Hello everyone, I'm looking to start some new role plays.
-puts out cookies-
I have a website if anyone's interested to take a peek at: Click here!
Updated October 15, 2015: I have an idea for a Bachelor Style Role Play full of laughs and drama with romance of course. If you're interested in hearing me out let me know!
Update: October 17th, 2015: Would love to play my own version of "The Doctor" from Doctor Who.
Update: January 31st, 2016: Welcome 4 new characters; 2 butlers and 2 maids. Have a look below! Interested? Let me know! Still want to do the Bachelor style show role play for anyone who's still interested!
I'm also in the process of putting together a couple of characters and have a few plots in mind for some characters listed on my website.
I hope to hear back from people either one here or through a PM.
Casual = 2 Paragraphs minimum please.
Yes I will play male or female, no I do not do smut, as the clothes start coming off we shut the door of the bedroom and rejoin the role play in the morning.
--> Check regularly for new characters!
-puts out cookies-
I have a website if anyone's interested to take a peek at: Click here!
Updated October 15, 2015: I have an idea for a Bachelor Style Role Play full of laughs and drama with romance of course. If you're interested in hearing me out let me know!
Update: October 17th, 2015: Would love to play my own version of "The Doctor" from Doctor Who.
Update: January 31st, 2016: Welcome 4 new characters; 2 butlers and 2 maids. Have a look below! Interested? Let me know! Still want to do the Bachelor style show role play for anyone who's still interested!
I'm also in the process of putting together a couple of characters and have a few plots in mind for some characters listed on my website.
I hope to hear back from people either one here or through a PM.
Casual = 2 Paragraphs minimum please.
Yes I will play male or female, no I do not do smut, as the clothes start coming off we shut the door of the bedroom and rejoin the role play in the morning.
--> Check regularly for new characters!
Name: Adrian Watson
Age: 25-31 (depending on role play needs)
Position: Head Butler
Personality Traits: Sarcastic, rude, witty, blunt and sneaky. However in the public eye he is, charismatic, charming, and thoughtful. Is he twofaced? Nah, he just knows how to be the perfect butler.
Little Biography: Adrian was brought up in a household down in the deepest darkest parts of the world. His ways were once thought to be devilish and evil; his ability to manipulate people to do his bidding was unlike anything the underworld had ever seen before. One fateful day he lost his parents and his sister to an ‘accident’ caused by one of his rivals. In turn he agreed to leave his life of crime and never return in order to protect anyone he could possibly care for in the future. After that, he vowed to get himself on the right path and looked for anyone to give him a chance. Butler School seemed like the best way to go and he graduated top of his class. His services were requested around the world from all members of the 1%. However he chose his master carefully and has been devoted to him ever since that day. He makes a good amount of money and has yet to settle down which has made him a high ranking person the “eligible bachelor” list. Not to mention his popularity and status among the 1% who desperately want him under their employment but his loyal to his master has never wavered, nor will it.
Name: James Noble
Age: 23-29 (depending on role play needs)
Position: Butler
Personality Traits: Claim, collected and quiet. However when asked to speak (or ordered) he’s full of knowledge that most would not expect and has a cheeky playful side to him that most don’t really get a chance to see.
Little Biography: James grew up in a family of servants, finding that once you’ve found your passion for something you should never give it up. He found his calling after watching his dad work for a man who treated him very well. Until the day his father unexpectedly passed away and the man turned his attention to James and his sister. Problems arose when the man tried to take advantage of his little sister and James forcibly removed the man and was jailed for knocking him unconscious, tying him to a chair and leaving him in the middle of the town square butt-naked. After three years in jail he was release and went to search for work again. While his sister still had her reputation as an outstanding maid, since the two came as a pair they had trouble finding work. Until a head butler showed up and offered them jobs on behalf of his master. For that Annie and James are forever in their master’s debt and James trusts him completely, knowing that both his master and his boss will protect his little sister if anything happened to him. Because of his violent out buster and fear of it happening again, he keeps to himself and performs his duties to perfection… will anyone be able to break the hard shell he has built around himself?
Name: Jasmine Hall
Age: 24-30 (depending on role play needs)
Position: Head Maid
Personality Traits: Witty, Charming and always smiling. Jasmine’s personality is one that’s hard to miss because she’s loud and energetic but has a soft spot for those in need; unless the one in need is Adrian, then she could care less.
Little Biography: Jasmine became the Head Maid at a very young age for the estate after her mother retired. Trained from birth to be the perfect maid and right hand to the master, she is incredibility talented in all accounts and is often requested to quit working for her current master and move on to someone else. An offer she consistently declines with a smile on her face. It wasn’t until her master adopted a new Head Butler that personalities began to clash and Jasmine found a new witty sarcastic side of her that she came to enjoy. Her banter with Adrian was always enjoyable but when it came to the public eye they were the perfect team working seamlessly together. However the goal to outdo each other is always high and one-upping each other has become a game they both enjoy (but will never admit to it). They would also never openly admit it but they cared for each other like family, Adrian being reminded of his sister and she feeling like he’s the brother she never had. But they doesn’t stop them from butting heads.
Name: Annie Noble
Age: 19-27 (depending on role play needs)
Position: Maid
Personality Traits: Bubbly, kind, talkative, fun and charming. The exact opposite of her brother and she’s okay w ith that.
Little Biography: Annie grew up alongside her brother and father working for a man who she thought was wonderful and would continue employment of their family. Until one day her father died, her master’s personality did a complete flip and he tried to take advantage of her. Had James not come in at the right time who knows how it would have turned out? Despite her innocence nearly crumbling before her, Annie picked herself up and during the time her brother was in jail, she attended a school specifically for training maids so she could become better at her job. She graduated in the two 3 people of the school soon after her brother was released. Between her training and her brother’s skills, she thought they would find a job easily but to no such luck. After numerous applications and interviews the two were sitting on a park bench after being evicted from their apartment to find a maroon haired man in a tailcoat approaching them; come to find out Adrian had arrived to offer them jobs with lodging and food included. Though they had no idea what they were in for, the two accepted the place of employment and joined the team working at the estate. Did they ever think they’d find a job so perfect? No, did they ever think they’d be able to work again? No. Are they working every day to prove to their master they deserve the positions they have received? You bet.
Age: 25-31 (depending on role play needs)

