay in construction due to the weather. The residents of Famoso are nonetheless happy about the project not being canceled. Local restaurateurs believe it will bring in more customers, since there’s nothing better than a delicious meal after a bungee jump.”

“-worried about the number of stray dogs in the area. There have been no reports on attacks,
but many about their rise in number, despite the area being marked as spayed. Mothers are af-”

“The concert will be on the second of November. There are barely any tickets left! Fans are ra-”

“Fifth day into the Libra-Scorpio, girls and guys! Watch out, because those two are on a role~”

“ “Scotland may have lost the battle, but not the war.” say scottish activists in Huntinghill area.”

“-concludes gay marriage is still on the debate table of Oblak City. Those were the news
on 23rd October from me, Annie Williams.”

With the press of the button the radio was turned off and the phone was placed away, back into the confines of the coat’s inside pocket. With the sigh the man turned to look at the cat, which look at him with curiosity with its big yellow eyes.

“Everyone’s the same as always, huh.” he laughed, to which it let out a short meow. “You have it the best out of everyone...Well, I’ll be going. Take care.” he bid farewell to the cat, which answered all the same, and both parted ways.

The man with the green umbrella continued his stroll through the city as the rain came down just as before. Turning several times around corners, changing direction every now and then, maneuvering through any part of this town was like in a labyrinth, where one could easily lose their way. Yet he carried on without hesitation, seemingly knowing where he was going. The jungle of wires that was above his head gradually decreased and even vanished as the buildings around him began to change. From tall and shiny they became smaller, more compact, fit for residents with a steady income, but harboring almost the same amount of grafitti. The number of trees also increased and soon he found himself passing a school.
It was an honorable building of three storeys, a bit shabby with the lack of colour and some of the construction markers being visible, but was lively nonetheless. Glancing at the clock placed high on one of the building’s sides would prove that the time was half past six in the morning, which explained why the entrance had yet to become a cacophony. Inside, however, staff could be seen rushing left and right, some cleaning and others carrying various objects, all of them preparing for the start of classes at half past seven. What had caught the man’s eye was a strange figure on the rooftop. It was enough to make him stop and try to focus, but the rain and distance made it impossible to figure out who or what was there. Blinking once or twice did little but only make it vaguer and after less than a minute the peculiar shadow vanished. Although he gave it some thought, the man chose to move on from the sight.

“Maybe it wants to hear something clearly? Or rather to not hear at all?”

From the school down Avgustinski road were numerous little shops with signs of all shapes and sizes. Flashing in and out, ofttimes with a burnt or defective light in some places, they advertised various things, such as hair salons, small markets, drug stores and the like. All of them were notably less in number and flare compared to those of the place he had come from, but their purpose was the same and, even if they were inferior, they would carry out their duty until the very last light went out. On this rainy autumn day one would think that such public places would be nearly empty. On the contrary, many had chosen to take refuge there, namely because they were caught off guard by the shower. These individuals were, for the most part, women out to buy ingredients for their families’ breakfast and little birds that found cracks in the rooftops. The swift cheerful swallows and clever sneaky cuckoos had already flown away to their winter residences in Africa and only the small chirping sparrows and cranky smart crows remained to grace the skies. It was an uncommon, but possible occurrence in some parks and village-like districts on the outskirts of town, to hear the call of a dove, which, unlike its pigeon brethren, hummed with a long and calming voice. Chased away by those same siblings, it seldom appears in crowded areas.

“It should be something important, if it does it every time, right?”

