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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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This is a one-on-one RP between PopeAlessandros and Rapture. Not us, don't post. Also, M/M, don't like, don't read!

Base Idea:

A fire ravages a village in the king's kingdom, raising it to the ground. He goes to investigate and finds a handful of survivors, among them a warrior form the other side. The survivors claim they only live because he turned on his fellows and defended them, and the man himself claims that he could not abide the slaughter if innocents. The man is taken back to the capitol and kept locked up until his true nature can be ascertained. Unfortunately there are many who would love to see him dead, on both sides, and after a handful of attacks the king himself is put in danger, as he was visiting the warrior late at night. The warrior saves the king, earning him a bit of trust, however as long as the man stays, the danger still lingers.


Okay, do you wanna talk about Setting or Plot first?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rapture
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I'd say start with Setting. Medieval +/- fantasy?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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I can agree with that.I have three main midevil bases I like starting on. It's up to you if you wanna pick one or if you wanna spend a bit longer, but midevil Japan, England, or Romania are my favorites. Or a mixture of any of them. Other wise we can build from the ground up.

For the fantasy do we wanna go full blown monsters and mythicals, or would you rather we tone it back and just have your basic mixed races(Elf, human, Dwarf, Beastman(I like playing mostly human beast men :P)) plus magic and mysticism?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rapture
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My vote would be a mix of England and Romania. As far as the fantasy element, I can do either, but I think for this I'd prefer the latter. Mixed races, known magic, but still more of the "normal" or "natural" day-to-day occurrences.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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England and Romania, sounds good! So, do we want there to be a large central city and then smaller provinces ruled by the local barons and such however all under king's rule, or the kingdom all being ruled directly by the king with only the equivalent of a mayor in each town? Also, how big, relative to the surrounding kingdoms, do we want our kingdom? The local head honcho badass? The small kingdom surrounded by bigger bully kingdoms? I was also wondering about racial rivalries. . .Oh, and did I mention I wanted to be the warrior? I forget. . . .

I like the ides of the kingdom being kinda small but with a decent fighting force. Not really interested in joining the infrequent wars that break out in the surrounding kingdoms however often times ending up as the battlefield for these conflicts. As such the kingdom has gotten very good at rebuilding. I see social stigmas between the races. Not too sever however with most people believing in the stereotypes about the other races(i.e. Dwarves smelling and drinking a lot, elves being naturally arrogant, beastmen being uncivilized, ect. . .) But those are my thoughts. Yours?

For magic do you wanna go with the base four, base six, base four or six with their sub divisions, or come up with our own oddball set of magics? Oh, and if you have no idea what I'm talking about, feel free to ask :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rapture
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I think I prefer having it all under king's rule, with the smaller provinces/towns being overseen by a mayor of sorts. I was thinking ours can't be too small, but maybe one of two (or three) rivaling kingdoms, the rest being too small to really worry about. Racial rivalries would make sense. Could also be part of why the kingdoms are so distrusting of each other.

That's fine, I can play the monarch ^^.

Going along with that, I'm guessing they end up in the wars less for themselves and more in support of allies that have smaller, inadequate fighting forces. Maybe our kingdom is less inclined to believe in the stigma's, which is what really puts them at odds with the others. It's what makes our kingdom more willing to help out other races and leads to them being dragged into other people's wars. Just a thought.

Four base being earth-air-fire-water? Just guessing here, not sure what you're referring to in this case.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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So, your king's kingdom is a big badass kingdom, got it.

A less racists kingdom, sounds good! Oh, and I wanna be a beast man. . . .Any issue?

Yes, those are the base 4. Base 6 adds Light and Dark, and everything after that are sub divisions. I was just wondering what "Known" magics you want in the RP.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rapture
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Big badass, lol, fair enough. Beastman sounds good to me. What kind? Lets go with 6 base. Varying levels of practice, with higher levels being seen among the nobles.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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I haven't decided on breed, but the kind that look more human than beast, but enough beast to be unable to hide the fact. You's see when I make him :P And magic sounds good. Hmmmm. . . . . .I'd like to talk a little bit about how the actual castle looks, like how big it is, an how big the town is, how big the castle town is. . . .Just to get a slightly better feel, don't need specific. Then we can move on to characters if no more questions arise. Just letting you know I have an empty template I use for my characters that I'd like to drop here. You don't have to use if of course, but I may end up asking a crap ton of questions if the sheet you provide doesn't have all the info I need, and may convert some things on your sheet into mine as a reference(Like, if you put "Appearance" all as one section like I've seen a lot of people do.). Also, I am morally opposed to using pics, so I won't be using them, I can't stop you from using them, but I will pout if you do :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rapture
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Sounds like he would be a bit of an outcast in most kingdoms. Likely to some extent in this one too. Good thing the King, or was it prince?, likes the oddities. He'd find the idea of a beastman quite fascinating. The inner palace is pretty small - easy to defend with just housing for the immediate royal family. The inner village can be larger, all the nobles and such. The outer wall surrounding it should be ever guarded - rotating shifts would make the most sense. And then the rest of the town can extend beyond that with only minimal walls. As for character sheets, I don't usually use them so I'm happy to stick with your template. However, I -do- like pictures, so pout all you want but I'll likely be using one. Helps me really see the character. Hm how close are the kingdoms to each other?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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It's not that I dislike pics, it's that I would be personally offended if someone used my artwork for their characters without asking, and I doubt many artists feel much differently about something they poured their soul into. It's a moral dislike, not a preference. Also, for some people, they use it because they are too lazy to write out the full character description. I am in no way implying that that is why you wan to use a pic, but I just want you to know where I'm coming from. I'm not being a judgmental prat, just voicing my honest views. To me, it is a form of stealing. But again, I can't stop you, however I will ask about a lot, and pray your guy is not identical :P

