So. What makes this rp special is your character is yourself. That's right. You, the one reading this screen, not that funny grey dude behind you. Which means you need to be honest in Your CS, you do not need to include a photo of yourself, nor a location, nor an interesting backstory, nor your real surname.
Name: Your real first name, change spelling if you want, you don't need a surname or if you want you can change it.
Nickname: self explanatory
Age: don't be a liar
Description: What are you doing now with your life? etc etc. Include disorders (anxiety, cancer's, broken bones, blindness, astma, whatever you have) here
Personality: Lifestyle, Social attitude, Emotional capacity, psychology and perception, honesty and honour, etc etc.
Appearance: include a photo if you want. Otherwise a detailed description.
Physical capacity: Are you a marathon runner, a potato, do you do kick boxing or ice skating. Can you lift a horse and then eat it or do you eat like a model?
Backstory: be honest. We don't care if you're a cockroach in a church pew, or a jetsetter with too much money.
Weapon of choice: yep.
Fears and Weaknesses: yep. Be honest. Even if it's merely losing your favourite blanket.
Interests: what intrigues you? What do you know alot about? What are your hobbies? Spill it, spill it!
Other: please use this constructively
CS: Name
Physical capacity
Weapon of choice
Fears and weaknesses
29 September 2014. An asteroid hit the surface of the Earth and released a deadly virus named Goldilocks. It started small but by 1 December 2015 less than 0.001% (700 000) of the human population is left. You are one of the likely few. For convenience sake we'll all be located in the same city.
Goldilocks causes the decomposition of the body while it remains alive and functioning until death by oxygen starvation. It is named Goldilocks as a way of being funny because all those that are affected rot and turn blue from asphyxiation.
Goldilocks causes the decomposition of the body while it remains alive and functioning until death by oxygen starvation. It is named Goldilocks as a way of being funny because all those that are affected rot and turn blue from asphyxiation.
NO MORE THAN 9 CHARACTERS at any one point, excluding myself
CS: Thomas
Nickname: Burnie, Beir (pronounced bear with a rolling r), after my surname (which I like to translate to English as Bearheart)
Age: 23
Gender: male
Belgian apprentice plumber with a bachelor degree as middle-school teacher in history and Dutch. He has over the years made some drastic career changes from a soldier in the Belgian army to teacher to plumber. He speaks Dutch (his native language) and English fluently and knows his way around in French and German.
Personality: Thomas is mostly calm and friendly, with high amount of teddy-bear-cuteness (though he resents people saying that, apparently making him even more cute...) Because of that cuteness and his openness, people often go talk to him and tell him about their problems. Thomas has however great difficulty opening a conversation, especially with people he isn't quite acquainted to, unless he has a real subject of conversation - which is why he tells of himself he's socially awkward.
He lives according to a few principles he has gathered over the years, mostly trying to be (viewed as) a wise and trustworthy person, yet sometimes does things people might find strange or awkward, mostly out of boredom. He doesn't quite like loudmouths and in return, doesn't try to be the center of attention. When he is bothered by them, he grows silent and brooding, actively ignoring the people who annoy him, even when they're talking to him at close distance. He also hates it when people call him smart because he's not quite as smart as he would want to, or when they try to add him in any type of "elitist" group.
Appearance: 190 cm (approximately 6 ft 2"), 82 kg (180 pounds), blond, blue eyes, between slender and athletically built. (I'll add a picture soon)
Physical capacity: Rather strong, being able to lift and handle heavy objects (ranging to about 70 to 100 kg, depending on the form of the object and what needs to be done with it), good runner, especially at short distance. Capable of jumping rather high and reaching high objects.
Backstory: Thomas was the first of three sons to a young middle-class couple. His mother worked for the Flemish government, his father in a nuclear power-plant. When he was four, his youngest brother was born with a severe mental and physical handicap, which will have quite an effect on the man's life.
