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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

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This is the latest Incarnation of the Lady of Time

Name : "The Rani" (formerly known as Ushas)

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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Just to Prove how Truly Eclectic the Goddesses tastes Are an HP character For your Viewing

•Name: Selini Aimafotia
•Age: 11
•Gender: Female
•House: Slytherin
•Magical Heritage: Pureblood

•Back story: Selí̱ni̱ is the only child of Kardiá Aimafo̱tiá a widowed witch an maker of potions and antidotes.
Selí̱ni̱i has no friends as her mother is a very private woman giving rise to rumors that she is either an ex-deatheater in hiding, a were creature or a poison maker.
Schooled at home and rarely if ever seen outside she is an enigma to any that meet her. Those that know her mother an do business with her would be surprised to find that Kardiá even has a child.
•Personality: Quiet and brooding Selí̱ni̱i is intelligent and observant. She trusts only herself and really could careless which house she's stuck with so long as she can begin to practice magic. She's a bit of a slob about her personal appearance but obsessive about her tools and books.
•Personal Items:
Wand : 7 1/4 inches long made of Black Hemlock with a natural spiral caused by a strangling vine. It's core is a Troll whisker
Apothecary case : bigger on the inside than the outside an given to her by her mother this case contains several hundred small vials of raw materials for creating potions among other things
•Special gifts and abilities: Potions prodigy
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Little Miss Goodie Two Shoes

I created Emily in the old Guild and never really got to play her and hope you'll give her a chance

Full Name: Emily Freedom Rodgers
Hometown: Albany New York
Age: 18
Code name: Freedoms Shield
Her strength, endurance, agility, speed, reflexes, durability, and healing are at the zenith of natural human potential. Rogers' body regularly replenished the super-soldier serum, it does not wear off.
The formula enhances all of her metabolic functions and prevents the build-up of fatigue poisons in her muscles, giving her endurance far in excess of an ordinary human being.
This accounts for many of her extraordinary feats, including bench pressing 1200 pounds (545 kg) and running a mile (1.6 km) in 73 seconds (49 mph/78 kph).
Rogers cannot become intoxicated by drugs, including alcohol,or by impurities in the air and is immune to terrestrial diseases.
She is also highly resistant to hypnosis or gases that could limit her focus.
High proficiency in Judo, Boxing, Taekwondo, Krav Maga and Capoeira
She has an energy enhanced shield built by Tony Stark using materials similar to those that make up his armor which can be used with either arm to either block attacks or as an improvised offensive weapon.
An additional effect of it's unusual construction is that it is able to cut through metal with relative ease. Much like her great-uncle's vibranium shield the energy shield can also be thrown, including ricocheting off multiple surfaces and returning to her hand,
Her uniform is made of a fire-retardant material, and she wears a lightweight, bulletproof "duralumin" scale armor beneath her uniform for added protection.


Brief bio:
The secrets of creating a super-soldier were lost with the death of its creator, Dr. Abraham Erskine but a sample lot was discovered by a secret branch of the Army's R&D agency.
Eager to try and recreate the project they began researching the best course.
However, in the decades after the creation of Captain America there have been numerous secret attempts to recreate Erskine's treatment, only to have them end in failure. Even worse, the attempts have instead often created psychopathic super villains.
It was during their research that they discovered one of Dr. Erskine's secrets, Steve Rodger's DNA had a unique marker that was needed.
Having only a small amount of the ”Project Rebirth” serum they began a fevered search after 911 for Rodger's extended family and a suitable subject.
Emily Freedom Rodgers was born on July 4, 1994 in Albany N.Y. to Ernest Rodgers and Lacy Jones Rodgers.
Emily was a normal girl living the middle class life in Albany when at the age of 12 they found her. Her genetic markers were perfect for the revival of Rebirth and the R&D lab created conditions that led to her seizure by DFACS on the trumped up charges of Abuse.
Once they had her they began their research, at first giving her small doses of serum along with artificial energy stimulation they found her body like her great uncle's could regenerate serum and they could leach it from her. Each round of bloodlessly was like being set on fire for young Emily but none cared how she felt. Blinded by a lust for power they kept her caged like an animal between sessions without a care for her mental well being.
For two years they tortured poor Emily then at the age of 14 after using her body as a factory they'd collected enough serum and merely kept her on hand for future study.
They'd failed to notice that during their experiments Emily's body had changed and while she wasn't a super soldier by use of the serum, her adolescent body had mutated mimicking its effects.
They had planned on keeping her and their project a secret but one day Agent's of SHIELD raided their operation.
Arresting all those connected with the legal project SHIELD doctors had discovered what the project's doctors had missed, Emily was no longer a normal girl.
SHIELD reunited young Emily with her parents but maintained a watch on her after swearing her to secrecy.
They also under a covert project known only as Mentor inserted agents in her area who's duties were to direct her development. Some were teachers in her school, others were shop owners one was the local martial arts instructor.
Shield remembered all the help her great uncle had been and saw in Emily the chance to create his replacement in the Avengers should he quit, retire or be killed.
Emily was encouraged to be a new hope for the future of america. Her school received the best teachers Shield could covertly entice to teach there and because of this the school scored higher over all in their work and grades.
Emily knowing of her power couldn't help herself and has used her abilities to safeguard her town from time to time.
This required that Shield supply her with a uniform and shield to protect her true identity. Lucky for Shield her home's location and the surrounding area are sparely populated and seldom suffer major crimes.
One day the Avengers were battling against a powerful foe in California when Nick Fury found out that AIM was moving something important. He knew that they were taking advantage of the Avengers absence and that he must move fast. Sending out a call to Emily he had her join a SHIELD team as a counter to any supers that they might have.
Emily while not as skilled as her great uncle she is by her nature a super soldier with an excellent tactical ability.
Shortly after stopping the convoy of AIMs transports a battle began. Emily and the Agents she was around were having great success till an AIM agent fired off an RPG type weapon several times at her group. They'd taken refuge near a transport which was struck twice. The devices they were transporting began exploding leaving Emily little choice but to cover the retreat of her agents. It was while beginning her own escape that an explosion caused a device known as the Siege Perilous to activate and suck Emily into it before disappearing it's self. Falling through dimensions Emily was on a one way journey which dropped her into. Central park in an alternate dimension.
Injured and needing to conceal herself she quickly found shelter. This New York being so much like the one in her dimension Emily tried to make contact with SHIELD to no avail as her encryption systems were not compatible with those here. Her equipment having suffered so much damage she assumed that her transmitter was busted and hit the beacon which did show on SHIELDs systems as an unauthorized use of their frequency.
Dispatching a team of agents SHIELD soon made the startling discovery of Emily dressed in her Uniform. After an initial bit of confusion which could have erupted into a fight when Emily asked for a counter sign identification she was brought in and debriefed.
It was only after the Appearance of Director Fury that she shifted her cover story and told them the truth. She knew he was not her Fury but she could sense in the man all those qualities she'd come to respect and admire even in his alternate.
Fury for his part was stunned and elated when he found that he'd not only been given a new Super Soldier but one that was loyal to SHIELD's mission and himself. He at first thought to use her as an agent and not expose her existence to those outside the need to know till he remembered that Steve Rodgers himself didn't react well to being lied to and always discovered when someone did, it was another of the annoying side effects of Erskine's formula.
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

