Hello there, acquaintances, potential evil army lieutenants, and or future slaves of my empire!
I am Vilhelm, destroyer of worlds.
I am also William. The less destructive version of Vilhelm. You may address me as either. My response will depend on the name used. For constant possible comic relief.
Anyhow, on to the purpose of this page! This is my RP finder device. It looks like this.

I use this to find potential RP partners. It beams out this list of ideas for possible RP plots and universes to likeminded individuals, then gives me pings when they send me private or public dots of interest! AKA it's a forum page. Post or pst me, peasants. I mean acquaintances. Yes. That's what I meant.
Current cravings for new RPs.
Something in the Harry Potter Universe.
Something in the Halo universe.
Something in the Sword Art Online universe.
Possible Universe Listings:
Pre-existing universes-
In this segment of ideas, I mention pre-existing universes. However, we would be RPing -NONCANNON- characters. Meaning -not- the same plot or characters as the show/anime/book/movie that I mention.
Avatar the last Airbender/The Legend of Korra
Fairy Tail
Sword Art Online
Game of Thrones
Ranger's Apprentice
Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Mass Effect
Assassin's Creed
New Universes-
My own ideas. I have dozens of these, but only a few that could be RP-ified.
Generic Fantasy] You get the point here. Generic fantasy. Orcs, elves, dwarves, magic, swords, bows, talking animals, cities made out of trees! All the fun stuff in one great big generic fantasy RP.
Space Pirates] A little more specific on this one. I plan on taking some of the tech from Mass Effect- Weapons and travel, that type of thing. But, all kinds of races, aliens, scientific experiments gone wrong- All these sorts gathered onto one big space pirate ship, roaming the galaxy stealing shit.
Realistic Medieval] You know the drill. Knights, assassins, political warfare and genuine slaughter war. Horses and packponies, kings and princesses, stories of valor and struggle. I'm particularly fond of this type of RP.
List of Pre-made toons:
Normally, I don't do this. But there are a few I really like to use fairly often.
Le Rules:
1- I am a high casual to advanced on a good day, or mid-casual on a bad day, or if there just isn't a lot to work with at the time. This means that depending on the RP, situation, mood, and RL stuff, I can post anything from a small single paragraph to a ridiculously sized mini-novel thing. So, be in that same range. Don't post constant one-liners, don't make -every- post a massive novel. Just be... In it for the fun, I guess. XD
2- I am a goofball. You will become either a lieutenant in my evil armies, or a friend to my less evil side, Will~. Regardless, I will be goofy, I will rant. I have strange interests that I will probably drag you into- Not like, freaky creepy interests. But, funny ones. Like "Wanna know how to cause a fatal embolism?". Which i can teach you. If you're curious. Hehehehehehehehe.
3- Post frequency. I know this can be difficult. People have lives. I personally will -try- to post at least once a day, possibly more if you do the same. But, occasionally I may vanish for a few days due to RL problems being a constant issue capable of taking me away from internet access. I will -always- get back to you, be it every day, once or twice a week, or once or twice in a month. Normally, it will be pretty frequent. But like I said. SOmetimes I just can't. And I apologize in advance. I also understand if you suffer the same issues, and while, if you vanish, I may poke you in PMs, I do not get offended if you can't post or reply.
4- Be prepared. I like to talk. IC, OOC, whatever. I like to talk about me. I like to talk about you. I like to talk about people other than either of us. I like to talk about science, anatomy, engineering, philosophy, war, combat, strategy. Occasionally, I come off a little strong. I promise, I'm -not- a psycho murderer. But on occasion I might talk about how I admire a psycho murderer's talent for getting away with it. I would never do it myself. But they were clever. Credit where it's due, yeah?
5- Have fun. By gods, please, have fun. If you're bored of an RP, or of me, let me -know-. We can spice it up, or I can let you be. As long as you're having fun, I'm happy. When you stop having fun, so do I. And that's not fun for anybody.
6- Understand that some of the things I tell you about myself may seem fanciful, unbelievable, crazy, or just downright impossible. Sometimes it is. Sometimes it isn't. So let me give you the facts.
I'm a seventeen year old male.
I am -in- highschool, but it's an Alternative highschool, so my schedule's a bit... Whacky.
I am a combat addict. I like studying styles of fighting. I have done so since I was six, when I took my first martial arts class. Outside of gaining a yellow striped belt in Tai-quan-do, I have never actually taken other official classes- Outside of kickboxing, which I started about a year ago. But, I have studied armed and unarmed combat -extensively-. I love it. It thrills me. I talk about it constantly. I have learned in places that are strange, and the stories I tell from those places are often hard to believe. I admit to some exaggeration, but for the most part, it's true. I promise.
Despite being underage, I do not behave as such, or at least I've been told so. I discuss adult things. I understand adult things. If RP takes and adult turn- Be it to the dark and bloody or the.... More raunchy side of the world, I do not shy away. It's all rather interesting to me, frankly.
And I am very argumentative. Not in the sense that I'll get mad and bitch at you over something small. But I -like- to argue. On things like politics, how a certain thing would work. What type of bender from Avatar is the most powerful. Debate with me. Seriously. It's fun.
