Yay guild's back up! Now we need people to post again! Rethel, unless you feel like we should wait for others to post for stuff, we should probably timeskip all the way to the first round of the tournament.
I wonder, is anyone the co-gm? I know the guild is having problems, but we should prolly make a GM post so that this doesn't die. I'd love to make one myself, with Rethel's permission of course, but I don't have the skill to make one.
Is this RP still alive, or is it teetering on the brink of death at the moment? I've got a few decks (and be extension characters) in mind to use, but there isn't much of a point following up on that if this is dead.
I've actually spent a lot of time playing the card game with friends on DevPro/DN and not so much watching the anime. Blargh. I'm still interested in this, though.
Ah, duly noted. I decided to take some time before the site went down and read up on all the IC posts (and a majority of the OoC). I'll probably wait around for the GM and/or decide on a few decks before I whip up a character sheet.
>busy trying to figure out Nekroz and how to let BA get over Towers
I think siding Chimeratech works, but... Hm. Actually, no. Share the Pain might work... Maybe Mask of Restrict if I can draw into it...?