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You wanna see you gotta click

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Cyberpunk Super Hero

Name: Echo Sullivan
Hero/Villain name: Eureka
Age: 25
Race: Human
Alias: Delta-7

Biological Telepresense; Echo can touch a machine and operate it as if it were her own body over great distances (20 miles) No machine unless it is self aware can prevent her possession of any and all of it's systems no matter how complex it's security protocols may be.
Eidetic memory
Speed reading
(Power flaw; Echo's body is inert when she possesses any machine, as a result she cannot be cyber or nanite enhanced
Skills: Robotic Architecture, Robotic Programing, Electronic Fabrication, Micro Factory Operation and programing, (Ie. 3-D printer) Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Surgery, Cybernetic Design, Metallurgy, Gun smith and weapons design, Quantum Theory, Physics, Aeronautics, Industrial Machine design, Power system theory, Data Research, History, Linguistics and Cooking
Weapons: Varies but usually a multipurpose wireless taser
Gear: Mobile Cybernetic workshop.

Androids and Mecha (The later two are usually as she politely calls it borrowed or requisitioned) And Delta - 7 a Universal Android that is a light medium cyber type designed to fill multiple positions in the human world
Personality: Manic, disconnected from human society, awkward, rude, obsessive, compulsive and curious. This is the way most people would see Echo when they first meet her, an second and third until she reveals her true self to people.
When Echo opens up to others she reveals that she's still all of the above but only due to her strange childhood
Background: Margaret Sullivan was one of the worlds premier net divers spending so much time on the net that she needed help moving because of muscle atrophy. Margaret even though seeming so vastly different than other women still felt the maternal need an decided to be artificially inseminated. Though she'd planed to take time off of her busy schedule to have Echo Margaret's company was suddenly buried under an important governmental workload.
The crisis required that Echo's mother spend 24/7 on net and tethered. No one had ever conceived of a pregnant mother spending so much time Jacked -in and how it might affect her unborn child.
Echo's mom couldn't even spare to time to be disconnect for her birth instead delivering her C-section.
Strange things happened around echo almost from her first day of life as the monitors around her would suddenly perform in manners they'd never been designed to. No one could explain any of this till her mom finally free of her duties came to visually see the daughter she given birth to a month ago.
Margaret Sullivan was stunned when she saw the stand alone monitors be hacked right before her eyes. At First she was worried that some corporate assassin out to get her was trying to do so by harming Echo.
She had all of her daughter's monitors wired into her cyberbus and waited like a mother tiger for the next assault on her daughter. It didn't take long before someone ghosted the monitors with such ease that Margaret prepared for an attack from a skilled foe. The first intrusion into her net was strange and chaotic but appeared not to be an attack instead like the first stumbling step of a novice netdiver but vastly different. This diver pushed through every security wall she erected. As Margaret watched this net diver dove straight for her with ease and it was only when they made contact that she realized this diver was her baby looking for her mother.
How was this possible, had someone wired an infant. For netdiving?
A physical search and later a battery of scans revealed Echo to be free of any tech at all, even an attempt at injecting nano docs to examine her showed her to be outside the norm as the nanites refused to enter her.
There were cybernetic that allowed Telepresense but only with machine designed to receive the projector, echo could do this with simple contact.
Margaret knew revealing any of this might result with her daughter being declared either an asset or a danger to the security of the net as a whole and taken from her in any case.
Margaret Sullivan had accumulated a vast fortune in her career and used it along with her skills to keep Echo's abilities hidden from everyone. She was accorded a large amount of understanding due to her reputation, importance and wealth so hiding her daughter was done with ease.
Echo's development occurred with a rapidity that would have shocked and raised red flags if she'd not been home schooled. She learned programing languages with a speed that was astonishing, her memory was stunning and in many ways Echo resembled a newly awakened Data Citadel.
She was in some ways like other children wanting to explore their world but in her case the mechanical world and the data streams that passed through her home. She amazed and exasperated her mother as she revealed how truly powerful her Telepresense was as she danced through industry firewalls as if they didn't exist and reprogramming systems in moments that would have taken her mom days to do the same.
Margaret thought what a boon Echo would be to the security services till she also though how much fear she would have inspired in the paranoid directors.
Because of this fear Margaret built around her daughter a cover that meant she didn't exist except locally when queried by any security personnel she might come in contact with.
She also built for her daughter a special mobile workshop and hidden trust fund accounts so that she could continue to remain off grid.
About one year ago Echo suffered a huge emotion setback when her mother died in a fire that she couldn't escape due to her lack of muscle control.
Now alone in a world that she grew up fearing Echo has discovered she actually needs the company of people so rather than meet them directly she uses her Delta as a surrogate for her self.

