Avatar of Saarebas
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Saarebas
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 7038 (1.72 / day)
  • VMs: 3
  • Username history
    1. Saarebas 11 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current Hey everyone! Trying to get back into the swing of things after a LONG break. Happy to see the site still kicking =)
7 yrs ago
Just wanted to say sorry to all my RP partners for my disappearance. Things around my unit have gotten ridiculously busy lately and I have had almost no free time. I'm hoping things calm down soon.
7 yrs ago
Yay I'm finally 21! I can no longer be charged as an adult for being underage!
7 yrs ago
Ice hockey is basically just people wearing knife shoes fighting each other with long sticks for the last Oreo.
7 yrs ago
I like just letting people think I'm dumb, it's too much work to open my mouth and prove them right


Hello my RPing comrades and welcome to my little slice of the internet, help yourself to a cookie. If you have come here you must want to know a little bit about me, colored me faltered!! Well to start I'm a twenty year old male who has been roleplaying for the past six years, I actually got my start on the original site before it went down if anyone was around for those days. I am currently employed as a LPN for the U.S. Army, which is just another way for saying that I usually have quite the busy schedule yay... My interests are pretty simple; gaming, reading, and of course roleplaying!!

As for my RPing skills I usually try to keep to the casual section for RPs, though I have dipped my toes into the advanced sections from time to time, so I usually try to shoot up two to three good paragraphs per post. Interest wise I am a sucker for anything fantasy or superhero based, what can I say dungeons and spandex excite me XD I love a simple slice of life RP too, helps with a change of pace. I normally play male characters, I just feel that I am able to write for them better than a female character. I love talking in the OOC, almost a bit too much so if I am chatting your ear off please tell me to shut my trap, trust me I really need to from time to time.

Oh and please if you want to send me a PM feel more than free to, I love meeting new people, and I only bite half of the time =D

List O Interests:

Elder Scrolls
Marvel Universe
DC Universe
My Hero Academia
Percy Jackson
Harry Potter
The Wolf Among Us/Fables
Star Wars
Mass Effect
Oh and of course...

Most Recent Posts

I am super interested, but just want to make sure that a knowledge of the events of the past play isn't too needed

"Easy now with the cargo, y'all! Capin' ain't gonna be any pleased if she finds only broken or dinged supplies once we get off the ground!" A voice that sounded like an avalanche roaring its way down a mountainside boomed over a group of the pixie deckhands that were bickering over a crate of sugars that was set to go to the ship's kitchen quarters. The owner of the thunderous voice was no other than the ship's giant of a bosun, Clay. He offered the little fairy folks a stern look that quickly melted into a warm smile as he kneeled down and scooped up the box of sweets, settling it onto his shoulder with ease before letting one of his meaty mitts slip into his pocket and fish out a nice chunk of rock candy. The stone covered Goliath gave the candy a quick squeeze and caused it to break into a small handful of shards that he happily handed to each of the pint-sized pirates. "Y'all get yer sweet tooth fix with these then load up the last few boxes, alright? Too easy!" Clay said with a warm laugh as he stood back to his full staggering height and hauled the crate of sugars the rest of the way onto the ship, leaving the little group of tiny barbarians to fight over their newly awarded rock candy.

It was hard not to notice Clay as he made his way around the ship, his towering size set aside the behemoth of a man filled the halls with a cacophony of off-key whistling that did little for the moods of the pixie workers that lugged the supplies alongside him. Despite all of the looks and small comments he spurred from the others, Clay was far too happy to pay them any of the mind he did have. He was about to set across the stars with a crew of honest people and make more money than he had ever seen before, what was not to be excited about? All this joyous energy was practically radiating off of the big lug as he helped lug round after round of supplies onto the ship, eventually seeming to have loaded the ship by himself as he constantly had to break up fights between the other ship hands with quick bribes of sweets.

It was once the last of the cargo was safely accounted for and secured that Clay made his way to the deck and caught sight of the rest of his less vertically challenged crewmates, a wide grin planting itself on his stone face. "Hey there y'all! Well, guess I should be sayin' ahoy now, right?" The living mountain said with a hearty laugh and snort at his own joke before waving it off. "But really just wanted to say can't wait to get this goin'. Ya seem like really fine folk." Clay would say in a tone to dripped with genuine excitement before his eyes fell onto his new violet shaded leader. "Oh I'm sorry Capin' probably should of told ya first, but all hands and supplies are secured and ready fer sailin'. Won't let it happen again." The giant's tone would grow a little more formal as he took his hat off quickly and stood up a little more rigidly, it would seem that he was trying to make a good first impression.
Going to throw my hat in for the Bosun position. Do you want me to post my CS here when it is ready or message it to you?
So sorry for not getting here sooner, I didn't get the ping that the main thread was up DX I'll go ahead and read through what has been posted and start working on my character. Just want to make sure what slots are still open
This looks like it would be a blast! Would there be room for one more?
Defiantly interested! Just finished the Umbrella Academy and I fell in love with it. I'd be super excited to get in on this =)
Hey everyone sorry but I'm going to have to pull out of this one. Life is getting pretty hectic and I won't have that much free time. I'm so sorry guys (=P
I managed to get a small post up after my shift, but now excuse me while I collapse into my bed for awhile XD
Yjarldor Stormcaller

Yjarl's thunderous voice was silenced just as quickly as it erupted from him as it was greeted with a kind, but very prompt request that he control his volume. "Oh I'm sorry, just happy to see that there are other people. Well I mean people people you know?" The blue giant said as he dawned a friendly grin and looked over the group. Normally he wouldn't of just barged into the conversation like he did, but given the circumstances they were all in Yjarl felt like it was for the best that he made sure he was involved with other people in the same trapped in a different world boat. By the look of things this conversation had been going on for a bit even before he had arrived, sending a slight sense of guilt to Yjarl's stomach that he quickly managed to push aside and recompose himself. What he could gather though was that they were all talking about how this new world work as compared to the real one. Everyone putting in their two cents of how it acted just like reality, just with a few added game features like virtual menus. Luckily, or rather unluckily, Yjarl had managed to come to these same conclusions through his bumbling.

"If we're sticking with just our character names you all can just call me Yjarl, it is a real time saver. If I would of known I was going to end up as my character one day I would of gave him a simpler name." Yjarl said with a slight chuckle. Though by the looks of things he wasn't the only one with a slightly funny name, he really apricated the obvious Ganondorf word play. In the middle of his thought about names he heard a slight ping before a screen popped up in front of his face, sending a slight jolt through his massive frame. "That is going to take some getting use to." He said half to himself as he read over the text. It was a friend request, it seemed that this world was definitely more game like than he expected. Yjarl tentatively reached out one of his massive fingers to press the accept button, half expecting it to simple go through the screen. As he clicked the button a small chime played as it showed the friend request was expected. "Man all of this is pretty trippy."

As he moved his attention back to the group it seemed that the majority wanted to start splitting up into smaller teams to start trying figure things out. The Orc character proposed that Yjarl join up with him in a small hunting guild of sorts to help supply food. "That sounds awesome! I'd love to lend a hand." Yjarl said as a large grin found its way onto his face. This was the type of quest Yjarl did all the time even before he was sucked into the game so he felt like he could slip into this role with no problem.

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