Her bangs are straight but they can be pushed back to look like a part of her hair. They hang down about a inch from her chin. Im trying again to draw her myself, thought I do it free handed.
Kitty said
I think you are trying to kill me with wrinkles. First baggy jeans and now this *faints* Haha jk. The blouse won't be as detailed but I shall try my best
22xander said
https://www.dropbox.com/s/za9acaiu88dcony/Record_0003.wav?dl=0Ha after an hour and two tries, my recoding is... Crappy. But whatever, here is glitch telling his story
Song Book said
Its hard to find a kind of old fashioned blouse that meets her style. And she did just grab it from a rich ladies bag so.. Not my problem. Im drawing everyone as chibi's. I have slendy down.
Song Book said
Im still in 2014, soo... and im becoming more psycho like as I sit here... even thought I have music playing on top of the tv with a football game, plus a youtube video that's blasting my ears I feel lonely.
1Charak2 said
sir u an't lonelyyou have the voices in your headlike me...
1Charak2 said
observer down??????????i must know sir
Rin Okumura said
I have returned.