Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dingo


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Max smiled at Cass' lighthearted jab, "I'd be more concerned about being seen with Diamond, to be perfectly honest." he said, looking around the classroom. The difference between the orphans and the students was readily apparent, and not just due to the way they dressed. Sure, the students wore flashier apparel and all, but there was also a way that both parties carried themselves, the orphans with a sense of independence and the students with an air of superiority.

Max sighed, "If I'm being totally honest, though, it's all politics here. Business interests and all that. Just because I don't particularly like Diamond doesn't mean I can ignore her. At the end of the day I'll still have to put on a smile and make nice talk. It doesn't pay to be remembered as the son who snubbed the CEO's daughter during buyout talks." Max frowned slightly. He highly doubted the Carmichael Group would be making a move to buyout Diamond's parents organization anytime soon. The two had some very different methods and views, both regard the public and private sector.
Out of the corner of his eye, Max caught a glimpse of Moz, another of the students and shifted uncomfortably. If there was anyone who stood in stark contrast to the orphans, it was Moz. It was no secret that he had a tendency to torment the orphans. Focusing back to the classroom, Max listened as class commenced. It wasn't long, however, until Diamond made one of her now-famous displays, leaving the room to study in private, possibly with a private tutor. The teacher seemed to just let her go, which hardly surprised Max. The Faculty knew better than to try to stop Diamond at this point, but as much as the teacher tried to ignore Diamond's comments, Max could tell she was rattled. Diamond tended to have that effect on people. Putting the incident away in his mind for later, Max went back to focusing on the class at hand.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SUN
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Moz happily eyed diamond remembering her from earlier in the hallway. He flashed her a smile but he knew she was preoccupied with her flashy pens and other rich students. He wasn't suprised when she got up and left but the direct insult came as a bit of a shock to him. He never cared much to insult the teachers especially since they were the ones giving him the grades he needed to impress his father. He would think Ms. Diamond would have the same tactic, but he assumed she wasn't eager to please that day. He sighed looking at the clock he knew they wouldn't be assigned any work, they never did the first day, so he was contemplating leaving aswell. He crossed his arms "only fifteen more minutes..." He muttered already packing up his things.

Cass rolled her eyes as Diamond made her way out of the class room. "I don't know she seems lovely to me.." She whispered over to max acerbically while leaning back in her chair. She looked to the clock to see class was almost over. She exhaled happily ready to be done with school, she looked over at Max curiously wondering why he ever tolerated her. He was definitely unlike any of the rich students, most of them like Diamond and Moz turned their noses at anything remotely poor. Max basically embraced anything that was thrown at him and she admired that. She started to doze off lost in thought her eyes closing, the bright light from the window playing off her hair warmed her perfectly. She couldn't have been more comfortable sleeping there, the teacher wouldn't notice anyway.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Banba


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Moe pulled a pencil, bitemarks and dull tip out of her pocket, tapping it on her desk. Even with the mildy pissed off look she had on during any class, she was nervous. More and more students came in, and she gave an involuntary twitch as a rich one passed or even looked at her or one of the others who came in. The boy with Cass seemed nice enough, but she wasn't that fast at trusting anyone. She glanced at Enque, seeing his ogling of a rich girl. She rolled her eyes, blaming hormones before she noticed the pen the girl had. Her eyes shot wide open, her mouth falling open in disbelief. Was that a diamond? On a pen? She quickly regained herself ad the teacher started talking, leaning forward on her desk as she stared out the window, her face now more than a little pissed off. Her pencil between her teeth, she clasped her hands together, pushing away the thoughts of how much food that pen alone could buy.
"You're better than that, Moe." She hissed around the pencil, barely audible to herself. "You are not a thief. But god, if I was, this would be the place to be." She sat silently as the minutes ticked by, staring around the class, memorizing the bored faces. It wasn't until the pen girl walked put that she stopped, looking now at the boys. She knew all the orphans, but the rich boys were new.
"Too pretty. You'd expect them to panic over a broken nail." She thought to herself, leaning back and hooking her fingers behind her head. "But I have to hand it to them; they take care of themselves."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Banba