Quote"Argumentum ad lapidem"
(appeal to the stone)

((I have read an re-read the intro story an am obviously missing something so I thought I'd just kick these In as possible passwords "Clean Sweep" "Et Carnificis Chronogra" "Paladin" and "Grand Army")
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Name : Hideki Nuriko

Hero/Villain name :Neko

Age : 22-26 ?

Race :Aberrant

Alias. : May Daystrom


Enhanced Biology
(Neko's abilities are the result of genetic mutation which brand her as an Aberrant life form who while appearing human shares only 91% of her genetic code with humanity.)
Her extraordinary feats, including bench pressing 1200 pounds (545 kg), running a mile (1.6 km) in 73 seconds (49 mph/78 kph) and being able to leap across gaps 100 ft.(30.48 m.) Or as high as 35 ft. (10.67 m.) are examples of her mutation
Her physical toughness is extraordinary her skin able to shed off small caliber weapons rounds (9mm) that leave only welts and a pissed off Neko her bones nearly as strong and light as chromoly are very difficult to break.
Her eyesight is akin to Low light vision systems though she suffers from color blindness hinting at her feral genetics.
Her hearing is also enhanced as is her sense of smell an comparable with that of canines.
Neko cannot become intoxicated by drugs and poisons including alcohol,or by impurities in the air and is immune to terrestrial diseases.
She is also highly resistant to hypnosis or gases that could limit her focus.

Skills: High proficiency in Judo, Boxing, Taekwondo, Krav Maga and Capoeira are her unarmed skills. In Melee she is proficient in several different sword forms as well as a good improviser of informal weapons (2x4s, pipe, pots-n-pans ect..), Thrown weapons, Infiltration, Surveillance, Shadowing and Mimicry

Weapons : Usually unarmed unless engaged in a mission but when engaged in active combat her arsenal usually consists of archaic weapon types

Gear : N/A

Personality: Neko's personality is very mercurial and therefore unpredictable.
Blatantly sexual in her outward appearance she can react very cruelly to advances as often as she seems to welcome them.

Background : Neko's background is a mystery that she never even hints to so that leaves only what has been found t be true about her since her first appearance two years ago.
Neko suddenly came on the scene as a predator on the lower elements of society when she attacked the unaligned drug house of a now defunct minor gang and stripped it of all cash assets.
She has been thought a hero by some but those that recognize such things and keep watch on them say she is a symptom of the worlds evolution, a human predator who has no agenda outside of survival

Other : Neko is an Aberration of genetics that some say if the result of Gia's anger and others claim is the result of secret experimentation; for either argument there is no supporting fact. The one truth is that unlike mutants she is genetically as different as if she came from an entirely different species and proof is that while her kind appear fertile they cannot interbreed with humanity.

Password : (The Pussy Cat ate the Birdy)
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

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•Name: Selini Aimafotia
•Age: 11
•Gender: Female
•House: Slytherin
•Magical Heritage: Pureblood

•Back story: Selí̱ni̱ is the only child of Kardiá Aimafo̱tiá a widowed witch an maker of potions and antidotes.
Selí̱ni̱i has no friends as her mother is a very private woman giving rise to rumors that she is either an ex-deatheater in hiding, a were creature or a poison maker.
Schooled at home and rarely if ever seen outside she is an enigma to any that meet her. Those that know her mother an do business with her would be surprised to find that Kardiá even has a child.
•Personality: Quiet and brooding Selí̱ni̱i is intelligent and observant. She trusts only herself and really could careless which house she's stuck with so long as she can begin to practice magic. She's a bit of a slob about her personal appearance but obsessive about her tools and books.
•Personal Items:
Wand : 7 1/4 inches long made of Black Hemlock with a natural spiral caused by a strangling vine. It's core is aTroll whisker
Apothecary case : bigger on the inside than the outside an given to her by her mother this case contains several hundred small vials of raw materials for creating potions among other things
•Special gifts and abilities: Potions prodigy
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Name: Sandra Hart

Alias: G-Force

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Personality: Sandra is a slightly shy type always preferring to allow others to take the lead in public situations. Among people she knows and trusts she is an open book often wearing her heart on her sleeve.
She is such a horrible liar she doesn't even try to so her word is very trustworthy.
She's totally innocent as far a relationships are concerned and doesn't get the nuances of romance.