Further off, left through Marta lane, by the playground where water droplets rolled down the slide like children and a bucket remained forgotten in the sandbox, a turn to Natsuoka avenue, past the ramen shop, around the gas station, between the buildings where lives were silently sighing, he walked on the road that got narrower and narrower, until he finally held to a stop on Stargazer one way. The rain had also almost ceased. There was not a passer by. The gray canvas was breaking apart, revealing the hues of the morning. Crouching down, the man picked up a black black book, which was being carried by the small river that had formed by the road. Standing back up again, a light warm smile appeared on his lips. He turned around and spoke.
“Will you hear them, the words of the hushing autumn rain?”

|| 07:00 AM || 23rd October || 20XX
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AlidaMaria
Avatar of AlidaMaria

AlidaMaria Damsel lacking distress

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

A lone road stretched out into eternity, solitary, would it ever go anywhere but onwards? What if you happened to travel this road? When looking up, you would notice the vivid green of foliage, since birches and oak trees lined its path. When looking down, you would see a sea of tulips guiding your way on both sides of the road. Green, yellow, red, white, blue. The blackbird and pigeon sang a soft, soothing duet up in the tall trees, urging anyone who walked this road to continue on its way.

That day had been a sunny summer day. The air felt humid and sunlight fell on the path, interspersed with the shadow which the trees provided. The water in the canals had been at an unusually low point and most humans were holding a siesta. Most, the word itself already inclines a few exceptions. For that day, a tall man with hair the colour of caramel, had thread upon this particular path and walked it with firm steps, headed for an unknown destination. A young, beautiful woman smiled up at him and let her hand intertwine with his. Her head rested on his shoulder as they strolled and watched the two little girls that walked ahead of them. The two could have been twins, were it not for the difference in height. The youngest one laughed loudly as she chased a cabbage butterfly. The elder sister smiled indulgently at the sight of her younger sister running around. The frivolity of youth was no longer something she was supposed to enjoy, or so the nine year old told herself. She turned her gaze to the sight of her parents, walking hand in hand like young lovers. An overall feeling of bliss filled the air and the girl felt the uncontrollable urge to laugh. But why? Weren't all days like this?

The man halted and brought his hand up, just above his eyes to provide them with some shade as he gazed into the distance. The girl realised that she couldn't get a clear sight of his face, no matter how much she focused. But she quickly dismissed the thought. After all, it couldn't possibly be as important as enjoying the feeling of the sun's gentle caress on her cheeks when he managed to avoid the shields of leaves that protected her from his touch.

"We're almost there Eva."

Suddenly, the four found themselves standing on a beach. Wasn't it peculiar that she didn't remember how they had gotten here...wherever here was? Still, none of the others seemed to mind, so the girl refrained from asking her questions. The sun had disappeared behind a dense mist, which drifted towards them from across the silver coloured sea. A strong gust of wind made the girl shiver and brought an ominous feeling with it. The girl was only wearing her thin white t-shirt and short. She could already feel the goosebumps appearing on her arms.

Her sister still ran after her butterfly, happily laughing, oblivious to the cold, yelling words the eldest couldn't quite distinguish. A shiver went down her spine, she couldn't tell if it was caused by the increasing cold wind or some feeling of foreboding. Why was her sister running so far away? She hadn't noticed, not at first. A hole had been poked in her belly and all of the happiness she had felt earlier, was spilling out. She wanted to scream out to her sister, to be careful, not run too far, not into the cold seawater, it would spoil her cute white dress and she would no doubt cry all the way home. However, no matter how hard she tried, no sound came over her lips. Why? Her sister ran further and further, until the oldest could no longer see her, the only thing she heard was a shreds of her sister's laughter. As clear and sweet as small bells, yet hollow somehow. Panic nestled in her chest, building a fire that rapidly expanded throughout her entire body. She had to do something, or else her sister would die... Only then did she look around in search of her parents. But as she looked, all she saw were the waves that came crashing on the shore in front of her, the dunes at her back and the beach that stretched out as far as she could see to her right and left. I have to find them. No, I have to help her first.

The girl ran towards the direction her sister had disappeared in, towards the waves. But the further she got, the slower she could move. She could feel the freezing water against her knees, but she kept on walking. Her sandals made odd noises as they clutched the mud underneath them, trying to halt her. She kept on wading through the water. Her sister was still nowhere in sight and the water already reached her shorts. The cloth greedily drank in the sea water and weighed the girl down even more. She struggled further. Tears streamed down her face and became one with the sea of despair around her. Panic was slowly tightening his grip around her neck, preventing her from breathing. At last, she halted. When the water came to her chin, her body had stopped shivering and instead a numb feeling encompassed her. The girl let out a pained, lonely cry.