Member Seen 1 yr ago

The bell rang, indicating the end of the day. Moe didn't move from her spot, but continued to tap the same pencil from the morning in a bored fashion, head supported by her elbow. She looked out the window, seeing the groups of students and orphans alike leaving to go planned events. She sighed, standing up and pocketing the pencil. She didn't have books, nor a bag to put the books in, so she had virtually done nothing in class the entire day, and would until she went to get at least a binder and some paper.
"Whatever." She muttered to herself, shoving her hands into her pockets and lazily walking to the front gate, letting people pass by her. The day hadn't gone well for the girl. Multiple students had made cracks at her, and however stupid they were, they still got to Moe. She shivered against the cold breeze, screwing up her face before settling back on her usual smirk, never letting on her contempt for the people surrounding her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Izkripp


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Diamond had ditched all of her classes after lunch. She wasn't in the mood for listening to the teachers telling her what to do. Luckily most of the teachers had received an email from her parents letting them know to send her work to her dorm if she was missing. Diamond hadn't made it out of school yet before her walking, talking planner found her. The tall, well put together woman opened a door for her leading into an empty room. Diamond made her way to the teachers desk and sat in the seat. She knew that this was going to be a long list and most of it she should already know, but she wasn't interested in listening to what she had to say first things in the morning.

"Princess there is a meeting that your father set up this afternoon. He wants you to make a good impression on his new business angel. Also the man has a son a little older than you. After that you will be heading to the photo shoot. They will be shooting you an in season autumn attire. You will be given samples of the line including jewelry, clothes, and scents. In the evening your piano instructor will be at the home. When that is concluded you will have a business course over dinner followed by a conference call from your parents. Any homework can be done after your bath." The woman snapped her planner shut after she had finished.

Diamond didn't looked at the woman as she spoke. Honestly she was bored with this. Her day was planned from the moment she got up to the moment she went to sleep. As much as she loved her parents and everything she could obtain she was bored. "Is that all?" Diamond questioned still not looking up. She was sure that the woman had to have missed something in her speech.

"Pardon me." She bowed slightly but had almost no expression. She was like a doll or puppet. The woman only moved when she was told too, in reality the two of them weren't much different. "The magazine that you posed for has been released." Opening her bag she pulled out the magazine still in its wrapper. Breaking the seal she slid the plastic back to allow Diamond to take it. Diamond did so and flipped through the magazine to find her pictures. "We should be leaving shortly."

Diamond didn't even look up from the images of herself. "I will be ready in a moment."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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HellHoundWoof The Hell Bound Hell Hound

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Enrique sat relaxed in the uncomfortable detention chair, he tapped the side of the chair and waited. He watched other kids go in and then his name was called along with the name of the varsity player he had gotten into a fight with. The two walked towards the principles door and got there almost at the exact same second, each reached for the handle and Enrique pushed the jocks hand out of the way. Then the jock did the same, then Enrique got in his face.

"You wanna go again?" Enrique said pushing him back. The boy pushed Enrique back, then the woman at the desk shouted and told them to shut the hell up and go inside. Enrique did as he was told opening the door and he sat down in one of two chairs in the principles office. The principle himself sat there at the desk reading both of their files.

"This is certainly unexpected," The principle said, " Mr.Daniels you have a perfect record. Why would you jeopardize your future for something so stupid?"

"He started it," the varsity jock said.

"Oh bull shit!" Enrique said "You walked up to me right after class, dont even try to pin this on me."

"Both of you shut up," The principle said calmly, "To be honest I dont care who started it, the punishments have already been decided. Mr.Daniels your father called earlier and said you are to go home immediately and he will punish you there. Mr. Ortiz, you will do an hour of detention for the next week after school, is this clear?"

"I didnt even do anything," Enrique said getting agitated "Your pretty boy here came up to me and started it. Ask his butt buddies who freaking tried to hold me down, he started it."

"As I said I dont care," The principle said clearly annoyed, "You're getting detention and I suggest you come to terms with it."