Beastmen have their own lands, mostly away from other lands, and they join militaries in various kingdoms if they feel the desire to, however their first alliance is to their clan. I can see the city now, thank you. Most people are afraid if his kind to en extent, however when with their fellow soldiers they are mostly treated as equals. Oh, and it's king.

Here's the template I use -












Powers/Skills(If Applicable):

General Personality:

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rapture
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On one hand, I completely understand that. On the other hand, there are plenty of artists out there that actually say "go ahead and use it just give me credit." and those are the ones I use if I'm going with drawing. Or I have stuff comissioned specifically for my characters. Also, a lot of the times I can find a picture of an actor or a model that fits the idea in my head, in which case I see no qualms with using them. It's not that I'm too lazy to describe them. I'm happy to write a full description. But when I'm roleplaying, it's nice to have the visual to refer back to.

I imagine the king's young enough that he hasn't interacted much with the beastmen. It's probably why he finds them so facinating.

And I can stick to your template. I'm not picky. I'll have it all put together in the next post for ya.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Oh, I love commissioned work. Shows some real devotion to the RP :P And bleh, RL peoples :P I'm a bit weird and aren't actually attracted to RL people on the whole. It's a psychological thing. *Huggles my boy friend* I do like a few though *Grin*

Sorry if I sound all pushy and judgmental. I've had a lot of bad experiences with partners and now I tend to screen a bit more than I use to :P However, I can see us working together just fine. . . .*Grin* I feel like getting creative. . . . *Pulls out NatGeo books full of animals* *Let's see. . . . .

Name: Shuraal (Shu) of the Moon Raven Clan

Race: Beastman (Serval breed)

Age: 24

Height: 6' 4”

Weight: 175lbs

Hair: Honey blond with two black streak running parallel from either side of the forehead all the way down to the tips of the hair. Hair is about waist length, strait and a little shaggy, tapering to a point in the back, and shaggy bangs that hide the eyes unless pushed back.

Eyes: Cloudy blue with cat slits.

Skin: Pale golden, just before tan.

Build: Long limbed, kinda lanky looking, but with faint muscle tone here and there and almost no body fat.

Extra: Short tail, just long enough to brush calves. Legs are like a felines where he walks on the ball of his foot, his foot several inches longer than a humans making his heel look almost like a backwards facing knee. Instead of human ears he has large serval ones that are settled high on his head and are movable like a cat's. His nails are pointed slightly, and tougher than a human's. His eye teeth are also a little longer giving him a fanged look.

Clothes: When discovered he is wearing a simple heel length blood stained red loincloth. A pale blue slightly bloody cloth belt/sash tied around the waist with a lapis lazuli stone in a simple silver setting directly below the navel. The sash knot is over the right hip. The stone has his house crest carved into it, a raven perched on the bottom part of a crescent moon. Loin cloth draped in both front and back, and sash is slightly open on the left his giving it a slanted look. (Like this but without the jangles.)

Accessories: Clipped to outside of left ear is a small silver ear cuff with a small blue stone danging from it.

Powers/Skills(If Applicable): Better hearing and sense of smell than a human, can jump higher than a human and almost appear to run up vertical surfaces like a feline. Has limited night vision that is better than a humans and is skilled with small blades. He is a trained fighter and can work in groups with little practice.

General Personality: Shuraal actually doesn't like fighting and almost seems to detach himself completely when he's in battle. Unlike his fellows he does not see the battles as a noble conquest, and surviving each clash is the only thing he is grateful for after each one. E's a bit of a loner despite his clan's natural drive to stick together in groups and as such he feels a little out of place among his own kind. He has a fondness for children, of any race, and can easily be distracted by them. He is soft spoken, and though he is a skilled fighter he only attacks when ordered, preferring to try and run or talk his way out of confrontation. Once in battle he is like a wild animal, stalking through the battlefield like a ghost and leaping on to his prey without warning. Once the battle is over he feels the loss of life and feels the need to be alone.

