Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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This is a one-on-one RP between PopeAlessandros and tenebrae16. Not us, don't post. Also, M/M, don't like, don't read!

Base Idea:

The war between heaven and hell has been raging for centuries, and the soldiers no longer really have the fire that they use to. All thins seem to be out of duty, and loyalty alone. The earth has become rather desolate, humans having reduced to small compounds here and there across every nation. A few towns still survive on their own out in the wasteland and act as filling stations for travelers and caravans traveling from one compound to to the next. On one small town, a demon has taken up the position of an acolyte at the local parish. He has no interest in become a priest, but it's the best way to avoid fighting. He's tired of it. One day, an angel realizes that there is a demon the the church and rushes in to defend it. When he finds the demon, he is so shocked to see him working like a normal human being that he hides himself, taking up the guise of a human, and waits to speak with him privately. The demon confides in the angel, giving him his reasons for what he's doing, and pleads for him to let him be. The angel, confused, leaves the demon be, but he also as a true believer in the war, begins to question his own convictions.


I can play the warrior angel :P So, you want to start with fleshing out the plot, or would you rather get the setting a little more solidified?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tenebrae16
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I'm imagining a sort of desolate, somewhat steampunk like world, since humanity has sort of been forced to be resourceful, having rations delivered out slowly, trying somewhat to rebuild in the midst of a war. I was thinking that some wars are brought down to earth, so once in a while we can have so called 'alarms' where thehumans all hide to avoid the fight. Then maybe later on, we can have a fight take place near the compound forcing the demon to defend the town.

My thoughts sort of bounce, so sorry if its confusing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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So, for the steampunk angle, do we wanna actually revert the civilization BACK to steampunk from something more advanced, or simply using that as a loose reference to appearance and design and still have them using a more advanced from of power as their main power source?

I like the idea of an air raid siren going off sending all the humans scattering, then epic clashes and explosions. . . Very fun sight. And it would be interesting to see how my guy responds to the demon trying to defend the town while trying desperately not to be outed as a demon. . . .

So, going with the large walled in facilities, copper in color, I've always liked copper. . . .But with some houses and the actual trade posts outside the walls. Oh, and I like the idea of the walls actually having easy access to whomever wants to stand on them, children having been trained not to go up there until they are old enough to appreciate death. Kinda like the elven societies that live in tree tops. I don't think the wall would be much taller than the buildings, mostly there to avoid the blowback of fighting outside the towns because if the fighting happens too close to the city there's nothing gonna keep the devastation at bay.

I also see the church outside the walls but as the designated shelter with a deep basement for those caught outside the walls during clashes. That way the traders don't actually have to go into town to "Make their peace with God" and can get back on the road as soon as possible.

Oh! ANd, idea. There are no poor and no real rich, Since it's all mostly survival issues for now, there are those who are in the trade industry that are better off, but all resources are shared and no one goes hungry. And 'cause I love kids I'd like the church to house war orphans :P SOme cute cuddly scenes with my guy having to fend off the kids he secretly finds adorable :P

Anyways, don't worry, I'm just as random as you are :P What choo thinka my ideas?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tenebrae16
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I'd say let the them still have some sort of advanced power from their old civilization, but they have to be resourceful so they have to use cheap material and sources so it has basically the same function, but a roundabout design. So perhaps even more advanced tech takes an even longer time an hey haven't quite worked out how to get their resources to fit around it. I don't know why, but I'm thinking of some sort of secret power source hidden away that runs everything and now I envision the Death Star blowing up.

And I love all your ideas!! Probably those residing in the church help with the trading cause obviously, you can't do charity without still having a day job. So shelter and good for protecting the trade route or helping distribute rations out. That also gives me the idea that there is some brewing corruption within those with trade authority or those in charge of giving out rations. I like the idea that everyone has a sort of forced equality, but the gap is starting to widen a little because people fear that there either won't be enough to go around one day or that the war is fast approaching them and only the 'richer' will survive.

I wuv the war orphans idea, make your guy question his morality whilst playing with the kids or watching the demon interact with the kids. Working like a human despite possible demonic urges. The superiors that would frown upon both of their actions. Perhaps eventually, the demon has to leave because he's afraid the citizens will be harmed if he stays and gets outed.

Hey, perhaps it's during a fight near the town that the angel seeks refuge and then discovers the demon who avoids the angel like the plague, until the angel disguises himself and corners him. Then the angel stays a while to keep an eye on the demon and recover so they have a time period to interact and the angel has a reason to stay.

