this going to happen or are we just wasting our time?
LeeRoy said
Oh, sweet.And just after I'm no longer in excruciating pain due to a tooth extraction, I'll be sure to get my post up.So either by midnight or tomorrow morning.
Name: Infinity Express
Size: 160x6
Properties: Incredibly high speeds, the battlefield can change at any moment by going through one of the many tunnels, woodlands or over one bridge or another.
• The train goes through these areas: (in random order.)
- City
- Forest
- Bridge (over chasm)
- Bridge (over water)
- Tunnel (small)
- Tunnel (long)
- Village
- Farm
- Airport
- Harbor
• High air velocity, due to high speeds.
• Random events and a the area of battlefield is dynamic.
Player Capacity: More of a 1 v 1 battlefield.
LeeRoy said
Alright, I've made my first post. I'm gonna wait until you two meet eachother and then Shin's going to hop onto the train.
notdeadyet said
It was about 2am when it started. Experiment 666 aka Jynxs stepped onto the infinity express as it departed from the Airport stop. The high pitched squeek of the brakes confirmed it was time for him to get on. Nobody was on that night, so Jynxs sat alone at the very back of the train. As always, a thick fog began to roll in, surrounding and eventually filling the train, bringing with it the stench of mold, and a 40 degree farenheit chill.."
notdeadyet said
A few moments after conversing with Nyagna, the train began lurching to a slow stop. "60 seconds until the doors open" Jynxs stated to himself, knowing full well that trains took way too long to stop. He covered one side of his face ad began a charge in his eyes.Jynxs was sitting in the 3rd of the 6 cars that made up the train, so the new passenger might get on from either side, and Jynxs might even have to hunt them down.
Skallagrim said
I did notice a discrepancy in Notdeadyet’s post regarding Jynxs position on the train. In the first post Jynxs is at the very back of the train, in the next post he is in the third car. There is no evidence of movement from the first post to the second post to account for Jynxs going from the back to the middle car.It is important to keep spatial relationships in mind when posting because it can throw off someone's actions.If we allow our characters to see one another thus, allowing LeeRoy a skipped posting, we can meet as you move through the train in the middle car.
notdeadyet said
My apologies. I thought I had moved. Ill correct that when i get off work.