This thread will now be used as the spot to hold onto all of the accepted Characters.
Sorry for the extra linkage guys.

Name: Olivia Osborn
Alias: Hobgoblin
Age: 17
Gender: Female
She stands at 5' 8" (1.73 m). Her gorgeous red hair is long, thick, straight and smells of an ocean breeze. Her skin is fair and baby soft. her eyes are brown, and her lips are full. Olivia's frame is naturally slender, and also fit due to years of dance lessons as well as moderate exercise. She is heavier than she looks (see Powers below).
Personality: be revealed in game....
Besides her native tongue of American English Olivia can speak/write French and Japanese fluently.
Olivia has taken dance lessons on and off since she was 3yo.
She has had some self defense training, but is far from a martial arts master.
Olivia has at least enough knowledge in engineering, electronics and cybernetics to modify and upgrade Goblin tech and weapons.
Super Durability - Olivia's body-tissue, skin, muscles, bones, etc. is extremely dense/solid, allowing her to withstand harmful strains on the body such as crushing weights, impacts, pressures, and changes in temperature. She also gains enhanced levels of strength and stamina, this is possible because of how hard her body has become, allowing her to resist tearing a muscle and/or her bones shattering easily. This power adds nearly 100lbs to her weight. Olivia's current enhanced strength allows her to lift up to 1 ton.
Peak Human Agility - Despite her dense body, Olivia is quite agile far more than the average human and can give most Olympic athletes a run for their money. (Think maybe Nightwing and Daredevil.)
Adaptive Regeneration - Olivia can regenerate and adapt in response to bodily harm. She stays resistant/immune for up to an hour after being attacked. At the being of the game Olivia can adapted to up to three different forms of attack. To adapt to a fourth form of attack she must give on of the first three adaptions.
For example: Olivia catches the flu so her body quickly adapts to fight and quickly destroy the virus. A little later, Olivia his attacked by a man with a knife. Her bodily quickly regenerates the damage from the initial attack and for the duration of the scene (plus up to 1 hour afterwards) her skin becomes immune to being slashed/pierced.
Green Kryptonite - The one thing Olivia's body cannot adapt to is kryptonite. Her DNA (see History below) makes her just as vulnerable to the alien rock as a true Kryptonian.
Fear of Drowning - Due to a traumatic childhood event (see History below), Olivia has a serious fear of drowning. Olivia cannot swim.
DID - Dissociative identity disorder (DID), previously known as multiple personality disorder (MPD), is a mental disorder on the dissociative spectrum characterized by at least two distinct and relatively enduring identities or dissociated personality states that alternately control a person's behavior, and is accompanied by memory impairment for important information not explained by ordinary forgetfulness.
Olivia is on medication for her condition, and as long as she stays on her meds she suffers few or no episodes. Without her meds she is endanger of her second personality gaining control.
Goblin Gloves - The gloves contain finger blasters. With a push of a button inside the gloves, the blasters fire in random directions which can be used to confuse those with a 'danger sense'.
Goblin Mask - Not only does the mask hide her face, it also contains a voice altering device to keep the Hobgoblin's identity a secret. The mask is also designed to protect her while flying at high speeds.
Goblin Costume - Her costume is identical to Jason Masendale's Hobgoblin costume. It's androgynous design hides her identity as well as her gender. The costume is also flame/heat retardant.
Goblin Glider (formerly) - As the Hobgoblin she first used a modified version of her father's Goblin Gilder. It is capable of great maneuverability and speeds of up to 90 miles per hour, and capable of supporting about 400 lbs including Olivia's weight (and far more for very brief periods of time). Top speed and a full normal load will exhaust the fuel supply in about one hour. The main microprocessor assisted manual controls are behind the head of the glider, and later modifications added voice-activated radio-linked controls integrated into the Hobgoblin's mask.
Jetpack & Glider Wings - The jetpack allows her to fly at a top speed of 90mph for up to an hour. The retractable wings help with maneuverability and allow the glide on the air currents when she wants to save jet fuel.
Bag of Tricks - The Hobgoblin carries with a satchel that contains several weapons. Among these are usually:
Olivia is the great granddaughter of Norman Osborn, granddaughter of Harry Osborn, and the daughter of Norman Harold Osborn. This makes her the rightful heir to Alchemax and Oscorp Industries. At least that how the world knows her. In actuality, Olivia is a clone. Ten years ago, the real Olivia Osborn drowned. A distraught Norman and a team of geneticists and biologists used the notes from Dr. Miles Warren and acquired information from Cadmus to clone his daughter. This information has never been made public. Norman, wanting to make the clone much more durable, combined his daughter's DNA and that of the monster known as Doomsday.
When she was 15yo Olivia discovered a secret lair within her home containing the family's evil legacy. It wasn't long after this that she found out the truth about conception. Angered beyond belief Olivia became the Hobgoblin. She used the wicked devices first invented by her great grandfather the strike back at her father and the company that created her. She was eventually subdued (in part) by her father who dawned the guise of the Green Goblin. Norman made sure no one discovered that his daughter had become a super villain. Olivia was put in psychiatric care for several months.
It wasn't long after she was released from the hospital that Olivia took up the mantle of the Hobgoblin once more, but this time as a heroine/vigilante. Her father is not fond of this idea in the least but allows it... for now.
Norman Virgil Osborn (great grandfather, deceased); Harold "Harry" Osborn (grandfather, deceased); Elizabeth "Liz" Allan-Osborn (grandmother, deceased); Gabriel Stacy (uncle, ???); Sarah Stacy (half-aunt, ???); Lily Hollister (aunt, ???); Stanley Osborn (uncle, estranged); Norman "Normie" Harold Osborn (father); Brenda Drago-Osborn (mother, deceased)
The GM can feel free to use Olivia's relatives as NPCs if he wishes
Olivia's father, Norman, runs Alchemax while Stanley Osborn runs Oscorp Industries. The two half-brothers are in a vicious feud to gain total control the family's divided legacy.
Olivia's second personality is called Norma. Norma is angery, vindictive and often homicidal.

He has deathly pale skin and steely grey eyes, but when he is angry or trying to frighten souls they turn a bright red. He is around five feet and nine inches tall and is thinly built. His fingers are almost bone like in appearance and they have claws for fingernails. His teeth are sharp and his canines can extend into fangs. He looks like a thirteen year old in terms of facial appearance, but his face gives off a creepy feeling of being old and scary.
Name: Mortimer Winston
Alias: Grim Shadow
Age: he was 13 when he died but he has existed for 250 years
Gender: male
Equipment: he has both a scythe and a flaming sword, both of which are made of infernal materials which he can summon to him and back to the other-plane. These weapons can harm both living and spiritual beings, and Grim can channel spiritual energy into them to increase their power.