Hmm, I have an idea for my demonic character and a few of it's abilities, how would heaven and he'll be fairing in the war?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Hahah, love the vision :P Anyways, an underground source that provides baseline power would be an interesting aspect. Maybe the angels set it up to help. Perhaps it could provide the bare necessities, and the towns were built around outlets for it. Sound good? That would mean that they would use other forms of power for things like vehicles (Still like the steam idea :P) but there would be a fail safe if the town gets mostly trashed on accident.

I can agree to the corruption. After all, it is human nature *Sigh*

Glad you like the kiddies idea. I don't want the demon getting outed. . . But I will not deny the possibility. In fact, I can see it happening, but then I get sad for the little ones :P

Hmmmm. . .I still like the idea of the angel rushing in to save the church and then stopping dead when he spots the demon dressed as a preacher and with kids hanging off of him with big happy smiles :P The image is just great. . .So, I'd like to stick with that idea. The angel rushing to the rescue only to get stopped by the sight of the demon being a “good boy”.

I see it all very balanced at the beginning of the RP. Basically the war is going nowhere fast and for some reason most see no problem with that. Like my guy. I'm also getting an image of my angel. A minor nobody really. . .Poor guy.

Hmmm. . . . .Church is a two story thing, stone, with one of those round stain glass windows that has somehow managed to survive over the years with only a few repairs. Bug stone cross, the ones with the circle. . .The area outside the town dusty, hard packed dirt not sand, with tufts of grass here and there, the tall tough stuff. It's got a couple swings and a see saw in the side yard along with one of those old spiny disks with the bars. Like a merry-go-round without the animals and powered by kids pushing it. The trade area is a couple dozen yards away and consists mostly of simple but sturdy stalls that are set up on either side of the road leading into town, with a dirt and gravel mixed path leading to the church between a couple stalls. . . The stalls are set up along the road, but not orderly. More of a smattering. . . Oh, and of course, the church has an underground shelter. Fortified stone and strong metal.

What do you think? I think we're almost done and can move on to character soon. . . .Wanna poke at plot a bit though? We have a great idea for the meeting and interactions, but do we wanna think about the greater picture for a little while? Or wait until we know the world better. . . .?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tenebrae16
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Heh, such hidden power often goes awry in some way. Yeah, I normally don't play goody goody characters, but I like the idea of my guy with conflicting emotions, being a sap for kids and helping people, but still feeling a little bit of bloodthirsty that's been building up all the while, but he'd only ever fight to protect the village and perhaps that will be how he eventually gets outed. As said before, I like playing characters with a slight mental problem, heh though this demon, oddly enough, will probably be the most reasonable person during the war XD

Probably, the humans are the most suppressed faction in all of this, it is their earth that's being ravaged by a war that for once they aren't part of. They'd mostly be a neutral party though I'm toying with the idea of perhaps some preaching politicians, siding with the angels or devils or opposing both and trying to start a human rebellion. Perhaps in the more well off compounds where they've started to rebuild their previous weapons.

And I'm sorry, but your typo 'bug stone cross' has me imagining a cross made out of wasps or beetles now and it's hilarious and kind of frightening. I think the long grass is something like wheat? Or at least has a similar texture. I imagine there would be some farmland in the central of the tone. Food having become top priority so pathetic little patches of soil and hardy oats, perhaps a small ranch? I don't think the animals would be completely gone and let's face it, not everyone is gonna wanna go vegetarian though the ranch is only small with a few animals like perhaps a cow for milk, pigs and chickens. I imagine pets would survive with owners and made to be guard dogs. Hah, we'll throw in a puppy just to add onto the scene.

The basement is the safe haven for those on the outskirts. As for the rest of the plot, well, I think we have some idea of where to take it, but let's get into the story first before we pause and discuss again so we better know what to do or have more ideas. Let's go onto character.

How superhuman should we have the angels and demons at?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Just dropping this here, but this is the blank template I use for my characters -












Powers/Skills(If Applicable):

General Personality:



Not saying you have to use this, however if you use your own template and it doesn't have all the info I will be asking a lot of questions to fill in my mental blanks, and if you do have all the info but the info is compacted(As in several of the sections I have up there are all put into one para, eg., "Appearance" to cover all physical attributes) I will likely put all your info into my template and drop in it the first post for easy reference for me. Oh, and I am morally opposed to using pictures unless the picture was specifically drawn for your character.

