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gowia Buried in a Book

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The First Spring
The winter snows have passed, crops are now being sowed and the pastures are filled with the young of baby livestock. It has been a good winter and nowhere has suffered more than was prepared for. And coming with the spring is more than just rays of sunshine. News. News of a new world has filtered to the courts around the continent. Already cartographers are delivering maps to their respective ruler/s to inform them of a new world only just discovered. The shape is known but nothing else. The climate, resources and whether or not it is inhabited is still completely unknown. Whilst this has been the biggest news there is other news arriving in the courts. In the Iria Queendom the revolt continues. In a response to recent religious clashes the clergy have roused whole communities into uproar. Gangs of zealots roam the countryside lynching those they deem ‘inferior’. Meanwhile the other religious groups have responded by bombing and assaulting the factories and markets of the Queendom. Whilst the police believed they could handle this at first a number of small armies are rising up and there are worries that a full battle could appear rather than the roaming death squads that are common. In further news in The Holy Kingdom of Mors Et Stercore strikes are taking place to try and eliminate child labour in the nation. This is swiped away as a terrible idea by the aristocracy of The Holy Kingdom of Mors Et Stercore. I other news The Grand Duchy of Argentaurumia the Duchy Isolationist Party, or DIP, are taking to the streets in open defiance of the state as they demand that all foreign culture be removed from their nation. Supporters were heard chanting comments such as ‘Death to the alien!’ during the march and the marches are expected to interfere with all kind of infrastructure as well as factories. And finally a truce between Dkkan and Futtan has broken down as two scouts fired shots in the DMZ. The truce was created in hopes that a permanent solution could be found however after a small skirmish both nations claim the other broke the truce and now the DMZ is being remilitarised by both sides in an attempt to push the other out. Bombardment has begin in both nations.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED264297


Banned Seen 1 mo ago

Primus, the Palace Grounds
"Stand Strong and remain on Guard!
Do not let the Rhine fall!
Glory to the Kaiser!
Glory to Lancia!
Glory to the Empire!

The anthem of Lancia, its patriotic tone striking cords in the hearts of the Lancian people, sung out across the grounds, the recruits marching forth as many civilians had come to see the march. It was traditional for all new recruits to come to Primus and sing the anthem before they were shipped off to wherever they were needed. The Kaiser Gabriel stood on the balcony of the mighty palace, over-looking the marching recruits and the cheering Lancians. Not just a Lancian citizen, but those of the blood of Lancia. The mighty people had built a Grand Empire in their name. When the recruits finished their march they stood and faced the Kaiser, as did all of the civilians. His imposing figure inspiring bravery in his friend and allies, and fear into his enemies. He opened his mouth, as his voice boomed across the crowds.

"My people, today we stand proud and powerful. This Empire has prospered for many years on end, growing and expanding like never before. From Iberia in the south, to Molanska and Venito, Bitola, and of course us in the North, we are huge. However once we were bigger, there used to be 6 realms instead of 5. I come to you with a promise my people, that I will regain our rightful territory. Already our forces have begun moving towards Nutr to reclaim our lands. They are in a state of war with themselves, I have no doubt that this conflict will be over quickly and easily. And while I cannot reveal the expenses of the Empire yet I assure you my people that the funds have been redirected to where they are needed. And with news of the new world I shall prepare a fleet immediately, and as repayment to the cartographers guild for their contribution I have sent them 100 of Lancia's finest muskets. Glory to the Empire!" shouted the Kaiser, finishing his speech as the soldiers saluted him and the civilians roared with applause.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED264297


Banned Seen 1 mo ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 23 days ago

Colonial fleets
After paying handsomely (100 thousand) for the map, the Empire of Corustaria has began to load her colonial fleets and launched them to the new world.
Fleet one, Red:
To establish two colonies, one on either side of the straits. Carrying 1500 colonists, 1 million coins, farming tools, building materials, seeds, live stock etc and enough food to last 12 months, with 500 recruits, aboard 1 ship of the line, a frigate and three barques. All ships except one barque is to return.
Fleet 2, blue. Carrying 400 colonists, 100 thousand coins, farming tools, building materials, seeds, live stock etc and enough food to last 12 months, with 100 recruits, aboard two brigs. All ships to return home.
Fleet 3, purple. Carrying 600 colonists, 100 thousand coins, farming tools, building materials, seeds, live stock etc and enough food to last 12 months, with 200 recruits, aboard two brigs and a galley. All ships to return home.
Fleet four, pink. Carrying 800 colonists, 100 thousand coins, farming tools, building materials, seeds, live stock etc and enough food to last 12 months, with 300 recruits, aboard two brigs and a frigate. Both brigs to return home, frigate to remain in the colonies