7- I apologize for the long rule list. But I figure you might as well know what you're getting into. XD
I am Vilhelm, destroyer of worlds.
I am also William. The less destructive version of Vilhelm. You may address me as either. My response will depend on the name used. For constant possible comic relief.
Anyhow, on to the purpose of this page! This is my RP finder device. It looks like this.

I use this to find potential RP partners. It beams out this list of ideas for possible RP plots and universes to likeminded individuals, then gives me pings when they send me private or public dots of interest! AKA it's a forum page. Post or pst me, peasants. I mean acquaintances. Yes. That's what I meant.
Current cravings for new RPs.
Something in the Harry Potter Universe.
Something in the Halo universe.
Something in the Sword Art Online universe.
Possible Universe Listings:
Pre-existing universes-
In this segment of ideas, I mention pre-existing universes. However, we would be RPing -NONCANNON- characters. Meaning -not- the same plot or characters as the show/anime/book/movie that I mention.
Avatar the last Airbender/The Legend of Korra
Fairy Tail
Sword Art Online
Game of Thrones
Ranger's Apprentice
Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Mass Effect
Assassin's Creed
New Universes-
My own ideas. I have dozens of these, but only a few that could be RP-ified.
Generic Fantasy] You get the point here. Generic fantasy. Orcs, elves, dwarves, magic, swords, bows, talking animals, cities made out of trees! All the fun stuff in one great big generic fantasy RP.
Space Pirates] A little more specific on this one. I plan on taking some of the tech from Mass Effect- Weapons and travel, that type of thing. But, all kinds of races, aliens, scientific experiments gone wrong- All these sorts gathered onto one big space pirate ship, roaming the galaxy stealing shit.
Realistic Medieval] You know the drill. Knights, assassins, political warfare and genuine slaughter war. Horses and packponies, kings and princesses, stories of valor and struggle. I'm particularly fond of this type of RP.
List of Pre-made toons:
Normally, I don't do this. But there are a few I really like to use fairly often.
Le Rules:
1- I am a high casual to advanced on a good day, or mid-casual on a bad day, or if there just isn't a lot to work with at the time. This means that depending on the RP, situation, mood, and RL stuff, I can post anything from a small single paragraph to a ridiculously sized mini-novel thing. So, be in that same range. Don't post constant one-liners, don't make -every- post a massive novel. Just be... In it for the fun, I guess. XD
2- I am a goofball. You will become either a lieutenant in my evil armies, or a friend to my less evil side, Will~. Regardless, I will be goofy, I will rant. I have strange interests that I will probably drag you into- Not like, freaky creepy interests. But, funny ones. Like "Wanna know how to cause a fatal embolism?". Which i can teach you. If you're curious. Hehehehehehehehe.
3- Post frequency. I know this can be difficult. People have lives. I personally will -try- to post at least once a day, possibly more if you do the same. But, occasionally I may vanish for a few days due to RL problems being a constant issue capable of taking me away from internet access. I will -always- get back to you, be it every day, once or twice a week, or once or twice in a month. Normally, it will be pretty frequent. But like I said. SOmetimes I just can't. And I apologize in advance. I also understand if you suffer the same issues, and while, if you vanish, I may poke you in PMs, I do not get offended if you can't post or reply.
4- Be prepared. I like to talk. IC, OOC, whatever. I like to talk about me. I like to talk about you. I like to talk about people other than either of us. I like to talk about science, anatomy, engineering, philosophy, war, combat, strategy. Occasionally, I come off a little strong. I promise, I'm -not- a psycho murderer. But on occasion I might talk about how I admire a psycho murderer's talent for getting away with it. I would never do it myself. But they were clever. Credit where it's due, yeah?
5- Have fun. By gods, please, have fun. If you're bored of an RP, or of me, let me -know-. We can spice it up, or I can let you be. As long as you're having fun, I'm happy. When you stop having fun, so do I. And that's not fun for anybody.
6- Understand that some of the things I tell you about myself may seem fanciful, unbelievable, crazy, or just downright impossible. Sometimes it is. Sometimes it isn't. So let me give you the facts.
I'm a seventeen year old male.
I am -in- highschool, but it's an Alternative highschool, so my schedule's a bit... Whacky.
I am a combat addict. I like studying styles of fighting. I have done so since I was six, when I took my first martial arts class. Outside of gaining a yellow striped belt in Tai-quan-do, I have never actually taken other official classes- Outside of kickboxing, which I started about a year ago. But, I have studied armed and unarmed combat -extensively-. I love it. It thrills me. I talk about it constantly. I have learned in places that are strange, and the stories I tell from those places are often hard to believe. I admit to some exaggeration, but for the most part, it's true. I promise.
Despite being underage, I do not behave as such, or at least I've been told so. I discuss adult things. I understand adult things. If RP takes and adult turn- Be it to the dark and bloody or the.... More raunchy side of the world, I do not shy away. It's all rather interesting to me, frankly.
And I am very argumentative. Not in the sense that I'll get mad and bitch at you over something small. But I -like- to argue. On things like politics, how a certain thing would work. What type of bender from Avatar is the most powerful. Debate with me. Seriously. It's fun.
7- I apologize for the long rule list. But I figure you might as well know what you're getting into. XD