He pointed towards the jock and then towards the door, the jock got the message and walked out closing the door behind him. The principle wrote something down on a piece of paper then tore off the area he had written on and handed it to Enrique. He read it and laughed out loud, the paper read ' Mrs.Piepres Room 137, see her for some therapy. '. He threw it down and walked out of the office slamming the door behind him, he jogged out to the curb and revved his bike then sped off towards the orphanage. He stopped outside for a moment and sat on his bike, he slammed his helmet into the bike then dismounted and walked his bike to the side of the orphanage. He hung his helmet on the handle bars and walked inside, he went to the kitchen and pulled a glass from the cabinet. He filled the glass with water and drank some then proceeded to walk about the orphanage.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dingo


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Max looked at the time as class came to an end. Cass was still seated next to him, but he had get back to his room to change within the next half hour, he had the dorm room to himself and it was all furnished as required.. From there he would boot up his old SNES, play Killer Instinct and then make his way into town before returning to the school for dinner and study. Regardless of the two cars he'd been gifted, he'd be catching the 4:45pm bus, which would get him to town within fifteen minutes, give or take. He may not have been very punctual that morning for the opening ceremony, but this was something more pressing. In all honesty, he wouldn't even have convinced his parents to enroll him at this school if it hadn't been for it's proximity to town.

"Well, that was… routine." Max said to Cass with a board grin. It hadn't escaped his notice that she'd fallen asleep through most of the class. In all honesty, he found it quite cute. He found her qui-
But he had an appointment to keep. He didn't want to be rude though, since he was sincerely enjoying Cass' company.

"So, what do you have planned now?" he asked Cass, genuinely curious.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SUN
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Cass awoke to Max's gentle voice, she shut her eyes tightly against the light then opened them in curiosity through her slumber she forgot momentarily where she was. She rested her chin on her hand dreamily gazing at Max, "Morning.." She yawned stretching her arms behind her. She smiled still a little dazed but managed to wake herself up. She began to walk with her new companion to exit the school when the doors opened a cool breeze hit her skin causing her to hold her sleeves over her hands and cross her arms tightly, she would never admit she was freezing. She looked over to Max as they walked across the courtyard finally answering his question, "oh you know typical orphan things...rob a gas station, sell some meth...just your typical Monday." She normally found something fun to do with Enrique or just walked about town. "Honestly I have no plans.." She kept her arms tightly crossed as she began to shiver slightly against the wind "I'm sure your schedule is just absolutely filled, right?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dingo


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Max shrugged politely. "I have an appointment in town, but that's about it." he said, smiling, "If you wanted, you could come along?" Max's brow crinkled slightly. Where had that come from? He hadn't planned on inviting Cass, in fact he'd never taken anyone to his appointment! He rarely even talked about it much! Subconsciously, he started cracking his knuckles audibly until he noticed, out of the corner of his eye, that Cass looked cold. The thought crossed his mind to put an arm around her to warm her, but he felt he hadn't known her long enough for the gesture to be interpreted the right way.