Legislation passed through parliament!
Companies act 1700;
Amending the companies act 1687, the parliament of the Empire of Corustaria hereby decrees that the Empire Trading Company will be permitted to raise an armed forces of up to 75% of the size of the Empire of Corustaria's army, and a navy 50% of the size of Corustaria's navy, with a maximum of 50% of the tonnage. The Empore trading company will receive the authority to create and administer colonies in the name of the crown as they desire, and to employ privateers against any nation barring Corustaria and her allies. By mutual agreement, this act will be sealed with a grant of £4 billion to the Empire Trading Company.

Taking advantage of the market...
Given the instability of Argentaurumia, the Corustarian government has set a fund of 5 billion aside and is investing it into buying Argentaurumia businesses, property and land on the cheap due to the crumbling stability. They are hoping to profit off the fears of fleeing immigrants who are terrified of the Lynch mob that is the DIP

Brewing Irian Civil War
The Corustarian government has offered displaces Irian citizens an agreement. If they will turn over the deeds to their lands which have now been stolen by the zealots to Corustaria, Corustaria will offer them asylum from the storm that is brewing and grant them residency within Corustaria. The message is being spread by groups of messengers who have been dispatched across to the Iria Queendom and has officially been decreed as "An act of humanitarianism". The governments hope is that these asylum seekers will assimilate into Corustarian society, bolstering the work force and military pool as a result.

Proposition of trade...
Proposals for trade agreements are dispatched to the Holy Kingdom of Mors Et Stercore, United Vanjanan Empire, the Empire of Lancia and the Iria Queendom. As the center point of the sea between these nations, Corustaria is hoping to establish its self as a trade hub, and to profit accordingly.

Nutr Crisis

The Corustarian government were split on whether to support Lancia's claim, so Her Majesty stepped into cast the deciding vote and has decide see to support Lancia's claim, though only to the lands formerly controlled by Lancia.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by a00000000000
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The Sensei Overlord has decided Asghard's future course of actions. Upon hearing the tale of anew land, with prosperity abroad, he quickly managed a small amount of ships with a large amount of colonistsand enough supplies to build a settlement. As he officially prepared ships, fleet and letters, a knock rang his door. "Come in." he said with a large voice, as the doors were both elegant yet thick. "Sensei Overlord, word spread about you taking action on the new land amon the castle. Is it true?" This was the current Sensei Overlord's second cousin. He particulary disliked him, but he would never disrespect him like that. "Truth. I plan on sending a fleet with colonists and supplies as soon as possible. What need you be?" he said. "Well, Sensei, other countries have also began sending fleets to colonize, as we've been told." he thought for a moment. "Have a letter sent to the other colonizing Nations, that," his cousin began writing down what the Sensei Overlord desired. "'We've been notified of your Nation preparing and/or sending fleets to colonize the New Land. We wish for peace, and we wish to not be involved in skirmishes over territory. We are also interested in Economic possibilites. Respond as you wish.'" his cousin had written that down and took it down to the lower levels of the castle to be sent. The Sensei overlord sniffled, as he had a bit of a cold, but nothing that would stop him from his duties.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Iluvatar
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Iluvatar The British

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Duke Dominas swept his eyes across the Sapientian fjord, taking in its fresh, wild beauty. The light of the noon sun glistened on the blue water, turning its surface into a sheet of pure aquamarine. From his balcony atop the walls of the palace, he could see the whole of the capital city of Sapientia. Harsh, grey mountains to the left and right walled in the populous and wealthy settlement - indeed, they were the source of its prosperity, forming a natural harbour of calm away from the wild waves of the western sea. The city itself was white, but dotted with an array of colours and shades, many exotic goods or foods, brought there from afar.

With great reluctance, he turned away from the scene and re-entered his study from the outside ledge, biting back a snide remark that threatened to tumble from his lips. With the minister of cartography present, such an outburst could cost him his chances in the New World.

