Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Myst
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Crown in Embers

Crown City is a nice place to live. It has just the right mix of city and country to satisfy everyone. It's your average city, nothing really special or noteworthy about it.

Unfortunately there is another side to Crown City. A side that most inhabitants attempt to ignore. Because you see, there are several gangs that have taken up residence in the city, and each one wants it to themselves. And thus began the battle to own the city.

This is a gang rp. There are three gangs to choose from:

1. Fallen Angels - A Motorcycle Gang
2. Swindlers - A Gang of Thieves
3. Open

The first two gangs have already been claimed. The third is open for the first person who wants it to become leader of (name, type, ect). After all three gangs are named and leaders created anyone who joins afterward can either make a character that is a member of one of the gangs or a citizen of the city (sheriff, business person, ect) but that character has to have some connection with the gangs in order to be a part of the story.

First : Ze Rulez

1. No fighting in the OOC or anywhere else. I mean it. If I see any kind of bullying, arguing or putting people down because of their characters or their posts there will be consequences up and to the point of being banned from the rp.

2. This RP is going to be rated 'mature' as far as language and blood, but all sexual acts beyond making out must be taken to PM.

3. I would like to see a minimum of two paragraphs per post. They don't have to be super long, but please make an effort to advance the story.

4. No over-powered characters.

5. Killing of characters must be agreed upon, as is your character joining a gang. The leader of the gang must approve you as a member.

6.All ideas are welcome! If you have any ideas for major plot-related ideas, characters. locations, etc. then please PM either myself or my Co-GM(s).

7. You can have as many characters as you can handle. Do not ignore anyone and post regularly. If you can't post for a couple of days, let us know so we can move around your character. If you do not post in the IC or OOC or PM us for a significant amount of time, then your character will be made an NPC

8. I reserve the right to add more rules if needed.

Second, Ze Character Sheet:

Personality : (a few good and bad points)
Gang: (put the name of the gang you wish to be in to be approved by the leader of said gang. if the character is not in a gang, ignore this part)
Job: (if your character is a gang member, ignore this part)
Brief Bio: (doesn't have to be long, but make an effort)

and Third, have fun!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Myst
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Maria
Age: 21
Personality : feisty, bad tempered when she's angry (which is a lot), loyal, willing to do whatever to prove herself, outspoken, can be a pain-in-the-ass once the rapid Spanish starts, confident, stubborn, will tell you you're an idiot for falling down while helping you up again
Gang: wants to be in Fallen Angels, but is stuck working in the bar because she is a girl
Job: bar girl
Brief Bio: Maria came from down south. Not much else is known about her. No one is even really sure that Maria is her real name. She doesn't like questions. Really, she doesn't like much of anything.
She came into contact with the Fallen Angels and has been wanting to join ever since. It makes her furious that she isn't allowed to join just because she is a female. But she takes what she can get and that means working at The Florence, the bar that is the Fallen Angels' main hang out. Maria is constantly on Harry to give her a chance, but so far he hasn't budged. Mainly the only reason he hasn't shown her the door is because Isabel likes her. Or at least that is what he says. Really, Maria thinks he likes her too but doesn't want to say so because she annoys the ever loving crap out of him.

Name: Danielle Foster
Age: 16
Personality : good listener, respectful, hard worker, loyal to people who deserve it, very self-conscious, virtually no confidence
Job: bar girl at Tommie's
Brief Bio: Danielle is a runaway foster child. She has lied about her name and her age so many times that it is difficult to keep track of her many aliases. She keeps a notebook of all the names she has used in the past. She really shouldn't be working in a bar, but she needs the money and a place to stay. Thomas took pity on the runaway and let her stay, sleeping in a room above the bar.
Danielle has seen and heard so many things in the bar that she is afraid to leave now, afraid of what the gang might do to her. She would never squeal on them, but you never knew what people might think. Besides, she really does have no where to go except back home. And that is NOT an option. Danielle has a past that she does not want to talk about. After all, one doesn't become a foster child and a runaway without a reason... or reasons...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SheriffLlama
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SheriffLlama In Trench I'm Not Alone

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Thomas Swindle

Age: 33

Personality :
Good: He's very good at handling stressfull situations(as much as a major thief can be). He is very willing to do what is necessary to help someone who needs it
Bad: Obviously... he's a larsonist. He holds grudges and has a short temper with people he's fed up with.

