CURRENTLY CLOSED TO ANY MORE CHARACTERSSironde, a diverse land of millions, there is much concern among the citizens of the far off continent, as ominous signs have begun to show, rumors of heavily armored beings traversing through the lush forests, not far from them are more fearsome rumors of terrifying beasts that were believed to only exist in high tales being seen as well.
Sironde’s history is full of battles, injustices and even miracles, as it stands now; there is a thick mist of tension permeating across the land. It is almost like some of the citizens are expecting something to happen, but none of them know what, which is why the Crimson Company was formed, funded by wealthy benefactors who decided to keep their identities a secret, only sending out invitations to join an elite task force of mercenaries in order to investigate the rumors that no one wanted to believe to be true. Are you one of these chosen?
The name for the most recent war which encompassed Sironde, its effects are still felt today in the paranoia some people feel when associating with Orcs who many Sirondians see as the agitators of the war. Ask an Orc about the war and they’ll claim they will honestly claim that they did nothing wrong. The war lasted for two years and three long months, the combatants being the Orc Clanship which at the time was larger than it is now, at the time of the war the number of Orcs in the Clanship numbered over two hundred thousand. They battled the Dominion and eventually the Elves. The war ending in a peace treaty after both sides took massive causalities.
The war began when a party of orcs from Bogkrul visited the small village of Cafeld, now normally, at the time, this would not be a cause for a war. It is said that the orcs demanded the village, claiming they were promised many miles of land in which Cafeld fell upon. The orcs gave the inhabinents two weeks to pack and leave town or they would be forced to take it. Obviously, the people said no, one thing lead to another and then there were dozens of human corpses on the ground and hundreds of civilians either fleeing or being taken prisoner by the orcs.
The Dominion retaliated by attacking the orcs stationed in Cafeld, the battle was a bloody one, resulting in a high amount of causalities on both sides. Over the months, more battles took place, and soon the Elves reluctantly joined the war effort, aiding the Dominion after being convinced that the orcs would not stop, they would try to take all of Sironde now that they had tasted human blood. The dwarves were also urged to join, but they declined, seeing that it would take the orcs a very long time to reach them, then face down the largest military in all of Sironde.
King Orland III himself entered the battle, leading several offenses against the orcs, he is still considered one of the greatest swordsmen in the history of Sironde. After two years of drawn out battle which resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths, the Dominion proposed a strategic peace treaty, which the orcs begrudgingly accepted after the chieftan Skumfang realized that a continued war would end in the extinction of his people. The orcs split from the rest of Sironde, being given their own stretch of land to do whatever they pleased upon. It has been seven years since the war ended, the orcs have remained quiet since then, apparently happy to dwell in their own little world.
Mages are common in Sironde, while it is not illegal to practice magic, it is frowned upon by many people as they see it as unusual and strange. Necromancy though, is outlawed and punishable by death. There are members of Dominion’s Vanguard who are tasked with tracking down mages wrongfully using their powers. There is no mage’s guild in Sironde as magic in general is rare among the population.
These are the various schools of magic that mages are able to master. More powerful spellcasters can learn more schools.
Conjuration - This type of magic centers around summoning beings to aid in battle. The weaker beings that can be summoned are those such as wolves, giant spiders and skeletons. The strongest in this school are said to be able to summon demons and even dragons to their aid.
Elemental - The magic that harnesses the four elements which are, earth, wind, fire and water. These can be both offensive and defensive spells such as summoning a raising the ground in front of you to protect yourself from arrows or firing a firebolt from your hands at your enemy. The limit of this school of magic is the ability to summon massively powerful spells such as summon a storm of raining fire or cause a literal earthquake.
Illusion - A defensive school of magic that focuses on altering ones self or a foe, a common spell in this school is invisibility, the mage literally cloaks themselves and disappears from sight. Other spells that fall under this school are ones that affect an opponent, spells that cause them to go into a mad frenzy or flee in terror.
Necromancy - A powerful, but evil and illegal school of magic. Necromancy has more destructive potential than any other school but comes at a cost as necromancers are hated and hunted down. Necromancers are able to summon dead men, raise zombies from graves and call ghosts to their aid.
Psionic - Focusing on benching physics to the caster's advantage, psionic spells are also the most entertaining as they can involve flinging your enemy around like a ragdoll. Suspending a foe in the air, then brutally slamming them into the ground is an effective method in this type of magic.
Restoration - A defensive style of magic that focuses on healing one's self or another person, restoration mages can heal wounds, fix broken bones and sow limbs back onto bodies. The summoning of forcefields to protect yourself and others falls under this school of magic as well. It is the most benevolent school of magic, common among those interested in the medical field who are able to use magic.
Shapeshifting - It is exactly as the name states, users of this magic can change their physical form into another living creature. They can turn into a bear, mouse, fish, really any creature, even, rumor has it, dragons which only the most powerful are able to turn into.