Equipment: CommLink and a small first aid kit at the small of her back in a belt bag

Other: She is a gifted cook who can given even the most primitive conditions and ingredients can make a meal many say they'd pay for.
Trained as a nurse she specializes in traumatic injuries and is only lacking med school training to be thought of as a doctor but still has a great deal of innate skill in medicine due to extensive reading


History: Sandra was given up for adoption the day of her birth by an embarrassed Catholic girl who left her in the care of the church.
Raised her entire life in a Convent orphanage she has little real world experience.
She was a good student at the convent school graduating at 15 years old and taken into their nurses training program which she excelled at and was hoped to take orders into the sisterhood.
Also at the age of 15 Sandra was caught in an Earthquake which in the following disaster awoken her abilities which increased year by year and made her the treasure of the convent.
She'd only remained to her 20th birthday out of a sense of obligation to the sisters who'd been so kind to her in her childhood
Leaving she entered the secular world as innocent as any novice and traveled looking for work in the field of nursing.
She soon found herself working as a nurse at the Bay City Hospital St. Thomas of Mercy. Her skill showed quickly to the staff at the emergency room and several doctors were trying to talk her into applying for a scholarship when a construction accident happened near her apartment and Sandra was exposed as anything but an ordinary girl as she used her abilities to lend a hand in the rescue of men trapped in a collapsed parking deck The press caught her on tape wrestling away huge chunks of concrete to get at buried men thus negating any chance at having a secret identity or a normal life
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

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Name Teia of Blackthorn

Age. 19-22

Race. Nekojin

Profession. Rouge (Thief and Conartist)

Skills Stealth, Acrobatics, Lock picking, Gun fighter, Persuasion, Knife throwing and Evasion

Teia isn't a renowned Nekojin Gun fighter but she is known among rogues as the Gun Queen because among her peers she's without equal
Flamboyant and filled with a zest for life she is almost never seen without a smile on her face, even when she's killing.
No cold blooded killer or she'd have become a member of the Darkmoon assassins guild where she's from she will not hesitate to fire once her weapon is drawn.
Her tail unlike many Nekojin isn't merely a signal and balancing tool but is known to be prehensile


Teia walked across one of the ropes hung with the Royal banners attached to the tower which was her destination. It was a new moon tonight and purrfect for what she was up to.
She made the tower in the same amount of time that it would have taken her to walk across the courtyard 80 feet below.
Clad in a night suit she would have appeared to be an assassin come to make a kill but Teia wasn't that sort, she preferred taking things over lives.
Reaching up she carefully caught the edge of the open but barred window and looked inside.
There it was dimly lighting the room, a dragon's Crystal Heart just begging a thief with skill to liberate it.
Removing a small screw jack from a bag she wore on her chest she pads the bars with small sticky patches of leather to prevent metal on metal sounds.
A dozen or so turns later and she backs off the jack a stows it back in her bag and hangs the bag outside the window .
The rest is child's play as she squeezes between the bars and into the room.
Sniffing the air she detects the strange scents of magic so she positions herself before making her grab. She takes several small wires and loops them around the crystal then attaches the wires through leather eye lets on her tail tip's band
All secure she grins as she clears her flight path visually.
Rocking back and forth like a sprinter before the gun Teia preps. Then with an explosive burst of speed runs towards the bared window and dives through the gap she made with her jack
Behind her as her tail feels the weight of the crystal go taunt and move free of it's display is an explosion of fire.
She hurtles out of the window and lands all fours on the banner rope which bucks a bit threatening to throw her off. Once she's steady she stands an turns snatching the crystal and her bag into which she stuffs the beautiful sparkly.
She smells singed hair but isn't burned as she throws the bag straps over her shoulders while the alarm is raised.
Men burst into the room she's just vacated as guards pour out onto the walls
Lights suddenly bathe the courtyard and she's spotted on the rope.
Men rush towards the stanchion that secures her rope to the outer wall effectively blocking her escape as she once more on all four runs halfway across then stops with a giggle. There is the flash of a crescent blade buckled to the tip of her tail which splits the rope in half.
Teia let's out a "Wahoo!" As she swings down then towards the outer wall and through another window to roll across a hall coming to a stop against the wall inside.
Giggling she sprints down the hall as the astonished guards outside try to respond.
Two guards men in an odd room over the old gate are surprised as she enters and throws exploding pepper bombs at their feet which fill the room with choking smoke. As the two men not prepared with something covering their mouths gag on the smoke Teia kicks open a hatch on what was once called a kill hole and used to dump scalding oil on any trying to break the gates. The 20 foot drop would cause most to hesitate but for a Nekojin is just a little jump as she hugs the bag close and falls outside the walls.
She lands and heads for the nearby storm drain she has prepared for her escape expecting to dodge a hail of gunfire that never comes.


5 days later

Teia boards her train as the final whistle sounds giggling, dancing an singing.
She didn't intend to but two old friends working the Sugar daddy con had seen her in town and invited her to their place for a quick tickle an nip.
The three old friends giggled and exchanged stories of the cons they once pulled as a trio and had a grand time.
That is till Teia detected something wasn't quite right.
They'd laced the nip with something trying to capture her for the reward money but Teia had gotten the drop on then instead an left the two swinging by the ankles from the rafters of their own room.
"There was a bold mousey that went danncin neath the harvest moon" she sings as she makes her way to her compartment.
Once inside she locks the door and passes out
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: 万沙僧云. (10,000 Drifting Clouds) Kwan Shā sēng Yún

Gender: Female

Age: 26

Race: Human


Gear & Possessions:
鬼剑 (Ghost Sword) Guǐ Jiàn
白鹤梳 (White Crane Comb) Báihè Shū
在龙舞束带 (Girdle of the Dancing Dragon) Zài lóng wǔ shù dài
48 - Throwing needles which are held in her girdle (Belt) which she can use to paralyze foes if she can land at least 10 to 16 in precise locations
Herbal medicine pouches for making curitives held at the small of her back and her sides under the girdle