Position: Head Butler
Personality Traits: Sarcastic, rude, witty, blunt and sneaky. However in the public eye he is, charismatic, charming, and thoughtful. Is he twofaced? Nah, he just knows how to be the perfect butler.
Little Biography: Adrian was brought up in a household down in the deepest darkest parts of the world. His ways were once thought to be devilish and evil; his ability to manipulate people to do his bidding was unlike anything the underworld had ever seen before. One fateful day he lost his parents and his sister to an ‘accident’ caused by one of his rivals. In turn he agreed to leave his life of crime and never return in order to protect anyone he could possibly care for in the future. After that, he vowed to get himself on the right path and looked for anyone to give him a chance. Butler School seemed like the best way to go and he graduated top of his class. His services were requested around the world from all members of the 1%. However he chose his master carefully and has been devoted to him ever since that day. He makes a good amount of money and has yet to settle down which has made him a high ranking person the “eligible bachelor” list. Not to mention his popularity and status among the 1% who desperately want him under their employment but his loyal to his master has never wavered, nor will it.
Name: James Noble
Age: 23-29 (depending on role play needs)

Position: Butler
Personality Traits: Claim, collected and quiet. However when asked to speak (or ordered) he’s full of knowledge that most would not expect and has a cheeky playful side to him that most don’t really get a chance to see.
Little Biography: James grew up in a family of servants, finding that once you’ve found your passion for something you should never give it up. He found his calling after watching his dad work for a man who treated him very well. Until the day his father unexpectedly passed away and the man turned his attention to James and his sister. Problems arose when the man tried to take advantage of his little sister and James forcibly removed the man and was jailed for knocking him unconscious, tying him to a chair and leaving him in the middle of the town square butt-naked. After three years in jail he was release and went to search for work again. While his sister still had her reputation as an outstanding maid, since the two came as a pair they had trouble finding work. Until a head butler showed up and offered them jobs on behalf of his master. For that Annie and James are forever in their master’s debt and James trusts him completely, knowing that both his master and his boss will protect his little sister if anything happened to him. Because of his violent out buster and fear of it happening again, he keeps to himself and performs his duties to perfection… will anyone be able to break the hard shell he has built around himself?
Name: Jasmine Hall
Age: 24-30 (depending on role play needs)