Skills/Abilities: he has a huge amount of knowledge thanks to his immortality and knows more than any human about the spiritual-plane. He is an excellent combatant
Immortality: He is already dead so he can't die, but that does not make him invincible, he can still fade if he loses too much of his spiritual essence.
Spiritual Energy manipulation: as an apprentice to Death, Grim can manipulate the spiritual energy inside himself which grant him several different abilities.
Spirit Blasts: This power gives Grim the ability to fire blasts of spiritual energy that can be pretty destructive if he puts a lot of energy behind it.
Spirit Hands: By manipulating spiritual energy he can move stuff with it, which is something that many powerful spirits share and the power of this ability is dependent on how much spiritual energy he puts behind it.
Spirit Barrier: Grim can surround himself in a field of spiritual energy which can protect him from spiritual attacks as well as demonic assaults on the mind.
Spirit summoning: Grim is very skilled in the art summoning and commanding spirits, and is able to communicate and summon both human and inhuman spirits under his control. These spirits are immaterial and cannot physically harm his opponents unless he gives them enough spiritual energy to allow them to attack them physically.
Grave Healing: This ability gives him the power to heal when he is in a graveyard or mass burial ground, but it will take a few hours for the process to be complete.
Death Walking: this power allows Grim to disappear in a mass of shadows to and from places he can think of.
Flight: he can use spiritual energy to make himself fly.
Weaknesses: Grim may be very powerful but he does have several weaknesses. Iron weapons can hurt his spiritual essence more than most metal and can make him weaker at a very quick rate if he takes too many hits from iron. Silver is like kryptonite to him and it can drain away his power if he is in close vicinity with it. Because he is made up of pure ethereal energy his existence depends on having this energy and if he loses too much energy then he will be destroyed, this is why he has to be careful when using his powers in incredibly strong ways despite having a huge well of spiritual energy. Because of this anything that can severely weaken or destroy spiritual or ethereal energy can be extremely dangerous to him. Divine power can also harm him badly and being on holy ground can slowly weaken him. Finally he has an intense fear of his dead body being resurrected and will be nearly paralyzed if his body was taken control of by supernatural forces.
Personality: Being a servant of death, Mortimer is very dark his personality and isn't fazed by the site of massacres and the worst acts of brutality. During his time as a servant to death, Mortimer has seen some of the worst horrors of the nineteenth and twentieth century, including slavery, the decimation of the native Americans, the civil war and both world wars. He is tasked with being a watcher of humanity and keeping balance in the world. Because of his transcendence through death, Mortimer's human personality has almost completely vanished and aside from his name and murder he barely remembers his life among the living. As a servant of death, Mortimer is neutral in his alignment and is seen as neither good or evil in the eyes of God.
Even though he is neutral, Mortimer's very faint human morals and the memory of his death make him dislike murderers especially killers of children. Many who have met him say he is very aloof and ominous in personality, and Mortimer doesn't disagree with these conclusions. As the years go by human behavior becomes more stranger to him and the ways of the dead more familiar. His rebirth as a spirit of death has given him a new sense of purpose and with the influx of costumed heroes in the modern world, Mortimer has found himself encountering them on almost a regular basis. He is one of the few beings who has noticed the amalgamation of the two universes by Dark Thanos.
History: Mortimer's existence as a spirit of death began with his tragic death. He was born in 1808 to a modest family in the thriving town that would one day become Gotham City, and in his early childhood years life was an average one. From the moment he could remember, Mortimer had nightmares about terrible deaths and many of them included his own. His parents told him that they were just bad dreams and he believed them, but deep down he felt that there was something wrong and that his dreams were trying to warn him of something terrible. His horrible dreams would turn out to be true when he was murdered by a child murderer who had been targeting children of varying ages. The evil man had asked for his help and when he got the chance he kidnapped Mortimer.
The child murderer brutally murdered him with savage cruelty and his killer was able to allude the authorities and when they found his body, his parents never got to see their son get justice. They would never see their son grow up into a man and they fell into a life of despair. Upon his death, Mortimer felt incredible cold as he was lost a terrible darkness and he wondered if God had allowed him to become a damned soul. It was then that he was approached by the Grim Reaper who was the personification of death, and the terrifying spirit told him that he had been chosen to become a servant of death and would be tasked with keeping the balance between the world. Mortimer didn't want to be a spirit of death, he wanted to live and see his family again, but Death told him that it was not his destiny.
The Grim Reaper gave him the powers of the grave and sent Mortimer back to the living world as a guardian spirit to watch over the earth. And so over two hundred years passed by which didn't seem too long for a spirit, but he had been watching over humanity through some of the worst times in human history and collecting the souls if the dead with his master. Eventually when Darkseid and the mad titan Thanos fused and combined the two universes together, Mortimer and his master felt the change in the cosmos and things become out of balance. His master met with Specter, Phantom Stranger and several other great supernatural being to discuss the great change. The Presence decreed that they would not interfere with the confusion that Dark Thanos had created, but he did allow Death to send Mortimer to the living world as a guardian against this unbalance that has been created.
Sorry for the extra linkage guys.
Appearance: Matt stands at 5"4' and weighs much more than your average human, being made out of steel. His large curly hair has been replicated with thin wires that are as adhesive to each other as regular hair. He has large red rectangular optical receptors, and a speaker hidden inside a human-looking mouth (the difference being everything is made of steel, of course.) His torso, which houses his lithium-ion battery, is covered by a white tee-shirt displaying iconography of the power buttons commonly placed on electronics in cyan, and his arms are covered by a jacket displaying a symbol of a bleeding cut, in black, on the back. His pants are a standard pair of baggy pale blue jeans with large pockets. He doesn't wear shoes, because of the rocket boosters built into his feet.
Name: Matthew Smith
Alias: Deathlok M. 477 "The Iron Heir"
Age: 14 Mentally, 20 Technically
Gender: Male
Equipment: On/In Body
Off/Holstered On Body
Skills/Abilities: He's quite a good Marksman, and is skilled in the use of blades. He is competent with computers, and is good at fighting video games.
Powers: Matt is a robot, and as such, He can now take and lift up to 800 lbs, and has rocket boosters in his hands and feet, as well as some built in weaponry like his Laser, and his Railgun. He also has nanobots constantly repairing his systems in case they get damaged.
Weaknesses: This robot body is new to Matt, and doesn't have the AI in it the others did. Matt also has Hero Syndrome/Complex, and is unable to hide his identity or be stealthy because, you know, robot.
