Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Heat
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Heat Hey, nice marmot

Member Seen 2 mos ago


Sironde, a diverse land of millions, there is much concern among the citizens of the far off continent, as ominous signs have begun to show, rumors of heavily armored beings traversing through the lush forests, not far from them are more fearsome rumors of terrifying beasts that were believed to only exist in high tales being seen as well.

Sironde’s history is full of battles, injustices and even miracles, as it stands now; there is a thick mist of tension permeating across the land. It is almost like some of the citizens are expecting something to happen, but none of them know what, which is why the Crimson Company was formed, funded by wealthy benefactors who decided to keep their identities a secret, only sending out invitations to join an elite task force of mercenaries in order to investigate the rumors that no one wanted to believe to be true. Are you one of these chosen?



Royal Dominion – The ruling body in Sironde, it is the empire of man, and the current leader is Queen Alessa Orland, a kind widow who lost her husband, the great King Sulvan Orland III eight years ago. Alessa assumed leadership after showing her ability to lead in the past. The Orland family has a long history in Sironde and has ruled the Dominion ever since the first Sulvan Orland came to power as the result of a civil war.

Vanguard of the Dominion – Essentially knights who serve the purpose as highly regarded members of the Dominion. Many serve as soldiers; others as guards of important people and the more veteran ones as valued officials to the ruler(s) of the Dominion.

Elven Republic – The Elves leadership resides in a republic, where the leaders are chosen by the people. The wise elves see this as a superior option to blood right or clans, which the other races follow. The Elves are a proud people, the Republic possessing a strong military force but not quite on the level of the Dominion or Dwarves. They get along well with the Dominion, seeing them as a strong ally.

Dwarven Kingdom – Housed entirely in the massive underground city of Gil Lodahr, the dwarves are ruled by a king and queen, with where you are born being of high importance. The current dwarven king is Thedd Jadehelm, a highly respected man among the dwarves for his tenacity in ruling, not afraid to pick the tough options. His wife is Queen Bebriren Jadehelm. The Kingdom has a massive, fearsome military force that dwarfs every other race’s in sheer size. The Dwarves tend to stay in their own affairs, ignoring surface world problems.

Orc Clanship – The reclusive Orc people live and die by their clan system, which has been in place for as long as they can remember. Clans consist of families, close friends and absorbed smaller clans united together to form a group of like minded people. The most powerful Orcish clans have hundreds of members each fiercely loyal to their clan. Leadership of all of the clans is decided by the ruling clan who established their ruling through defeating the other, more often by a clan war. Clan wars do not happen as often as they seem like they would, if a ruling clan is doing a fine job in their rulings, then the other clans will respect that clan and follow their rule. The current ruling Orc clan is the Skumfang clan, led by Naran Skumfang, a legendary warrior among the Orcs. The Skumfang have ruled for twenty two years.
The Silver Squad – The top mercenaries in all of the land, they are employed by every race’s government, only on the condition that members will not fight each other. Their warriors are some of the best money can buy, if you need an army, then these are the guys you want to pay a visit to, their services do not come cheap though.


Enemies and creatures that may be encountered in the story, or already have been encountered, will be updated as the story progresses. As of now, the bestiary only consists of the basic enemies that travelers are warned of:

Bandits – Scum, plain and simple. They are notorious for stealing, raping and murdering people without reason other than to further themselves. Unfortunatly, bandits are a common sight in Sironde, it is advised to always carry a weapon on you when traveling, as they often prey on weak looking travelers. Expect no mercy from bandits and show them no mercy in return. Bandits typically carry weaker weapons such as simple iron swords and axes, and wear simple armors. Bandit mages are common as well.

Slavers – Somehow worse than bandits, slavers are essentially the same as bandits except even more brutal, and instead of killing people, they take them hostage then sell them to buyers, often orcs.

