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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheBlueShotgun


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Finally finished my character sheet. Let me know if anything needs fixing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Capra
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Capra Necromancer Lord

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Very nice! I found only two minor things that need to be "fixed", but they're only details.

TheBlueShotgun said
a raid into Brythonia

Brythonia is a Celtic Christian realm, which makes the Brythonians much closer to the other Celts rather than to the other Christians. Besides, the throne is held by the descendants of King Arthur, considered the savior of the southern Celts. Perhaps, the Pelagian kingdom of Dyfed would be a better target?

TheBlueShotgun said

I am fine with your char dissing on Christianity, but like most forms of paganism, Germanic/Saxon/Norse paganism is an ethnoreligion, which means that neither the Norse or the Saxons are going to try and force it on anyone as "the true faith". So, your character shouldn't have to worry about his people being forced to convert by pagan Norsemen or Saxons.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheBlueShotgun


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Ok. Thanks for the feedback. I'll fix that up real quick.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Capra
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Capra Necromancer Lord

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Very well then, we've already got two players. Before starting the campaign, however, I'd like for a couple more to join us. In the meantime, feel free to ask any question you might have about the setting or the plot.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Templar Knight

Templar Knight

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Name: Tiberius Varus Marghek

Appearance: Lightly tanned skin, neatly kept black hair, clean shaven, 5'4'' (//I'm guessing at what the average height of the time would be), 150 lbs, well-built, a flaming cross tattooed on his chest, brown eyes, Cornish accent. When not in his "priest" armour, he wears a simple linen tunic under a chainmail shirt and linen pants.

Culture: Romano-Briton

Religion: Mithraic Christianity

Backstory: Born as a descendant from Roman immigrants in the form of the Legionnaires to Dumnonia, who eventually travelled over to Cornovia following the chaos which ensued following the breaking of the Western Empire, Varus was born into the militaristic kingdom in 840. He grew up working equal parts on his family's land and training to be a part of the new "Legions", growing up on stories of Magnus Artorias and his Ala Artorii Invicti, and eventually on the teachings of the Mithraic Cult. A fervent believer of Mithras-Christos, Varus ascended the ranks of the Cult to become a fully-fledged warrior-priest, leading his fellow warriors into battle with the flaming cross of their Lord and leading by example as their "centurion". His performance and appearance would make the real Centurions of the II Avgvsta laugh, though his skills and fanatical fury are not in question. He even goes so far as disobeying his superiors at times, taking his cohort out to take the fight to the enemy rather than wait, though he would not disobey his King or betray his brethren in the cult simply for glory. He even goes so far as to punish those within his own cohort who do not live up to his expectations of either devotion or enthusiasm for vanquishing evil. Rites of passage range from symbolic rituals such as drinking the blood of a bull, carving the latest cross for their standard to be burned in the next battle, to capturing and killing a man who has been declared an enemy of the God of Light and Mithras-Christos before his cohort are implemented by Varus to weed out the devoted from the weak, though in Cornovia there is no shortage of faithful.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Siti


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Name: Oanez ar Kernev "Agnes de Cornovia"

Age: 23

Appearance: Oanez has shoulder length auburn hair that she binds and sets off to one shoulder. She wears a silver torc around her neck, decorated with a pillowed texture and bulbs at its ends. Her features don't stand out terribly much from the Romans she lives with, apart from her eyes of the color glasz, resembling a gray blue like the seas of Brittany. She stands at 5'4" and is slender, not as buxom as most of the Romans, and walks less daintily. She dresses in the same dresses, togas and stolas of the Romans along with sandals and leather shoes. In battle, she wields a spear with a broad blade at the end and a small shield.