Skills & Abilities :A 气. Qi (Chi) Mistress Kwan is foremost a healer but her ability to focus her Qi is also used in her sword art Guǐ Jiàn (Ghost Sword) which is a soft sword art that's movements are swift and deceptively difficult to predict. Her art unarmed is similar to Akido or judo using her foe's size and power against them. She uses the same ability to focus her Qi to heal the injured and the sick whom she is not allowed to discriminate against even if they are a foe
Physically her Qi focus gives Kawn the ability to run or swim for miles; to survive on almost no food or water for days or perhaps even weeks and endure intense pain.
Navigation and Astrology
Cooking, Mending (Clothing, Boots and other personal articles), (Bamboo flute), (zither) and singing

Personality: Kwan is a very respectful young woman who carries herself with a dignity that leads some to cast rumors that she might be nobility or royalty from a far away and unknown land.
Intelligent she tries never to cause others to feel as if she in any way sees herself as superior to them simply because her education is more intensive than theirs.
She respects her elders no mater what their caste rank or race.
None can say they have even heard her raise her voice in anger or even excitement. And while she seems to show little interest in romance she doesn't come across as a cold fish. She enjoys a good joke but prefers jokes that at times are so subtle that only she perceives them.

History: Kwan's father traveled with the great caravans of the Quin Empire and as he often said expanded his clan's knowledge of the world beyond any before him. His Eldest son thought it best that he stay within the Empires borders and protect his Clan's art by fathering many sons as his father had sired only himself and three daughters.
Kwan's Eldest Sister 美丽花红河 (Beautiful Flower of the Red River) Měilì Huā Hónghé became the first courtesan of the 12th Prince of the Quin
Her Middle sister 晨光荣耀 (Dawn Glory)Chénguāng Róngyào married a healer of the 北高峰 (North Summit) Běi Gāofēng school and has six children
万沙僧云. (10,000 Drifting Clouds) Kwan Shā sēng Yún was a late child born to her father's concubine when he was 62 and became the treasure of his old age and pampered by the old man and raised on stories of his many adventures of his youth.
She was sent to school and no expense spared her education almost as if she were a last son. When not attending school Kwan was taught the Clan's arts and deep secrets. When she graduated school at 16 she underwent the Clan test of Qi focus and surpassed that seen for seven generation of any woman of her blood line and because of this the Elders revealed to her the secrets of the Ghost Sword and when she again passed the Master's test in that art was awarded the Ghost Sword, the White Crane's Comb and the Girdle of the Dancing Dragon and her Clan Name changed to 鬼舞者 (The Ghost Dancer) Guǐwǔ Zhě a name not worn in six centuries in her Clan.
A Mistress of the Art Kwan may do as she wishes and is treated as an Equal among men in her Blood line. She enjoys a freedom few women of the Quin known and may travel without male escort or permission.
Knowing this Kwan chose on her Father's death to take up his travels and perhaps this time bring back in her graying years the secrets of the end of the world and there by complete the map of her world.
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: La'Shara Atreial

Gender: Female

Age: 372

Race: Elven


Gear & Possessions:
Three Throwing Daggers coated with Silver
Traveling Pack filled with extra clothing and materials for spell casting and personal grooming
Two pair of soft knee high boots

Skills & Abilities: La'Shara is first an foremost a spell caster, a Witch.
Wilderness survival, Endurance running, Mountaineering and Stealth

Personality: La'Shara acts on impulse trusting that her instincts and arcane skill will lead her on the right course.
She loves to drink and sing an her voice is rumored to be as beautiful as a siren's when she puts her spirit into it
She has no real sense of shame or boundaries but is no wanton either.

History:La'Shara was Born to a very powerful clan of the Kazul but had to be surrendered to the Sisterhood of the Forest Goddess because of her birthday which fell on that Goddess's most holy day.
The Sisterhood a coven of Elven witches raised her as they did all those born upon the holy day to be a witch like themselves.
In the coven La'Shara blossomed into a beautiful witch who's voice was trained to recite the holy prayers because of itks beauty.
On La'Shara's 300th birthday like all those before her she was sent out into the world to practice her skills and hopefully survive to return her 600th birthday as a wiise and powerful member of the coven
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"Imagine there is no Heaven"

Personal Information

Name : Kanzaki Saya
Alias : N/A
Sex: Female
Age: 18
Date of Birth: April, 1st
Family: Kanzaki Oda (father) Kanzaki Nibiki (mother) No sibs
Occupation: Student Kaidan University 1st year
Partner: N/A
Personality: Well Mannered an Friendly

Combat Information
Strengths : Marksman, Traceuse (female Parkor practitioner), Enhanced Endurance
Weaknesses : Heiress, Inexperience an High GPA
Other Tools : Sat. Phone, Backpack purse, small Med. Kit, Digital Video Camera (low light an infrared capable), Unlimited Cerdit Card, Passport and Taser

Soul Weapon:

Additional Information
Her name Saya means Swift Arrow
Her Theme Song is "Let The Bodies Hit The Floor"
She has the Highest GPA in her Class at University and must maintain it to keep her parents satisfied.
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

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Was bored so I made a bad girl

Name: Cypress Hecate Mara
Villain name: Friction
Age: 18
Race: human
Alias: Melissa Lackly
Friction Manipulation- by imparting her power into any thing she chooses Cypress can manipulate, generate and otherwise control friction, the force resisting the relative motion of solid surfaces, fluid layers, and material elements sliding against each other, ie. whether the contact causes the movement to stop (sticking the targets together) or continue.
By decreasing her skin and clothing's friction Cypress is so slippery that she is able to skid across a flat surface at great speeds her movements resembling more those of an Ice skater then a sprinter Her skin and clothing in this state can even deflect kinetic energy attacks such as bullets, swords, knives or even liquid attacks. If she is caught in a trap or stuck in a bind, Cypress can just slip away.

