Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The darkened auditorium was filled with both rows up on rows of seats that filled up each of its three levels and the murmurs of the newest students of the academy. As the murmurs reached their climax a spotlight flashed on the stage revealing a large mountain of a man with dark red hair that reached down to his shoulder, a lazily shaved beard, and dawning a black suit that had the academy's crest stitched onto its chest pocket, though the man looked less than happy to be in a suit in general. He looked over the crowd before saying in a booming voice. "Shut your traps!" A nearly automatic silence sweept over the students, prompting a crooked smile to creep onto the man's face. "You are some of the lucky few that have been accepted to this academy, not something easily done." He said before clearing his throat. "For those of you who don't know who I am yet my name is Baran Flinders though more of you may know my alias better, Mammoth." He said with another smirk coming to his face. "I will be serving as your Co-Headmaster along side the enchanting sorceress Ms. Jinx." He said as he gestured with his massive hand to his side where his fellow Headmaster would be standing. He would give her a moment to introduce herself before speaking again. "If there are any questions they better be asked now because once you are out of this room your first day of school starts."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ScarlettWaters16
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ScarlettWaters16 Level 80 Assassin Badass

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

A younger woman with pink hair like horns popping out of her head, dressed in a purple outfit, smiles at Mammoth. "Thanks, Mammoth." she says. "As you know, my name is Jinx. You will know me only as Jinx and only call me Jinx or Co-Headmistress Jinx. Got it? Now, as my colleague said, if you have any questions, do ask now, or you will be bumbling around these halls like a bunch of buffoons."
Violet Turner smiles from the front row. She has always wanted to be apart of this academy. She knows everything about it and wouldn't need to ask any questions. She looks around herself, looking for people to ask questions. She pulls out a small vial filled with extra shadows and gently waves her hands over it. The spinning shadows settle and she smiles, tucking it underneath her shirt once more.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by twave
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Looking around as well James noticed that no one else was rising to the occasion. There was something he was curious about though. Raising his hand he spoke up with some hesitation. "So... What is different about the academy now as opposed to before? I understand now that H.I.V.E. has quite a reputation."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jason was sitting alone far from everyone else, he was twirling the black locket of Mary's between his fingers, right now he looked like an unamusing teenager, with his dark hair and his bright green eyes, that's when The headmaster and mistress came out...Mammoth and Jynx, in another life he might have been trying to defeat them, but not now...now he was supposed to learn from and respect them, Jason smirked, if there was one thing he knew he would never do it would be to admit someone was better than him, he heard the first question be shot up and it seemed like a good one but Jason really didn't care at all about the changes in the school, he wanted revenge...on all those heroes who had been called his friends...who had refused to help him when Mary had been murdered. Jason stood up and spoke not caring to interrupt, "I think the real question everyone's got on their mind is when do we get to do some live action work?" Jason had his arms crossed over his chest and in the dim lighting one might mistake him for Black Adam.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Jade smirked at the two students asking questions. She was her because her brother thought it would be good for her to spend time with people her own age. Personally she didn't see anything wrong with spending time with the people who came to his shop. She knew some of them were less than honest people but weren't most people? But she had promised to give the academy a try. Maybe she would learn something useful. She doubted it she already had many skills. But anything was possible right?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by hagroden
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hagroden Atomic Angel

