Willis grunted at this and also for the fact that his chest still hurt "And look at me now... Me tied in my own home, by two women I met only days ago and with a big bloody hole in my chest"
Cas would feel hurt but not show any emotion. "What I did was irrational Willis." She would stand in front of him, untying his hands. "Do your worst Willis kill us."
Willis grunted, he did not expect Liz or Cas to die so willingly. It was then he realised that they cared for him and he in turn cared for them. "No... I will not... Cannot murder you" he said trying his best to level his voice for his wound was giving him great pains.
(I didn't even think that. Too tired when I was reading I guess. my response still works.)
LIz approached Willis slowly. She was uncertain that he would allow her to heal him. "This will take a bit of time and energy. I will need to rest afterword. Will it be alright if I rest here. I wont be able to make it home."
Liz tuned the the converstation as she laid her hand on Willis. She focused her engery on his worst first. The wound was deeper then she had thougth. Slowly the wound knitted closed. Liz was nearly exhausted when she finished.
"No Cas..." He was going to finish but Liz began to heal his wound which was incredibly odd to feel, when Liz finished she almost collapsed on the floor and turned his concentration to Liz "Liz... Are you... Okay dear?"
Willis was not sure who to spend his concentration on "Uhh... Yes.... No but... Okay good idea" Willis then stood up and stretched like he just woke up and lifted Liz into his arms
Willis was reading in a armchair when he heard an knock on the door, he got up and opened it to see Cas waiting "Oh Cas... I was not... We have nots seen ach other for a while"