Inertia Manipulation- This ability allows Cypress to manipulate inertia, basically the amount of resistance matter has to a change in motion or rest, increasing, decreasing and/or maintaining it. She can increase object’s inertia, to make an immobile object immovable, or to make a mobile object unstoppable. They can also reduce an object’s inertia, so a normally powerful object, such as a train, could have its course of motion interrupted with the same effort as would be required to stop a bicycle.
Also by manipulating inertia Cypress is able to simulate super strength but only in a horizontal plane.
Example: She could once she plants her feet push a stranded Super tanker back out to sea but she can only lift 250 pounds vertically.

Drug and chemical immunity- due to her exposure Cypress is impervious to the effects of drugs an chemicals

(Limitations- to exercise her inertia control on objects other than her own person requires that Cypress herself come to a stop there by making her a stationary target.)
Skills: Parkor, Computer programing, Hacking, Kenjutsu an Akido
Weapons: 6 Throwing knives 2 Tanto
Gear: Wayne Tech ruggedized Cell phone
Personality: Cypress is a wild child of the first order, Erratic, Unpredictable, she doesn't take responsibility for her actions and has show Amoral tendencies
Background: Born to a dead mother in the aftermath of a gulf coast hurricane. That flooded her entire town Cypress was barely alive. Her father a Swedish merchant sailor named her Cypress after the tree they found refuge in.
Rescued three days after she was born it was a miracle she survived. Her father, mother and 78 members of the community she was from all died of chemical poisoning within a week.
Now an orphan Cypress was remanded over to the family and children's services where she exhibited a high degree of intelligence but a skewed sense of morality. It all came to a head one day after being bullied by some of the older kids when she was 9 years old. That night after careful planning and preparation Cypress doused her two tormentors with salt water after using two prepared extension cords as conductors and defeating the room's breaker. The two girls where hospitalized for three weeks after the incident and require therapy to this day.

When confronted with her brutal crime Cypress did not evade her responsibility but neither did she show any remorse, in fact the foster parents reported that they'd never observed her so happy.

Her display meant that the social worker had no choice but to send her to a psychiatrist. Cypress was resistant at first but within a short period of time she seemed to respond to the treatment

Placed on mood stabilizers and forced to perform for the county mental health professional she managed to fool them into believing what she wanted them to.

For nearly three years Cypress kept up the act of being what they wanted of her till she discovered her awakening ability. She kept up her act till she thought she was ready and escaped.

There are many rumors about what she's done over the past seven years but little evidence to confirm any of it. What is sure is that she's been highly trained in the use of her abilities by any of the darker groups out there and whether or not she works for anyone is unknown
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

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NAME Velvet Moon
AKA Eris
DATE OF BIRTH Unknown But Claims April 1st
AGE 17


CRIME Murder, Treason, Grand Theft, Defamation, Homosexuality, Systems Tampering, Narcotics, Illegal Biotech Upgrades
Y E A R S S P E N T .47

Education & Skills
Technical Prodigy


Authority figures
Greedy people
Singing while she works
Curiosity, opening doors, opening boxes, solving puzzles
Collecting music
Diseases an sick people
Insanity, she worries she might be insane

Digging Deeper

P E R S O N A L L I T Y Velvet loves annoying any type of authority figures sometimes exhibiting an almost obsessive need to do so.
Quiet about herself she's mistaken as shy but does so because she doesn't trust people.
She can't leave a machine broken if she believes it could be repaired
She has to give into her Curiosity or be agitated till she looks in the box, door or bag.

HISTORY Velvet was born in the shadows of human civilization to parents that resisted the laws of the Inquisitors and if she knows their names she's never divulged.

Little to nothing is known about her childhood except that she is a blip (unregistered) raised outside of traditional schooling but somehow acquired certain knowledges that few adults have or comprehend.

Velvet first came to the attention of the Inquisitors six years ago when an informant gave her name as the hacker responsible for the high jacking of a large shipment of medical supplies that found their way into various rebel factions an the black market. (The informant only knew her name and no other details; not even her sex) Several more times her name popped up in connection with crimes committed by the rebels and soon an MO was developed by the Inquisitors to connect her to computer crimes their hallmark being an almost total lack of evidence and no alarms.

She was moved to Enemy of the State status complete with her own special task force that relentlessly hunted her for the next three years before discovering that Velvet was a young girl. (A prisoner gave her up to protect his family) Still armed with that information she eluded capture for another two and a half years before she was captured by chance when a black market gang started a fire fight with her group that attracted the attention of an Inquistor force that was tracking the marketeers. (It was one of the black market gang that they had a prize of great value pointing out an naming Velvet in an effort to gain his freedom.)

The Inquisitors went to work on Velvet with a vengeance subjecting her to as many interrogation techniques as they could without killing her. (They wanted to assure that that obtained as much secret information as she contained) They quickly discovered that Velvet was a poor source because she had been compartmentalized from knowing more than her mission specific data and the identity of anyone outside her group of seven people.