1. Esterfell - A small town located to the far northeast with a population of just under 200 people, it lays on the border of the Jagged Peaks mountain range, as such, it is located among the coldest part of the continent. Only the hardiest people live here, many of whom work as miners often sent into the caves in the mountain range. Some of the inhabitants of the town have reported seeing massive figures moving along the mountains, some even speaking of great winged beasts. No evidence has been to back these rumors though.
2. Cafeld - A fishing village several miles below the Orc city, Cafeld is a quiet town home to around 400 people, the town is most well known as where the Scourged War begun. As of today the town is filled with fishermen and farmers, the villagers still wary of the nearby Orcs.
3. Bogkrul - The fabled Orc city which is located deep in the lush jungles of North Sironde. Non Orcs are best to avoid this place as the inhabitants do no approve of outsiders beyond select merchants and rarely invited guests. Roughly sixty thousand Orcs live in the city which is tucked behind imposing wooden fences, the only way inside through a heavily guarded gate. Bogkrul is the only city where slavery still exists, as the Orcs are outside of the dominion's rule due to the peace treaty. It is a brutal town for non Orcs and should be avoided.
4. Wastoces - A medium sized town alongside the western coast, the population consists of a high amount of Elves, though there are humans as well. Wastoces is renowned for its theater and museum which displays the works of some of the best Elf artists alive. .
5. Esminster - The second largest city on Sironde, over three hundred thousand people of every race live within its walls. A dedicated guard force patrols the city night and day, watchful of any criminals. It is well known for its military academy which prepares high ranking soldiers for the future in the massive Sironde military. Esminster is situated next to a large freshwater lake which serves as a source of drinking water. Caravans constantly arrive at the city, delivering food, goods and items.
6. Wawold Tower - The largest military fortress in the land, it is strategically in place near the two largest cities on the island, Sirondius and Estiminster. Wawold Tower has a large harbor which situates hundreds of seafaring vessels, most military, some mercantile. It acquires its name from the massive stone tower which sits near the end of the cliff, from the top of the tower, one can see all over Sironde.
7. Sirondius - The great capital city of Sironde, it is a massive, sprawling city with a population of over five hundred thousand people. The city is famous for its chaotic marketplace where one can purchase nearly anything they desire. The wealth difference is noticeable in this city, like the others, as there is a slums district and a wealthy district in the city. A palace sits on the far western part of the city, this is where the ruling family lives. It is the most heavily guarded building in Sironde, a privileged few allowed inside its walls. Currently, Queen Alessa Orland sits on the throne as a queen regent after he husband, the king, Sulvan Orland died in battle.
8. Sethrop - The third largest city in Sironde, Sethrop sits at the end of a sprawling desert known as the Sirondian Expanse, the city nestled on the coast. Sethrop if notorious for its hot temperature, rain in rare in the area.
9. Windslev Stronghold – It is a prison which contains convicted criminals from all over Sironde. The prison itself is a massive stone building which contains many rooms. The only other building on the island is the guardhouse located next to the prison.
10. Eldon Keep – Another military fortress, conveniently located within a short cruise from the prison island. It is smaller than Wawold Tower, but serves a purpose in taking care of the southern part of the continent.
11. Minas Bara – An Elven city, though the trades routes connect with many of the other cities. It is the fourth largest city in Sironde, filled with a population of mostly elves, though humans are not an uncommon sight in the city. It is renowned for its architecture, beautiful statues and buildings fill the city.
12. Ukan’s Delve – An independent city which is heavily fortified. Ukan’s Delve is not controlled by any of the governments, instead it is an independent, dealing in its own affairs with its own citizens and own problems. It is very well known for being a merchant’s paradise as it contains a massive market and many people looking to buy all types of items.
13. Cabrook – A small town near the center of Sironde, its inhabinets consist of hard working folks, people such as farmers, woodcutters, miners and more. You know you are in Cabrook when you find yourself near the crop fields which seem to last for miles.
14. Heastead – Among the smallest towns in Sironde, it’s only really known for being right near the entrance to the massive underground Dwarven city, Gil Lodahr, which contains hundreds of thousands, possibly millions of dwarves living entirely in the underground. The only people who really live in Headstead are merchants and surfacers that have business in the underground city.
15. Havenfall – A small town built near the ruins of an ancient, abandoned Elven city. The city itself is in some kind of underground, like the Dwarves would live in, but it’s of Elven origin. Researchers still do not know much of the city, and are still exploring it. A large golden gate blocking them off from progressing into the actual city ruins.
Factions:Royal Dominion – The ruling body in Sironde, it is the empire of man, and the current leader is Queen Alessa Orland, a kind widow who lost her husband, the great King Sulvan Orland III eight years ago. Alessa assumed leadership after showing her ability to lead in the past. The Orland family has a long history in Sironde and has ruled the Dominion ever since the first Sulvan Orland came to power as the result of a civil war.
