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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eddieddi
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eddieddi The World Builder.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

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It all started with the dreams, Strange dreams, Dreams of soaring high above everything, Though not under your own power. Seemingly seated on something, Though you could never look down. though That was never how the dreams started. The dreams always were the same at the beginning. Walking up a seemingly endless hill at a impossibly steep angle for a goal that was never quite clear. autumnal leaves billowing down from the trees in a constant rain. Both Forever, and only a few minutes later, reaching the summit of the impossible hill, looking back the road now resolved itself in to a cobble street. Then, and only then, could you fly. Soaring up and away from the city, looking back to see that it rested, not on the ground, but in the sky, high above all else, nestled between two mountains and under a huge stone arch. Up and in to the mists of the huge cliffs you would soar. to the tallest one, one that reached so high even snow did not form on its peak. Something always happened there, something you could never remember, but it was something vitally important. then about you would go, flying down back past the sky city, now full of cheering faces onwards out over the ashen plains of whatever this world was. ending up over a dark and desolate place, a long since lost city, no fires burnt anywhere, not even the fires of war, No lives, not even those of the rats. Just black stone buildings, some toppled, some still standing, looking like rotten teeth of a leering skull, this place was evil, there was, of that, no doubt. but some implacable force drove you onwards, a goal that seemed to be greater than anything else. Then suddenly a huge black shape, or was it shadow given substance? would erupt from the darkest of buildings, in that terrible city, a shattered cathedral. and you knew it was coming for you......
*Peeeeeeeep* *Peeeeeeeep* Good Morning Sleepy Head! You're alarm's been ringing for half an hour now! Suddenly you awake, in bed, at home. with your mother opening the curtains, The light a welcome sight after the dark ending to that....Dream(?)

A mad rush to get to school, since you woke up late, and your in class with all your friends, and one of them is going on about a really weird dream they had. "Yeah, it was like I was flying on the back of something, Though I couldn't look down. then I was carried up in to these HUGE, and I mean huge, like bigger than everest huge, mountains. then I can't remember much for a bit...." It sounds all to familiar. Then another chimes in. "So then you flew back down huh?"
"Yeah, How did you know that?"
"because I had the same dream." And suddenly the entire group erupts in to a chatter about how EVERYONE has had the same dream, not just this night, but for several nights running. always the same, always flying, always ending with that terrible evil presence and the ruined city. The day is taken up with everyone theorising over how they shared the dream, what it could mean, all sorts. At the end of the day, everyone goes to their afterschool clubs, and then heads home. a few (such as the occult research club member) discuss it at their club. Not much comes of it. the weekend comes and goes, the dream however, continues. for everyone. Eventually 2 weeks after the first discussion one of friends suggests you get together and see if you can pull a allnighter together, just to see the effects it'll have on the dream, If NO ONE has it, surely it'll change right?

So. that friday everyone goes round his house. and settles down for a long night. some reading, some gaming, some eating, One of the girls is even doing her homework. everyone is watching the clock. no one wants to sleep. the dream has gone from 'cool coincidence' through 'unsettlingly strange' to ' Utterly creepy and disturbing' but. sorry to say, It doesn't end there. Midnight comes, and goes, and everyone seems to let out a breath they were holding, Though, 1 hour, 23 minutes, and 4 seconds later. on the dot. everyone seems to pass out, As one, everyone sees everyone else starting to slump, just as they begin to pass out. and all anyone can think is "Not the dream again.... Please Not again." This time however. It isn't a dream, Nor do you wake up at the base of the hill. This time, It's much, much worse.

Welcome, To Avalon.

Where you wake up, will be discussed in the first IC post! However, For now, I will explain how CS's are created. CS's are going to be done in 2 parts, The first part is you. your character sorry to say to all you fantasy junkies out there while this world has dwarfs, elves, drow, halflings, goblins, kobolds, vampires, werewolves, and meany more. Everyone is human. Aged 16 through to 20 (Note, If you are 20, remember this is only 1 year byond 19, and only 4 from 16, I would rather avoid having someone play the obligatory 20 year old acting 35 year old. You are still all collage students, and all close friends). Oh and I'll go over rules!