"So, you say a new landmass has been discovered to the east?" he asked.
"Indeed, your Grace. The Cartographers' Guild discovered but a short time ago." the minister replied. "We believe that it is in your interests to exploit this new realm."
The Duke adjusted his position slightly, leaning from his left to his right.
"Indeed, it is very much in my interests. But what of the DIP?" He turned aside and threw a cupboard door open. With a spiteful tug, he extricated a sheaf of papers from the top shelf and cast them onto the desk, in front of the seated visitor. "This is a report I received only yesterday. In it, I find that this new, isolationist movement has struck again, at Mercatura this time. A whole pier, burned to ashes! Two tons of southern goods lost to either the flames or to the Sea." With a defeated sigh, he sank wearily into his own seat.
"They are your business, your Grace." the minister snapped. "You know as well as I that the Guild is not affiliated with any one nation - I will not get involved with your interior politics." His face took on a more kindly expression. "But I am willing to give you this map of the New World, to use as you will." With a flourish, he produced a tightly rolled scroll from somewhere about him and deposited on the desk, covering the report as he eagerly unrolled it.
"Now I shall bid you farewell, lord Duke." he said, with a bow.
"Wait, my friend! I shall not let you leave empty-handed, after giving me such a gift as this. Go to the treasury with this guard (here, he indicated a solid-looking man to the left of the door) and take anything you choose up to the value of 5'000 drachma. Take it to the leader of your guild as a gift from me."
The visitor bowed a second time, and left.

The Duke dipped his eyes to the map laid out before him. To the west lay the thin band that represented the Grand Duchy, mercantile capital of western Edoniras. To the untrained eye, this would suggest that Argentaurumia was furthest removed from the new lands geographically. But to the educated, as the Duke was, it represented an incredible opportunity. Looking up momentarily, he beckoned to Thane Legatus, head official of Parliament.
"Look here, Thane." he said excitedly. "I'm sure that you have been taught that the world is round? No known nation has attempted it yet, but I mean to exploit this. We can accomplish two goals I have in mind, if Parliament would agree."
"I think I realise what you are talking about." answered Legatus, a grin spreading across his youthful face. "You mean to circumnavigate the globe, do you not?"
"Indeed. And, even more crucially, we could set up colonies on this new landmass." he indicated a few points on the map. "See that this is put before parliament. I will draw up the routes I believe it would be advisable to take, and the territory to colonise."

As the Thane left, the Duke found himself pondering: what to do about Corustaria?

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TwistedSun
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16-02-1701 -o- T H E T A T L E R -o- 8 Metàux
-oO Your necessary gossip thrice a week Oo-
- Tuesday 16, February 02, God's year 1701 -

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Keyguyperson
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Kwedolobhakalle, United Vanjanan Empire
An orchestra played the Vanjanan anthem as Jade Sigfrid IV walked out onto one of the many palace balconies to address the crowd below him. Despite what one might expect, there was actually a large variety of people there. The rich stood right next to the poor, with people of numerous original nationalities gathered together without any sign of tension. However, everyone knew that the moment someone announced an economic reform, everyone would suddenly gain an Us vs. Them mentality in regards to wealth. Aside from the fact that a tax cut for the rich would start a civil war, there was little discrimination. Over all the years of Anhängare av Stjärna Frö influence, social status became less of a pyramid and more of a liquid. Still, there were plenty of people on a boat.

"People of Vanjana!" He said, loud enough that all could hear his heavy accent. "A new age is upon us! The Cartographer's Guild has discovered a new land, one which other nations have decided to exploit. Obviously, we too shall be colonizing this new land!"

The people cheered, and Sigfrid waiter for the noise to die down before continuing,

"We will be sending out four fleets, the first will be made up of 2 Barques and 3 Galleys, and will be loaded with 500 regulars and 1200 colonists, along with assorted building materials, food, livestock, and trading supplies. The second will be made up of 2 Barques and 4 Galleys, and be loaded with 500 regulars and 1500 colonists, along with the same materials as the first. The third fleet will be supplied with one Frigate and two Brigs, carrying 1000 colonists and 500 regulars, and it goes without saying what cargo they will carry with them. The fourth and final fleet will have the same makeup as the third fleet. These fleets will found a total of eight colonies, more than any other nation as of now! The colony locations have been chosen mainly for trade with other colonies and any natives, if they happen to exist."