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

He sat, elbows on his knees at the end of a row of chairs, he rolls a small wooden coin with a rune burnt into the surface of both sides, between his fingertips. A soft layer of frost sits on the ground near his feet, as always happens. Frankly, he couln't care less for the school, his anticipation was form the library's nonfiction section.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mammoth grinned slightly as he got the question. "Great question, good to see not all of you are brain dead." He said with a laugh. "As many of you know before H.I.V.E was renowned for breeding some of the world's top mercenaries for hire to villains. Though our goal to train each and everyone of you into elite agents is still the same, we couldn't give a wildebeest's hairy backside on how you prefer to ally yourself on the moral scale. You like helping the spandex clad do gooders, fine. You only in it for the money, fine. We don't care, we are a starting point for you lot. It is up if you sink or swim." He said before looking over to the other boy who asked a question. Mammoth smirked. "I like your fire kid, but none of you don't get any live action until we know you are complete garbage in a fight. We may not care who you fight for, but we can't have you guys messing up our new reputation just yet."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Satisfied with that answer James glanced around to see who else was starting out. Quite a few different people with undoubtedly a just as diverse skill set. Mammoth mentioned that they would start right after Q&A so he waited to see if anyone else would ask a question.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ScarlettWaters16
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ScarlettWaters16 Level 80 Assassin Badass

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Mammoth..." Jinx says quietly with a little warning. "What Mammoth means to say is that H.I.V.E. academy is trying to get a better reputation and we probably will not be sending you out into the field just yet. All of you have great potential and some will learn faster than others. We just want you all to be the best you can be." Jinx smiles down at the class, gritting her teeth together in a wolf like fashion.
Violet looks over at James and Jason. They are both very curious newbies. She uncaps the top of her vial and pulls out some shadow, spinning it around in her hand. Jason seems like he is going to be a trouble maker, so she is going to try to stay out of his way. She spins the shadows around her fingers, thinking quietly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MochiTheDango


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Arianna had no questions, she had done all of her "research" upon arrival and was well aware of the school's capabilities. She was also aware that they knew she had wormed her way into almost every inch of their system. Despite this foothold, she had no interest in doing anything to it, she just wanted the information and, at this moment, she had all the information she needed.

She quietly listened to the teachers and the students back and forth, finding it none too riveting. Her chin rested on laced fingers as she observed her peers. None of interest if she were to be honest but each seemed unique enough. A greened eyed gent seemed as though he were plotting, though that may be a common misconception. Another young man seemed decent enough, asking questions that made sense and, ultimately turned into the question of field missions. Two girls appeared quite idle, one appearing to use umbrakinesis to entertain herself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Member Seen 9 days ago

Aaron just yawned loudly. "Can we just get started so I can get away from all these damn crétins?" Despite that last word being in french, it should be pretty obvious what it meant, considering that even some people who can't speak french use it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by twave
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Not one to retaliate with the usual angst James stood up and looked cross. But then his expression changed to a smiles as he spoke. "Hey! I resemble that remark." Leaving it at that he waited to see the reactions. At the very least it might help smoke out the ones with a sense of humor.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ScarlettWaters16
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ScarlettWaters16 Level 80 Assassin Badass

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Violet glares at the guy that yawned. She actually wanted to learn something and it was noticeable that this guy is just going to be a twit. She smiles slyly and presses her hand against the seat of the chair. The shadows that were dancing around her hand slowly flow over the young man. If you're so tired she thought. Why don't you stay put? The thin strips of shadow wrap around his arms and legs before solidifying and trapping him to the chair. She smiles and calls the rest of the shadows back to her, putting them in her vial once more.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Member Seen 9 days ago

Aaron stood. "So, if we're done here, I would like to get to class now. Just sitting here is muy aburrido." He had completely ignored Violet's message to him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jason smirked as he was answered, "Guess that makes sense...last thing we need is to go out and look stupid." Jason turned harshly to where the boy had been wrapped in solidified shadow, Jason looked to the girl who had done it, his senses hardwired for mental abilities, he stood there and didn't move waiting to see if it was about to go to far, if it seemed bad he was simply a word away from putting it to an instant stop.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tidus


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Oh crap, why am I always late?" Jack thought to himself as he burst through into the assembly, rather loudly, sprinting straight towards the stage at full speed. No one was able to react just yet, what with him being a speedster and all, and he knew that he had to make at least a decent impression before it all got out of hand.

Rushing onto stage, Jack went straight in front of the headmasters. He would stand there in full costume, his gunmetal grey outfit gleaming slightly. "Hello everyone! Sorry to interrupt, hope nothing important has just been said. My name is Vector! I'll be joining you!" He would say excitedly and a bit quickly.