Gang: The Swindlers (The Leader)

Brief Bio:

Thomas grew up in a broken home, in the lower part of Crown city. His father was a furious alcoholic who beat his wife when he came home flat wasted. When one night, when Thomas was twelve, his father came home, just after losing his job. He came down so hard on Thomas' mother, that he came close to killing her. Thomas, however, raced to his parents room and grabbed his father's pistol, shooting the man in the chest. When the police arrived, Thomas and his mother were taken to Crown City Medical Center and his mother was sent to the ICU.

When Social Services deemed Thomas' mother unfit to raise her son, they sent him to a foster system, where the families never loved him like he needed them to. Broken and angry, Thomas grew up to become a unordinary person. He was reserved until you got to know him, then he would open up. When Thomas was seventeen, his final foster-mother became very ill, and required an expensive treatment. Thomas stole the money to pay the bill, but came out without being caught. It was then that he found his nack for stealth and tricks.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by QT
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QT The Vacuum Detective

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Fallen Angels, Crown City Gastown MC

President of Fallen Angles: Harrison 'Harry' McCray


Mother of Fallen Angels: Isabel Florence McCray


Sergeant of Fallen Angels: Charles Thomas


Vice President of Fallen Angels: Anthony 'Tony' Teixeira

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 19 days ago

Name: Thomas Morhaime
Age: 26
Personality : Loyal to the club, but burdened with a surprisingly liberal viewpoint, for a gun nut biker. Not a coward, but has historically felt insecure, and sought defense mechanisms. First guns, then the club. Being with the Angels, and wearing the patch, makes him feel safe and protected.
Has a "new is better" attitude. On the one hand, he doesn't fall for nostalgia traps(using outdated equipment because of style or personal meaning) but on the other, it took a while to convince him of the virtues of carburetors over fuel injectors for motorcycles.
Gang: Fallen Angels
Brief Bio: Thomas was bullied a lot when he was younger, and he took to guns(with his ex-marine father helping push him along) as a defense mechanism. when he got older, he got a job in a pawn shop, and paid special attention to the guns coming in. His self learned expertise helped earn the shop a bit more money, and it became known to specialize in guns.
It was a dirty gun coming into the shop that planted the seed that eventually led Thomas to break bad. Someone came into the shop, looking to sell their piece to make some extra cash. He recognized it very quickly as being less than legit, but rather than call the cops like he was legally required to, he paid the customer for it out of pocket and kept it. The pawn shop was a crap job, and he knew he could make a lot more on the dirtier side of the gun dealing industry. He tracked the dirty gun down to the Fallen Angels, and approached them about joining. He became a prospect, and did what he had to do to earn his patch and get in on the gun business.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by czechmate46
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

QT, would you mind if my character is related to the McCrays? Probably something like a nephew or cousin, I anticipate my character to be in his mid 20's.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

Name:Brandon Brewer
Apperance: Brandon
Personality : Brandon Brewer is a brilliant detective able to notice slight things that might of been left behind at a crime scene that might not of been noticed, but he's depressed, a narcissistic ass hole, and scarred by the loss of his partner.
Gang: N/A
Job: Detective Homicide (Gang Task Force.) Currently investigating The Fallen Angels.
Brief Bio: Brandon Brewer was born in Crown, and as he grew up he got to watch it all go to hell. When he was 15 his brother went and joined one of the gangs and ended up dying 3 years later. This left an impact on Brewer who instead of joining a gang like his brother left Crown for college and came back 5 years later as a cop walking the beat. A year later he was promoted to detective and only just recently lost his partner to a gang shoot out with the fallen angels. Ever since then he has bitter, narcissistic and pursued the Fallen with a vengeance
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by QT
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QT The Vacuum Detective

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Gisk said
Reserved for character. But also: Man, did you have to make all of the big players in the Fallen Angels?EDIT: I guess there's room for others. What info do we have for that gang, by the by? So I can make a character appropriately.