He studied Latin during four years in middle school and economics in his high-school years. He succeeded those studies with a narrow margin, mostly due to his disinterest in school life. After that, he joined the royal military academy trying to become an officer. After two years (at the age of twenty), he quit the army at the rank of sergeant, because he was greatly annoyed by the linguistical policy. After that he applied for a bachelor degree which he succeeded cum laude, despite encountering some major difficulties. However, as a twenty-three year old he didn't feel qualified to teach children and wanted to wait a few years, doing some more physical labor in the meantime, which has led him to follow the noble path of plumber.
Weapon of choice: knives, heavy blunt objects or (if any available) an assault rifle
Fears and weaknesses: mild fear of (or resentment towards) invertebrate animals, especially the "squishy" ones like jellyfish and slugs. Also a mild fear of chit-chatting to unknown women (call it social awkwardness). Can get depressed when lonely (much like a beagle). His worst physical weakness is a tinitus (eternal high-pinched sound) in his left ear, causing him to have a hearing loss and the possibility to go stark-raving mad (should the story ask for it). As a mental weakness he has sometimes the tendency to overexert his body, leaving him in poor condition afterwards. This has led him to some injuries in the past (including a back injury which he seems to have recovered from but for story-sake might pop-up again).
Interests: physiology, languages (at the moment Latin and Swedish), history (especially about the Roman Empire), philosophy and animals in general
Other: hobbies have been martial arts (Tai-jutsu and Krav-maga), weight-lifting, badminton, soccer, reading pretty much any syllable that catches my eye and since recently writing (amateurish) poetry.
Name: Seamus
Age: 16
Description: A British teenager, who wants to get into a good university. Obviously, that cannot happen due to the disease that has spead. Comes from sn English/Irish background. Speaks English, and some French. Did some weightlifting, and was interested in wrestling. Has a mild astigmatism, causing him to be unable to read words at long distances without his glasses. Is a Roman Catholic, and wants to keep his faith for as long as possible.
Personality: Kind if you grt to know him. Can take a while to get to know him. If he doesn't like him, he probably won't change his mind easier. Not afraid to be violent. Seamus is cautious when it comes to putting his trust into other people, and he would rather do a job with people he knows he can trust. if he's angry, you should stay away from him, unless you want his anger taken out on you.
Appearance: Stands at about 5ft 9in, and developed muscles. Brown hair, brown eyes, pale skin. Has eczema on his hands.
Physical capacity: Not too strong, but not too weak either.
Backstory: Seamus was born in London, to an Irish father, and an English mother.
Weapon of choice: Bow and arrow. Hands.
Fears and weaknesses: Scared of snakes. Also has eczema on his hands, which can sometimes be a problem.
Interests: Interested in Japan. Likes wrestling.
Age: 16
Description: A British teenager, who wants to get into a good university. Obviously, that cannot happen due to the disease that has spead. Comes from sn English/Irish background. Speaks English, and some French. Did some weightlifting, and was interested in wrestling. Has a mild astigmatism, causing him to be unable to read words at long distances without his glasses. Is a Roman Catholic, and wants to keep his faith for as long as possible.
Personality: Kind if you grt to know him. Can take a while to get to know him. If he doesn't like him, he probably won't change his mind easier. Not afraid to be violent. Seamus is cautious when it comes to putting his trust into other people, and he would rather do a job with people he knows he can trust. if he's angry, you should stay away from him, unless you want his anger taken out on you.
Appearance: Stands at about 5ft 9in, and developed muscles. Brown hair, brown eyes, pale skin. Has eczema on his hands.
Physical capacity: Not too strong, but not too weak either.
Backstory: Seamus was born in London, to an Irish father, and an English mother.
Weapon of choice: Bow and arrow. Hands.
Fears and weaknesses: Scared of snakes. Also has eczema on his hands, which can sometimes be a problem.
Interests: Interested in Japan. Likes wrestling.
Name: Miykael L'Ange (I know my name sounds like it came out of a fantasy novel but it is my name...)
