Children of war suffer the most. These are the stories of the children during the Second Wizard War.
Name: Kyle McCarthy
Age: 11
Year: 1
Gender: Male
House: Slytherin
Magical Heritage: Pure blood
Backstory/Personality: Kyle comes from a long line of Slytherin and Pureblood supremacists. His father was a Death Eater during Voldemort's first rise, and has rejoined him again in his second rise. Kyle has been raised to believe blood = status, and he does. He has dreams of one day working for Voldemort. That's a long way off, he has to prove himself first.
Kyle could have easily been in any of the other houses, but ambition and cunning are his primary attributes. His family does 'tricks' on each other each having to be more precisely planned than the last. These tricks are necessarily deadly, but the result of falling for one would hurt and incapacitate someone. Kyle has gotten better at them over the years, but he is no where near as good as his 16 year old sister Maggie. Maggie is on a one way trip to working for Voldemort. She has no greater ambition, but to be one of his generals. She despises Kyle. And even though the rules for the 'tricks' are only supposed to be at home Maggie continues to do it to him at School.
Wand: Rowen, 11 2/5, stiff, threstral hair
Personal items and pets: An owl named Rix
Special Gifts and Abilities: Kyle is exceptional at Dark Arts.
Name: Maggie McCarthy
Age: 16
Year: 6th
House: Slytherin
Magical Heritage: Pureblood
Backstory/Personality: Maggie is brilliant. If she hadn't had such ambitions, even before the Dark Lord's second rise to power, she would have ended up in Ravenclaw. She strives for perfection in all she does. She has hated that mudblood Hermione since they met on the train. Maggie feels like she is always one step behind the mudblood.
She was raised for excellence. Her father had been a Death Eater in the First Wizarding War, and has resumed his place within Voldemort's army. He pulled Maggie aside the Summer after Voldemort returned and told her she was to prove herself. She was to be his heir. Maggie's mother wasn't pleased with that, but she had seen it coming.
Since Maggie had been an infant she cared for nothing, and no one, except what could get her farther in life, and that was only superficial. If Maggie spoke with a psychiatrist she'd probably be diagnosed with a form of psychosis including, but not limited to, delusions, narcissism, paranoia, nihilism and extreme lack of empathy or sympathy. (Cannot remember the actual term for the last one right now.)
Wand: Cherry, Dragon Heart string, 11 inches exactly, unyielding
Personal items/Pets: An owl named Leblos
Special Gifts Abilities: Maggie is also exceptional at the dark arts. She is capable of all three of the unforgivable curses (having done them on spiders). She flourished under "Mad-Eye Moody", and was pleased when she found out the man she had learned so much from was an imposter who was truly a servant of the Dark Lord. Maggie's detachment makes her more than just asexual or emotionally distant from people, though she can put on a good show of liking someone. She is an excellent flyer, but has never played Quidditch for the school.
Name: Kyle McCarthy
Age: 11
Year: 1
Gender: Male
House: Slytherin
Magical Heritage: Pure blood

Backstory/Personality: Kyle comes from a long line of Slytherin and Pureblood supremacists. His father was a Death Eater during Voldemort's first rise, and has rejoined him again in his second rise. Kyle has been raised to believe blood = status, and he does. He has dreams of one day working for Voldemort. That's a long way off, he has to prove himself first.
Kyle could have easily been in any of the other houses, but ambition and cunning are his primary attributes. His family does 'tricks' on each other each having to be more precisely planned than the last. These tricks are necessarily deadly, but the result of falling for one would hurt and incapacitate someone. Kyle has gotten better at them over the years, but he is no where near as good as his 16 year old sister Maggie. Maggie is on a one way trip to working for Voldemort. She has no greater ambition, but to be one of his generals. She despises Kyle. And even though the rules for the 'tricks' are only supposed to be at home Maggie continues to do it to him at School.
Wand: Rowen, 11 2/5, stiff, threstral hair
Personal items and pets: An owl named Rix
Special Gifts and Abilities: Kyle is exceptional at Dark Arts.
Name: Maggie McCarthy
Age: 16
Year: 6th
House: Slytherin
Magical Heritage: Pureblood

Backstory/Personality: Maggie is brilliant. If she hadn't had such ambitions, even before the Dark Lord's second rise to power, she would have ended up in Ravenclaw. She strives for perfection in all she does. She has hated that mudblood Hermione since they met on the train. Maggie feels like she is always one step behind the mudblood.
She was raised for excellence. Her father had been a Death Eater in the First Wizarding War, and has resumed his place within Voldemort's army. He pulled Maggie aside the Summer after Voldemort returned and told her she was to prove herself. She was to be his heir. Maggie's mother wasn't pleased with that, but she had seen it coming.
Since Maggie had been an infant she cared for nothing, and no one, except what could get her farther in life, and that was only superficial. If Maggie spoke with a psychiatrist she'd probably be diagnosed with a form of psychosis including, but not limited to, delusions, narcissism, paranoia, nihilism and extreme lack of empathy or sympathy. (Cannot remember the actual term for the last one right now.)
Wand: Cherry, Dragon Heart string, 11 inches exactly, unyielding
Personal items/Pets: An owl named Leblos
Special Gifts Abilities: Maggie is also exceptional at the dark arts. She is capable of all three of the unforgivable curses (having done them on spiders). She flourished under "Mad-Eye Moody", and was pleased when she found out the man she had learned so much from was an imposter who was truly a servant of the Dark Lord. Maggie's detachment makes her more than just asexual or emotionally distant from people, though she can put on a good show of liking someone. She is an excellent flyer, but has never played Quidditch for the school.