Another cheer was let out by the crown, and this time, Sigfrind raised his hands to quiet them down. All but a few followed the request, and those that didn't followed it just a small bit later.

"Obviously, this will leave us with very few ships here at home. To make the colonization process cause less of a problem, I have ordered the construction of ten Brigs. While an expensive venture, I am sure that it will be worth the money to secure our position in this new land!"

The crowd let out a final cheer, and Sigfrid retreated into the palace, satisfied with their enthusiastic reaction.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sovi3t

Sovi3t Obamacare

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Joseph sat in the war room, as two men were sipping on there wine, untill an messanger arrived with a map.

"The Cartographer guild sends it regards, knowledge of the new world has been sent to all superpowers sire" stated the Messanger.

Joseph nodded as he looks to the two men sitting there, before he began to speak.

"I request that Sir Issac is here, we should draw up plans for the New World"

The first male nodded, and he left the room with wine glass in hand.

"Then I request that we begin trade agreements with our southern neigbors, or Lancia, send the diplomantic envoy by two days time to meet and begin drawing up an agreement, tell them we request a pact and a trade route opened for both flags"

The Second Male nodded, before another figure enterd the room.

"You called for me sire?" stated Issac.

"Yes" Joseph turned the map towards the face of Issac as we walked, surprised.

"The New World , this is a great fin-" Issac started to say before he was interrupted by the King. Joseph tapped on three different areas, before nodding.

" Fleet one shall be at the top at this general location, 500 men and women shall be on this ship, along with the supplies to create farms , and begin a basic settlement, send 2 Brigs to this location, along with 250 Troops on the ship as well, then Fleet Two shall have the same amount of men and women, however every time one brig comes back, so same goes with the third route. Once all the men and women have landed at there locations and the three brigs are back, we shall send more men and women and soilders"

"Yes sire, I shall alert the harbour of your plan!" stated Issac.

"Oh and reward the cartographer guild for there efforts, 50 bottles of Van Brothers Wine" stated Joseph, as he nodded.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED264297


Banned Seen 1 mo ago

Primus, the Palace
Kaiser Gabriel stood in his study, enjoying the night sky of the world. He was reading books and enjoying his supper, planning to head off for the night after he finished his meal. Preparing to extinguish the lamp that he was using to read he heard a knock at the door of his study. He opened it to find one of the Imperial Couriers, who had carried two letters addressed to the Kaiser, one stamped with the seal of Corustaria and the other with the seal of Iria. He nodded a thank you to the courier before opening and reading both letters. After he read them both he wrote two letters, one addressed to the Queen of Iria and the other to the Empress of Corustaria. He stamped them with the symbol of the Wilhelm family, which had acted as the seal of the Empire of Lancia ever since his great-great-great Grandfather united all of the Lancian Dutchies and Kingdoms into one unified Empire. Before he went to bed, he also informed diplomats to be ready to tell Parra they were at war when the Corustarian ships arrived to pick up the soldiers.

Much Later, the Palace in Corustaria
The courier had come a long way. Across the seas and to the Palace of the Corustaria was no easy feat, but he had accomplished it. He had worn simple black travel robes, but he had brought a amulet that signified he was there on business of the Kaiser. After be permitted to see the Empress, he stepped in and bowed. Handing a letter to her stamped with the Lancian Eagle and then behind that that the crossed swords, the Royal Seal of Lancia.

"Greetings your Majesty, I represent his majesty Kaiser Gabriel Wilhelm the third. This letter is in response to one recently sent to him by you." spoke the Courier.

The letter read as follows.

The Iria Queendom
A courier arrived in Iria, saying he bore a message from the Kaiser. The letter he had follows as such

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Nutr Situation
The situation in Nutr has deteriorated severely over the past number of weeks. Whilst Nutr was suffering from two extreme parties fighting in the streets both could agree that independence was key to anything. An invasion from a foreign force simply forced the very different groups together. The Lancian Amy marched through with a force to find that eventually the lands they were taking were simply barren and bare. Whole villages had up sticks and moved away. Meanwhile their supply lines were then attacked by the militias that had once fought each other. Casualties are yet unknown as every message that is sent back to Lancia is being intercepted. As far as generals know they are simply trying to take Lancian land. The army would occupy it all but the official Nutr army has encamped and fortified inside the capital, stopping the Lancian onslaught with hastily constructed traps, the city defences and Generals who are experienced in fighting oppressive overlords. Finally a message from Nutr has been delivered to all the other nations in the world.
Nutr is a free and independent nation that has lands ceded from the Lancian Empire as we found their rule oppressive and illegal. Now that the Lancian Empire wants its toy back they do so the only way they know how. With force. We request any aid that other nations can send and call for their international condemnation.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED264297