Personality: Deathlok M.477 does not have the AI implanted in it like the others, so his personality is completely his own. He has a Hero Complex due to major self-esteem issues over the fact that he feels he's responsible for his father's death. He's generally nice, but occasionally makes jokes at someone else's expense. Although he seems oblivious to danger, or possibly stupid, he realizes consciously what he's doing, and also realizes it's bad, but feels a psychotic compulsion to constantly put himself into deadly situations to get recognition from others.
History: Matt was the only son of his scientist father, who worked at Cybertek Systems. Life was good for them, especially with the tech boom accompanying the portal technology being recently developed. When DarkThanos merged the two worlds, Matthew was killed, leaving his father alone and saddened. But he had an idea. For six years he slowly stole parts from Cybertek and used them to build a new Deathlok, nicknamed "The Iron Heir" and placed his son's brain in it. Sadly, he was discovered and killed shortly after Matt became Deathlok M.477. Matt blames himself wholly on this, and has decided to fight crime to make up for his past failures.
Name: Matthew Smith
Alias: Deathlok M. 477 "The Iron Heir"
Age: 14 Mentally, 20 Technically
Gender: Male
Equipment: On/In Body
- Coherent Fiber Laser
- Ultrasonic Burst Gun
- 9mm Railgun
- Major Repairs Kit
Off/Holstered On Body
- NanoCarbon Steel Katana
- Electrolaser Sniper Rifle
Skills/Abilities: He's quite a good Marksman, and is skilled in the use of blades. He is competent with computers, and is good at fighting video games.
Powers: Matt is a robot, and as such, He can now take and lift up to 800 lbs, and has rocket boosters in his hands and feet, as well as some built in weaponry like his Laser, and his Railgun. He also has nanobots constantly repairing his systems in case they get damaged.
Weaknesses: This robot body is new to Matt, and doesn't have the AI in it the others did. Matt also has Hero Syndrome/Complex, and is unable to hide his identity or be stealthy because, you know, robot.
Personality: Deathlok M.477 does not have the AI implanted in it like the others, so his personality is completely his own. He has a Hero Complex due to major self-esteem issues over the fact that he feels he's responsible for his father's death. He's generally nice, but occasionally makes jokes at someone else's expense. Although he seems oblivious to danger, or possibly stupid, he realizes consciously what he's doing, and also realizes it's bad, but feels a psychotic compulsion to constantly put himself into deadly situations to get recognition from others.
History: Matt was the only son of his scientist father, who worked at Cybertek Systems. Life was good for them, especially with the tech boom accompanying the portal technology being recently developed. When DarkThanos merged the two worlds, Matthew was killed, leaving his father alone and saddened. But he had an idea. For six years he slowly stole parts from Cybertek and used them to build a new Deathlok, nicknamed "The Iron Heir" and placed his son's brain in it. Sadly, he was discovered and killed shortly after Matt became Deathlok M.477. Matt blames himself wholly on this, and has decided to fight crime to make up for his past failures.
In general. Sakura is a girl who is 5'7 tall and 56 KG. She has a rather good curve and slim built. Her skin is fair, eyes are gray, and has inherited the West-Allen hair color of her ancestor Bart Allen. She is 1/4 Japanese and 3/4 American, her Asian genes seem to be more dominant though and resembles her Mother.

Name: Sakura Allen
Alias: Slipstream, Stream, Blitz, Kid Impulse/Lady Stream/ Princess Flash
Age: 17
Gender: Female

Flash leotard suit: Tailored by Stark-Wayne Tech. It s water resistant and able to withstand friction, resist heat, and electricity, cold(but not absolute zero), air pressure, and extreme velocities. The suit is colored black and has the Flash emblem located in the chest. Its design is akin to that of Black Widow, Batman Beyond suit and Spiderman 2099. The Flash suit powered by Stark-Wayne tech have features of:
The suit is able to pick up a person's vitals and heartbeat.
Sakura has mastered 2 languages aside from her dual root mother tongue as Japanese-American, she is multilingual. The languages she knows are Mandarin-Chinese and German.
Like her predecessors, she is also knowledgeable in sciences and mathematics. But unlike her, she isn't as good than her predecessors.
She's skilled in playing the piano and the guitar as well as singing, she also cooks.
Prior to becoming a metahuman, Sakura has good skills in wielding the samurai sword.
Sakura's primary power is super speed. Like her predecessors she has hyper metabolism, vibrating molecules to phase, altering her vocal chords and acting as a human tornado. She can't be faster than Mach 4 since it has been 8 months since she got her powers. Afterimage spam is her specialty, she ages slowly due to some experiements.
"That's crash. But the mode sucks however kya! is way better than both"
Sakura is impatient, playful, secretive, motormouth, irresponsible. Is reluctant to acknowledge certain people, but she's not above commending them when they deserve it. She seems to have better control of her emotions, as she doesn't seem to lash out much. Also beware the spoilers when she feel like it.
"A time when Stark-Wayne Industries collide and strong as one"
She is not from the current timeline rather she is from the year 2099. Sakura is a descendant of the West-Thawne-Allen families. She is a phenomenal result of her generation of Flashes. Bart Allen is her Great-Great-Grand Father and adores him greatly. Currently the three family's in her timeline are at the same situation with her Great-Great- Grandpa, Bart. The families are at feud. Sakura's powers manifested at the age of 16, she was able to time travel due to her comrade who has the power to super charge other superhumans. She hates to talk about her timeline, it is pretty much obvious why she came back to 2050's, her goal is to kill Dark Thanos.
Beware of her spoilers and naughty behavior.
The least Thawne aspect she can have is manipulative tendencies and antagonizing tendencies.
She loves any types of games just as long as it isn't boring. Console games and virtual games are her favorite. Gamer Girl FTW.
Sakura cannot time travel alone with her own power, she either needs a time machine, cosmic treadmill or a superhuman with supercharging powers that can enhance her power to the point of time traveling. In short, external sources.
In general. Sakura is a girl who is 5'7 tall and 56 KG. She has a rather good curve and slim built. Her skin is fair, eyes are gray, and has inherited the West-Allen hair color of her ancestor Bart Allen. She is 1/4 Japanese and 3/4 American, her Asian genes seem to be more dominant though and resembles her Mother.

Name: Sakura Allen
Alias: Slipstream, Stream, Blitz, Kid Impulse/Lady Stream/ Princess Flash
Age: 17
Gender: Female

Flash leotard suit: Tailored by Stark-Wayne Tech. It s water resistant and able to withstand friction, resist heat, and electricity, cold(but not absolute zero), air pressure, and extreme velocities. The suit is colored black and has the Flash emblem located in the chest. Its design is akin to that of Black Widow, Batman Beyond suit and Spiderman 2099. The Flash suit powered by Stark-Wayne tech have features of:
- Eavesdropping device. Located at the gloves fingers, the user will be able to stalk conversations but depending on the communication-connection. The frequencies might not even be received or heard. The fingertips can also Be used as a substitute USB for hacking tech.