Vanguard of the Dominion – Essentially knights who serve the purpose as highly regarded members of the Dominion. Many serve as soldiers; others as guards of important people and the more veteran ones as valued officials to the ruler(s) of the Dominion.
Elven Republic – The Elves leadership resides in a republic, where the leaders are chosen by the people. The wise elves see this as a superior option to blood right or clans, which the other races follow. The Elves are a proud people, the Republic possessing a strong military force but not quite on the level of the Dominion or Dwarves. They get along well with the Dominion, seeing them as a strong ally.
Dwarven Kingdom – Housed entirely in the massive underground city of Gil Lodahr, the dwarves are ruled by a king and queen, with where you are born being of high importance. The current dwarven king is Thedd Jadehelm, a highly respected man among the dwarves for his tenacity in ruling, not afraid to pick the tough options. His wife is Queen Bebriren Jadehelm. The Kingdom has a massive, fearsome military force that dwarfs every other race’s in sheer size. The Dwarves tend to stay in their own affairs, ignoring surface world problems.
Orc Clanship – The reclusive Orc people live and die by their clan system, which has been in place for as long as they can remember. Clans consist of families, close friends and absorbed smaller clans united together to form a group of like minded people. The most powerful Orcish clans have hundreds of members each fiercely loyal to their clan. Leadership of all of the clans is decided by the ruling clan who established their ruling through defeating the other, more often by a clan war. Clan wars do not happen as often as they seem like they would, if a ruling clan is doing a fine job in their rulings, then the other clans will respect that clan and follow their rule. The current ruling Orc clan is the Skumfang clan, led by Naran Skumfang, a legendary warrior among the Orcs. The Skumfang have ruled for twenty two years.
The Silver Squad – The top mercenaries in all of the land, they are employed by every race’s government, only on the condition that members will not fight each other. Their warriors are some of the best money can buy, if you need an army, then these are the guys you want to pay a visit to, their services do not come cheap though.

The most common of all the races in Sironde, humans are everywhere; they vary in skillsets as well as appearances. They are well known for their adaptability and ability to thrive in the harshest of conditions. Humans are capable with swords, axes, bows, magic and many more forms of war. However, not all humans are capable of using magic, it is about even in the amount that can and cannot. While not as naturally gifted in any of these areas as the other races, humans are essentially jacks of all trades.
Lifespan – On average, humans live to seventy years of age. Rarely do they live over 100 years.
Average size – The average human male stands 5’10, females are typically shorter, averaging at 5’5.
Racial abilities – None, humans lack any natural abilities, they make up for this be being an extremely adaptable race that can become skilled in many areas.
Racial weaknesses – None.

Well known for being beautiful and intelligent, as well as a perceived cockiness. Elves are a common sight in Sironde. Elves are the most naturally gifted mages as well as archers, their artists are some of the best across the world, able to create masterpieces of beauty that are unrivaled among the other races. They are also able to breed with humans, the child being known as a half-elf.
Lifespan – Elves are among the longest lived race, able to live up to a millennium. They stop physically aging at some point in their lives, appearing the human equivilant of their mid 30's, This long life span is both a gift and a curse as elves often see many non Elven friends and lovers die before themselves do.
Average size – Elves are typically slimmer and shorter than humans, the average male and females both 5’7.
Racial abilities – Elves are powerful spell casters, possessing more magical strength than any other race. They are also naturally more agile than humans.
Racial weaknesses – They are not as physically strong as the other races, you will not see elves in heavy armor wielding huge swords. They tend to wear light armor and wield one handed weapons or bows when in battle.

Offspring of a human father and an elven mother, or vice versa, half elves can be found across Sironde. They acquire the best of their parent’s species, an elf’s natural beauty, spell casting, agility and extended lifespan, as well as a human’s adaptability.
Lifespan – Half elves live up to a half millennium, longer than human but shorter than an elf.
Average size – Half elves vary in size, thought they are comparable to humans in height.
Racial abilities – The natural abilities of humans and elves.
Racial weaknesses – None.

The shortest race, though you should never make a short joke around them as they are the toughest race as well. Dwarven warriors are some of the finest in the land, clad in the heaviest of armors and wield weaponry larger than themselves, they fling from enemy to enemy, hacking limbs off with a brutal grace. Their people live underground in massive cities, away from others.
Lifespan – Dwarves can live up to 250 years.
Average size - Both male and females dwarves range from 4'6 to 5'0 in height. They are a stocky people, the non warrior ones often overweight.
Racial abilities – Dwarves are natural warriors, born to wield impressive battleaxes and massive armors.
Dwarven blacksmiths are the best in the land, no one is better at creating a fearsome sword than a dwarf.
