Big Bandit was walking around the forest, obviously looking for prey.
Boboclown89 said
Harry "Zhi" Wong jumped from tree-to-tree, looking for a challenger. He saw in the distance a robot-like creature, a challenger. he jumepd from the trees and landed on the ground, running along with his blade at ready, charging towards Big Bandit. Big Boo floated along the air, doing nothing but looking for challengers. He saw a few, and because they weren't looking at him, it floated slowly towards them. He was then spotted by a different opponent, Monoculus.Monoculus, like Big Boo, was flying around the sky looking for challengers. When he spotted Big Boo, Boo froze up, shivered and covered it's eyes. Monculus threw a few eye-rockets at Big Boo, but in this state he was impervious to damage. He then threw a few eye-rockets at the two opponents on the ground and hoped they'd hit.
Boboclown89 said
Zhi used his blade to 'catapolt himself over Big Bandit as he charged, and landed on the ground, not before a rocket exploded very near to him and he jumped back on his blade, balancing on top and waiting for BB to strike.Monoculus kept Big Boo in his line of sight, but still continued launching big purple rockets near Zhi and BB.