- Stark's Arc Reactor. Located at the chest where the flash emblem is. Rather a mini arc reactor meant to power the suit's tech, communication and micro computer devices for hacking. The battery lasts for 48 hours thus the suit loses all of its multitasking performance.
- Wayne fabric. The suit is made in star labs with the help of Wayne-tech, it comprises majority of Wayne fabric.
- Mask is for secret identity. In courtesy of stark technology, the user has an akin usage of google glass which allows the user access to the Internet. The mask is like every other flash mask, only the eyes are not seen due to the shades/glasses. It is designed to withstand UV Rays and it also has night vision and infrared only.
- Self destruct etc. In case if the Flash SW-Mark 17 is stolen or fallen into the wrong hands. The homing device attached to the flash emblem will send signal to inform Stark , Star Labs and Wayne industries. It also has a personalized code, meaning only the user itself can wear it, matched by his or her DNA. self destruct is last resort.
- Last but not least. Enviro-blend. Which can also be called stealth mode, based on the army uniform color coding. The user is able to blend in their surroundings. Be it night, jungle, arctic. The suit changes its color.
The suit is able to pick up a person's vitals and heartbeat.
Sakura has mastered 2 languages aside from her dual root mother tongue as Japanese-American, she is multilingual. The languages she knows are Mandarin-Chinese and German.
Like her predecessors, she is also knowledgeable in sciences and mathematics. But unlike her, she isn't as good than her predecessors.
She's skilled in playing the piano and the guitar as well as singing, she also cooks.
Prior to becoming a metahuman, Sakura has good skills in wielding the samurai sword.
Sakura's primary power is super speed. Like her predecessors she has hyper metabolism, vibrating molecules to phase, altering her vocal chords and acting as a human tornado. She can't be faster than Mach 4 since it has been 8 months since she got her powers. Afterimage spam is her specialty, she ages slowly due to some experiements.
- Speed limit is Mach 4. This is her maxed out speed.
- She is a dwarfed version of her ancestor Bart Allen combined with Wally West.
- She can't turn invisible.
- She does have super healing but depending on the injuries she receives, it will take longer for her to heal. Sakura happened to be put out of commission for a week after consecutive prolonged usage of her abilities.
- She can't fly.
- She can't make clones like Bart Allen.
- She's irresponsible.
- She hates accepting defeat.
- Superiority-Inferiority Complex.
- Inherited Bart Allen's "Who cares about secret identity".
- Wrong timing of things by acting out on impulse, more impatient on this matter.
"That's crash. But the mode sucks however kya! is way better than both"
Sakura is impatient, playful, secretive, motormouth, irresponsible. Is reluctant to acknowledge certain people, but she's not above commending them when they deserve it. She seems to have better control of her emotions, as she doesn't seem to lash out much. Also beware the spoilers when she feel like it.
"A time when Stark-Wayne Industries collide and strong as one"
She is not from the current timeline rather she is from the year 2099. Sakura is a descendant of the West-Thawne-Allen families. She is a phenomenal result of her generation of Flashes. Bart Allen is her Great-Great-Grand Father and adores him greatly. Currently the three family's in her timeline are at the same situation with her Great-Great- Grandpa, Bart. The families are at feud. Sakura's powers manifested at the age of 16, she was able to time travel due to her comrade who has the power to super charge other superhumans. She hates to talk about her timeline, it is pretty much obvious why she came back to 2050's, her goal is to kill Dark Thanos.
Beware of her spoilers and naughty behavior.
The least Thawne aspect she can have is manipulative tendencies and antagonizing tendencies.
She loves any types of games just as long as it isn't boring. Console games and virtual games are her favorite. Gamer Girl FTW.
Sakura cannot time travel alone with her own power, she either needs a time machine, cosmic treadmill or a superhuman with supercharging powers that can enhance her power to the point of time traveling. In short, external sources.

Though you know the symbiote is more shaped to her figure and similar to Scream has symbiote hair tendrils that go down to about her neck length. Normally it has no mouth but the symbiote when agitated or angered will form one and lash out with it.
Liz herself stands around 5' 6'' and weighs around 145 lbs.
Liz has a tattoo on the back of her neck:

Name: Elizabeth Sihir (prefers being called Liz)
Alias: Legion (for we are many.)
Age: {25}
Gender: Female (the symbiote itself, none)
Equipment: Besides the symbiote itself, nothing really.
Skills/Abilities: knows basic boxing techniques, her unfinished degree from college was for computer programming and engineering,
Powers: The symbiote provides super strength, agility, reflexes, wall crawling, web generation, and the ability to form weapons from the symbiote and detach them from it (like Carnage).
Weaknesses: Fire or anything of extreme heat, sonic waves/frequencies, and high pitch sounds.
Personality: Liz is a bit dark at first and serious but getting to know her causes her to open up and in truth she is a rather caring person who doesn't mind helping others. She has a strong devotion towards her friends due to how few she has and isn't afraid to get into fights.
The symbiote is a mix of personalities due to never fully forming into just one entity. It can go from being calm and quiet to insane and lusting for chaos in a matter of seconds.
History: To begin we must start with the symbiote itself. Over the years there have been many symbiotes that have come and gone and all the while Osbourn Industries had been collecting samples from where ever they could from these alien lifeforms and adapt it for their own purposes. There were many trials and failures but eventually they produced a symbiote of their own from the samples of all other symbiotes. It was a quick scramble then to find a host before loosing the specimen but the symbiote had rejected all they offered. Right when they were going to pull the kill switch on the symbiote for it no doubt would die soon without them finding a host, it escaped, driven by hunger to find it's own host. On death's door it did find someone and in doing so Legion was truely born.
Now for the story of the new host of this alien life, Liz lived a life mostly in solitude never really fitting in with any sort of crowds. She had her friends here and there but for the most part she went her own course through her early life all the way through highschool. She opened up more after graduating but her decisions on appearance kept some at bay. Of course when people first see her it's obvious to see that she really isn't just like every other woman from the music she likes to how she makes her appearance. Though she has been solitude most her life she also likes to stick out a bit.
Other: Plays piano has a love for video games but won't admit to it at least not easily.

Though you know the symbiote is more shaped to her figure and similar to Scream has symbiote hair tendrils that go down to about her neck length. Normally it has no mouth but the symbiote when agitated or angered will form one and lash out with it.
Liz herself stands around 5' 6'' and weighs around 145 lbs.
Liz has a tattoo on the back of her neck:

Name: Elizabeth Sihir (prefers being called Liz)
Alias: Legion (for we are many.)