No Godmod, no OP, No Meta-game, No powerplay, No flaming, No trolling, Ect. Ect, standard stuff.
All satchels/backpacks/pockets have a limited amount of space, and when gained, are empty unless otherwise stated, (no pulling rope out of the empty bag when you're down a hole!)
No killing Other players.
If you're going to have a rage, Take it to PM's,
This is High Free, avoid multi-posting and 1 liners, (3 lines/5 sentences minimum).
Enjoy yourself.

Notes about Avalon;
There is no Cell reception.
There is No internet.
There is no Electricity (With 2 exceptions, dragons breath, and lightning)
There are no firearms.
Alchemy works.
Magic Exists.
Witches aren't always evil.
Undead are always evil (With a few key exceptions)

CS building;
CS's will be built in two stages, You fill out stage 1, Then Pick a Egg and a weapon, and I tell you what you need to start on Stage 2.

Delete anything in brackets, its just information/extra instructions to you when filling it out.

Stage 1;
Apperance; (Images In hiders please)
History; (Try and avoid Cliche orphan/never knew their parents stories 5 sentences or more please)
Personality; (5 sentences plus again, If you're struggling just put down 3 positive traits and 2 negative ones)
What they were doing when they passed out:

Stage 2;
Dragon Egg; (Chose from below,)
Dragon Type; (I will tell you)
Dragon Appearance; (You can find, put it In spoilers, Fully grown)
Dragon Name; (Up to you)
Dragon Personality; (Up to you)

Weapon Chosen; (Pick from list below)
Weapon Image; (you can find yourself)
Power Granted; (I will Tell you)
Power Cost/Requirement; (I will Tell you)

I will Mark which Eggs/Weapons are Chosen.

If all the Eggs get taken, Or you want a specific egg, Feel free to go hunt for one and show it to me. I will make a call on weather Its accepted or not, and what type of dragon it is (I'm not having people make up their own dragons, for balance reasons)

My CS will be up soon(ish) I have already taken my choices off the list, to stop confusion!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Stage One

Name: Isabella Roma.

Gender: Female.

Age: 17.

Personality: Feisty. Creative. Open Minded. Sarcastic. Humorous. Loyal. Aggressive.

History: "When you grow up Isabella, what do you want to be?" The question came across her mother's lips like any concerned parent. "A turtle." the young girl replied, her big, bright eyes gleaming with joy. "You can't be a turtle Isabella, that is impossible." her mother discouraged, shaking her head. "Nothing is impossible. I'm going to be a turtle" Isa replied, determined to show her mother what life was really about.

Fast forward 10 years, 5 schools, 8 homes, and 7 stepfathers later, Isabella had not become a turtle, but she did escape her shell. Growing up Isabella was an easy going kid, her father hadn't been in her life much but he seemed like an okay guy when he was around. Her mother had always been there, working hard, trying to do what seemed like the best for herself, and sometimes Isabella. The constant moving wasn't very helpful for the young girl's growth, but hey- if it pays the bills, it pays the bills.

Isa found refuge in her artwork, drawing, photography, painting, the works. It was in her art she could be anything, she could create anything.

On the eve of her 15th birthday her mother announced she had fallen in love once again, and that they were to be moving, as to be closer to the man's work. "Great." Isabella spat out, packing up her belongings once again. "Isabella, I promise this will be the last time. I promise." her mother assured her, her petite frame barely taking up the door way of Isa's empty room. "Mmmhmm." she mumbled. It was the last time every time.

Sitting in the new room of the unfamiliar house that belonged to an unfamiliar man, Isa held a stale cupcake to her lips. "Happy Birthday to me." she sighed, taking a bite. Closing her eyes she wished this year would be different, that this year wouldn't be another repeat of the last. Eating the rest of the cupcake, she paged through the informational brochure of the town. "Maybe this won't be so bad after all."

Isabella had made friends with the group she was with now, slowly but surely. Once she did become friends with them, she was one of the most supportive friends you could have. By your side the minute the phone rang or received a text. You could always count on Isa, cause she knew what it was like to not have someone to count on. She personally believes the dreams were brought on by the amount of games, movies, and other dumb stuff the teens were involved in, but she would be very quickly proven wrong.

