Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Jason Diabolus
Age: 16
Species: Human (More specifically Necromancer)
Gender: Male
Weakness(Must have): Holy Water, Holy Light, His extreme clausterphobia, Extremly bright light, blessed steel, and his unwillingness to let others take a hit for him.
Powers: Necromancy, Shadow Travel, and Dark Matter Manipulation
Personality: Jason is a very... Conflicted individual. He is very protective over those he cares about and will not let any for of harm come to that person. Even to the point of sacrificing himself. On that same note he will throw away the lives of those he doesn't know and deems as an accetpable loss without even batting an eyelash. He is highly intelligent but makes rather dumb decisions part of the time. The boy can be quite cold towards those he doesn't know, and has severe trust issues. However those he knows very well and does trust, know that he is caring, loving, kind, funny, and very loyal. A soft spirited warrior of sorts.
History: Jason was born in... a broken home to say the least. With his father being lucifer himself and his mother unkown, Jason was quite troubled. The fact that he lived in a castle in the middle of hell probably didn't help the matter. His father wasted no time getting straight to beating Jason at every chance he got. His sadistic tendicies ruling. He would also enjoy creating little friends for Jason, though all of them would turn on the boy and try to kill him. Through this Jason learned how to fight, and kill. He put on a tough face as he defied his father for years, his hatred boiling beneath the surface along with his fear. These feelings did not subside after the boy was banished to the mortal world and soon after watched it fall to his father's armies.

Soul Caliber:
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by deadpixel101
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Name: Andreas : 03
Appearance: Andreas is modeled to look human, though some obvious details make that impossible, they can be described as a young aged Caucasian male, with "long" features, though they have neon blue eyes, and patterns with non human symbols across various parts of it's body, it's hair is stark white and up close has an obviously fake ascetic
Age: Technically 203 years old, but has been functioning for only 2 of those years
Powers: Higher then human strength and endurance, resilient to most physical damage, becomes stronger with light, is able to push a holy energy from it's palms and feet, has holy laser vision (only strong enough to harm when there is a light source nearby)
Weakness (Must have): Weak to powerful electric shocks, demonic energy counters him if it is applied to it's energy source, cannot take damage to back of head, logic loops
Weapons: Uses hands and abilities
History: The third prototype made to help aid the angels in fighting back against the devil, it was made long ago in hopes that they could make many more at a later time but for some reason the project was disbanded, it seems that humans played a part in it's creation and it does not know anything about it's own past other then that it had a "sister" who was the second prototype
Personality: Nearly emotionless, willing to serve any angel or human, seems rude at times but has only good intentions, struggles often with identity, does not have a sense of self worth so, is naturally selfless
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

(They are both the same person.)

Angel side- Layla Burehc
Demon side- Lilith Burehc


- Her angel side can heal and control the elements water and light.
- Her demon side can control the shadows and control the element fire.
- Flight for both of them
- Lilith is very strong and can take control of weak minds(mainly humans)
- Telepathy for Layla

~Weakness(Must have)~
Her demon side tends to take over very easily. She also gets major headaches and she sometimes bleeds from her nose whenever she uses her power no matter what form she is in and if she is in her angel form too much darkness weakens her and if she is in her demon form too much light weakens her. And when she heals it drains her strength. She also can't heal herself.



If either of them touch each others weapons they will be burned by the weapon because it is fighting the enemy aura.

Her personality varies depending on which side she currently is. Her angel side is kind, caring, sweet, loyal, quiet, slightly oblivious at times. Her demon side is cold, easy to anger, calculative, manipulative, uncaring, sarcastic, and sometimes just plain mean. Her demon side will do anything to it takes to win.

Born from the union between an angel and demon, Layla/Lilith are not just separate species, they are separate souls, both with different appearances inhabiting the same body. They are able to each take control of the body, the form shifting to their appearance.

They are able to communicate telepathically with each other as well as if one has control of the body, the other can still control small parts as well as speak. Seeing as they were apart of both species, the two refused to pick a side but when Lucifer took over and killed their parents for creating such an abomination, they made up their mind and quickly joined the resistance.

They are still viewed as a freak to other angels and demons, the two species unable to accept that a demon and angel bother reside in one body. It's unnatural to them and therefore the "sisters" are outcasts.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by -Tr4nce-


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Name: Sean
Apperance: 5'9" tall boy with little muscles on his body and a mysterious scar mark on his back.
Age: 18
Skills: Speed/agility , manupulating energies and little future forecasting
Fatal Flaw: Emotions of others
Weapons: Golden dragon sword and a Glock
History: Sean has been brainwashed anytimes and used as a assassin to do task which others can't, Because of that, he doesn't remmember anything from past.
Personality: Sean doesn't like to talk much but, he understand and judge peoples by their heart. He is very weak when it comes to true emotions of others
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Only post yout CS here after its been accepted. Clearly says that in OOC
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Also, I'm gonna need alot more development of that character and a bit of toning down of the powers. If you can't give me more development then I can't trust that your maniuplation of energies will not get exretmely OP
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Casterlyrock
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Name: Mantis
Age: 22
Powers: Deception and Illusion magics "'I have no master other than those I choose"
Weakness (Must have): his ego is Mantis' biggest downfall, often taking his foes to lightly because he will always see himself as the better man, is also known to talk to much in battle foes have used this keeping him talking while they get their second win, or to learn of his plans.
The Eye of Tyr: The Eye of Tyr, named for Týr the Norse god of combat and war, has often been mentioned in ancient Viking manuscripts. Long thought to be simply a legend of mythology, the Eye, whose exact origins are still unknown, was believed to give unique powers to only those who possessed it. These powers, said to have been given as a gift from Tyr himself.

History: Mantis was one a regular man, until during the opening days of this hell on earth he was running from a battle, fleeing his post as just a regular resistance grunt, then an explosion....when he woke up from falling down a casam from the blast, he found The Eye of Tyr, when he placed his hand on the artifact he was imbued with the power to deceive and cast illusions. he decided that the man he was before he found the eye was dead, put on a mask as his new face and renamed himself Mantis.

Personality: Devious but loyal to those loyal to him, anyone from outside his circle he will be friendly to pouring his honeyed words into their ears to further his own goals then if they are no long any use, he casts them aside.
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