Age: {25}
Gender: Female (the symbiote itself, none)
Equipment: Besides the symbiote itself, nothing really.
Skills/Abilities: knows basic boxing techniques, her unfinished degree from college was for computer programming and engineering,
Powers: The symbiote provides super strength, agility, reflexes, wall crawling, web generation, and the ability to form weapons from the symbiote and detach them from it (like Carnage).
Weaknesses: Fire or anything of extreme heat, sonic waves/frequencies, and high pitch sounds.
Personality: Liz is a bit dark at first and serious but getting to know her causes her to open up and in truth she is a rather caring person who doesn't mind helping others. She has a strong devotion towards her friends due to how few she has and isn't afraid to get into fights.
The symbiote is a mix of personalities due to never fully forming into just one entity. It can go from being calm and quiet to insane and lusting for chaos in a matter of seconds.
History: To begin we must start with the symbiote itself. Over the years there have been many symbiotes that have come and gone and all the while Osbourn Industries had been collecting samples from where ever they could from these alien lifeforms and adapt it for their own purposes. There were many trials and failures but eventually they produced a symbiote of their own from the samples of all other symbiotes. It was a quick scramble then to find a host before loosing the specimen but the symbiote had rejected all they offered. Right when they were going to pull the kill switch on the symbiote for it no doubt would die soon without them finding a host, it escaped, driven by hunger to find it's own host. On death's door it did find someone and in doing so Legion was truely born.
Now for the story of the new host of this alien life, Liz lived a life mostly in solitude never really fitting in with any sort of crowds. She had her friends here and there but for the most part she went her own course through her early life all the way through highschool. She opened up more after graduating but her decisions on appearance kept some at bay. Of course when people first see her it's obvious to see that she really isn't just like every other woman from the music she likes to how she makes her appearance. Though she has been solitude most her life she also likes to stick out a bit.
Other: Plays piano has a love for video games but won't admit to it at least not easily.
Magnus Wagner
Code Name:
Male, very male
5'6" with a very lean Bruce-Lee frame. On his chest is tattooed an Egyptian cartouche that reads "He will serve the end of the world for a year and a day" On his right hand he has L O K I on his first knuckles. His ears have a sloped point to them and his teeth are naturally sharp. He is missing the middle finger of his left hand from a younger time when he was cocky and teleported while flipping someone off.

Taught never to rely on any one thing, he keeps a number of tools on hand at all times.
Tanto Located on his left pectoral with a kevlar mesh sheath as an extra measure of defense from heart-shots.
Ninjato Kept on left hip.
Grenades: Never keeping more than two on him at any time in uniform after hearing the story of his grandfather pulling the pins of a dozen soldiers at once.
Chaff-nonmagnetic metal flakes meant to scramble electronic measures,
Knocker-compressed microfine Metal powder used to blow open door with high kinetic output or stun multiple organic opponents.
Throwing irons As designed, but his are hollow and fluted with multiple tiny holes to ensure a sucking wound to let an opponent bleed out if organic or hydraulic if he can land the right shot. Kept on his person on a thigh holster even out of uniform.
Sling: Simple kevlar thong used to hurl a simple fiberglass sphere with enough force to break bone, When he slips a thread through the ring of a grenade, it becomes a twofold weapon to launch the five pound weapon to impact before exploding. This he also keeps on a pocket with a hard rubber ball in civilian attire.
Uniform: A class A-III fabric armor in the make of denim top and pants with impact plastics held by Velcro atop. Can withstand up to .357 at point blank with only broken bones.
Physical mutation: His physiology is unique in several different ways. His bone structure allows him great flexibility. His spine is more flexible than an ordinary human, enabling him to remain in a crouched position for a long time and perform contortionist-type feats without causing any damage to his spine. Bamf's balance and bodily coordination are all enhanced to superhuman levels. He also possesses superhuman dexterity, being able to manipulate items and fence with either hand and his tail. He lacks his father’s prehensile feet but does have five fingers and toes that let him pass for human easier. He has a prehensile tail, allowing him to grab onto objects with relative ease. His tail is strong enough to not only support his body weight, but also lift an adult man completely off the ground at the same time, and is deft enough to fight with while holding a sword or blunt object. His eyes (which are constantly washed in black) grant him a marked degree of heightened night vision.
Wall crawling: Where his father could blend into the shadows by warping light, he can stick to shadows by an instinctive connection to the home dimension of his father and grandfather. This allows him to fight in a third dimension most others lack but also means he can not cling to an activated ceiling light for example beyond his physical strength.
Superhuman Spatial relation: Lacking his father's teleportation skill, but still keeping an awareness of his surroundings, heightened by the chaos energy of his mother leaves him with a reaction time that sits on par with spiderman's senses.
Trained in the formal art of Ninjutsu by psylocke, he puts his mutant physiology to best use as an infiltrator. He has been taught how to consciously filter out the lightest levels of psychic invasion.
Magic(k): Just as his father had an untapped arcane aptitude for things like the soul sword and his mother’s access to ritualistic magic. He brings an entirely new skillset to most teams in charms and spells mostly meant to enhance an objects properties, often adding to someone else's tech for an extra oomph not unlike doctor dooms technomancy.
While a time consuming skill now, that is to say he can’t use any spells in combat, only if he has the time to prepare a single spell as an opening salvo. It is to note he keeps a store of occult books and the like. Some real, some just to piss his dad off. His superhuman dexterity makes the sleight of hand as easy as breathing but he does also practice a few practical incantations like sewing glyphs into all of his clothes so they will put themselves away.
Polyglot: Studying arcane magic often means reading indecipherable tomes of long forgotten people, or it might meaning to know the hebrew scripture for the 44 seals of solomon or the Shemhamphorasch needed to activate a Golem. He is capable of speaking most Latin-based and Slavic languages, Hebrew, Aztec, Ancient Egyptian (language and hieroglyphs), Romani and Japanese.
For the most part he is happy go lucky jester of the group He has always had a fascination with sleight of hand and stage magic rather than his father’s circus life. On quiet nights he loves to curl up with horrible kung-fu movies and a plate of sushi to pass the time away whenever a girl isn't available. Even being the prodigal son of two great mutants and the grandson of even greater mutants he is still a physical mutant, he can never pass in normal society. As such he has a deep seeded hate for 'pretty' heroes and villains but mostly for fellow mutants who can pass by unseen and will bend over backwards, literally, for those who can't hide themselves. Where his father was a devout Catholic, Magnus has always carried a despise for the church's position on mutants to the point he is a vocal follower of Loki, a 'real god' of Asgard that has put many a hero of earth on their heels.