Banned Seen 1 mo ago

Nutr, Near the Capitol
The Lancian Army had remained camped for a while. They were awaiting further assistance before they decided to continue with the invasion of Nutr. The Generals had been conversing for a while and realized that they would need to secure there supplies route before they did anything else. A force of 5000 Veterans backed by 2000 regulars was lead by General Valmir as he began double-backing on the Lancian's route through Nutr and taking out any militias that were disrupting Lancia's supply lines, as well as trying to send couriers that snuck behind the militias to get a message back to Primus.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Iluvatar
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Iluvatar The British

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


The Duke rolled his pen through his fingers, looking down on the fresh parchment he had just written on. A reply to the Iria Queendom.

He handed the note to the Thane Legatus, who read it through quickly, folded it and sealed it with blue wax. The Duke slipped his silver signet ring from his finger and pressed it into the seal, imprinting the moon-and-trident emblem of the House of Sapientia. Turning to a young page, he said:
"Send this to the Ambassador to the Eastern Nations (title). Have him take it to the Iria Queendom as quickly as he can, with orders to stay there and receive messages from home via carrier dove." The page took the paper and fairly ran for the door - the eagerness of youth readily used in service of the Duchy.

Dominas then swept his gaze back to his desk, sliding a drawer open. He withdrew a previously written note and handed it also to the Thane.
"This is my proposition to the DIP. Ensure it falls into their hands within the week." The Thane bowed and left, making for the Ministry of Intelligence headquarters in the very bowels of the city.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 23 days ago


1 frigate 2 barques, 4 brigs have been sent to collect the Lance Forces, and ferry them in groups to Corustaria, where they will be marched across the Island to the tip of Alswell. Although the force is large, the Corustarian navy believes that the journey is short enough that ferrying them in large groups will be the best option...

Ship construction!

Master Berry

By the authority of the crown, you are hereby commanded to produce the following

5x Brigs (8 billion)
2x Galleys (1.5 billion)
1x Ship of the line (9.6 billion)

The appropriate sum of 19.1 billion has been dispatched alongside this message
We know that the workers shall not displease us, Master Berry. Assign the construction to appropriate shipyards

In service to the Crown
Grand Admiral Thorne



In what is being described by some as the "blunder decade given the circumstances" (and others as an attempt to fan the fires of the rebellion), a document has been leaked from the newly established branch office of the "Corustarian Royal Business Ministry" in Argentaurium detailing an evaluation of the Duchy as a "potentially failing" nation. While the Branch office has stated that they were merely in regards to a risk/reward report drawn up to evaluate the wisdom of the investments. The second part to this story is that a second document was leaked, a draft for recruitment contracts for Argentaurium workers to Corustaria's new businesses in the Duchy, which had a rider clause stating: "The crown reserves the right to dismiss employees of brought out businesses at its discretion, whether to provide jobs for her majesty's own subjects or for economic considerations" Any with a working knowledge of Corustaria's political and legal history immediately prior to and after unification will know that this rider clause is long since outdated and was used by Morland in order to prioritize its own people after an influx of Vivian immigrants following a famine. Its existence on the document has been described by the branch office as a poor inside joke given the Duchy's current political climate being reflective of the times the clause was used in Morlabd, and was never meant for the final version or public eyes, as it is now illegal under Corustarian law. Whatever the case, its unlikely that the DIP are in synch with Corustaria's legal affairs.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Return of the Summer Rays