Nickname: Miyka
Description: Male model and marketing consultant. (I get more work in the latter) heart condition that causes random palpitations.
Personality: Basically when I'm right, I'm right. Everything I say is backed by facts and information. I wont argue with you over any opinion but if you tell me one of my facts is wrong i will go off on you. I don't get stressed or angry, but I can be agressive on purpose. My emotions dont control me.
Appearance: 6ft tall, pale, medium build, long legs, eye's change from blue to green to grey depending on environment and mood (damnit I sound fake as hell, but its also true, my ID states that I legally have multicolored eyes because of this), Dirty blonde hair,
Physical capacity: High. i know how to conserve my strength and pace myself. i have alot of martial arts and swordsman training, I'm stronger than I look, able to lift things any strong-ish man could, I am very nimble and have spectacular jumping and grip due to freerunning
Backstory: Ah jeez... Grew up without a father because hes on the run from the FBI in Brasil, My mother is insane and thinks shes the greatest, smartest, person in the world. Except we found out when I was very young that I was far smarter than she was. This caused alot of conflict between us, especially because I didnt feel like living up to my "potential". She remarried twic, second husband was abusive and scarred me in verious ways for ten years while they were married, she divorced him and married this other guy whos really nice, but he deserves better, because shes off her damn rocker. I got myself charged as an adult for a crime I didnt commit when I was seventeen in order to become emancipated. It worked and I got out of jaiul in three weeks, and not actually being any kind of troublemaker, got 19 months cut off my probation, at which time I moved 2000 miles away from that crazy woman. i recently started working as a freelance male model, and a marketing consultant (basically i tell people if their commercials suck or not for money)
Weapons of choice: I know how to build crossbows from just about anything, varying in size and style. I also own a set of three katana that I would definately be strapping on in the event of world collapse.
Fears and weaknesses: I'm intimidated by heights, but not afraid of them enough to let them stop me from anything... I dont like daylight much... I feel exposed by it, like my natural talent at sneaking around is impeded by the presence of light. I have one knee that flares up in pain pretty randomly from it getting speared by an icicle once ( I used to be an roleplayer like you, but then I took an icicle to the knee), its healed, but theres a scar and it becomes painful to move from time to time. I usually ignore it. My palpitations though... they slow me down quite a bit...
Interests: Free-running, martial-arts, cooking, swordsmanship, painting, drawing, reading, writing, videogames, acting, directing, film, stage, photography, modeling, and the advancement of sexual prowess.
Other: I've told you my completely fukken ridiculous life story. What more do ya want?[hider]
Nickname: Miyka
Description: Male model and marketing consultant. (I get more work in the latter) heart condition that causes random palpitations.
Personality: Basically when I'm right, I'm right. Everything I say is backed by facts and information. I wont argue with you over any opinion but if you tell me one of my facts is wrong i will go off on you. I don't get stressed or angry, but I can be agressive on purpose. My emotions dont control me.
Appearance: 6ft tall, pale, medium build, long legs, eye's change from blue to green to grey depending on environment and mood (damnit I sound fake as hell, but its also true, my ID states that I legally have multicolored eyes because of this), Dirty blonde hair,
Physical capacity: High. i know how to conserve my strength and pace myself. i have alot of martial arts and swordsman training, I'm stronger than I look, able to lift things any strong-ish man could, I am very nimble and have spectacular jumping and grip due to freerunning
Backstory: Ah jeez... Grew up without a father because hes on the run from the FBI in Brasil, My mother is insane and thinks shes the greatest, smartest, person in the world. Except we found out when I was very young that I was far smarter than she was. This caused alot of conflict between us, especially because I didnt feel like living up to my "potential". She remarried twic, second husband was abusive and scarred me in verious ways for ten years while they were married, she divorced him and married this other guy whos really nice, but he deserves better, because shes off her damn rocker. I got myself charged as an adult for a crime I didnt commit when I was seventeen in order to become emancipated. It worked and I got out of jaiul in three weeks, and not actually being any kind of troublemaker, got 19 months cut off my probation, at which time I moved 2000 miles away from that crazy woman. i recently started working as a freelance male model, and a marketing consultant (basically i tell people if their commercials suck or not for money)
Weapons of choice: I know how to build crossbows from just about anything, varying in size and style. I also own a set of three katana that I would definately be strapping on in the event of world collapse.