"Mama, Papa!?!"

Thunder was the only one who answered, making the little girl cry even harder as she tightly clenched her hands around her ears.

"Eli....-Ne... ELIEN...."

Incoherent words echoed after the thunder and the girl looked up at the sky with a bewildered expression on her face.


"Non... dam...! Open... épouvan... door!"

The mists around her slowly became darker and darker and the little girl let out another terrified yelp, muffled by her own sobbing and the water that now rose to her eyes.

Suddenly, the darkness lifted and a small ray of light fell on her face. She could feel it before seeing, and when she finally opened her eyes, she suddenly became aware that the ray came through a window. A window which was supposed to be closed and instead let the cold morning air fill the small room. The girl was no longer little but found herself still sobbing uncontrollably. After a while, she regained control over her thoughts and began wondering what had happened. She was lying in bed, in her small two-room-apartment. The room was still dark, except for the small ray of sunlight. It seemed like it had all been nothing but a dream. The alarm clock on her nightstand told her that it was only half past seven, meaning that she still had an hour and a half before her college would start. Loud voices came from the hallway, fully audible now that she was awake.

"Elienne? Merde, open the door girl or I'll let Lars bash it in." "Me? Why would I have to do that? You're a lot stronger than you look. Do it yourself!" "Je m’en fou! You are the guy, you ave to take you responsabilités!" "Stop with the French already, you know that I don't understand you when you do that. Should I start speaking German? Das werden Sie nicht gefallen, ja?" The bickering went on for a while and Elianne easily recognized the voices of Cécile and Lars, both exchange students like her, living in the same building. She quickly got up to answer the door, just in time before Lars attempted to ram it.

Upon slightly opening it, she peeked around the corner, attempting to hide her face from the two. "I'm sorry guys, just a nightmare. I do hope that I didn't wake you up?" Cécile brusquely shoved the door aside and tightly clenched her arms around Elianne. The short, dark-skinned girl, with chocolate coloured frisky hair, had immediately made friends with the much shier Elianne. On her first day in the apartment complex, Cécile had been the one to offer her a short tour and despite her lacking English and abundance of French curses, the girl had a heart of gold.

"Conneries, chérie. Francesco as been practicing is piano for alf an our already, no worries. What was your dream about?" Cécile slightly let go of Elianne, looking at her face with worry in her eyes, swiftly wiping away a few tears while mumbling something in French. "That's... something of my past." Elianne tried her best to smile, but the sadness and raw feeling of panic were still present. "Really, you do not need to worry. Thanks for waking me up though, I don't really want to know how it ended." She managed to bring forth a sheepish smile, which seemed to comfort Céline enough to let go of her and take a step back to give her some space.

"Well then, glad to ear that you are fine. Come over to eat something tonight, oke? You won't believe what appened to me yesterday." With a smile and a wink, Cécile disappeared down the hallway to her own apartment.

Only then did Elianne remember that Lars was standing in front of her door as well. For some reason, he didn't look at her, instead looking at the ground. Lars was a tall, skinny blonde guy in his mid twenties, but for some reason his cheeks were slightly flushed and a frown had nestled between his blue eyes. He softly mumbled something which Elianne didn't understand and an awkward silence formed. "What? I'm sorry..I ... I'm afraid I didn't really hear what you were saying Lars." She hadn't talked to him that much in the last three months since she had moved into the apartment complex, but she decided that the only way to overcome her shyness was to talk to him more often. It had been very gallant of him to come with Cécile, especially since he lived on another floor. "Cloth... I mean... Bye." Without looking up, he marched down the hallway, towards the stairs on the other side. Elianne stood still for a full minute before she realized that she was only wearing an old, large t-shirt and a boxer short. No wonder that it had been so cold. With cheeks the colour of apples, Elly quickly shut the door behind her. Her cold hands on her cheeks slowly cooled them down. Why couldn't she ever have a normal conversation with someone she didn't know?