Background: As a cub Shuraal was the smallest of his siblings, three in total, and as such he got a lot less attention from his parents and other clan members. He spent a lot of time getting kicked around and brushed aside and as such he learned to take care of himself and play alone. As with the runt of any litter he was expected to die, though he managed to get his portions of food despite his siblings' best efforts. When he reached his tenth year, spending most of that time just trying to survive, he and the others of his age were taken out to meet humans for the first time. The nearest village was use to the tradition and ignored the beast children unless they began causing trouble. Shu found the odd creatures very interesting and decided to learn more about them.

He came back later in the night and watched through windows as parents cared for their little ones. Even in the houses with large families all the children seemed important to the ones caring for them and Shuraal could feel his envy building. After the first late night visit he would go back often, just to watch the children being cared for, and wondering why his parents are so different. Like all of his kind around the age of fifteen he began learning to use weapons, though the actual trainers paid little attention to the small one. He learned the simplest weapon, and trained on his own mostly, only showing up for training when he had to, and after only a couple years he'd mastered his weapons to their satisfaction.

He still returned often to the human village, however one such visit changed his life. He smelled the smoke long before he ever saw the orange glow of the fire in the sky. The village was under attack, the cries of the villagers echoing through the woods. He arrived to find half the village slain, and almost every building on fire. The attackers were a mix of many different races, a bandit group known for their brutality. Without thinking he did what he could to save the remaining humans, drawing the attackers away while the villagers fled into the forest. He was disgusted by the slaughter, and terrified of all the death around him. It was then that his other side came into being, that competitive animal instinct that his siblings had had since birth. He only took out a handful of the bandits, but it was enough to send them into a panicked confusion allowing Shu to slip away and herd the humans to safety.

His clan did not take kindly to the human invasion, but begrudgingly accepted them for a time after hearing about the village. After they were sure the bandits had left for good they made Shuraal lead the humans back out and he did so gladly. He stayed with them for over a year to help them rebuild and when the local militia came by a year later to offer assistance, only then getting word of the attack, Shu decided then to join the fight. He stayed with the small militia for only a few months before moving on to a new group, learning a little here and there, but mostly finding targets for his own plans. A few of the soldiers he worked with came to recognize how he went about his personal battle and approved, in general, of his tactics.

He became kind of well known for sneaking through the battlefield and attacking the leaders of the opposing side, as if all the other combatants were simply cover for his final pounce. Any time it became clear that the enemy was starting to recognize him he would leave his troop and head to another one as far away as he could. He picked which armies he would join carefully, only joining ones that did not kill indiscriminately, and ones that were on the defense, not the offense for the most part. He became driven by the need to protect, and would leave a troop as soon as their values no longer coincided with his own. Due to this, and his propensity for killing important people, there are a lot of people who would love to see him dead.

During the final battle with his last troop he did not realize that they were off to attack a village until it was too late. He took down a few guards before realizing that the village was mostly defenseless and stopped attacking. A few villagers managed to land a few strikes on him before they watched him turn on his own men and begin attacking. He managed to get a group of villagers, mostly children, into an underground cellar which protected them from the blaze overhead. His fellow attacked him, but he managed to survive, hiding inside a circle of flames. He fought hard and saved as many as he could, and eventually the attacking force retreated. Shuraal managed to make his way to the cellar before passing out from the smoke inhalation and blood loss, the survivors nursing him the best they could.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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*Checks for pulse*
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rapture
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I'm so sorry to have just vanished on you. I fucked up my back and have been in a lot of pain the past few weeks, hard to concentrate on much of anything and couldn't really sit at my computer. They're finally getting me on some good meds and possible surgery in a week or two, so should be getting better. If you're still interested, I should be able to put something together now that I can think again. If not, I totally understand.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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I'm interested. I'm a patient person :P You get yourself feeling better and take all the time you need. *Smile*
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rapture
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Hey, I'm really sorry this took so damn long. Was laid up and on some pretty heavy meds for a while, couldn't get two thoughts straight. But I'm back and if you're interested here is my king. If not, I totally get it and hope you at least enjoy the read :)

Name: Mathias Anaxkolasi

Race: Human (Mage)

Age: 21

Height: 5'11”

Weight: 155lbs

Hair: Ebony black with tips of deep crimson red. It falls shorter around his face, tapering to about jaw length, while the rest reaches to just below his shoulderblades. Three thin braids fall from his left temple while the rest tends to be kept tied back with a leather cord in a simple tail of faint waves.

Eyes: Emerald green with flecks of gold

Skin: warm caramel, sun-kissed. Tends to be a bit darker in the summer, lighter in the winter.