Fears and weaknesses: I'm intimidated by heights, but not afraid of them enough to let them stop me from anything... I dont like daylight much... I feel exposed by it, like my natural talent at sneaking around is impeded by the presence of light. I have one knee that flares up in pain pretty randomly from it getting speared by an icicle once ( I used to be an roleplayer like you, but then I took an icicle to the knee), its healed, but theres a scar and it becomes painful to move from time to time. I usually ignore it. My palpitations though... they slow me down quite a bit...
Interests: Free-running, martial-arts, cooking, swordsmanship, painting, drawing, reading, writing, videogames, acting, directing, film, stage, photography, modeling, and the advancement of sexual prowess.
Other: I've told you my completely fukken ridiculous life story. What more do ya want?[hider]
Name: Jean
Nickname: Bird/Birdie
Age: 17
Gender: Female
A teenage, home-schooled, high-school student. Jean is a student pilot who, before the apocalypse, was also involved in search and rescue missions.
Called Birdie for her love of heights, Jean was born adventurous and independent. She is over-protective of the people around her, and does her best to make everyone happy. She has a strong mask of confidence, and avoids showing any kind of negative emotions in front of others, hiding behind a sarcastic sense of humor. She can be pigheaded at times, and her pride occasionally clouds her judgement. Although she normally avoids arguments, she is not afraid to stand up for what she believes is right. She is never afraid to tell someone when she thinks they are being stupid or unreasonable.
Here . And here
She stands at about 5'6". She normally keeps her dark-blonde hair pulled back in a single braid to keep it out of her face. She always wears a small panda necklace as a sort of good luck charm.
Physical capacity:
Jean broke her right ankle when she was around eleven, and to this day it still gives her trouble. She has a hard time running long distances, or jumping from any significant height. Despite those few limitations, she is fairly physically fit. She is an experienced student of martial arts, making her comfortable with close combat.
(I kind of have crap I really don't want people to know. So since this is an RP, I'm gonna just give a few little details to help people better understand the character, but that's all.)
Jean was the only girl of five children, all of who were homeschooled. Although she was not the oldest, people always assumed she was because of her protective nature. Her father was addicted to prescription drugs, making her very distant emotionally as she tried to protect herself and her siblings from any of the effects of his prescription abuse.
Weapon of choice:
Any short, strong weapon, such as a knife, baseball bat, or simply a stout metal pole. Cannot shoot a gun worth crap.
Fears and weaknesses:
Jean is claustrophobic. Any small, dark, confined places get to her head and she starts to panic. Unfortunately, despite her martial arts training, she is a major klutz and prone to injury from stupid things, like walking into walls.
Aviation, martial arts, search and rescue, animals
(Got nothing creative to put here at the moment
Nickname: Bird/Birdie
Age: 17
Gender: Female
A teenage, home-schooled, high-school student. Jean is a student pilot who, before the apocalypse, was also involved in search and rescue missions.
Called Birdie for her love of heights, Jean was born adventurous and independent. She is over-protective of the people around her, and does her best to make everyone happy. She has a strong mask of confidence, and avoids showing any kind of negative emotions in front of others, hiding behind a sarcastic sense of humor. She can be pigheaded at times, and her pride occasionally clouds her judgement. Although she normally avoids arguments, she is not afraid to stand up for what she believes is right. She is never afraid to tell someone when she thinks they are being stupid or unreasonable.
Here . And here
She stands at about 5'6". She normally keeps her dark-blonde hair pulled back in a single braid to keep it out of her face. She always wears a small panda necklace as a sort of good luck charm.