"I don't actually have anything on me, but I've got a jacket up in my room that you can have." He offered, "I was about to head up there to play some games before I needed to head off anyway."
As Max spoke, however, his mind was a whir. He was inviting her up? He never played KI with anyone, either! But then again, she was cold and it would be a jerk move to leave her like that after noticing it, so he guessed it balanced out.
"Don't worry, though," He said, as he continued to rationalize, "It's not some flashy designer thing you'll have to worry about people accusing you of stealing. Plus, if I start to act like a jerk, you have my full permission to punch me in the mouth." He said, grinning slightly, starting to relax.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SUN
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Cass smiled at his gesture, it all sounded great compared to the nothing she had planned, "wow already inviting me up? I must've made quite the impression!" She elbowed him teasingly while they walked. "Plus a Jacket and some gaming sounds like a blast, I have to warn you I have quite the rep down at the arcade" she smiled proudly of her one of few acheivments.
She looked down at her old wrist watch, Moe was probably at the orphanage by now with Enrique and Conrad. She felt anxious for only a second but knew she had nothing to worry about, they were probably fine, but she had her doubts. She knew that Moe was responsible, for the most part, but Enrique and Conrad had their little qualities that got them into trouble. Cass stuck her thoughts at the back of her mind and brought her focus back to Max.
"Oh I don't need permission, a kick in the teeth is good for some, especially kiddos like Diamond...she probably hasn't been told no in her entire life let alone had more than a broken nail." She released on of her hands to hold her long firey hair back from the icy breeze behind her. She was sure it was about to whip Max in the face, even though he was considerably taller than her, her hair was pretty long and the wind was blowing it every which way.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SUN
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Moz walked confidently through the halls as people scattered to make room for him. He started to head for his car when he noticed a glint off a sequin on diamonds apparel hit his eye. She seemed to be in one of the offices with a secretary or advisor of some sort. He smiled charmingly as he always did naturally. She approached the window of the door that he had seen her through, he noticed she looked extremely bored and an idea formed in his head. Straightening his tie and fixing his hair slightly he tapped lightly on the glass with the edge of his knuckle. He opened the door without waiting for an approval and glided in handsomely. He stood straight while approaching Diamonds planner, "Hi there, Don Carmichael, head of Ms. Hollybrookes designer team, we need to take her in early for resizing the outfits, the catalogue we ordered from got it ALL wrong." He spoke in a less masculine tone but had an air of authority to it. "I've already made arrangements with her father aswell, so no need to contact him after all he is a VERY busy man." He flashed his swoon inducing smile again for further conformation. He had a face you could trust with your life, he always thought of it as a blessing. He looked down at his watch as if he was in a hurry "the car is waiting outside, so we must be going." He said finally making sure Diamond didn't get a word in.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Izkripp


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Diamond heard the knock on the window and looked up expecting to see a teaching standing at the door wanting their room back. Her eyes widen seeing that it was Moz. She couldn't even imagine what he was doing here. Before she could say anything he started to spout out some nonsense about being her designer for the shoot. Diamond rolled her eyes after a moment and allowed him to continue with his story. Her secretary wasn't so dumb as to fall for his tricks. She had met everything that was apart of the agency, as were her father's orders to keep her safe. Before her secretary could chime in Diamond stood up tucking the magazine under her arm and pulling her purse back on her shoulder. "That will be all Jessica. I will go with Mr. Carmichael. Inform my appointment that I cannot make it today."

"But Princess.." Jessica started as Diamond walked past her towards Moz.

"Do. Not. Defy me Jessica." Diamond stopped for only a moment to cast back a glare to her. "I will be home in time for my instructors." With that she walked out of the room knowing that Moz would be following her but just in case she called back to him still walking to the outside. "Mr. Carmichael, to the car if you will."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Banba


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Moe let out a breath as she caught sight of Cass, about to call to her before she noticed her companion from the morning. Dropping her hand, she shrugged against the wind and started the short walk back to the orphanage. She closed the door silently behind her, a habit from the days before the orphanage. Kicking off her beaten runners, she headed upstairs, two at a time. When she rounded the corner, she nearly ran into Enrique.
"Jesus! E! Sorry, man." she exclaimed, backing up. Looking him up and down suspiciously, crossing her arms and popping a knee out. "You had detention." she stated, not impressed. She blinked slowly, thoughts lazily crossing her mind. She let her disapproving posture drop along with her arms, smirking again.
"I feel rebellious, and still have some cans of spray paint. Up for some vandalism? Being good during school is a pain, let’s go cause some problems, blow off steam." she dropped her voice, leaning closer to Enrique. She ignored the voice that was saying that by doing this, she was playing right into the stereotypes of the rich kids. Frankly, she didn’t care. She liked making street art, making blank walls explode with colour, seeing how long it takes to be painted over or washed off. The danger of being caught by the cops just added to the excitement.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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HellHoundWoof The Hell Bound Hell Hound

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Enrique turned a corner and nearly bowled into Moe, he had to move his hands carefully not to spill his water. She have him a skeptical look and he kind of smiled when she figured out what had happened. He gulped his water and began to listen to her as she talked. He didn't mind some vandalism but he knew the stops he'd have to make along the way wouldn't make her happy. But he couldn't exactly say no or it would seem suspicious, he decided to just grin and bare it.