Something soft stroke passed her legs, startling Elly for a moment. A long, wailing meow made clear that Katja really wanted to have her breakfast. With a smile, Elianne picked up the fat cat. "Wow, Katja... You keep on getting fatter lately, don't you? Perhaps I shouldn't feed you as much..." Almost as if she knew what her owner had said, the cat began struggling to get free and meowed even harder. "Alright, alright. I'll get you some food. You won't allow me to shower and eat properly if I don't, do I?" With a chuckle, she put Katja back to the ground, quickly put on some more clothes and went to the shared kitchen to prepare some food for the both of them.

"Shitshitshitshit nooooo, please no!" Just before she could press the button to open the doors, the metro started moving, leaving behind a very disappointed Elianne. "Shit." She added, silently hoping that the word would make the metro stop in its tracks and allow her to board it anyway. With a sigh, she walked over to one of the benches on the station and sat down besides a business man who seemed to have missed his metro as well, judging from the way he impatiently checked his watch every ten seconds. She tightly clenched one strap of her backpack, giving herself over to her ponderings. She wouldn't be late to her class, but she would have to hurry once she got to Main Okrug, seeing how it was still half past eight, and another metro would arrive in fifteen minutes. For some reason, Francesco had felt it was necessary to talk to Elianne about Bach's "Goldberg Variations". Seeing how she played the violin and he was a student of music, it was logical to a certain extent, but still, he could have picked a time when she wasn't already running late for her classes.

The man next to her had folded open a paper, allowing her to read some headlines. Or rather, she would have been able to read them, were it not for the fact that they were in Russian. Elly could distinguish a few words, but by no means enough to see what they were about. She swung her bag on her lap and rummaged through it until she found her phone. After plugging in a set of earphones to keep out the noises of the station, she clicked on the NOS news app. Despite being in Russia for three months now, she like to keep track of the Dutch news as well.

"Live: Twente against AZ, 2-0 for the Twentenaren"
"27 death in fights Kobani"
"Today possibly the results for ebola-test"
"Taliban leader fails on Twitter"
"Dance award for Russian dancer"
"Storm after the silence in Jordan?"

The last headline peaked her interest and Ell clicked it. Apparently the Dutch F-16's wouldn't come in action that day against ISIS, and Jordan was still trying to maintain the peace and quietness within its borders. "Can't really blame them. We would have done the same." She mumbled to herself. The man next to her looked over for a bit, but quickly shifted his attention back to his own newspaper. The sound of thunder announced that a metro was arriving, but Elianne quickly returned to her app since it obviously wasn't the one she had to catch. The man next to her did stand up, folded his newspaper and left. Elianne watched him go and just before she returned her attention back to her phone, she noticed that the man had left behind a small notebook. It didn't really stand out all that much, but Elianne found herself picking it up nonetheless. "Sir, you forgot..."

However, as she looked around, there wasn't a trace of the man left. Slightly puzzled, Elly put the notebook in her bag, deciding that she would take care of it until she saw the man again. Or perhaps she would bring it to the lost-and-found-office later. Before she could decide what to do, two things happened at the same time. Her metro arrived and her phone suddenly started ringing. A frown formed on her face as she quickly grabbed her bag and walked towards the metro. Nobody was supposed to call her, would something have happened Merel or her mother? How did she have reception here in the first place? Nevertheless, she picked it up before the doors closed behind her.


|| 08:45 AM || 23rd October || 20XX
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Headphones