THEME Gotta Knock A Little Harder
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NAME : Sora Hezz
GENDER : Female
AGE : 27
RACE : Ko'Secti Mandalorian

Expert Marksman
Hand to Hand Combat
BIO : Sora is a member of the obscure matriarchal Mandalorian clan known as the Ko'Secti. (Even most Mandalorians have only sketchy information about them)

A product of controlled breeding an creche raised she doesn't know who her mother is and doesn't care who was her father. (Her clan's legends say that they were the mothers of the human Mandalorians and that they must continue to improve their race as a whole. To accomplish this they abstain from physical reproduction until they have proven their genetic line in combat and accumulated knowledge. Once they have reached the level of Sa'El they seek a worthy male of pure mandalorian genetics and become his lover even if it requires they use trickery or seduction. Once their child is born it is judged by the elders and only those found perfect are allowed to remain in the clan all others are fostered away)

Sora is presently involved in her saket (journey of proof) as a mercenary and like most Mandalorians is a sought after soldier.
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Age :19

Sex :Female

Nationality :British

OFFENSIVE : Magnetism

DEFENSIVE : Shield Generation



Bio : Jessie/Drifter is the only child of Major Amelia Winchester father unknown.

Born three months after her mother's return from a two year assignment to the International Space Station Jessica strangely has no shared DNA with any of her mother's male crew members. This has lead some to speculate she is the result of an artificial insemination experiment carried out by either UKSA or a joint UKSA/NASA but neither government has any records of such an experiment.

Jess's birth was the cause of her mother's early retirement from the RAF and suspicion of collusion with unknown entities which resulted in her suicide when Jessica was 5 years old.

Taken into custody and made a ward of the state the tragic Orphan might have simply faded into obscurity had she not begun to display unusual abilities around her 10th birthday. Once more the young girl found herself at the center of curiosity and speculation as she was whisked away from public view and sent to a facility in the Falkland islands.

For the first three years Jessie cooperated her handlers till like most adolescents she began to rebel against restrictive authority both actual and perceived. Her rebellion began as simple refusal to cooperate with experiments and schooling which frustrated the scientists and her handlers; little did they know that they'd look back fondly on those days.

By her 15th birthday Jessica had enough of her unjust confinement where she felt alone and isolated by her condition. Using her abilities which her handlers had spent years defining and training she escaped the island and was spotted on a beach in Rio two weeks later but disappeared before she could be brought back. It was a full 6 months before Jessica was finally discovered again and this time convinced to at least cooperate with Her Majesty's government.

When the League discovered that the UK had a secret research project to study Meta sapiens and their prime specimen was codenamed Drifter (Jessica) they demanded her immediate surrender. (Under international agreement the United Kingdom had signed the treaty of Baltimore which forbade the militarization of Meta types outside of UN control and Jessica was declared an attempt at violation of that treaty.)

Once under League control Jessica found herself lied to constantly by the powers that be who told her she was free all the while controlling her life in nearly the same manner as she'd experienced on Lively Island. She was forced to adhere with a tight schedule and brutal authority her complaints falling on deaf ears and while still technically a minor; at best she was a conscript and worst a slave.

Her condition was unacceptable to her so she began research for other options and building both a logical and legal argument. She knew she was about to overturn the Apple cart and that the powers that be wouldn't make it easy for her unless she found some form of leverage; that's when she was approached by the International Space Agency and asked to help perform high altitude tests for them.

After observing how thrilled the Squints at ISA were with not only the test results but with how much money she'd saved them by going around the need for an expensive and risky launch Jesse saw a chance to ingratiate herself to an International Agency, the Public and the countries to small to be able to afford a berth in the emerging space technology race going on at that time.

No one saw her research into Public Relations as a threat of the Status Quo in fact they helped her by mentoring her to an older and more experienced Meta who performed the function for her branch of the League hoping that in the future they could use her in that same capacity. Perhaps they would have never approved of her outside training if they'd considered applying military strategy to a PR move was her eventual goal.

Most thought she'd become enamored of the spotlight and was simply seeking glory and admiration to bask in till she sprang her trap during an interview by questioning how she and others like her were treated like criminals in reality. She spilled the ugly secret of her virtual kidnapping and how she'd been treated like a lab rat and a weapons system when she was only 10 years old. The Public at that time had developed a love for Jesse both locally and Internationally for her expansion of the space program and how when she was on patrol in her assigned city she'd stop and change tires on cars or tow them off the highway if they were broken down.

They had thought her extraordinary work (bonus work that brought in more money than her League pay) was like other Meta's an attempt at gathering wealth to buy nice things and roll like a big dog; they never suspected she was saving money to hire lawyers and a PR firm to represent her case in International court

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Character name: Kwan Long

Age: 21

Height/Weight: 5’5”/110

Personality: Kwan is an odd personality type because she has learned to hide her true self behind a carefully created public image of herself because she was being groomed as a Kung Fu Action Star. Her facade is a young cheerful woman who blushes and teases with equal time to each state. She is brave and aggressive in combat and friendly when at rest; always ready to help she is filled with boundless energy.

Her private self is very calculating, always aware of how her actions paint her and strives to be perceived as a sexy but approachable woman who you can have a drink with and always the good girl . She is a speedster in physical action and thought and her perception to reaction time as expected by someone who runs so fast she can run up near vertical surfaces or across water; which means she sometimes as perceived as rash.

She is definitely a thrill seeker and gets a kick out of combat or practice because of her whirling style and when she’s not fighting gets a kick from extreme terrain following or Parkour.

History: Kwan is not her true name because while she speaks beautiful Mandarin she is actually born in South Korea and only half Chinese it was legally changed from Suzi when she was taken on by the Hong Kong Opera as an apprentice. Like all her fellow players Kwan was always in hot competition to outdo her company and because of it had to develop the good girl Kung Fu fighter hero of justice that sold tickets.