Now, on to your question. Hmmmm. . . . .I'd say they are impervious to the weapons of man, the wings can be made invisible, and I like the idea of them being able to summon their weapons as oppose to having them strapped on somewhere. Strong, but say a mob of people could pin our guys down, but stuff like ropes do nothing. Chains. . .Depends on thickness, however the weapons can cut through just about any substance. Anything not heaven or hell made. Your thoughts?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tenebrae16
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I'm alright with using your template, I doubt my drawing skills are up to par and I'm a perfectionist so it's going to take a long time for me to get the head right. My guy will probably have two appearances, cause I'm thinking he's going to be a well known general from the army so he has to take extra lengths to disguise himself, that also means that his treason to the demons will be much more notable.

I like the idea of custom weapons, perhaps something that matches their style and perhaps is the embodiment of themselves. So superhuman strength, nothing too crazy, healing ability? Immunity to poisons? Any possible abilities? Longevity? I would assume immortality unless they die.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Yup, definitely immortal, and the ability to change physical appearance to suit their needs. Including changing how old they look. I should be able to get my character up some time tonight. . If not, then tomorrow for sure.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tenebrae16
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Name: Sanias Cináed(formerly)
Xephos Note

Race: Archdemon

Age: 167 (appears 37)

Height: 6'2

Weight: 64.6 kg, rather lean for his height.

Hair: Dusty browned jaw length locks, slicked back straight against it's natural curl so at times random curls stick out much to his annoyance. When it's not groomed, it spikes out in a mess of curls, bangs hanging just above his eyes.

Eyes: Iridescent green (human)
Crimson red (demonic)

Skin: lightly tanned (human)
Pale beige, tinted purple (demonic)

Build: Lean bothering on lanky

Clothes: Black long clergy shirt with the typical clerical collar, but black pants in place of the typical robe.

Accessories: none

Powers/Skills(If Applicable):
-Ability to summon custom dual pistols
-Ability to subtly invoke feelings of negativity

General Personality: As a demon, he was ruthless. Leaving the war, he could still be ruthless, but in a different way. Generally regretful of his actions, he'd do anything to leave behind what he's done.

Background: Sanias was said to be the general leading the Western front invasion, ruthless and blood thirsty, he was better known as 'The corrupted' for how he dealt with angels.

Sanias is said to have died in the battle of Grandus, after both sides were decimated from the battle and no survivors were ever recovered.

Hope that it's alright. I don't wanna give too much away.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Name: Laisander(Lai) Uwenwicks

Race: Angel

Age: 56 (Appears 18)

Height: 5' 5”

Weight: 133lbs

Hair: Pale golden blond, waist length, straight, kept in a braid with only shoulder length bangs left loose, bangs parted in the middle to frame face.

Eyes: Vivid blue.

Skin: Pale, very lightly battle scared in places.

Build: Gymnast build. No bulging muscles, but definite muscle definition on arms and legs and a very faint ripple to the midsection.

Extra: His halo is a light blue to match his eyes and newly formed with the etchings of his new station as warrior. Wings are angelic white and look a little big for him.


Angel – Traditional white and yellow Athenian garb(Minus the laurels) with tall lace up sandals. In battle he also wears a silver chest plate and roman leather strap skirt.

Human – Long brown leather overcoat with lots of pockets and straps that clink when he walks, ripped but well maintained gray jean pants, white slightly raggedy looking t-shirt, and tall strapped boots.


Angel – Silver plated leather bracer on left wrist and silver arm band on left bicep with an angelic rune etched into it marking him as a low level soldier, but one past all of his training.

Human - Aviator goggles and gold pocket watch with chain.

Powers/Skills(If Applicable): Can fly, stronger than any human, and can summon his weapon out of nowhere. His weapon is a khopesh attached to a retractable thin but unbreakable chain. The chain retracts into a device around his wrist that looks like a smaller bracer than the one on his left wrist made entirely of silver metal. The blade can be ignited after being thrown to where it becomes a flaming blade. Can purify souls and help them move on to heaven.

General Personality: Lai is a bit over eager. His whole family has fought in the war since it began and his house if full of war heroes and their trophies. Those that have survived at least. Lai feels a lot of pressure being the only one from his generation, though he has a couple younger cousins and two older siblings that are still alive. He's always believed in the righteousness of the war and looked forward to the day he could join the fighting. He feels an almost constant need to prove himself and takes a lot of risks for the betterment of the heavenly kingdom, or so he believes without question.