Spiders – Giant arachnids to be exact, spiders dwell in caves, waiting upon foolish travelers to stumble right into their traps, then drop down from the ceiling and inject their paralyzing venom into their poor victim. It is best to avoid entering caverns unless it is the only option.

Wolves – Roaming packs of wolves are a common sight in the lush forests of Sironde, they tend to remain in the deepest parts of the forests during the day, but at night they come into the open in search of food.

Crocodiles – Living in the lakes, ponds and rivers of Sironde, crocodiles are dangerous creatures that will strike out at anything that comes near them. They like to sit and wait in the shallow waters, their eyes the only part of them above the surface as they wait for their prey, sometimes people to wander down the water, then attack, dragging their victims into the water. Crocodiles in Sironde can reach over twenty feet in length.

1. No godmodding or Mary Sues. Your characters can be powerful, just not Supermen.
2. Realism isn’t really a focus in this, though physics and reality do matter. If your character is surrounded by fifty enemies and you only have a rock, you probably want to surrender, I don’t want to see a crazy ninja maneuver that puts the Matrix to shame happen.
3. Be respectful of each other on the OOC.
4. Please don’t drop off the face of the Earth after joining, if you’re going to be unable to post, then please post or PM me about it. If we don't hear from you after a week then I have the right to remove your character from the roster.
5. Minimum of two paragraphs per IC post. Quality over quantity if it applies, quantity with quality is even better though. Also, wait for three other people to post in the IC before you do as this RP is huge.
6. Proper grammar is needed, I also prefer you to RP in third person.
7. Swearing is cool. Romance is great as long as it is well done and tasteful, just fade to black any romance stuff past PG-13.
8. My word is law, this doesn't mean I’ll be a dick, I’ll happily take suggestions to better the RP for all involved. I control all enemy actions and reactions as well as the environment.
9. Treat the Co-GM (Redwing), as an extension of myself. When I'm unable to post in the IC, he has the right to move the plot forward as the acting GM.

Accepted characters:
Aldred Mermet - Heat
Lucio Freedan - Redwing (Co-GM)
Sutton Sipley - Apokalipse
Sonia Fallows - Munk
Melerindalowen - Pirouette
Lander Mallory (Eldon Harcourt) - JJ_Maxx
Caspian Lee Argo - LokiLeo789
Bregil Lithren - Wildflower
Emilia Alders / Emilia the Healer - Midori

Inactives: (Those who have not been seen in at least a week but didn't formerly leave the RP).
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PhatKat


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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Heat
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Heat Hey, nice marmot

Member Seen 2 mos ago

PhatKat said

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Voltus_Ventus
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Voltus_Ventus The Voltusiest Ventus

Member Seen 6 days ago

Work in Progress

Name - Delta Starkweather
Race - Human
Gender - Male
Age - 33

Height - 6'2"
Weight - 160Ibs
Class - Warrior
Skills - Armoring, Swordsmanship and being graceful in armor.
Weaponry - Two short swords, Heater shield.
Other equipment - Skinning/Multi-purpose knife, Goat leather water pouch, Sack of Apples, Pouch of dried figs, Loaf of stale bread, Flint and Steel, Extinguished Torch, A set of clothes and a small black kitten that travels with him.
Apparel - His chainmail armor and bronze chestplate with leather trousers below with a pouched belt.
Personality - He is a simple person bit not a stupid one, he has all his wits about him and will not hesitate to show them. He generally falls in line and does what he is told but as a warrior of a mercenary clan but when he gets passionate he would break any rule and any order to fulfill his passion. He is a quiet person, usually deep in thought or fighting but he is a good listener and gives good advice. However he is a very serious person -most times- and handles things with an accurate degree of appropriacy. He never let's external forces cloud his judgment, he is solid as cliffs of stone and as unwavering as the ocean that crashes against it. He isn't quick to judge people by their problems, god knows he has a lot, instead he just doesn't ask them and hopes he won't be asked.
Bio – He was brought up in Cabrook as a farm hand on his parent's enormous plot, spending his Springs planting seeds, his summers harvesting wheat, his autumns picking apples and his winters freezing by a dead fire. He had three siblings his younger brother Maximus, his older brother Leopold and his younger sister Tatiana. However one day his parents died of an illness, water lung. They drowned in there own fluid in their sleep. After that Maximus joined the army and Delta stayed to look after Tatiana who was looking after Leopold (the mentally retarded oldest child), after a few months of living off what was left to them by their parents and what little Maximus could afford to send, they were in desperate need for money, so Delta did left to make some, not by joining the army -it didn't earn enough. He became a mercenary.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Voltus_Ventus
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Voltus_Ventus The Voltusiest Ventus