And so many events have already taken place across the continent that has created more ripples than previously expected. First to note is the poor state that most colonial fleets find themselves in. Whilst most have now landed it will take another season before the first news will arrive back, however initial reports are not good. It seems overcrowding was a very serious problem. Meanwhile the world has not been kind to the greedy expansionism of the Lancian Empire. The first piece of information was the rudely penned, open, letter to Lancia informing the nation that the monopolisation of an entire nation to expand one’s own interests is frowned upon greatly in Parra. It remains a competitive and strong power due to its fierce competition. Mass acquisitions have led to the following sanctions…
-All Lancian Businesses and citizens are outlawed from owning land or businesses within Parra for 2 years.
-All businesses that had any shareholders of Lancian citizenship have been possessed by Parra, a valuation of each business has been given and the total cost was refunded.
-Finally no Lancian goods or raw produce is to be imported into Parra for the next 2 years, even goods from other nations that use Lancian raw materials.
Furthermore for the Lancian nation the people are in a state of disillusion. Whilst flyers on the greatness of the Empire have been handed out and money has been invested into helping those less fortunate the masses feel that the Empire is becoming Despotic in its efforts to gain power, furthermore the nobility are losing faith in the Kaiser to perform his duty in the interests of the people (More specifically the rich). Whilst the stability has not dropped it is close to dropping. Finally mixed news on the Nutr situation, the scout force has been discovered, sent not so long ago into Nutr land. The entire force was found massacred in a large forest. It seemed that they were studied for a long time, left to their own devices whilst being directed away from Nutr military buildings. However with the decleration of war it seemed that the scouts were now a symbol to be used against Lancia. The good news being that the supply lines are now safe, the rear guard action worked to perfection and the paramilitaries are broken as an army like fighting force. However they still remain as guerrilla groups. It is also feared if the rear guard were to return to the fight that the groups would carry on from where they left off.

Good news in Argentaurumia as the DIP begins to disband without even taking the proposition from the government. It seemed a lot of the members were simply conservative masses that were looking for a stronger government that would react as well as find solutions. Many filter back into less extreme conservative causes however a small grass roots group continue the DIP more as a drinking and debating club rather than any real threat. In fact In fact the released documents from Corustaria have led to a greater slide away from the DIP as a new group forms. Simply th Anti-Corustarian Party. This is a very popular movement now that is trying to legally block Corustaria out of the nation entirely. However this has led to a paramilitary group by the same name forming in the nation. It numbers only a few hundred to a thousand men but has friends within the police and has so far gotten away with the attack on Corustarian merchants and, most noticeably, the firebombing of the Corustarian Royal Business Ministry. A black, stripped out pile of rubble remains. Alongside a letter to “The People of Corustaria”. It simply says…
“F*** off and leave our country alone.”

In the Iria Queendom things have turned from bad to worse. The religious groups have responded to the Manifesto of Convocation by burning down a tax office in a remote town. This was followed by the stoning of a number of town halls in other villages. The groups has asked that the Queen head a summet to discuss a way out of the conflict however each group has also, privately, requested that she support their power. Each one desires the banning of the other religions and that the leaders that appear are arrested and executed for their crimes against their respective deities.

Finally the conflict between Futtan and Dkkan has subsided once more. Whilst no truce has been reached the armies are, once again, at a stalemate. The DMZ is being demilitarized, mostly out of the cost to occupy dead land rather than a desire for peace. Each nation is requesting a summit to discuss a future. They also request that Asghard and the United Vanjanan Empire send a representative to keep the peace, as two of the nearby powers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Iluvatar
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Iluvatar The British

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Duke Dominas drew his blue cloak closely around him as he drew closer to the doors leading to the Balcony of Congregation. In his right hand he held the Trident, symbol of the house of Sapientia and emblem of the Deity - the mark of the Duke's power. Its stump made a heavy tap sound with each step.

He reached the oaken doors. With a purposeful shove, he propelled them open and strode quickly out onto the balcony. Although he tried to be a benevolent monarch, he still needed to demonstrate his power to the population - something made more difficult by his concealed hatred and fear of public speaking.

Within a few seconds he reached the balcony barrier. Clustered around an in-built lectern were a gaggle of dignitaries and officials from Parliament, but they parted before him and stood respectfully to one side as he approached.

Leaning heavily on the lectern, Dominas cleared his throat and began:
"Citizens of Argentaurumia. Ambassadors from distant lands, friends of old. I have summoned you all here today simply to express my thanks." Pausing, he shuffled some papers and discarded the first sheet.
"We are all aware of the almost complete disestablishment of the Duchy Independence Party. That they have accepted me as a strong and capable ruler means a great deal to me, and I wish to personally thank every one of you who agrees. I promise that myself and Parliament will do our utmost to continue and increase the prosperity and power of our nation - but also the knowledge, morals and goodwill of each citizen. I make this pledge before you now, so that you know that I try to do what is in your best interests."