Physical capacity:
Jean broke her right ankle when she was around eleven, and to this day it still gives her trouble. She has a hard time running long distances, or jumping from any significant height. Despite those few limitations, she is fairly physically fit. She is an experienced student of martial arts, making her comfortable with close combat.
(I kind of have crap I really don't want people to know. So since this is an RP, I'm gonna just give a few little details to help people better understand the character, but that's all.)
Jean was the only girl of five children, all of who were homeschooled. Although she was not the oldest, people always assumed she was because of her protective nature. Her father was addicted to prescription drugs, making her very distant emotionally as she tried to protect herself and her siblings from any of the effects of his prescription abuse.
Weapon of choice:
Any short, strong weapon, such as a knife, baseball bat, or simply a stout metal pole. Cannot shoot a gun worth crap.
Fears and weaknesses:
Jean is claustrophobic. Any small, dark, confined places get to her head and she starts to panic. Unfortunately, despite her martial arts training, she is a major klutz and prone to injury from stupid things, like walking into walls.
Aviation, martial arts, search and rescue, animals
(Got nothing creative to put here at the moment
Name: Andrew
Age: 18
description: a psychology student, with a bee sting allergy and mild astigmatism
personality: pretty easy going usually quiet tries to avoid confrontation as much as possible but wont back down when he's pushed far enough.
appearance: 6' even with short blonde hair blue eyes clean shaved weighs about 170 mostly muscle, wears glasses
physical capability: can lift relatively heavy weight fairly good fighter.
Backstory: born in Oklahoma to a nurse and a plumber had two older brothers who wold fight quite often in high school was introduced his first psychology class. worked several menial fast food jobs in high school. goes hunting occasionally. been going to a small local
college for a couple of months.
weapon of choice: rifle or knife
fears/ weakness: fear of highs, bad eyes, and bee sting allergy
interests: avid reader and gamer, speaks small amounts of German, been playing d&d with a group of friends in town.
Age: 18
description: a psychology student, with a bee sting allergy and mild astigmatism
personality: pretty easy going usually quiet tries to avoid confrontation as much as possible but wont back down when he's pushed far enough.
appearance: 6' even with short blonde hair blue eyes clean shaved weighs about 170 mostly muscle, wears glasses
physical capability: can lift relatively heavy weight fairly good fighter.
Backstory: born in Oklahoma to a nurse and a plumber had two older brothers who wold fight quite often in high school was introduced his first psychology class. worked several menial fast food jobs in high school. goes hunting occasionally. been going to a small local
college for a couple of months.
weapon of choice: rifle or knife
fears/ weakness: fear of highs, bad eyes, and bee sting allergy
interests: avid reader and gamer, speaks small amounts of German, been playing d&d with a group of friends in town.
Name: Teresa
Nickname: Teri
Age: 16
Description: has worked at a dog shelter with an incredibly high demanding boss until recently (left because boss is a bitch) to make spare cash I walk and car for people's dogs over weekends. Twice a week I go to my local horse-riding academy to ride (which grandma who lives oversea's pays for) my favourite pony, and teach young riders how to ride and care for their ponies
Personality: pretty solitary, however is very loving and affectionate. Cautious in trusting others, holds back majority of thoughts. Is a realist and often cannot identify with emotions when others can. Moody and struggles to see things from another person's point of view. Open-minded and accepting of people. Need to have it my way, or you hit the highway. Irritated by lack of depth and stupidity. Is Flirtatious towards those that she admires and cold to people that irritate her
Appearance: Check dem Skills!

average height of almost 6 feet (1.6 or .7 meters), brown shoulder-length curly hair with sun bleached highlights, green eyes, dry skin, average build with muscular legs. Rosy pink cheeks and surprisingly wrinkles around eyes from smiling and laughing
Physical capacity: if forced to run, can run slowly for long distances, cannot sprint for shit unless on red bull. Low stamina and will power levels. Can walk for a long time and has the grip of death.