Position: Head Maid
Personality Traits: Witty, Charming and always smiling. Jasmine’s personality is one that’s hard to miss because she’s loud and energetic but has a soft spot for those in need; unless the one in need is Adrian, then she could care less.
Little Biography: Jasmine became the Head Maid at a very young age for the estate after her mother retired. Trained from birth to be the perfect maid and right hand to the master, she is incredibility talented in all accounts and is often requested to quit working for her current master and move on to someone else. An offer she consistently declines with a smile on her face. It wasn’t until her master adopted a new Head Butler that personalities began to clash and Jasmine found a new witty sarcastic side of her that she came to enjoy. Her banter with Adrian was always enjoyable but when it came to the public eye they were the perfect team working seamlessly together. However the goal to outdo each other is always high and one-upping each other has become a game they both enjoy (but will never admit to it). They would also never openly admit it but they cared for each other like family, Adrian being reminded of his sister and she feeling like he’s the brother she never had. But they doesn’t stop them from butting heads.
Name: Annie Noble
Age: 19-27 (depending on role play needs)

Position: Maid
Personality Traits: Bubbly, kind, talkative, fun and charming. The exact opposite of her brother and she’s okay w ith that.
Little Biography: Annie grew up alongside her brother and father working for a man who she thought was wonderful and would continue employment of their family. Until one day her father died, her master’s personality did a complete flip and he tried to take advantage of her. Had James not come in at the right time who knows how it would have turned out? Despite her innocence nearly crumbling before her, Annie picked herself up and during the time her brother was in jail, she attended a school specifically for training maids so she could become better at her job. She graduated in the two 3 people of the school soon after her brother was released. Between her training and her brother’s skills, she thought they would find a job easily but to no such luck. After numerous applications and interviews the two were sitting on a park bench after being evicted from their apartment to find a maroon haired man in a tailcoat approaching them; come to find out Adrian had arrived to offer them jobs with lodging and food included. Though they had no idea what they were in for, the two accepted the place of employment and joined the team working at the estate. Did they ever think they’d find a job so perfect? No, did they ever think they’d be able to work again? No. Are they working every day to prove to their master they deserve the positions they have received? You bet.
Name: Havardr Bye
Age: 25-29 (depending on role play needs)
Appearance: |
Personality Traits: This giant of a man standing at 7 feet tall has a heart as big as his body. This Norwegian men, has a heart of gold; a soft spot for women and children and is surprisingly good with animals. Though his manual labor job gives him a larger exterior and should produce a sharp tongue and random outbursts of cat calls but that's quite the opposite of who is he. He's kind hearted, loving and very loyal.
If Role Play Requires Powers: Healing by use of his hands; must make contact with someone's injury in order to heal them.
Little Biography: |no biography yet|
Name: Annabelle Bye
Age: 21-24 (depending on role play needs)
Personality Traits: Loud and wild, the five foot two little girl tends to get herself into a lot of trouble, only to have her large brother pull her out of it. She's flirty, fun and despite her small size she's quite a skilled fighter like her brother. Except she isn't shy about throwing the first punch. Fun is her middle name!
If Role Play Requires Powers: The ability to use fire by releasing it from her hands, doesn't have great control over it and tends to lose control often.
Little Biography: |no biography yet|
Age: 25-29 (depending on role play needs)
Appearance: |

Personality Traits: This giant of a man standing at 7 feet tall has a heart as big as his body. This Norwegian men, has a heart of gold; a soft spot for women and children and is surprisingly good with animals. Though his manual labor job gives him a larger exterior and should produce a sharp tongue and random outbursts of cat calls but that's quite the opposite of who is he. He's kind hearted, loving and very loyal.
If Role Play Requires Powers: Healing by use of his hands; must make contact with someone's injury in order to heal them.
Little Biography: |no biography yet|
Name: Annabelle Bye
Age: 21-24 (depending on role play needs)

