Name: Ace Vulpedia
Age (cannot be below 18 as this seems to be the age limit of potential targets): 18
Bio (everyone lived in the human world, and was transported here at some point) (not mandatory and can be TBR): Ace was a somewhat normal gaming geek who was fascinated with the morbid and creepy. When he found himself outside of his own world, he immediately began using his texts on mythology that he has in his devices. He records everything, in hopes of createing a guide that will lead to him being able to live near forever in this fasinating land.
Skills (hunting, combat, ect.): He can drive a motercycle or a plane if he has one. He is an expert in marsial arts, mixing styles into his own fighting style. He is a programer and has a grand knolege of morbid and creepy mythology. He has weapons training and can fight with many weapons, including those he has on him.
Weapons (if any): A pair of Ruger Blackhawk Specials,

Power (by the rules of the universe, a person can have one starting power): The ablility to keep all his devices at full power and networked.
Equipment (armor, canteen of water, food, rape whistle, ect.): A powerfull IBM laptop, upgraded to modern standerds but just as indestructible as they used to be. A cell phone, Ipod, Ipad, and several hardrives. Together these are all networked and he can listen to music or look at his texts on any of them. large library of relgios and mythilogical texts on his hardrives, allong with a bunch of vido games movies and music.
Vices (everone has a vice or fear, and there are many creatures here to be fearful of): He is encredably adicted to his electronics.
"I will not survive!"