She like many in the opera in the beginning was more focused on acrobatics than actual fighting but as she got older she began developing her own forms so that she stood out from the cast . She was a quick study and working with a mentor she developed a style she called Little Whirlwind and was soon a supporting actor being groomed as a star then the company was sold out by the aging brothers who ran it and she was without work which is why she moved to America seeking work in crime dramas and movies

Skills: Acrobatics, Kung Fu, Acting, Primitive Weapons, Costuming, Cooking and Mechanics (though by no means mech is professional level)

Power: Speed

Abilities: Kwan is Fast, so Fast she can dodge machine gun fire because she can see them in flight (to her bullets seem to move at best 5 kph)
She does everything at high speed when she isn’t interacting with others (Max as of the writing of this report Mach 5)

Weaknesses: Kwan must constantly seek foods especially sweets to replenish her energy reserves. But that’s not her only weakness for she also has trouble with the cold and must vibrate to keep warm which makes it difficult for her to understand or be understood by others; long term exposure is even more problematic causing her to eventually slow down to nearly normal.

Age: 19

Height/Weight: 5’10” / 151 pnds/ 722 pnds

Personality: Friendly is the way most describe Trinity because she’s always helpful and never seems to get angry.
Spooky because she has an eye for terrain in which she claims to be able to see the outlines of old buildings or camps which also makes her an excellent tracker of animals and people.

History: Trinity was born in Brooklyn New York to Michael and Irene Two Bears and an only child but was soon moved out to Idaho when she was 5 years old while her dad was deployed overseas.

Her father was in the special forces and his dangerous job finally caught up to him when she was 7 which forced her mother to move the family once more to live with her relatives in Washington state. Her grandfather there ran a surveyor's office and she grew up with her cousins who lived nearby acting as her surrogate siblings.

It was a fun life living at the edge of the north woods in a family that was at home in the wild as they were in their own homes and Trinity learned quickly to run with them as a pack.

She graduated High school at 17 and went to work like her cousins in her grandfather’s company as a survey technician.

It was while working on a project in the area that she was pulled in the bunker with her uncle

Skills: Rock Climbing/Rappelling,Horseback Riding, Hunting, Technician level Field Engineer, Tracking and Animal Husbandry

Power: Mega Strength

Abilities: Trinity can press over 20 tons above her head and this strength can also allow her with practice enhanced jumping up to 100’ vertical and 100 yards horizontal

Weakness:With her strength came muscle and bone density that ups her body weight to 722 pounds forcing her to be unable to sit in normal chairs or sleep in the cots.

She has trouble handling delicate objects because let’s face it she doesn’t know her own strength

Extra or Miscellaneous information

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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

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Name : Tangerine

Age : 16

Bio : Tangerine is definitely not of this world having traveled here from an alternate dimension after a mad science project in this universe cracked a rift through to her’s and snatched her away from her people about 4 years ago.

She lists her age at 18 saying that among her people she has just entered that stage of her growth but that the two universal time coefficient don’t exactly match and it was the best she can estimate.

In her former reality she was a slave / pet to a dark race she calls the Ree’ve whose mistress kept her as something akin to a drug source.

Once Tangerine appeared on this world the Hero's who found her took her in and almost a year later set her up with a form of stipend for stranded aliens and told her to have a nice life. (Her senses are so sharp they suspected she was reading their thoughts when in fact she was hearing them speak in another room or smelling hints on them that either confirmed or disproved the truth of some of the things they told her)

She has since that time drifted from safe space to safe space looking for some place where people might accept her as one of them.

Tangerine can’t utter a word because her race has gills in place of vocal cords (Amphibious) so she must use a form of limited telepathy which allows her to communicate with anyone she meets regardless of language. (Of course this makes most people uneasy because they believe this gives her the ability to read minds) This also means that she can survive underwater so long as it is fresh water as if she were in air.

Tangerine’s Senses are Hyper-enhanced, her sense of smell could put a bloodhound or shark’s to shame, her eyes can out match the most powerful optics made by man in both Macro and Micro scales, she can read with her fingertips and sense earthquakes better than mankind's most sensitive instruments. She is able to list every chemical, bacteria, amoeba or substance in anything she tastes, she can hear into ranges no animal on earth can imagine or see into spectrums usually reserved for artificial devices and sources.
Her horns are actually antene that her race uses to trade information about their world and to communicate over great distances. Using them to broadcast information is how Tangerine’s power works and they can either focus on a single target at a range of 1,000 meters or line of sight or over a broad area that encompasses anything in a radius of 50 meters.


Boost : With this power Tangerine links people into her sense sensitivity basically boosting their own beyond their ability to cope with the information they are receiving (candle = 10 million candles / snap of the fingers = 12 gage going off by your ear)

It has a 1,000 meter range but is sight only and 1 target per or broadband 50 meter radius affecting everyone in that sphere.

The result of an unfiltered link is sensory overload which acts to both stun and dull the targets senses for at least 15 seconds or in the worst case days.

Enhanced senses : Tangerine can put any hunting animal to shame and sense things to faint for most tech to pick up.

Speech : Tangerine doesn’t make sounds using her mind instead which confers a type of universal translation on her so that she can speak with whomever she wishes and understand them and they understand her. (Trouble is most people hear her in their heads and they freak out thinking she’s a full telepath and now stripping their minds for their secrets)

Limited Telekinetic : Using this grants Tangerine a form of flight that she can use herself to fly at no better than 50 kph or swim through the water at the same speed or use to pick up an object in her sight which weighs no more than 7 kilos.
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