In another time and another place the mutants lost at Alcatraz. It became a campaign of slaughter on a planet wide level, In that reality, Kurt wagner and wanda maximoff had a child who was born in bloodshed and forced to fight from the time of a child, in time it became evident that they wouldn't survive so they went to the oldest and most powerful enemy they knew, Apocalypse. They agreed to become his newest horsemen if he got their son to safety, The first mutant agreed and sent the teenager to a reality whose other Aubin-sur matched his own temperament and psychic harmonics. The new Apocalypse understood what had been done with a simple letter tattooed int the boys chest, and handed the boy over to Xaviers school anonymously. This Xavier knew the boys past and did all he could to try and help heal a lifetime of war, but healing can't be done if it is unwanted. For years he studied at the academy and learned his lessons to master his powers so they didn't master him but there was too much ill will in his heart to be a member of the x-men. His time as a tool of apocalypse came to pass when the rift occurred, becoming the horseman War for a year as the universe settled down, he was released and Joined S.H.I.E.L.D. for the next six years as an act of atonement for his horrible acts as a horseman.
Note: For six years now, Apocalypse has still has one more day with Magnus under his rule, and so part of him always fears what will happen with just one bad day.
When he is the incarnation of war, His skin darkens to a deep purple while growing bands of thick crimson Lithoderms—coin-wide bone-and-skin growths as hard as stone and his eyes see through the entire arcane spectrum, capable of reading leylines, magic and seeing those invisible or hidden by magic. He gains the power to teleport nearly anywhere on the globe by riding leylines miles at a time, he bears a red sword similar to a lightsaber that cuts through any object by teleporting the molecules one micrometer to the side so that it seems to grind through anything to molecular 'ash'.
Magnus Wagner
Code Name:
Male, very male
5'6" with a very lean Bruce-Lee frame. On his chest is tattooed an Egyptian cartouche that reads "He will serve the end of the world for a year and a day" On his right hand he has L O K I on his first knuckles. His ears have a sloped point to them and his teeth are naturally sharp. He is missing the middle finger of his left hand from a younger time when he was cocky and teleported while flipping someone off.

Taught never to rely on any one thing, he keeps a number of tools on hand at all times.
Tanto Located on his left pectoral with a kevlar mesh sheath as an extra measure of defense from heart-shots.
Ninjato Kept on left hip.
Grenades: Never keeping more than two on him at any time in uniform after hearing the story of his grandfather pulling the pins of a dozen soldiers at once.
Chaff-nonmagnetic metal flakes meant to scramble electronic measures,
Knocker-compressed microfine Metal powder used to blow open door with high kinetic output or stun multiple organic opponents.
Throwing irons As designed, but his are hollow and fluted with multiple tiny holes to ensure a sucking wound to let an opponent bleed out if organic or hydraulic if he can land the right shot. Kept on his person on a thigh holster even out of uniform.
Sling: Simple kevlar thong used to hurl a simple fiberglass sphere with enough force to break bone, When he slips a thread through the ring of a grenade, it becomes a twofold weapon to launch the five pound weapon to impact before exploding. This he also keeps on a pocket with a hard rubber ball in civilian attire.
Uniform: A class A-III fabric armor in the make of denim top and pants with impact plastics held by Velcro atop. Can withstand up to .357 at point blank with only broken bones.
Physical mutation: His physiology is unique in several different ways. His bone structure allows him great flexibility. His spine is more flexible than an ordinary human, enabling him to remain in a crouched position for a long time and perform contortionist-type feats without causing any damage to his spine. Bamf's balance and bodily coordination are all enhanced to superhuman levels. He also possesses superhuman dexterity, being able to manipulate items and fence with either hand and his tail. He lacks his father’s prehensile feet but does have five fingers and toes that let him pass for human easier. He has a prehensile tail, allowing him to grab onto objects with relative ease. His tail is strong enough to not only support his body weight, but also lift an adult man completely off the ground at the same time, and is deft enough to fight with while holding a sword or blunt object. His eyes (which are constantly washed in black) grant him a marked degree of heightened night vision.
Wall crawling: Where his father could blend into the shadows by warping light, he can stick to shadows by an instinctive connection to the home dimension of his father and grandfather. This allows him to fight in a third dimension most others lack but also means he can not cling to an activated ceiling light for example beyond his physical strength.
Superhuman Spatial relation: Lacking his father's teleportation skill, but still keeping an awareness of his surroundings, heightened by the chaos energy of his mother leaves him with a reaction time that sits on par with spiderman's senses.
Trained in the formal art of Ninjutsu by psylocke, he puts his mutant physiology to best use as an infiltrator. He has been taught how to consciously filter out the lightest levels of psychic invasion.
Magic(k): Just as his father had an untapped arcane aptitude for things like the soul sword and his mother’s access to ritualistic magic. He brings an entirely new skillset to most teams in charms and spells mostly meant to enhance an objects properties, often adding to someone else's tech for an extra oomph not unlike doctor dooms technomancy.
While a time consuming skill now, that is to say he can’t use any spells in combat, only if he has the time to prepare a single spell as an opening salvo. It is to note he keeps a store of occult books and the like. Some real, some just to piss his dad off. His superhuman dexterity makes the sleight of hand as easy as breathing but he does also practice a few practical incantations like sewing glyphs into all of his clothes so they will put themselves away.
Polyglot: Studying arcane magic often means reading indecipherable tomes of long forgotten people, or it might meaning to know the hebrew scripture for the 44 seals of solomon or the Shemhamphorasch needed to activate a Golem. He is capable of speaking most Latin-based and Slavic languages, Hebrew, Aztec, Ancient Egyptian (language and hieroglyphs), Romani and Japanese.
For the most part he is happy go lucky jester of the group He has always had a fascination with sleight of hand and stage magic rather than his father’s circus life. On quiet nights he loves to curl up with horrible kung-fu movies and a plate of sushi to pass the time away whenever a girl isn't available. Even being the prodigal son of two great mutants and the grandson of even greater mutants he is still a physical mutant, he can never pass in normal society. As such he has a deep seeded hate for 'pretty' heroes and villains but mostly for fellow mutants who can pass by unseen and will bend over backwards, literally, for those who can't hide themselves. Where his father was a devout Catholic, Magnus has always carried a despise for the church's position on mutants to the point he is a vocal follower of Loki, a 'real god' of Asgard that has put many a hero of earth on their heels.