What they were doing when they passed out: Isabella was watching some of her friends play video games while pigging out on some of the snack foods when she passed out in front of the couch, resting on the back of the legs of the person behind her.
Stage Two

Dragon Type: Forest

Dragon Appearance:
Dragon Name: Cypress (Cupressus)

Dragon Personality: Cypress is very skittish and quick to either hide or flee. He doesn't take too kindly to aggressive people, and requires lots of trust to be able to fully commit. Gentle, but dangerous. Corrosive toxin as his ultimate weapon, his spit sears through most materials slowly and painfully.
Weapon Chosen: Axe

Weapon Image:
Power Granted: Fire Manipulation

Power Requirement: There has to be a fire near by. Isabella has to be angry/upset at current events going on.

Power Cost: Every time she uses it her hair will change to a vast difference of colors.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eddieddi
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eddieddi The World Builder.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Dragon Type; Forest.
This dragon is intune with nature itself, often mistaken for part of the forest. or jungle it lives in, Its breath isn't fire, but a highly corrosive toxin.

The weapon of the Norse, The Viking, and The Berzerker.
Power granted; Fire Manipulation (Not Creation!)
Cost/Requirements; There has to be a fire Near by. And Isabella Has to be Angry/Upset at current events. Cost; Every time she uses it her hair will change colour. (Not so big of a deal you think? Just you wait). Not just normal colours, but any colour under the sun, From bog standard black hair, To bubblegum pink with lime green highlights!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

eddieddi said
Crunch;Dragon Type; Forest.This dragon is intune with nature itself, often mistaken for part of the forest. or jungle it lives in, Its breath isn't fire, but a highly corrosive toxin.Axe;The weapon of the Norse, The Viking, and The Berzerker.Power granted; Fire Manipulation (Not Creation!)Cost/Requirements; There has to be a fire Near by. And Isabella Has to be Angry/Upset at current events. Cost; Every time she uses it her hair will change colour. (Not so big of a deal you think? Just you wait). Not just normal colours, but any colour under the sun, From bog standard black hair, To bubblegum pink with lime green highlights!

Too. Freaking. Gnarly.
Will start editing in my CS right now!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JohnnyBoi

JohnnyBoi ...

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Alex Price
Age: 17
Gender: Male
History: Alex was 7 when he moved with his mother who got a divorce with his father and Alex would just listen to music. He loved music ever since his mother would play her instruments like the trumpet and flute. So when Alex got his first music player he would listen to it when he felt like he need to clear his mind on things. Then his father disappeared one day after the divorce and Alex didn't know what he will do without talking to his dad. Because Alex thought his father would understand anything he would tell him and loved him for listening to his issues. Then when Alex got to his house he'll be living in with his mother, he met many new friends and grew up there with them and still no letters or calls from his lost father.
Personality: Alex tends to hide his real emotions behind a big smile and doesn't like talking about it to his mom. He also loves to chat and be social with friends that are usually around him most of the time. He is also athletic and loves the sport soccer, and the most important part of his personality is that he loves music. What ever kind of music he listens to seems to give him more energy and pumps him up for anything. If Alex is feeling sad, mad, angry, or just plain bored he would listen to his music and forget about whatever he was emotional about.
What he was doing when he passed out: Alex was listening to rock music hoping it would keep him awake when suddenly in the middle of a song it stopped and played a soothing melody and went to sleep.

Dragon Egg: The second last blue egg
Dragon Type: Frost-This dragon lives far to the north, its scales chill to the touch, Its breath even colder, it breaths a gale of absolute zero. freezing the air itself.
Dragon Appearance:
Dragon Name: Alden
Dragon Personality: Alden loves melodies just like Alex and loves being friendly with any other dragon or animal. Alden, like Alex, hides his emotions behind his prideful and mean looking expression. But he also loves spending time with what Alex has to say about his life and issues alone but together.

Weapon: One-Handed Short Sword
Weapon Image:
Power Granted: Earth Manipulation, ON a lower scale. the largest object he can move, is about 1m across, maximum, the fastest he can move it is as fast as he can sprint. However, he can shape it to your will.
Power Requirement: He must be standing on solid ground, He must humm/whistle a melody every time he uses the skill.
Power Cost: Each time he uses it, his eye changes colour (One eye, then the other, Random colours, any colour under the sun, Never matching)

Done. Tell me if I need to adjust anything.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eddieddi
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eddieddi The World Builder.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Cap, Please be aware, you dragon HAS to be able to fly. mainly because. well guess who you were riding on in the dream?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eddieddi
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eddieddi The World Builder.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name; Alexander Blake
Age; 18