He paused again to take a deep breath, and to gauge the peoples' reaction. He couldn't really tell.
"Therefore, though many of you distrust the nation of Corustaria because of their exploitation of us in our time of need, I want to emphasise that denying all contact and interaction with said nation is both impossible and harmful to ourselves. I ask the Anti-Corustarian Party - in both its forms - to reconsider their treatment of Corustarian organisations within Argentaurumia and cease all violence. I think we have experienced enough turmoil in recent times without adding to it. In return, I will ask the government of Corustaria to return some of the Argentaurumian property and businesses that they have overtaken."

Wearily the Duke turned and retreated through the double doors, glad to be out of sight. He shuffled down the passageway to his office, and sank tiredly into his chair with a sigh of relief.
"Hand me some parchment and a quill, if you would." he asked a waiting page. Without further ado, he began to write some letters.

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(accidental post)
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Outskirts of Ragnhildstad, Anhängare av Stjärna Frö Monastery
A boy no older than sixteen rode up the cobblestone road towards the monastery, his brown hair flying in the wind. The monastery itself was a building carved into a small crater on the side of a mountain. Myths abounded as to the crater's origin, the most common being that it was where the Yagdasradich arrived. In reality, however, it was a simple impact crater from a relatively small meteor impact thousands of years ago. However, such scientific knowledge did not yet exist, so it was considered the holiest site for the Anhängare av Stjärna Frö.

The boy's horse had well-groomed white fur, and it's reins bore a silver four-pointed star. The boy himself wore a blue and white Vanjanan army uniform with golden buttons, a garment somewhat similar to a Corustarian Admiral's uniform. However, he also wore a blue cape over the uniform that was buttoned to it, flapping in the wind as he rode. A longsword hung in it's sheath, which was decorated with blue and gold patters. A blue tricorn sat atop his head, sporting gold trim. Leather boots sat in the stirrups, polished clean before he had entered the city. Two men rode alongside the boy, both had muskets strapped to their backs and wore the same style of uniform as the boy, but with white and gold instead of blue and white. Their chests were covered with a golden four-pointed star, the uniform of the royal guard.

The current head of the monastery, Kvinnasomdyrkar Tessan, was standing in the road, her own brown horse tied to a stake beside the road. She wore a simple white dress, decorated with a golden four-pointed star in a similar manner to the uniforms of the royal guards. Under the dress she was, of course, wearing pants. It was hard for a woman to ride a horse while preserving her modesty with nothing but a dress. The three horses slowed to a stop just in front of her, and their riders dismounted. Despite his age, the boy was just as tall as the two guards, and slightly taller than the shorter of them. Tessan curtsied, and the boy returned the gesture with a slight bow.

"Prince Kalle, what brings you to the Plats av trappavsats?" Asked Tessan, to which the boy responded with a soft smile.

"I heard word of refugees from the religious turmoil in Iria, did they say exactly what's going on there? The only word from Iria I can get my hands on comes from the few merchants brave enough to go there."

"Yes, it's anarchy there. Everyone here was almost killed by extremists, the Queen is trying to calm them down, but they say it'll never work."

The Prince frowned, his head hanging downwards as his eyes focused on the cracks in the cobblestone road.

"I was afraid of that, there are five thousand recruits and regulars as well as five thousand arquebusiers kept at your monastery. All of them are faithful men and women, prepared to fight for the Yagdasradich. I wanted to hear your opinion on whether or not I should order an invasion."

"It may be necessary Prince, but how do you plan to stop the chaos with fifteen thousand, a third of whom are armed with near worthless weaponry?"

"I am Kalle Halvar, Prince of Vanjana and chosen of the Yagdasradich!" He said confidently "The Cadzigrara tremble before me! Assemble your troops at the border, it is time to defeat the Cadzigrara once more!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 23 days ago

Military movements
The combined Corustarian-Lance force is now be transported in grounds across to the UVE ports.

Financial transactions

As a result of the money being returned to Corustaria from the Duchy, Corustaria had instead added 3 billion into its national reserve, to be set aside for the metaphorical rainy day.
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