Member Seen 6 days ago

Done, yeah! Hope I'm accepted.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Heat
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Heat Hey, nice marmot

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Voltus_Ventus said
Done, yeah! Hope I'm accepted.

It looks good, accepted!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apokalipse
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apokalipse
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Banned Seen 5 mos ago

Woops double post.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Inkdrop


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Can humans be magical or does the character need to be a different race? A shapeshifter character is an interesting thought to me.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Heat
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Heat Hey, nice marmot

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Inkdrop said
Can humans be magical or does the character need to be a different race? A shapeshifter character is an interesting thought to me.

Yes, humans can be magical. Every race but the dwarves is capable of using magic. You could make a human Mage who specializes in the school of shape shifting.

Also Sutton is an accepted character
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Redwing


Member Offline since relaunch

Finally its done! I'm pretty satisfied with him, but let me know if anything needs changed.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ace of Jacks
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Ace of Jacks Gamer, Artist, Professional Cuddler

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

On the topic of magic...kind of stupid question

Does the Crimson Company have a particular view on Mages? Are they open to the practical use of magic or would it be something on the DL XD (to the head honchos that is)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Heat
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Heat Hey, nice marmot

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Redwing said
Finally its done! I'm pretty satisfied with him, but let me know if anything needs changed.

Up the age, a 20 year old half elf is a very young child. Half elves have a lifespan of 500 years, so 250 is 50 years in human years to them, 125 is 25 years.

Ace of Jacks said
On the topic of magic...kind of stupid questionDoes the Crimson Company have a particular view on Mages? Are they open to the practical use of magic or would it be something on the DL XD (to the head honchos that is)

Nope, they support any mages, they're open to it. Bear in mind, Crimson Company is just the name given to the group that was just formed, they take really any help they can get.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Redwing


Member Offline since relaunch

Whoops. My bad. I'll fix that.

Fixed, wasn't thinking about his entire lifespan when I put his age.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ace of Jacks
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Ace of Jacks Gamer, Artist, Professional Cuddler

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Right, thanks n_n I was just curious if it would effect the benefactors.

I'm hoping to find the time tomorrow to make an aspiring half-elf/elven mage in the school of Restoration
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Heat
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Heat Hey, nice marmot

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Redwing said
Whoops. My bad. I'll fix that.Fixed, wasn't thinking about his entire lifespan when I put his age.

Sweet, Lucio is accepted.

Ace of Jacks said
Right, thanks n_n I was just curious if it would effect the benefactors. I'm hoping to find the time tomorrow to make an aspiring half-elf/elven mage in the school of Restoration

Take you time, make it great.

I'm working on my own character, will have him posted on here either before I go to bed or sometime tomorrow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Munk


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hey, okay, this looks nice! I'm considering a warrior mage or a druid. I'll see how it goes. Probably the latter—we seem to have more than enough people proficient at killing stuff. Lessee, we have a ranger, a warrior, a rogue, a bard... hm, okay, I'll get on it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Heat
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Heat Hey, nice marmot

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WanderingSpirit
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WanderingSpirit Wish Cloud 9 existed...

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

>Jab my cs in here<
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Voltus_Ventus
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Voltus_Ventus The Voltusiest Ventus

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