"Sounds like fun," Enrique said finishing his water, I'll go grab my bag then we can leave ok?"

With that he walked off down the hall and then went under his bed to find a draw string bag. He grabbed it and then grabbed his yellow red and black paints, he set them in the bag and returned to Moe. He lead the way down to his bike and revved it up handing her the helmet.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Banba


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Moe smirked, following Enrique until she turned into her own shared room, pulling a duffle bag from under her bed. Zipping it open, around ten cans could be seen, clinking together. Standing up and zipping the bag again, Moe headed back to find her partner in crime on his bike, offering her a helmet.
"Why thank you, kind sir." She joked, slingin gthe bqnaround her shoulders and pulling the helmet on before sitting behind Enrique. "Ready for take off, lets get this show on the road!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dingo


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Max smiled as he led Cass up to his dorm. Upon entering, he made a bee line for the closet, searching for a moment before pulling out a wool-lined denim jacket, slightly reminiscent of the style pilots wore during the second world war.
"Here you go." he said, handing Cass the jacket, "Come on in, I'll get stuff set up."

The first thing that was immediately noticeable about the room was its simplicity. There was an old vacuum tube television sitting atop an entertainment centre that looked like it had been purchased from a supermarket for maybe twenty dollars. Two console sat either side of the television, a Super Nintendo and a Sega Mega Drive, both with game cartridges inside, the latter sporting a copy of Sonic & Knuckles with Sonic 2 instead into the top of the cartridge while the former held a copy of Killer Instinct.
Everything about the room was… simple. There was no egyptian silk on the bed, no designer clothes in the closet, it was all very… normal.

Walking over to the television, Max switched on the TV and SNES before heading over to a small bar fridge, opening it. Inside was flavoured milk, chocolate, strawberry, villa and banana as well as several snake foods. Looking over at Cass, Max smiled, but inside his mind he was troubled at how calm he was. Cass was, quite literally, the first person who had ever been to his dorm room. He never allowed anyone else in, he had a standing agreement with the school. He should have been more tense than he currently was, but he wasn't, and he felt like that should have worried him, but it didn't.
Still, he looked over at Cass where she stood, her long red hair was still now that they were indoors and out of the breeze. Max continued to smile in spite of his disquieting thoughts.

"Thirsty?" He asked, offering a drink from the fridge as the Killer Instinct theme music started to play.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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HellHoundWoof The Hell Bound Hell Hound

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Enrique nodded and put on a pair of sun shades before revving the bike and taking off down the road, after about 20 minutes he found his stop. He parked the bike and looked back at Moe.

"Wait here," Enrique said seriously " I'll be back in a bit, just need to pick up some stuff."

Enrique hopped off the bike and walked up to the front door of the house, he knocked on the door and watched the road through his sun shades. After a minute waiting the door cracked open, Enrique looked inside and saw the blonde haired Gringa he had come to know over the past couple weeks. He walked inside and gave her a light kiss and a hug, she smiled back to him and signed 'Hello I have your package'. Enrique smiled back and signed 'thanks, I need to hurry. Friend waiting outside.'

She walked into the kitchen and picked up a satchel then handed it to Enrique hugging him, he gave her a good bye kiss and walked out the door putting his shades back on. He checked the bag halfway down the pavement and was satisfied to see his shipment there and zipped it back up. He smiled as he hopped on the bike, he turned the handles of the bike and the bike sped off. He drove for a good 20 minutes more and stopped by an underpass. He parked the bike and got his paints ready, he pulled one of his favorite stencils out and taped it to the wall, starting with a red base then setting a new stencils and spraying the spade pattern on it in black. He tore down the stencil and stepped back smiling at his handiwork.