Basically, the actual members of the gang - meaning those that take action and do the illegal stuff - are all men. It's basically an all guys gang for the exemption of a few woman who help around - wives, daughters, etc.

I would prefer for your character to already be in the gang rather than having to join it. Joining the Fallen is not easy and would just be a boring process to be honest.

All characters who are in the Fallen currently, have landed in jail/prison at least once.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by QT
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QT The Vacuum Detective

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by QT
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QT The Vacuum Detective

Member Seen 1 yr ago

czechmate46 said
QT, would you mind if my character is related to the McCrays? Probably something like a nephew or cousin, I anticipate my character to be in his mid 20's.

Can you pm me your idea please.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blox
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Blox Eye. See. You.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Creating CS tonight
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by QT
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QT The Vacuum Detective

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Enalais' character

I know the character sheet doesn't include an appearance slot, but if you could put an image that'd be awesome. That goes for everyone by the way.

But anyhow, the character is accepted.

Blox said
Creating CS tonight

Reminder: Not all characters have to join the Fallen Angels (motorcycle gang) nor The Swindlers (thieves gang). There is still an open slot for one more gang if anyone would like to create one. In addition to that, ones character - as stated in the Int. check - does not have to be a gang member. It is okay to be the cops, a wife, a school teacher, mechanic, etc. All that has to happen is some involvement with one or all of the gangs.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blox
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Blox Eye. See. You.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hmmm, I'm confused. Are we making our character and choosing the gang or our we making our own gang of characters?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blox
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Blox Eye. See. You.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Nevermind. I thought Myst was the creator but I guess QT is co-gm? Just got confused. @_@
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by QT
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QT The Vacuum Detective

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Yea I'm Co-GM. As for the character thing - you are creating a character for the gangs, not a gang of characters. All I was saying earlier is that your character doesn't have to specifically be a gang member to be involved in the rp. I was also saying that there is a third slot open for one more gang. So if anyone rather have their own gang than join the Fallen or Swindlers, they are welcome to create one.

That make sense? If not, well...........that's all I got baby.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blox
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Blox Eye. See. You.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Believe so. This is a kind of rp I've not done before but I'm interested enough to give it a go! I'll create a CS tonight/tomorrow morning.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SheriffLlama
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SheriffLlama In Trench I'm Not Alone

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hey everyone, I guess you could call me a Co-GM of sorts. I'll be overseeing The Swindlers(The Thieves). Here's the information about the gang.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Voltus_Ventus
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Voltus_Ventus The Voltusiest Ventus

Member Seen 5 days ago

Crown City Cartel (W.I.P.)


*long drag from cigarette, Exhale*

I've often been asked, what does The Cartel do? We don't seem to make a huge impact on everyday life because we don't. We let everyone live the way they want to, all we want is to give them peace of mind that their homes, businesses and families will be safe from the influence of the other "groups" in Crown City. We provide quality insurance and muscle to back it up, for the right fee of course, people often claim that we force some of our clients to join our program but after a quick word with our PR they seem to understand what we do is completely legitiment. We aren't thugs, aren't drug runners or arms smugglers, we run classy businesses and make tidy sums from them, it's just some people don't understand that, some people just want to wreck everything! Do you hear me Mr. Scott, DO YOU HEAR ME!?

*muffled scream followed by gunshot, the screaming ends abruptly*

Clean up this mess.


Informationization: (to be added)
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Voltus_Ventus The Voltusiest Ventus

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