Culture: Celtic (Breton)

Religion: Celtic Christianity

Backstory: Oanez is not a native of the island Brittania, but rather the Celtic settlements on the shores of Gaul in what is now Brittany. She migrated to Cornovia upon receiving orders from the rex of her home province due to her prowess in combat and her ability to work without as much conflict with the native Celts. She is seen as an object of fascination by many of the soldiers who do not know her for both being sexually objectified and for being a soldier as a woman. Despite this, Oanez had several successful negotiations with the Celtic kingdoms to the north, which lead to her gaining the respect and further fascination of those men she served with. However, the rest of Cornovia has trouble accepting her as a citizen both for the aforementioned reasons, for her language barrier (both her Latin and her Welsh having a strange Gaulish accent), and for her religion. Though she practices Celtic Christianity, a religion that takes the best of both her father's Catholicism and her mother's pagan beliefs, there isn't enough homogeny with the dominant Mithraic Christianity to stop the gauking and gossiping. Oanez knows that the Romans have been kind to her home during the ransacking and pirating of foreigners and she hopes that by her coming north, she might be able to aid them and to convince the other people like her that they can provide aid amidst these vicious attacks and invasions.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Capra
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Capra Necromancer Lord

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Nice! However, I must admit that the lack of Saxon/Roman characters is disturbing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Siti


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

I was considering doing it, but those cultures just don't appeal to me as much, I'm afraid :\

I'd be happy to switch if need be, though
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Capra
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Capra Necromancer Lord

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Actually, I was thinking about suggesting Templar Knight to do it, since he has written his char's backstory/appearance yet, if it's ok with him of course.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Templar Knight

Templar Knight

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I could try Roman, or Saxon, though I know next to nothing about them besides what's posted on here, whereas I actually know a little bit about Ancient Ireland. I'll see what I can come up with.

EDIT: Got it
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Capra
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Capra Necromancer Lord

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Very nice!

Now that everybody submitted his character sheet, we are ready to start. This is the starting situation I came up with:

Oanez and Tiberius are part of a quite mysterious diplomatic mission, sent by the Cornovian rex, Magnvs Qvartvs Artorivs, to the king of Brythonia; at the start of the campaign, they are on a ship sailing from Tintagol to the kingdom of the Pendragons. Meanwhile, a great Norse invasion of Wales is taking place, the likes of which haven't been seen since the times of Rhodri, which Halvar and his soldiers have joined. The Vikings, numbering in the thousands, under Gunnar, king of Manx, and supported by soldiers sent by his cousin Guðröðr of Sudreyjar, have landed near Ynys Môn, and have since moved southwards, pillaging large parts of Gwynedd and Dyfed, and is currently headed towards Powys, which is preparing to face the invasion. Cadell has been sent by his king to the south, to the fortress of Caersŵs, with a few hundred soldiers in order to help the castle's garrison to withstand the incoming assault.

However, I'd like to hear your ideas as well.

Also, here is a short list of NPCs which will play a role in the story. This list will be updated whenever a new character is introduced, so that everybody has a clear idea of who's who.

Magnvs Qvartvs Artorivs, Rex Cornoviae: the young and recently crowned Rex of Cornovia. He is a part of a cadet branch of Magnus Artorius's (a.k.a. King Arthur) dynasty. He is known for his reputation of being a formidable fighter and a brilliant tactician and strategist, gained during a battle in which he humbled a much superior Dumnonian army. He is also described as a very attractive man, and his enemies like to say that he indulges in carnal pleasures a little too much for a king.

Cadwagan, Dvx Alae Artorii Invicti: the commander of the Ala Artorii Invicti, the Cornovian king's personal bodyguard and heavy cavalry retinue. Although he isn't seen very much in the Cornovian court, he is actually what some would call the king's right hand, and Magnvs puts a lot of trust in him. He is part of the mission in which Oanez and Tiberius are involved as well.

Avitvs Tertivs, Sancte Pater Ecclesiae Mithrae Domini: the current head of the Holy Mithraic Church. Residing in Ravenna, in his church his role is equivalent to the Pope's for the Catholics. Like all the Holy Fathers before him, he obtained the title by defeating all his opponents in a ritual tournament after his predecessor's death.