In another time and another place the mutants lost at Alcatraz. It became a campaign of slaughter on a planet wide level, In that reality, Kurt wagner and wanda maximoff had a child who was born in bloodshed and forced to fight from the time of a child, in time it became evident that they wouldn't survive so they went to the oldest and most powerful enemy they knew, Apocalypse. They agreed to become his newest horsemen if he got their son to safety, The first mutant agreed and sent the teenager to a reality whose other Aubin-sur matched his own temperament and psychic harmonics. The new Apocalypse understood what had been done with a simple letter tattooed int the boys chest, and handed the boy over to Xaviers school anonymously. This Xavier knew the boys past and did all he could to try and help heal a lifetime of war, but healing can't be done if it is unwanted. For years he studied at the academy and learned his lessons to master his powers so they didn't master him but there was too much ill will in his heart to be a member of the x-men. His time as a tool of apocalypse came to pass when the rift occurred, becoming the horseman War for a year as the universe settled down, he was released and Joined S.H.I.E.L.D. for the next six years as an act of atonement for his horrible acts as a horseman.
Note: For six years now, Apocalypse has still has one more day with Magnus under his rule, and so part of him always fears what will happen with just one bad day.
When he is the incarnation of war, His skin darkens to a deep purple while growing bands of thick crimson Lithoderms—coin-wide bone-and-skin growths as hard as stone and his eyes see through the entire arcane spectrum, capable of reading leylines, magic and seeing those invisible or hidden by magic. He gains the power to teleport nearly anywhere on the globe by riding leylines miles at a time, he bears a red sword similar to a lightsaber that cuts through any object by teleporting the molecules one micrometer to the side so that it seems to grind through anything to molecular 'ash'.

Name: Olivia Osborn
Alias: Hobgoblin
Age: 17
Gender: Female
She stands at 5' 8" (1.73 m). Her gorgeous red hair is long, thick, straight and smells of an ocean breeze. Her skin is fair and baby soft. her eyes are brown, and her lips are full. Olivia's frame is naturally slender, and also fit due to years of dance lessons as well as moderate exercise. She is heavier than she looks (see Powers below).
Personality: be revealed in game....
Besides her native tongue of American English Olivia can speak/write French and Japanese fluently.
Olivia has taken dance lessons on and off since she was 3yo.
She has had some self defense training, but is far from a martial arts master.
Olivia has at least enough knowledge in engineering, electronics and cybernetics to modify and upgrade Goblin tech and weapons.
Super Durability - Olivia's body-tissue, skin, muscles, bones, etc. is extremely dense/solid, allowing her to withstand harmful strains on the body such as crushing weights, impacts, pressures, and changes in temperature. She also gains enhanced levels of strength and stamina, this is possible because of how hard her body has become, allowing her to resist tearing a muscle and/or her bones shattering easily. This power adds nearly 100lbs to her weight. Olivia's current enhanced strength allows her to lift up to 1 ton.
Peak Human Agility - Despite her dense body, Olivia is quite agile far more than the average human and can give most Olympic athletes a run for their money. (Think maybe Nightwing and Daredevil.)
Adaptive Regeneration - Olivia can regenerate and adapt in response to bodily harm. She stays resistant/immune for up to an hour after being attacked. At the being of the game Olivia can adapted to up to three different forms of attack. To adapt to a fourth form of attack she must give on of the first three adaptions.
For example: Olivia catches the flu so her body quickly adapts to fight and quickly destroy the virus. A little later, Olivia his attacked by a man with a knife. Her bodily quickly regenerates the damage from the initial attack and for the duration of the scene (plus up to 1 hour afterwards) her skin becomes immune to being slashed/pierced.
Green Kryptonite - The one thing Olivia's body cannot adapt to is kryptonite. Her DNA (see History below) makes her just as vulnerable to the alien rock as a true Kryptonian.
Fear of Drowning - Due to a traumatic childhood event (see History below), Olivia has a serious fear of drowning. Olivia cannot swim.
DID - Dissociative identity disorder (DID), previously known as multiple personality disorder (MPD), is a mental disorder on the dissociative spectrum characterized by at least two distinct and relatively enduring identities or dissociated personality states that alternately control a person's behavior, and is accompanied by memory impairment for important information not explained by ordinary forgetfulness.
Olivia is on medication for her condition, and as long as she stays on her meds she suffers few or no episodes. Without her meds she is endanger of her second personality gaining control.
Goblin Gloves - The gloves contain finger blasters. With a push of a button inside the gloves, the blasters fire in random directions which can be used to confuse those with a 'danger sense'.
Goblin Mask - Not only does the mask hide her face, it also contains a voice altering device to keep the Hobgoblin's identity a secret. The mask is also designed to protect her while flying at high speeds.
Goblin Costume - Her costume is identical to Jason Masendale's Hobgoblin costume. It's androgynous design hides her identity as well as her gender. The costume is also flame/heat retardant.
Goblin Glider (formerly) - As the Hobgoblin she first used a modified version of her father's Goblin Gilder. It is capable of great maneuverability and speeds of up to 90 miles per hour, and capable of supporting about 400 lbs including Olivia's weight (and far more for very brief periods of time). Top speed and a full normal load will exhaust the fuel supply in about one hour. The main microprocessor assisted manual controls are behind the head of the glider, and later modifications added voice-activated radio-linked controls integrated into the Hobgoblin's mask.
Jetpack & Glider Wings - The jetpack allows her to fly at a top speed of 90mph for up to an hour. The retractable wings help with maneuverability and allow the glide on the air currents when she wants to save jet fuel.
Bag of Tricks - The Hobgoblin carries with a satchel that contains several weapons. Among these are usually:
- Pumpkin Bombs - The incendiary grenades ignite almost soundlessly and release enough heat to melt through a three-inch thick sheet of steel.
- Razor Bats - Throwing blades in the shape of bats.
- Ghostly Gassers - A variety of smoke and gas-emitting bombs, which are surrounded by a light plastic mantle that flutter like a wraith when the bomb is thrown. Other gas bombs emit hallucinogenic gases, and others release a specially concocted gas that could neutralize [Spider-Man's] spider sense for a limited period of time.
Olivia is the great granddaughter of Norman Osborn, granddaughter of Harry Osborn, and the daughter of Norman Harold Osborn. This makes her the rightful heir to Alchemax and Oscorp Industries. At least that how the world knows her. In actuality, Olivia is a clone. Ten years ago, the real Olivia Osborn drowned. A distraught Norman and a team of geneticists and biologists used the notes from Dr. Miles Warren and acquired information from Cadmus to clone his daughter. This information has never been made public. Norman, wanting to make the clone much more durable, combined his daughter's DNA and that of the monster known as Doomsday.
When she was 15yo Olivia discovered a secret lair within her home containing the family's evil legacy. It wasn't long after this that she found out the truth about conception. Angered beyond belief Olivia became the Hobgoblin. She used the wicked devices first invented by her great grandfather the strike back at her father and the company that created her. She was eventually subdued (in part) by her father who dawned the guise of the Green Goblin. Norman made sure no one discovered that his daughter had become a super villain. Olivia was put in psychiatric care for several months.