Despite his bordering on arrogant attitude he is rather humble around his family and around his superiors. He's a bit anti social with his fellow soldiers and doesn’t' understand how any of them could even think to question the rightness of the war. He's always seen demons as evil heartless beasts and after his mother's death the year before at the hands of one his hate has only grown. He is fiercely loyal to those he sees worth protecting, and despite most angel's apparent disinterest in humans, he has a soft spot for them.

Background: Born into a military family Lai grew up hearing tales of war and triumph, his family very proud of their heritage and no one ever doubted that he would follow in the family's tradition. He had five older siblings, but by the time he was old enough to know them, three had died. He was left with only a sister and a brother, both of which join the military around the time he learned to walk and he doesn't see them often. He grew up in a large family home filled with many generations, but as he grew the number of angels fluctuated greatly with the near constant deaths and births. With each there would be a great celebration so he learned not to mourn death, but to celebrate that his loved ones are dying for a good cause and will be reborn somewhere, some day.

About the time he learned to fly he accidentally fell to earth and was caught in the crossfire of a skirmish. When the dust settled and the fighters left for their respective realms, Lai was left alone on the battlefield. He survived on his own for a couple days before a caravan came through and found him. It was a nice family heading to a new town and despite the obvious fact that he was an angel they took him along for a ways. He got to play with other kids around his physical appearance of age and took a liking to horses and ox. He was bitten by a dog at one point and decided he didn't like those noisy things. However after a week someone finally thought to check earth and his mother retrieved him without much fuss.

Once he was old enough he joined the junior soldiers in their training and quickly completed his training. He graduated as one of the top students in combat and tactics training, however he barely squeaked by in medical and strategy training. A lot of his trainers agreed that he could be an archangel one day if he kept powering along the way he had been, and with that support, and the support of his family, he was the youngest cadet to complete the junior training and move on the the actual battlfield training. While he is not the strongest, or fastest, or really the best at anything, no one questions that he may one day be a one of the greatest. If he doesn't get himself killed before then of course.

One year before his final test to become a fully fledged soldier his mother was killed in a skirmish along the angelic boarder when a group of demons went on a kamikaze mission to attack the gates of heaven. This had not been tried in a while, but they managed to get right up tot he gates before the last of them was taken down. His mother had been on patrol, a normally boring and safe detail, when the attack occurred. She died without being able to say good-bye to any of her family. Ever since Lai has been a bit mindless in his pursuit of becoming a soldier, finishing his training a full six months before he should have. Despite rejoicing in her death as he has always been taught, his heart still feels the wound of losing her.


Looks good! Is his name on earth Xephos?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tenebrae16
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Yup, he's sort of abandoned his whole demonic life. Sorry about the scarcity in detail, I like to keep things vague.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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S'ok, a lot of people do. Unfortunately for me when a character presents itself to me, I have no choice in the matter. I don't MAKE characters. They just come to me, and refuse to be changed, so I don't see the harm in writing with more detail. I know I'm odd that way, but hey, I've enver had an issue with it, so I don't mind :P

Also, Xephos. . .Interesting name for trying to pass as human :P Sorry I went a little overboard with the Steampunk garb :P He just popped up like that, as I said, and I wanted to make sure it made sense :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tenebrae16
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Heh, same with me, characters just take on a life of their own, but it becomes so that sometimes I don't even know their lives till they explain it themselves. I often want to give my character unusual names so they're more memorable.

I think you're fine with the steam punk attire, we could've one really overboard and have them in clothing made completely of gears! That would be pushing it a little. I like your choice of weapon, very...what's the word?..potent I suppose. So shall we start? Who first?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Since my guy will be racing into your guy's church, I think you should start so you can set the scene for me. I know the weapon is a little God of War, but hey, it works, and puts our guys on a little more even ground since your guy is long range :P I'm glad you don't mind the attire.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tenebrae16
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Well, I was thinking he could also use the guns as sort of braces? That's not the right word, but they sort of double up as protection....ah I'm coming to have to paint the picture when it happens because I can't describe it straight forwardly.

Anyway, gimme a while, first IC will be up soon :3
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tenebrae16
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Well, I'm terrible at beginnings. D:
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Nah, looks fine. Like anything, could use more of this, and a little of that, but over all it's fine :P I'ma start working on my post now. sorry for vanishing. A pet died and I kinda shut down for a while. . . .
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tenebrae16
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Aw, I know the feel. My thoughts are with whatever critter it was. It's sad to say, but a pet dying always feels a little worse than a relative, but they always had a more meaningful mark at times.

I don't mind you critiquing my work, I like partners who are better than me so I can improve myself.

Take your time, I don't mind the wait.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Hah, just posted :P
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