Alwyn ap Glynn, King of Powys: the current king of Powys. Under his reign, the fortifications and castles built under Rhodri the Great were repaired and renovated, and many new ones were erected: this proved to be a wise choice, and now Powys is more well defended than ever. The king is known to be cynical, and terribly cruel with his enemies.

Peredyr: the second in command of the armies of Powys, and leader of Alwyn's personal bodyguard. Known to be a corageous and ruthless warrior, there are rumors saying that enmities between him and the king exist, although the reasons of this are not clear. He is currently at the head of Caersŵs garrison.

Gunnar, Konung of Manx: the current king of Manx, feared raider and pirate. Under his reign, Manx has reached the peak of its reputation as a lair of pirates and pillagers. Gunnar even claimed for himself the title of King of Pirates, and currently seeks to expand his domains. He is known to be cunning and deceitful, both in warfare and in politics. Currently, he is camped with a large army near the border between Gwynedd and Powys, not far from Caersŵs.

Erling: a warrior serving in Gunnar's army, and head of his húskarlar. Known to be terribly cruel and ruthless, he is regardless seen as a heroic figure by other Norse soldiers. Many Røkkatrú warriors serve under him, and some even say that he is part of the cult himself. He is currently following his king in his campaign in Wales

Paul III, Rightful Shepherd of the Britons: the current head of the Pelagian College. Differently from the Catholic Church, the Pelagian one is headed by a College of cardinals, acting as a council and settling matters by voting, rather than referring to the authority of a Pope. However, the College elects a Rightful Shepherd, which acts as a spokesman or representative of sorts, and has the power to "tip the balance" when the College is evenly divided on an issue. Shepherd Paul is very old, and is known to be a saintly and pious man. Currently, he is residing in Berecingas together with the rest of the College.

Alexander II Episcopvs Romae: the current Pope of the Catholic church.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheBlueShotgun


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Looks good to me. Just a few quick questions about Peredyr. Why does the king trust him to be on the lead his bodyguard if he's untrustworthy? I'm assuming the king can control who occupies this position and it seems weird at first that he'd allow an enemy to get that close. Also, how large is the bodyguard? A few dozen men? Or closer to a hundred?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Capra
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Capra Necromancer Lord

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TheBlueShotgun said
Why does the king trust him to be on the lead his bodyguard if he's untrustworthy? I'm assuming the king can control who occupies this position and it seems weird at first that he'd allow an enemy to get that close. Also, how large is the bodyguard? A few dozen men? Or closer to a hundred?

Because, being the bodyguard's leader, he is a rather powerful man, and his soldiers are more loyal to him than tp to the king: by attempting to remove him from his position, he'd risk a revolt. The bodyguard numbers around two or three hundred men.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheBlueShotgun


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Capra said
Because, being the bodyguard's leader, he is a rather powerful man, and his soldiers are more loyal to him than tp to the king: by attempting to remove him from his position, he'd risk a revolt. The bodyguard numbers around two or three hundred men.

Ah, I see. Well, I'm ready to start when ever the rest of y'all are.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Capra
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Capra Necromancer Lord

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Very well then, first IC post up soon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FourtyTwo
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I'm in, fair enough.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Capra
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Capra Necromancer Lord

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kingkonrad said
(This is confusing- you said Gunnar's armies were camped up between Powys/Gwynedd, but they're now at the River Severn? I assume this is in the higher levels, towards the current-day Brecon Beacons.)

They are currently camped within sight of Caersws, on the opposite shore of the Severn.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Siti


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

I am going to post, I promise. I've just been extremely busy and have been having untold trouble with the forum.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Capra
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Capra Necromancer Lord

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Siti said
I am going to post, I promise. I've just been extremely busy and have been having untold trouble with the forum.

No problem. Besides, same here, guild has been down like 75% of the times.
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