It wasn't long after she was released from the hospital that Olivia took up the mantle of the Hobgoblin once more, but this time as a heroine/vigilante. Her father is not fond of this idea in the least but allows it... for now.
Norman Virgil Osborn (great grandfather, deceased); Harold "Harry" Osborn (grandfather, deceased); Elizabeth "Liz" Allan-Osborn (grandmother, deceased); Gabriel Stacy (uncle, ???); Sarah Stacy (half-aunt, ???); Lily Hollister (aunt, ???); Stanley Osborn (uncle, estranged); Norman "Normie" Harold Osborn (father); Brenda Drago-Osborn (mother, deceased)
The GM can feel free to use Olivia's relatives as NPCs if he wishes
Olivia's father, Norman, runs Alchemax while Stanley Osborn runs Oscorp Industries. The two half-brothers are in a vicious feud to gain total control the family's divided legacy.
Olivia's second personality is called Norma. Norma is angery, vindictive and often homicidal.

He has deathly pale skin and steely grey eyes, but when he is angry or trying to frighten souls they turn a bright red. He is around five feet and nine inches tall and is thinly built. His fingers are almost bone like in appearance and they have claws for fingernails. His teeth are sharp and his canines can extend into fangs. He looks like a thirteen year old in terms of facial appearance, but his face gives off a creepy feeling of being old and scary.
Name: Mortimer Winston
Alias: Grim Shadow
Age: he was 13 when he died but he has existed for 250 years
Gender: male
Equipment: he has both a scythe and a flaming sword, both of which are made of infernal materials which he can summon to him and back to the other-plane. These weapons can harm both living and spiritual beings, and Grim can channel spiritual energy into them to increase their power.
Skills/Abilities: he has a huge amount of knowledge thanks to his immortality and knows more than any human about the spiritual-plane. He is an excellent combatant
Immortality: He is already dead so he can't die, but that does not make him invincible, he can still fade if he loses too much of his spiritual essence.
Spiritual Energy manipulation: as an apprentice to Death, Grim can manipulate the spiritual energy inside himself which grant him several different abilities.
Spirit Blasts: This power gives Grim the ability to fire blasts of spiritual energy that can be pretty destructive if he puts a lot of energy behind it.
Spirit Hands: By manipulating spiritual energy he can move stuff with it, which is something that many powerful spirits share and the power of this ability is dependent on how much spiritual energy he puts behind it.
Spirit Barrier: Grim can surround himself in a field of spiritual energy which can protect him from spiritual attacks as well as demonic assaults on the mind.
Spirit summoning: Grim is very skilled in the art summoning and commanding spirits, and is able to communicate and summon both human and inhuman spirits under his control. These spirits are immaterial and cannot physically harm his opponents unless he gives them enough spiritual energy to allow them to attack them physically.
Grave Healing: This ability gives him the power to heal when he is in a graveyard or mass burial ground, but it will take a few hours for the process to be complete.
Death Walking: this power allows Grim to disappear in a mass of shadows to and from places he can think of.
Flight: he can use spiritual energy to make himself fly.
Weaknesses: Grim may be very powerful but he does have several weaknesses. Iron weapons can hurt his spiritual essence more than most metal and can make him weaker at a very quick rate if he takes too many hits from iron. Silver is like kryptonite to him and it can drain away his power if he is in close vicinity with it. Because he is made up of pure ethereal energy his existence depends on having this energy and if he loses too much energy then he will be destroyed, this is why he has to be careful when using his powers in incredibly strong ways despite having a huge well of spiritual energy. Because of this anything that can severely weaken or destroy spiritual or ethereal energy can be extremely dangerous to him. Divine power can also harm him badly and being on holy ground can slowly weaken him. Finally he has an intense fear of his dead body being resurrected and will be nearly paralyzed if his body was taken control of by supernatural forces.
Personality: Being a servant of death, Mortimer is very dark his personality and isn't fazed by the site of massacres and the worst acts of brutality. During his time as a servant to death, Mortimer has seen some of the worst horrors of the nineteenth and twentieth century, including slavery, the decimation of the native Americans, the civil war and both world wars. He is tasked with being a watcher of humanity and keeping balance in the world. Because of his transcendence through death, Mortimer's human personality has almost completely vanished and aside from his name and murder he barely remembers his life among the living. As a servant of death, Mortimer is neutral in his alignment and is seen as neither good or evil in the eyes of God.
Even though he is neutral, Mortimer's very faint human morals and the memory of his death make him dislike murderers especially killers of children. Many who have met him say he is very aloof and ominous in personality, and Mortimer doesn't disagree with these conclusions. As the years go by human behavior becomes more stranger to him and the ways of the dead more familiar. His rebirth as a spirit of death has given him a new sense of purpose and with the influx of costumed heroes in the modern world, Mortimer has found himself encountering them on almost a regular basis. He is one of the few beings who has noticed the amalgamation of the two universes by Dark Thanos.
History: Mortimer's existence as a spirit of death began with his tragic death. He was born in 1808 to a modest family in the thriving town that would one day become Gotham City, and in his early childhood years life was an average one. From the moment he could remember, Mortimer had nightmares about terrible deaths and many of them included his own. His parents told him that they were just bad dreams and he believed them, but deep down he felt that there was something wrong and that his dreams were trying to warn him of something terrible. His horrible dreams would turn out to be true when he was murdered by a child murderer who had been targeting children of varying ages. The evil man had asked for his help and when he got the chance he kidnapped Mortimer.
The child murderer brutally murdered him with savage cruelty and his killer was able to allude the authorities and when they found his body, his parents never got to see their son get justice. They would never see their son grow up into a man and they fell into a life of despair. Upon his death, Mortimer felt incredible cold as he was lost a terrible darkness and he wondered if God had allowed him to become a damned soul. It was then that he was approached by the Grim Reaper who was the personification of death, and the terrifying spirit told him that he had been chosen to become a servant of death and would be tasked with keeping the balance between the world. Mortimer didn't want to be a spirit of death, he wanted to live and see his family again, but Death told him that it was not his destiny.
The Grim Reaper gave him the powers of the grave and sent Mortimer back to the living world as a guardian spirit to watch over the earth. And so over two hundred years passed by which didn't seem too long for a spirit, but he had been watching over humanity through some of the worst times in human history and collecting the souls if the dead with his master. Eventually when Darkseid and the mad titan Thanos fused and combined the two universes together, Mortimer and his master felt the change in the cosmos and things become out of balance. His master met with Specter, Phantom Stranger and several other great supernatural being to discuss the great change. The Presence decreed that they would not interfere with the confusion that Dark Thanos had created, but he did allow Death to send Mortimer to the living world as a guardian against this unbalance that has been created.