Build: Best described as a "swimmer's build." Broad, well-toned but not overly-muscled shoulders tapered into lean hips. A flat abdomen showed undeniable definition, without being a full six-pack.

Extra: He has well-defined, almost sharp features. High cheek-bones, thin lips and almond-shaped eyes that tend to be ringed in Khol whenever he is in public. A band of black tribal-like vines have been marked into the skin of his right bicep.

Clothes: Varies a great deal. He is fond of his fine silken shirts and leather trousers when in the comfort of the palace. On the battle field, he prefers leather instead of any true armor, though often layered with chain-mail. Most notable would be his calf-length leather surcoat that holds the golden-dragon crest upon its back. Knee-length leather boots almost always have at least one small throwable blade tucked away.

Accessories: 3 small, silver hoops pierce his left earlobe. Small (2-3" max) throwing knife tucked into the ponytail and hidden within the thick waves of his hair whenever he has to go without visible weapons. It was a gift to him by his trainer and one he holds dear to his heart.

Powers/Skills(If Applicable): Well-trained fighter with sword and staff. Talented archer. From a young age he learned to lead: Politics, military maneuvering, court etiquette, etc.

General Personality: Looking quite young for his age, Mathias has always had to fight to be taken seriously. A keen mind is well hidden behind bright green eyes, and he never hesitates to let it be known. Though this tends to make him a rather serious soul, he is not without his humor. He takes loyalty and family very seriously and is not above correcting those that do not agree. Though outwardly a calm, gentle individual, he is not one to be crossed. He does not enjoy bloodshed, but neither is he truly opposed to war and violence if it gets the job done and his point across. Those that truly know him, know that when the smile comes out during negotiations, someone's life is short. Mathias will do whatever it takes to keep his people safe and happy. It was a promise he made to his father, and Mathias never breaks his word once it is given.

Background: Mathias was born the only son to king Azarien Anaxkolasi. When his mother had two miscarriages after him, it became obvious that he would be the only child and heir to the kingdom. One might think that this would leave the boy lavished in riches and spoiled. It did not. His father chose quite the opposite route. The boy was never to be coddled, but rather raised to grow into the leader that his father had been. He was tutored from an early age in all the aspects of court and warfare. Assigned his own private training instructor, the boy worked daily with blade and staff until his twelfth birthday, where he began to train alongside the troops as well. Along with his physical education, Mathias was tutored daily in history, geography, logic, mathematics, politics, etiquette, and anything else his father thought of to make him a well-rounded and well-prepared ruler.

It was a brief skirmish with one of the neighboring kingdoms that pushed Azarien's plans into action long ahead of schedule. When his father did not return from one of the final battles, it fell to Mathias to take his place. At barely sixteen, it was no wonder that many on the council questioned him and his right to rule. But as the only living heir, there was little they could truly do. Still, it was his first year upon the throne, and his own actions in ending their current strife, that finally convinced both the council, and his people, that he not only belonged upon the throne, but was ready to sit it.

His time now became split between the daily duties of a ruling king: Meetings, court appearances, and other daily tasks within his kingdom, and the continuation of his training. With his father gone, Galen, his trainer, quickly became his cherished mentor. By his twenty first birthday, he had already led his armies into two more campaigns - both successful for their kingdom. He was not going to sit back and direct. It was something that garnered him the loyalty of not just his generals, but the common soldiers that fought and died at his side. Mathias never hesitated to pick up a sword and run head-long into battle right alongside his men. He fought, bled, and celebrated with the common soldiers, ensuring that they knew his gratitude for their sacrifice. And when those men fell, he always ensured that their families were taken care of.

When one of the larger kingdoms on their Northern border decided to begin hostile movements again, Mathias was quick to dispatch his men in hopes of preventing battle. But the Outlanders refused to back down. Before long, they found themselves caught on two fronts: The main front where the two kingdoms clashed, and within their smaller villages where raiding parties periodically came and struck - looting and burning whatever they found. There was no other option, he had to split his attentions. Leaving his generals to the front lines, Mathias took a small party and set off towards the villages to do what he could to protect those people that had given up their boys and men to fight for their king. Three villages they passed, turning back the raiders despite being outnumbered. By the time they reached the last village, most of it was up in flames. The raiding party gone, Mathias scoured the small village, his men putting out fires as they moved until finally a small group of survivors was tracked to the hidden cellar.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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No problem. Site has been flickering on and off so bad that I've barely managed to get to you guys at all, I feel like a bad person. *Sad face* Anyways, he looks awesome, and I think it's a great match! So, I think everything's in order. . . Who do you think should start?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rapture
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I think that about covers it all... hm... would you be so kind?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

A substation of our power plant exploded so I only have intronet for limited amounts of time. I will try to respond if I can, but if I can't, at least now you know why :P
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