Backstory: Grew up in mid-Africa and moved down to the Republic Of Southern Africa as an only child with mum and dad. Throughout childhood was solitary with one or no friends. Father is always working oversea's as an engineer in mines. Mother is a stay-at-home mom without any job and suffers from a soup of mental disorders including depression, anxiety and some more severe conditions. Mother does nothing around the house and is always eating unhealthy junk(much to my displeasure) hires a domestic to keep the house clean. Pretty-much self caring: makes and buys own food, makes my own arrangements and transport.
Weapon of choice: Stuck between crossbow, axe and chainsaw. Realistically speaking a short-sword would be best.
Fears and weaknesses: Rejection, physically weak, falling.
Interests: horses, psychology, art, cool deep movies
Other: is at risk of suffering from depression and has a low-pain threshold. Has seasonal astma
Nickname: Teri
Age: 16
Description: has worked at a dog shelter with an incredibly high demanding boss until recently (left because boss is a bitch) to make spare cash I walk and car for people's dogs over weekends. Twice a week I go to my local horse-riding academy to ride (which grandma who lives oversea's pays for) my favourite pony, and teach young riders how to ride and care for their ponies
Personality: pretty solitary, however is very loving and affectionate. Cautious in trusting others, holds back majority of thoughts. Is a realist and often cannot identify with emotions when others can. Moody and struggles to see things from another person's point of view. Open-minded and accepting of people. Need to have it my way, or you hit the highway. Irritated by lack of depth and stupidity. Is Flirtatious towards those that she admires and cold to people that irritate her
Appearance: Check dem Skills!

average height of almost 6 feet (1.6 or .7 meters), brown shoulder-length curly hair with sun bleached highlights, green eyes, dry skin, average build with muscular legs. Rosy pink cheeks and surprisingly wrinkles around eyes from smiling and laughing
Physical capacity: if forced to run, can run slowly for long distances, cannot sprint for shit unless on red bull. Low stamina and will power levels. Can walk for a long time and has the grip of death.
Backstory: Grew up in mid-Africa and moved down to the Republic Of Southern Africa as an only child with mum and dad. Throughout childhood was solitary with one or no friends. Father is always working oversea's as an engineer in mines. Mother is a stay-at-home mom without any job and suffers from a soup of mental disorders including depression, anxiety and some more severe conditions. Mother does nothing around the house and is always eating unhealthy junk(much to my displeasure) hires a domestic to keep the house clean. Pretty-much self caring: makes and buys own food, makes my own arrangements and transport.
Weapon of choice: Stuck between crossbow, axe and chainsaw. Realistically speaking a short-sword would be best.
Fears and weaknesses: Rejection, physically weak, falling.
Interests: horses, psychology, art, cool deep movies
Other: is at risk of suffering from depression and has a low-pain threshold. Has seasonal astma
Name: Lachlan
Nickname: Aussie
Age: 27
Description: An cattle rancher with light insomnia and anxiety issues stemming from constant worry about whether he's doing enough work or pulling his weight.
Personality: Can be quite hyperactive and energetic at times, yet constantly worried about other peoples feelings and trying to make sure everyone is happy. Becomes uneasy around confrontation and tries to avoid them as much as possible, but when pushed to far has been known to become quite angry when defending people he cares about.
Appearance: Caucasian and standing at 5'11" with shoulder length brown hair, a full beard and hazel eyes. Weighs roughly 140lbs and is fairly toned with little-to-no body fat. Usually wears a trucker cap with sun goggles and has septum, labret, tongue and ear piercings.
Physical capacity: Good with short distance sprinting and able to walk long distances. Can lift heavy loads as a result of moving pallets of 80lb bags of cement, cattle feed, etc.