History; The universal refrain of "what happened this time?" Seems to follow Alexander like a curse. While not one to actively persuse causing trouble, He's universally the one capable of getting out of it. Which often makes him accomplice to most of the mischief the group gets up to. He grew up with his family. The middle of three brothers, his older brother always got him to do chores, the younger brother always blamed things on him. So he very quickly learnt how to get out of trouble, Over time his eldest brother moved out, making him the 'older brother' though while it came with perks, He didn't really enjoy it too much. Preferring to spend his time with his friends.
Personality; Alexander is both quiet and talkative. when faced with something unexpected, he tends to stay quiet and only comment when he feels he can make a difference. However when in a comfortable situation with friends, He will chatter away quite happily about all sorts of things. As the aide in many of the groups 'adventures' he's quite fond of any plan that involves deception, distraction, or any such duplicitous means. Though he is comfortable in most planned out situations. He also has a addiction to sweet foods,
What they were doing when they passed out: sitting on the sofa Reading.

Stage 2;
Dragon Egg;

Dragon Type; Steel Storm
Dragon Appearance;

Dragon Name; Nova
Dragon Personality; Nova is quite a prickly dragon, Rather sharp to anyone who isn't another dragon, or his riders friend. Even then he'll still give them a earful if they manage to tic him off. On the upshot of it all He is very protective of anyone he considered a friend.

Weapon Chosen; Battle Mace
Weapon Image;

Power Granted; Shockwave Generation.
Power Cost/Requirement; He must be in air/water, He must be able to move a part of his body (Hand/foot). Each time he generates a shockwave another bruise appears on a random part of him (Small 2pence sized, lasts 1 and a half weeks)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by caliban22
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caliban22 King of the badgers

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Can I claim A weapon And egg then Add my cs later? Cause i'm kind of busy...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eddieddi
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eddieddi The World Builder.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

GamingOwl said
What he was doing when he passed out: Alex was listening to rock music hoping it would keep him awake when suddenly in the middle of a song it stopped and played a soothing melody and went to sleep.
There was no Melody, it was just spontaneous. Which is why its so freeky.
Dragon Egg: The second last blue egg
(Image please, for everyone else)

Dragon Type;Frost
This dragon lives far to the north, its scales chill to the touch, Its breath even colder, it breaths a gale of absolute zero. freezing the air itself.

The shortsword, The weapon of choice by the romans, efficient and brutal. Powers;
Earth Manipulation, ON a lower scale. the largest object you can move, is about 1m across, maximum, the fastest you can move it is as fast as you can sprint. However, you can shape it to your will.
Requirements; You must be standing on solid ground, You must humm/whistle a melody every time you use the skill.
Cost; Each time you use it, Your eye changes colour (One eye, then the other, Random colours, any colour under the sun, Never matching)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eddieddi
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eddieddi The World Builder.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

caliban22 said
Can I claim A weapon And egg then Add my cs later? Cause i'm kind of busy...

I'd rather you not. but don't worry, I don't think your egg/weapon of choice will be snapped up all that fast.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by caliban22
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caliban22 King of the badgers

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I hope not. Else I would be pretty bummed... either yeah Should have it up later tonight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grey
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Question: Can I do bow instead of any of the weapons up there?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eddieddi
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eddieddi The World Builder.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Grey said
Question: Can I do bow instead of any of the weapons up there?

Yes, Yes you can. I didn't put any ammo based weapons up because otherwise we'd have "running out of arrows" problem, Unless I took up your power with some ammo generating ability. but as you can see I'd rather give people some fun stuff to mess with.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grey
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Well, making arrows out of elements or something is always fun. I'll get to work in a bit.

...Or regular arrows all alchemized. Since alchemy exists. Who says powers even need to supplement the weapon anyway?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eddieddi
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eddieddi The World Builder.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Grey said
Well, making arrows out of elements or something is always fun. I'll get to work in a bit....Or regular arrows all alchemized. Since alchemy exists.

I'm allready working on a solution. You just get your CS up and I'll handle the rest!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by caliban22
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caliban22 King of the badgers

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Question: can I dual wield smaller weapons like short swords,daggers?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eddieddi
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eddieddi The World Builder.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

caliban22 said
Question: can I dual wield smaller weapons like short swords,daggers?