"What do you think?" Enrique said to Moe with a smirk.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SUN
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Moz smiled holding the door open for Diamond. "Of course," he said taking her arm and leading her to his luxuriate car. He opened the door for her, and hopped in on his side of the car. He looked to her with a raised brow "I guess I'm less disgusting to you now?" He knew she would retort with something offensive or completely dodge his question. There was no way Diamond Hollybrooke would admit that she found someone attractive, the girl was strictly buisness and did everything her parents asked her to. Moz respected the obedience, but at the same time she always seemed bored of her pampered life. That or what she had was never enough for complete satisfaction. He wasn't sure but she wasn't the most cheerful of girls, and for all he knew it could simply be a mask for someone completely different. He didn't care, he was bored and she looked it too, so why not?

Cass took the jacket gratefully immediately slipping it on. She laughed slightly at the size of it on her lean body. Max was a lot broader and taller than Cass and his jacket practically fit on her like a cape, but it was warm which was all that mattered. She looked around his room curiously, there was nothing "rich" about it. It was more than she had for sure, but anyone who stepped inside would never guess he was the son of a multi millionaire. She turned around to the familiar glow of the system blinking of his TV set. She took a seat next to Max still slightly suprised at his room. "You really don't have an eye for the fancy stuff do ya?" She could definitely tell at this point he was unlike any wealthy guy she met. He was for sure the first to really get a long with her, and he also is the first to not be blind with buisness and success. Most of the rich student body were mostly concerned with fulfilling their parents goals, making sure to be as successful as them if even more so. Max hardly said anything about his wealth, or his future in general. It made her wonder what his parents are like.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Banba


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Raising a brow, Moe stayed where she was on the bike, suspiciously watching the boy.
"If he's gotten himself addicted to some drug..." She muttered, stretching. "I swear I'll be worse than an overprotective mother." Enrique exited the house, climbing back in front of Moe. She dropped the stop as the two drove off, moving to the selected area of troublemaking.

Moe followed her partner in crime, grinning as she pulled her own paints out, shaking a red can. She wasn't one to use stencils, she found them hard for some reason. Not that it mattered, she liked seeing what she could do with what she had. As Enrique stood back from his own vandalism, Moe was halfway done. She had created a snail, simple and dopey looking. She was going to add more detail to the shell, creating a glossy look.
"What do you think?" Moe glanced over, curious as to the other's creation. She grinned, moving back to the wall.
"Beautiful, a masterpiece. Give me a couple more minutes, nearly done. Then we can book it and go from there." She said, shaking a new can of yellow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Izkripp


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Diamond didn't even give him a glance as he took her arm. She could tell from now that there was more to him than his physical appearance. The way he spoke and walked told her that he had dealt with the high society for a long time. The way that he dressed told her that he had money to burn, or his parents did at least. As they approached the car she pulled her arm away from him and watched him open the door. Diamond took her time dusting off her jacket where he had touched her and straightened her clothes. In her own time she made her way into the car.

When she got in and the door closed Diamond pulled down the sun visor to look at herself. She fluffed her hair and moved each strained so that it was back in its perfect place. Diamond didn't seem to notice when Moz got in on the driver side. She heard him speak to her, but she wasn't going to answer him right away. She looked at her makeup, it was still as it was that morning. The spray they sprayed on her face really made her makeup stay put. Then Diamond smiled, not a real smiled, so that she could see her teeth. They were fine.

Now she was ready to speak to him. She flipped the visor back up and looked at him. "I would not say that you were disgusting. That would be impolite for someone of your stature. Saying that, your.. kindness is appreciated." Diamond's face was cold as ever as she spoke. Though it was words of gratitude, when she said them they were missing that feeling. "Now." She said leaning back into her seat and pulling her seat belt across her body to the clip. "Drive. I wish to leave school. Do not take me to your house or to a hotel. Meeting of the such are strictly prohibited." With that she pulled out her magazine and flipped to the pictures of herself. She was focused on them like something was wrong with them more than admiring herself like a narcissist. She would talk back, but everything was in Diamond's time.
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