Backstory: Lachlan, originally born in Australia, started out working various jobs after High School, working in hospitality and retail and even studying to become a High School teacher and Psychologist at one point. This was until he was offered a ranch hand position at a small cattle ranch close to the Mexican Border. For the next few years it was his job to brand, mark, herd and care for cattle. Most of his day-to-day duties involved building barbed and net-wire fences, repairing water lines, tractor work, cutting steel, mixing and pouring cement and heavy lifting as well as learning how to administer subcutaneous injections involving vaccines and antibiotics. He was also required to become knowledgable in various kinds of pesticides and insecticides necessary for livestock care.
Another aspect of his livelihood involves illegal immigrants that travel across the property after having crossed the border, requiring constant dealings with Border Patrol and requiring him to have several guns and weapons on hand, including machetes,, knives, axes and even a sword. Lachlan has also learned how to hunt, skin and gut game and load his own bullets provided he has the necessary shells and equipment.
Weapon of choice: Baseball Bat, Handgun.
Fears and weaknesses: Has a reasonably manageable fear of the dark.
Interests: Lachlan is actually an avid gamer and loves to read, carrying several books and handheld gaming devices with him at any one time, such as a PS Vita and 3DS. He also enjoys learning languages and carries a mobile device with offline Memrise lessons installed as well as several audiobooks including fiction and historical lectures. The lessons included on his device at the moment are Russian, German, Old English, Latin, Gaelic Irish, Japanese and Mexican Spanish.
Other: Living on a ranch where internet is poor and suffering from constant blackouts, Lachlan has learned to install solar panels and small, private wind turbines. He also carries handheld solar chargers for his gaming devices and cell phone as well as two handheld radios and the necessary chargers that can communicate via radio tower or direct communication. Lachlan also holds an amateur radio license. He also speaks a small amount of Russian and German.
Name: Callum
Nickname: Bear (as my uncle use to call me when I was younger)
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Description: British Sixth Form student, no major conditions
Personality: Good natured, sense of humour, like my food, lack of confidence, indecisive, doesn't like to break the rules.
Appearance: Ginger hair with front bit up, blue eyes, large but not muscley build, clothes is usually jeans and a t-shirt with either a hoodie or checkered over shirt.
Physical capacity: Strong, not a lot of stamina.
Backstory: I don't really have a great backstory, in fact not much has happened, no noticeable or life-changing events. I play tabletop games and video games and a lot of my memories come from my families or friends.
Weapon of choice: A hockey stick as that would be the first weapon I could grab. I also learnt Spanish as a GCSE course.
Fears and weaknesses: Arachnophobia, Clownophobia, see personality and physical capabilities for weaknesses.
Interests: Any sort of games. Japan.
Other: None.
Name: Matt
Nickname: Nazi (That’s my actual nickname, don’t ask me why, ‘cause I have no idea. Something about liking metal from Europe, or something.)
Age: 15 coming on to 16
Gender: Male
Description: A student who doesn’t really have much trouble at school. Born and raised in Argentina, is however quite fluent in English. He had heart surgery when he was young, but it doesn’t affect him in any way nowadays, and suffers from headaches in hot or constantly noisy places.
Personality: He is quite lazy, often doing his duties just before the deadline, as long as something else is there to distract him from them. He is also a bit shy, and doesn’t tend to talk much. However, when he does talk, it’s hard to shut him up. He likes to think he is thoughtful about other people, but most of the time he really just thinks for himself.
Appearance: He is around 1.70 meters tall, and weights around 60 kilograms. He has relatively fair skin, normal length black hair and blue eyes. He is slightly overweight, yet he has relatively muscular legs.
Physical capacity: He has some endurance, although he is by no means a runner. He can, however, sprint at more-or-less fast speeds for short distances. He used to practice Tae Kwon Do, now he practices fencing with sabre, and has been doing so for nearly three years. He doesn’t resist pain well, but has the willpower to tolerate it. He tends to get full quickly; however he is usually hungry a short time afterwards.