Yup. hence why 'daggers' was plural. Though Short sword is taken.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

eddieddi said
Cap, Please be aware, you dragon HAS to be able to fly. mainly because. well guess who you were riding on in the dream?

Noted (:
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sheepy
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Sheepy Side Character S

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Stage 1:
Name: Mari Arlene
Age: 17
History: 17 years, that was how long Mari had lived in the same small house at the back of her neighborhood. During the summers, the house was sweltering hot and the wooden boards seemed to turn more ashen gray with each year. During the winters, the cold seemed to radiating from every wall. Her family was too poor to afford the luxuries of an air conditioning and heating system, much less any other electronics or opulent items. Despite her obvious lack of lavish luxuries, Mari did not care much. Sure it felt a little bit disheartening when she compared her own clothing and items to others, but those thoughts had melted away years ago, as the pained expression of her saddened parents stabbed her even more. Mari was rarely teased for her lack of the latest and greatest fashion and technology, thank goodness, and was even able to make a couple of loyal friends.

With just these simple things, Mari lived comfortably. She studied hard both in and out of school with the goal of getting a full ride into a prestigious college. She had learned that the only way to escape her impoverished lifestyle was to make it big on her own. It was the only way she could help her family financially. Mari worked day in and out, often cutting short on sleep and meals, but her friends tried to keep her in line. They made sure she ate from time to time. However, it was all for not. Despite her grades, it was not enough to get Mari anywhere big. She lacked extracurricular activities and community service. Those two key factors crushed her. Picking up her broken pieces, she settled for a local college that had offer to give her scholarship, landing her back in the same small house with her closest friends and setting her up for the unimaginable.

Personality; Mari is reserved, to say in the least. She prefers to avoid social interaction if possible and usually dismisses it when she deems topics uninteresting or irrelevant. It is amazing that she even has friends. However, once passed her icy exterior, it is evident that she is in fact quite a caring and loyal person who only wishes the best for others and especially her family. Mari is a very studious girl who exudes perseverance and determination to the point that it is probably unhealthy. She has given up many a nights sleep to accomplish assignments for classes and often forks over her mealtimes in exchange for working. Although, her teachers and peers often admit that her work and work ethic is flawless. Her projects and products are always pristine and close to perfect, if not.

What they were doing when they passed out: Homework, homework, and did I forget to mention homework? Mari had no intention of joining in with the obscene festivities of staying up late at night with peers from her school, but she had to admit that she was indeed curious about the strange recurring dream. She was going to stay up late anyway, finishing her countless mounds of course assignments, so she reluctantly allowed her best friend to drag her to this silly get-together. She was sitting at the kitchen table with all of her books and homework sprawled everywhere when they passed out.

Stage 2:
Dragon Egg:
Dragon Type: Chimera Dragon - These dragons are unusual at the best of times lacking their own defining breath attack they make do by Hijacking others, while only ever at half power of the original, the Chimeral dragon has the rare skill of using 2 different breaths one after another. Chimera dragons also have the strange ability to change their scale colour, Not like a chameleon, but more like a general tone change, Eg. from red to blue. Starts off with 1 fire breath and 1 frost breath.
Dragon Appearance:
Dragon Name: Ji
Dragon Personality: Exceptionally capricious, Ji requires lots of patience and tolerance. He switches personality traits with each of his acquired skills. With fire, he acts passionately and violently, making each of his movements forceful yet often over exaggerated; this leaves him vulnerable in-between attacks. With ice, he acts cold and distant to his companion and other dragons; this makes him more stubborn and unwilling to attack and listen to reason.

Weapon Chosen: Katana, The blade of the Samurai, representing Honour and Integrity.
Weapon Image:
Power Granted: Bamboo blade, Mari can pick up any stick and for a while (5 minutes) it will become a normal weapon,
LImitations: The stick must be dead, and she cannot break it off a plant. others can do that for her. Once the time is up, the weapon shatters, before turning in to sawdust.
Power Cost/Requirement: Each use Randomizes her ear piercings. Turning them in to random earrings/studs each use. The shift is non-painful, and they will never be bigger than the actual hole.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Quick questions-
1) Would you prefer me to use an anime photo? It seems as others have.
2) If my weapon requires fire near by and my anger- does that mean I have to very quickly build a fire? o_o
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