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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Dmessenger The Traveler

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Alex woke up to his alarm. "I guess today is the day" He said as he got up. He then got ready and looked in the mirror just before he went. "good the scar is hard to see" He smiled as he put in a colored contact into his right eye so people wouldn't see the blood red right eye he has. "this should be the last year I'll have to do this." He said as He walked to class. He arrived in time to see his friends hanging out in the classroom. He wave hi to them and walked over and joined the conversation.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sento
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Sento Dark poet

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Teachers watched as the students arrived some in cars and some on the busses.some of the students lived in the dorms next to the school and where walking into the castle like building with minds buzzing with ether excitement or fear. Now each student has yet to receive their scheadual so the meeting spots where in class rooms assigned to them by last name. Some teachers hand them their list of classes as they walked in and some had a sign saying find your name and take it please. Other handed them out during the home room time. At about 6:25 the Morning announcements came on.
"Morning class, as you all know it is the beginning of yet another great school year. I do hope you all manage to reach your home rooms for the morning. If not please locate someone to direct you to the right class so you may receive you scheadual for the first semester. Now I shall keep this brief mostly due to some of you kids needing breakfast still. Our school will be rotating a day and night class which is why we start so early. I understand some students wish to work during the morning hours and if so please contact me or your counselor. I also know a lot of you kids are discovering your talents and abilities or are here because your still a kid or learning things." She paused rubbing her temples "sorry if I'm being confusing but I lost the prepared speech" She muttered "Where was I, ah yes. I understand you will experiments and play around but here are a few rules. One no injuries unless in training room with a teacher and medical on hand. Two use the safe words to keep from killing each other. Three by mean to keep safe use protection and that goes for fighting and for other means. I was a teen once I know what goes on. Oh and no using them on the teachers unless you get their consent really don't use them on anyone with out consent. Now dress code and conduct, you may wear anything as long as it covering the essential areas which means no holes in or near those locations and no exposing clothes. If j need to clarify I will. Cell phones and other devices are to be put away except during down time or lunch.Be polite to the teachers and one another I will not tolerate Bullies and neither shall the teacher. There is no tolerance for rape, hazing, drugs or alcohol on premise. If for medical reason you have a drug on you and that does include Advil and other medicines, I will need a note from parent or guardian or a doctors note prescribing it. And yes you all will be randomly selected once a week to do a drug test. And no I'm not telling you what day. That is all have a good day and don't be intimidated by your fellow students we all can succeed if we don't give up". With that the tv turned off and the teachers made sure every student had their classes before the bell rang for them to go to their first period every student had between 6-8 classes depending their pick.

Kiki and koko arrived at school by bus, noting the many different if not unique kids that had road with them. Kiki who simply was board started to draw on the window which caused the bus driver to yell at him. Koko chuckled at his brother pouting face and was playing a game on her phone.
"Sis should you save your battery?" Kiki frowned
"I have a charger for it "she stated
The rest of the ride was silently but they didn't mind observing the other kids onboard. Unfortunately they ride to the school was short. Their bus was the third bus to pull in and unload. Kiki was the fifth kid off and was waiting for his sister who had decided to wait till every one was off before coming down grinding a bit. "We have work tonight"
"Already?" He asked as they walked to their class for home room.
"Ya I think it will be subpurrbed" She said making a bad joke with their little secret
Kiki groaned and shook his head "you are not good with jokes sis not good at all"
"Can't win all battle" She said sitting down beside him. They had ended up in the history class though it was also the Japanese class and weaving class. Well the teacher had three different classes she teached her name was in chalk on the board behind her Eruka. It was in English, also on the board was a note telling the students to take their scheadual from off her desk. Kiki sighed a bit and got up getting his sister and his class list.
"Hey sis looks like we one have lunch and gym together"
"Well that will make things fun" she chuckled the two look alike being twins they where identical if it wasn't for kilos childish demeanor and kokos constant glare on her face they would easily get confused on who's who.
The two had to sit through the long draining and rather fumbled announcements, koko groaned annoyed at the lengthy speech which to her was more a jumbled up nonsense spill of information that she won't use ever.
Kiki watched and actually began to draw on the desk as his attention span was very limited least when he wasn't working.
Koko chuckled watching her brother draw skills and little pictures of torn up people. If they where in snow leopard form his tail would be swaying and he would be purring the whole time. As the bell rang telling them to go to class the two split up waving bye.
Kiki ended up following a group of boys that seemed to be heading to the same class he had which happened to be English. He didn't bother saying hi since they where talking clearly friends from last year or even middle school it was hard to tell who was at what year. The English teacher also happened to be the librarian so the class room was in the second floor of the library. The teacher was named Darcus or least that was what was written in the journals they each received. The teach himself showed up about five minutes late and was a dragon though seemed small. Least Kiki thought he seemed small for a dragon since most of the picture depicted of a tall beast with horns and towered over the man. Kiki snapped to attention missing the introduction and the instructions. His face turned red as he felt the class looking at him.
"S sorry what are we doing " He asked shy
"I was asking everyone to pick a partner a reading budy for the start of your project" He said softly very calm
"Oh" He said looking around the class room or well sitting area for a partner

Koko had gym first period, or what could be called gym it was really just weapons training mixed with gym and sports. She some how managed to get all three in a row. "That's got to be a mistake to be honest" She muttered she hated spending haft the day in sweetie clothes but she had eight classes. "Oh well" She said going into the locker room. There was a sign saying to go to the cafeteria. Koko growled softly but began to head to the cafeteria.
"Is the teacher sick on the first day of school?" She mumbled out loud shaking her head the tables where mostly full haft being breakfast and the other half being gym. She found a empty seat and sat down with the rest of her and the other gym classes.
"Hey you have any idea what's going on"
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