Member Seen 5 yrs ago


“Ah, yes, hello?” an old man’s voice came from the other end. “This is Benedict Nobunaga, principle of Gregor Mendel public school. This is Ellanie Ploeg, correct?” he asked, yet before he could correct his mistake or respond to the reply the girl would give him, a woman could be heard on the other end of the line speaking, her words coming off as incomprehensible through the phone. “Who? Tell her I’ll call her later. Oh? No, we’ll do that on the 7th. I don’t care how full his schedule is, if he wants his pay, he better work.- Ah, excuse me, Miss Ploeg. I am calling you for a request, you see. I am well acquainted with one of your history lectors, Mr. Hoshino, who recommended you to me. Unfortunately, a history teacher of ours called in sick today and we require a replacement.- What now, Mrs. Dole? Gum in the ventilation? Well, what do you want me to do? Get in there with my size? Call a technician, for crying out- Ah, my apologies, Miss Ploeg. It seems our staff is having a hectic day today. In any case, it will only be for today, maybe for tomorrow, can’t say for sure.- Would you pipe down for a second, Mrs Dole.- You will only have four classes today: one with 9th grade, two 10th grades and one 11th. Come around at 10 o’clock. We’ll pay you- I’m coming, already!- Have a nice day, Miss Ploeg! We’ll be expecting you!” the principle wished in a hurry and the call ended.

|| - - - ||

The Hanged Man

Twelve - the perfect number symbolizing the zodiac

The thirteenth movement

Through many lands the Fool has traveled
and many truths his eyes have dazzled.
Several lessons he has learned.
Thoughts on them his mind have burned

Along the cliffs and through the plains.
By the palace and the dunes of flames.
Between the trees and past the stall.
With the lion and in the hall.

Wisdom and teaching, so much to learn.
With them, no doubt, there is plenty to earn.
But all of them tangle and confuse the mind.
By his own shadow the Fool feels left behind.

Everyone was running ahead to the future.
But his thoughts were without any structure.
Startled by all the decisions ahead,
the Fool sought a place to rest his poor head.

On his path he found it, a simple old tree.
Beneath its wide shadow came to sit he.
Past him went people and creatures and days.
Silent he was, beneath the rain and sun’s rays.

On the ninth day, without reason why,
the jolly good Fool hung himself by
the foot on the tree he had sat under
and allowed himself to bleakly wonder.

Why had he traveled all of this time?
From his pockets fell every single dime.
Was there true purpose or was it redeeming?
He saw them as pieces without any meaning.

The Fool’s perspective went through great change.
Upside-down he saw the world as quite strange.
Things that he knew he came to question
and those he did not - knew without objection.

And so he dangled from the tree,
the hanged man in the grey sea.
In the space between the heavens and land,
Time goes by with the slipping of sand.

This moment was pleasant, yet he knew
that to this dream he must bid adieu.
Soon the journey would start anew,
until then he could hang for an hour or two.

|| - - - ||

The sound of chattering ravens was the only one to welcome the rising sun, which still dwelled in its soft grey covers, on that cold autumn day. The sweet lullabies of little birds could no longer be heard, for they had flown south to their warm winter residences. Those who remained sung harshly, without a pinch of delight, and the flapping of their wings was akin to the cracking of old bones against each other. Despite the bitterness of these avian psalms, the morning was slowly being painted in a wonderful palette of colour, one of soft light hues, which dyed the clouds and sky. Under the hopeful bright canvas the city was also changing according to the times.
A gentle breeze blew through the trees and they shivered to its touch, many shedding their leaves in the process. These tears had long lost their fresh green tone and had faded to yellow, red or brown, the banners of change in the seasons, as well as in the hearts of the innumerable residents.
One by one the windows were lit, from those of tall flats to the small ones of houses, and shadows could be seen moving about within, as if engaging in a ritual dance. Everyone was getting ready for the start of the day in their own way.
With the fading of the last stars from the welkin, so had the late night walkers, who had partied or worked throughout the moonlit hours and could finally rest within their dwelling places, until the glaring sun would set once more.
Others had awakened shortly prior or after the golden disk’s rise and had set out on their daily routine. Hustling and bustling, cars were already roaring through the streets, exhaling their ghastly fumes that burned both eyes and lungs.

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