Personality Traits: Loud and wild, the five foot two little girl tends to get herself into a lot of trouble, only to have her large brother pull her out of it. She's flirty, fun and despite her small size she's quite a skilled fighter like her brother. Except she isn't shy about throwing the first punch. Fun is her middle name!
If Role Play Requires Powers: The ability to use fire by releasing it from her hands, doesn't have great control over it and tends to lose control often.
Little Biography: |no biography yet|
Name: Gray Yin
Age: 24-28 (depending on role play needs)
Personality Traits: A loud mouth who gets himself into a lot of trouble. He's a joker and loves to mess with people, playing games is his thing. Overall he could be a good guy... if he was trained by the right person to be a good guy.
If Role Play Requires Powers: When looking someone dead in the eyes, they can not tell him a lie.
Little Biography: |no biography yet|
Age: 24-28 (depending on role play needs)

Personality Traits: A loud mouth who gets himself into a lot of trouble. He's a joker and loves to mess with people, playing games is his thing. Overall he could be a good guy... if he was trained by the right person to be a good guy.
If Role Play Requires Powers: When looking someone dead in the eyes, they can not tell him a lie.
Little Biography: |no biography yet|
Name: Steven
Age: 23-27 (depending on role play needs)
Personality Traits: Surprisingly loud and humorous, bring any attention to him he wants, even though he's never truly sure if he has it or not. A nice guy, just loves to live life and enjoys it.
If Role Play Requires Powers: Mind reading, doesn't really have control over it and hears things he probably shouldn't but who's going to guess the blind man 'looking' at you could hear all your thoughts. No way.
Little Biography: Steven had a good life growing up, an only child; money thanks to his parents jobs and friends. A childhood most people could only dream about, until one day his world changed. Caught in a house fire, he helped get his parents out but at the cost of his sight. At the age of twenty Steven was unable to see anything. But that didn't stop him from living life. He became accustomed to his way of life and welcomed it with a open arms and the humorous personality everyone came to understand as his own. He gave up his right to drive but found companionship with his new seeing-eye dog Rocky. It's a rarity to find him without Rocky, even when he goes to work. What does this blind man do you might ask? Well he's a massage therapist. Don't laugh until you've had a massage from someone who can name every muscle in the body and, even though he can't point it out on a chart, he can put his finger directly on the part of your body that you're asking him about. He loves his job, he helps people feel better and loves life. Just... every now and then, his parents get a bit overprotective and stick their noises too much into his life for him to be able to spread his wings. It's worry, sure but he's not getting the freedom he wants because of his limitation to be able to travel.
Age: 23-27 (depending on role play needs)

Personality Traits: Surprisingly loud and humorous, bring any attention to him he wants, even though he's never truly sure if he has it or not. A nice guy, just loves to live life and enjoys it.
If Role Play Requires Powers: Mind reading, doesn't really have control over it and hears things he probably shouldn't but who's going to guess the blind man 'looking' at you could hear all your thoughts. No way.
Little Biography: Steven had a good life growing up, an only child; money thanks to his parents jobs and friends. A childhood most people could only dream about, until one day his world changed. Caught in a house fire, he helped get his parents out but at the cost of his sight. At the age of twenty Steven was unable to see anything. But that didn't stop him from living life. He became accustomed to his way of life and welcomed it with a open arms and the humorous personality everyone came to understand as his own. He gave up his right to drive but found companionship with his new seeing-eye dog Rocky. It's a rarity to find him without Rocky, even when he goes to work. What does this blind man do you might ask? Well he's a massage therapist. Don't laugh until you've had a massage from someone who can name every muscle in the body and, even though he can't point it out on a chart, he can put his finger directly on the part of your body that you're asking him about. He loves his job, he helps people feel better and loves life. Just... every now and then, his parents get a bit overprotective and stick their noises too much into his life for him to be able to spread his wings. It's worry, sure but he's not getting the freedom he wants because of his limitation to be able to travel.