Backstory: He grew up in Argentina. When he was four years old, he had a heart surgery. After that, he was moved to a different kindergarten, which is important, because he continued to go to the same elementary school and high school. A few years later, his parents divorced. During most of his childhood, he was quite curious, and liked to learn a lot, which meant he was incredible at school. As time went on, he acquired other interests, and his performance at school began to decay slightly, but never reaching his school group’s (admittedly low) average. During most of his childhood and teenage years, he spent his time alone, mostly out of choice. He spent break time reading books, or imagining stories. Recently, however, he’s starting to like socializing a bit more and has a couple of friend groups.
Weapon of choice: A fencing sabre, which he sort-of-stole from the club where he used to practice, and later on sharpened.
Fears and weaknesses: Loss of loved ones (which he has certainly experienced), any sort of crawly thing, specially cockroaches and spiders, but not bees. He can get quite debilitating migraines if exposed to heat or constant loud noise, and he also isn’t very able to endure very cold temperatures without catching some nasty things.
Interests: He is interested in programing, although he doesn’t really know much about it. He likes power metal. He wouldn’t consider himself any sort of movie or series or anything buff, since there are hundreds of things he still has to see, but he is fond of quoting the few he knows.
Other: He tends to think, many times, like he is in a videogame, or a novel. This can be bad when he’s in the “fight, don’t flee” mindset of many games, however most of the times it manifests as attempts to be stealthy.
Nickname: Nazi (That’s my actual nickname, don’t ask me why, ‘cause I have no idea. Something about liking metal from Europe, or something.)
Age: 15 coming on to 16
Gender: Male
Description: A student who doesn’t really have much trouble at school. Born and raised in Argentina, is however quite fluent in English. He had heart surgery when he was young, but it doesn’t affect him in any way nowadays, and suffers from headaches in hot or constantly noisy places.
Personality: He is quite lazy, often doing his duties just before the deadline, as long as something else is there to distract him from them. He is also a bit shy, and doesn’t tend to talk much. However, when he does talk, it’s hard to shut him up. He likes to think he is thoughtful about other people, but most of the time he really just thinks for himself.
Appearance: He is around 1.70 meters tall, and weights around 60 kilograms. He has relatively fair skin, normal length black hair and blue eyes. He is slightly overweight, yet he has relatively muscular legs.
Physical capacity: He has some endurance, although he is by no means a runner. He can, however, sprint at more-or-less fast speeds for short distances. He used to practice Tae Kwon Do, now he practices fencing with sabre, and has been doing so for nearly three years. He doesn’t resist pain well, but has the willpower to tolerate it. He tends to get full quickly; however he is usually hungry a short time afterwards.
Backstory: He grew up in Argentina. When he was four years old, he had a heart surgery. After that, he was moved to a different kindergarten, which is important, because he continued to go to the same elementary school and high school. A few years later, his parents divorced. During most of his childhood, he was quite curious, and liked to learn a lot, which meant he was incredible at school. As time went on, he acquired other interests, and his performance at school began to decay slightly, but never reaching his school group’s (admittedly low) average. During most of his childhood and teenage years, he spent his time alone, mostly out of choice. He spent break time reading books, or imagining stories. Recently, however, he’s starting to like socializing a bit more and has a couple of friend groups.
Weapon of choice: A fencing sabre, which he sort-of-stole from the club where he used to practice, and later on sharpened.
Fears and weaknesses: Loss of loved ones (which he has certainly experienced), any sort of crawly thing, specially cockroaches and spiders, but not bees. He can get quite debilitating migraines if exposed to heat or constant loud noise, and he also isn’t very able to endure very cold temperatures without catching some nasty things.
Interests: He is interested in programing, although he doesn’t really know much about it. He likes power metal. He wouldn’t consider himself any sort of movie or series or anything buff, since there are hundreds of things he still has to see, but he is fond of quoting the few he knows.
Other: He tends to think, many times, like he is in a videogame, or a novel. This can be bad when he’s in the “fight, don’t flee” mindset of many games, however most of the times it manifests as attempts to be stealthy.
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