Racial weaknesses – Dwarves are magically inept, unable to cast spells of any kind.

A frightening, brutal race with a poor reputation in Sironde, Orcs are among the greatest warriors in the land, fighting until the last enemy drops dead, a charging Orc is the last thing you want to see on a battlefield. Orcs are a rare sight in Sironde except in their city of Bogkrul where there are thousands. Their race is ruled by clans which are everything to an Orc. Their society allows slavery and as a result keeps to themselves, staying out of Sironde matters.
Lifespan – Orcs can live up to 150 years, however almost none of them actually make it that far. Those few Orcs that have lived that long are well respected among their race.
Average size – A muscular, tall race, Orcs on average stand over six feet tall, there being no height difference among genders.
Racial abilities – Orcs are natural warriors, even more so than the dwarves, their the strongest of any race, able to lift up another person like they’re nothing. Orcd are able to channel some kind of ability in battle in which they enter a state of rage, ignoring all pain in favor of destroying the enemy, no matter the cost. In this state, they are even more powerful with a deceptive quickness.
Racial weaknesses – None really, though Orcs that are able to use magic are rare, in part due to a natural scarcity as well a societal dislike of magic, as many Orcs see magic as a cowardly way to battle.
BestiaryEnemies and creatures that may be encountered in the story, or already have been encountered, will be updated as the story progresses. As of now, the bestiary only consists of the basic enemies that travelers are warned of:
Bandits – Scum, plain and simple. They are notorious for stealing, raping and murdering people without reason other than to further themselves. Unfortunatly, bandits are a common sight in Sironde, it is advised to always carry a weapon on you when traveling, as they often prey on weak looking travelers. Expect no mercy from bandits and show them no mercy in return. Bandits typically carry weaker weapons such as simple iron swords and axes, and wear simple armors. Bandit mages are common as well.
Slavers – Somehow worse than bandits, slavers are essentially the same as bandits except even more brutal, and instead of killing people, they take them hostage then sell them to buyers, often orcs.
Spiders – Giant arachnids to be exact, spiders dwell in caves, waiting upon foolish travelers to stumble right into their traps, then drop down from the ceiling and inject their paralyzing venom into their poor victim. It is best to avoid entering caverns unless it is the only option.
Wolves – Roaming packs of wolves are a common sight in the lush forests of Sironde, they tend to remain in the deepest parts of the forests during the day, but at night they come into the open in search of food.
Crocodiles – Living in the lakes, ponds and rivers of Sironde, crocodiles are dangerous creatures that will strike out at anything that comes near them. They like to sit and wait in the shallow waters, their eyes the only part of them above the surface as they wait for their prey, sometimes people to wander down the water, then attack, dragging their victims into the water. Crocodiles in Sironde can reach over twenty feet in length.
Rules:1. No godmodding or Mary Sues. Your characters can be powerful, just not Supermen.
2. Realism isn’t really a focus in this, though physics and reality do matter. If your character is surrounded by fifty enemies and you only have a rock, you probably want to surrender, I don’t want to see a crazy ninja maneuver that puts the Matrix to shame happen.
3. Be respectful of each other on the OOC.
4. Please don’t drop off the face of the Earth after joining, if you’re going to be unable to post, then please post or PM me about it. If we don't hear from you after a week then I have the right to remove your character from the roster.
5. Minimum of two paragraphs per IC post. Quality over quantity if it applies, quantity with quality is even better though.
Also, wait for three other people to post in the IC before you do as this RP is huge.6. Proper grammar is needed, I also prefer you to RP in third person.
7. Swearing is cool. Romance is great as long as it is well done and tasteful, just fade to black any romance stuff past PG-13.
8. My word is law, this doesn't mean I’ll be a dick, I’ll happily take suggestions to better the RP for all involved. I control all enemy actions and reactions as well as the environment.
9. Treat the Co-GM (Redwing), as an extension of myself. When I'm unable to post in the IC, he has the right to move the plot forward as the acting GM.
Character sheet: Post on the OOC.
Name –
Race –
Gender –
Age – (20 – 50 for humans, similar standards for other races)
Appearance – (Description and or picture work, no anime pictures please)
Height –
Weight –
Class – (Think along the lines of D&D and the Elder Scrolls classes)
Skills -
Powers - (Mages only)
Weaponry –
Other equipment - (non weaponry items)
Apparel –
Personality -
Bio –
Accepted characters:Aldred Mermet - Heat
Lucio Freedan - Redwing (Co-GM)
Sutton Sipley - Apokalipse
Sonia Fallows - Munk
Melerindalowen - Pirouette
Lander Mallory (Eldon Harcourt) - JJ_Maxx
Caspian Lee Argo - LokiLeo789
Bregil Lithren - Wildflower
Emilia Alders / Emilia the Healer - Midori
Inactives: (Those who have not been seen in at least a week but didn't formerly leave the RP).