He would immediately turn and start shaking Mammoth's hand with ferocity. "Hi Mammoth, I'm Vector, pleasure to make your acquaintance!"

Then he would zip over to Jinx in a flash, drop to a knee and take her hand in his. "Hello, Jinx, you look as lovely as ever." He would kiss the top of her hand like a gentleman. As he stood, Vector would pull off his mask and bow, leaving a red rose in her hand. "You may also call me Jack if it pleases you, Jack Hawke." He would smile before immediately finding his seat amongst the crowd. The whole scene would take maybe twenty seconds at most, and was sure to leave people wondering what had just happened exactly. Jack would sit back and sigh, his nerves relaxing slightly as he looks around at the room curiously, eyes darting like a lizard's to and fro.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Jade watched as someone zipped into the room. She was impressed with his speed. She had never seen anyone move that fast. He seemed more courteous then most of the others. Atleast from what she could see. Which wasn't much considering his speed and her distance. She wondered how long someone like him would last here. He wasn't like anyone she had seen before which made her very curious about him. People like him didn't exist in her world.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mammoth smirked slightly as the blur of motion that called itself a student did it's frantic dash in and around the auditorium. "Oh so nice for you to join us." He said with a huge grin. "But even better it looks like I found this month's errand boy." He said gesturing to the boy who just dashed to his seat. "Vasectomy was it? Sorry but you said it all to quick for me to catch." He said staring down at the boy. "Regardless your great introduction has just earned you the high honor of being the academy do boy for the next month." He said with a chuckle. "Any upperclassmen, teacher, or whoever else I feel like saying can now has to permission to send you off on errands. Fun right?" He said with a laugh before looking back to the rest of the crowd. "If there are no more questions?" He waited less than a moment giving no one the chance to ask. "Great! You have three hours to get to the rooms we assigned you and unpack, eat something in the cafeteria, I hear the slop is extra grey today, find out your schedule if you haven't already, and maybe find some people that won't try and off you in your sleep. Oh and I am instructed to say offing a fellow student is highly frowned upon and treated with the utmost punishment." He said, his last sentence sounding as if he was reading it off a card. "What are you still doing here? I said move, get out, kick rocks!" He said before he pressed a button on his sleeve that turned on the lights. He then nudged Jinx's side and whispered over to her with a smirk. "Bet you are thinking about the old days."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ScarlettWaters16
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ScarlettWaters16 Level 80 Assassin Badass

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Jinx looks over at him before staring at the ground again. "Yeah..." She stared at Vector and her heart throbbed painfully. "But not in the way you think." She took a deep shuddering breath and stepped back. She still clutched the rose in her hand. "We should head to the computer and start figuring out schedule stuff for the kids. They'll be signing up for things soon." She turns and walks off the stage, forcing the thought of him out of her head
Violet watches as Jinx walks off the stage with the rose and frowns, looking over at the Vector guy. He seemed really nice. A little dumb to out himself like that on the first day, but he seemed nice. She stood up, brushing herself off and smoothing her clothes down, and walked over to him. "Uh. Hi. I'm Violet Turner, but everyone calls me Shadow. You're Vector right?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jason watched the speedster zip through and an anger boiled in him, "Fucking speedsters." Jason listened with a big smirk as they head Master and Mistress told everyone to get going. Jason got out of his seat and started walking bumping past kids and generally not giving two shits about anyone but himself, a larger kid did not appreciate Jason's attitude and shoved him when Jason basically shoulder checked him, Jason went tumbling slamming right into Violet and he shot back up without even apologizing for landing on her and went after the bigger kid, "You want some skyscraper?" The larger kid flexed a big muscle on his arm, "I dare you midget." Jason hesitated should he reveal his powers and give away a possible advantage, that and he didn't even know this kids powers or anything. Jason smiled, he was about to find out.
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