Dante Fernshaw
**_Class: _**
_**Skills: **_
Fighting prowess:
His fighting style rests of the principle of formlessness, that there is no fixed stance but an adaptive and fluid one. So long as the death can be dealt as effectively as possible, the technique need not be a focus. However, this will mean he is not adept in any one style, of whose counterparts are masters of, and may lack the physical attributes such as an increased musculature. The lack thereof may result in swift and decisive blows and movement, but again pale in comparison to that of practitioners.
Top-notch in daggers and blades:
With his bare fists, Dante will not last a fight for long without fighting “unfairly” for the sake of survival. However, give him a blade, and he will fall any who stand his way. He possesses an excellent aim with throwing knives, delivering them at blinding speeds, in rapid succession, and with enough strength to pin a person to an object - should the blade be long enough, that is.
When they are not being thrown, dual-wielded blades make the mark of Dante’s flexible fighting style. Blades will not provide the hefty weight that a strike of the sword will provide, but blades offer nimble and accurate precision to the deathly weaknesses of the human anatomy, quick strikes from both hands, mastery with both hands accomplished from years of practice.
Phantom-like stealth and movement:
This is an umbrella term that extends and relates to all his abilities as a master assassin. Firstly, his silent movements and honed training and understanding of his physical capacities allow him to deaden all possible sounds to be emitted. His breath is even as smooth and shallow as a slight blow of the wind, his senses perfect and tending to detail, perpetually aware of his surroundings, and obsessive to surveillance and reconnaissance before going in for the kill.
While practically invisible in the dead of night and darkness, he is just as deadly in the daytime, as a competent master of disguise with an acute intuition of blending and moving in the crowd. A naturally friendly person that builds healthy relations with others is the type that the unwise are able to realize a lethal blades-man.
Sensitive to the environment, Dante is able to utilize it and turn it to his advantage, be it a smoke-cloud, rope, stones, and even the Sun – his collected, intelligent mind not cunning, but calm and attentive, adaptive and innovative.
Dante is agile, swift and a fast runner, whose stamina and flexibility allows quick manoeuvrability, dodge and scaling high walls, ledges, and uneven terrain. His lack of armour and resistance in exchange for smooth, quiet and disguising clothing are made up for his versatility. His style of hit-and-run, hanging, jumping and cover kills makes up his repertoire for his being practically unseen.
Extensive knowledge of poisons and antidotes:
His knowledge of poisons and herbal treatments comes from his mother’s line of work – said poisons varying from deadly concoctions from many virulent plants, or the chemical secretions of animals. Dante carries several vials of several types of poison, some lethal, which he coats his weapons with; depending on style of kill he wants to commit. A gangrenous, debilitating effect is seen sprawling from the wound to the rest of the body until the person dies from the inside-out; a fast-spreading anaesthetic which puts the person to sleep, or a small paralysis depending on dosage (which can be delivered from a prick of a pin); and hallucinogenic and enraging effects to the point of berserk.
Adept at maintaining his own in the wild, hunting and trapping skills more than sufficient, efficient in living life away from civilization for a considerably long time, should the circumstances require him to. A point which may not be properly stressed.
A people's person:
A trait that is so natural and exemplary of Dante is his naturally positive emanating charm, enabling him good relations with anyone he meets with a good way of words, silver-tongued and not lacking in appeal in the physicalities.
The_written_John - Antricanto Vindictus - close friends
A normal day in the store where Dante and his mom worked selling herbs and medicine was the first time Antricanto and Dante had first met. Antricanto, who had seemed like a normal, average customer at the time, had an acute sense of awareness and observed Dante, Dante himself noticing his being observed. When Dante was called out, he led him to a secluded part of the store and drew his blade right at this stranger. A quick observation into the eyes and demeanour of this stranger showed no immediate harm to himself, and therefore he introduced who he was and what he was very much capable of doing as an assassin for good. After Antricanto's story of his adopted son Alexander going mad, Dante offered help and the two set off. The two set off for weeks, getting to know each other more extensively as they pursued Alexander, and almost eliminated him before a mysterious force caused them to fail. The trail went cold, but the two knew that they got close, thanking each other for their assistance and the time. Should it be required, the two will join forces again in the hopes of helping put evil to rest. Dante understands Antricanto's happiness and giddy personality on an intimate level, understanding him like no other could, or allowed to.
Genkai - Mela - childhood, long-time friend
Dante met Mela through their parents, meeting up often to help the Fernshaw family grow accustomed to life at The Waterfalls. Young Mela and Dante spent their free time playing around in the water and climbing trees, a view at the top so spectacular of the enclosed forest, they would spend most of the next few years with each other, as they grew in skill and in friendship. Even when Dante and his family moved away to inner Drupali to open up a store, they would still maintain their friendship, a serendipitous moment every time. Dante had long revealed to Mela of his life choice as an assassin, but she understood him, as too he she.
[This is from the view-point of a new acquaintance, whom Dante had started a friendly discussion with over in a pub.]

“You a family man, my friend?” said the man to Dante, whose smile was as contagious as his snarky smile that hinted a friendly sarcastic tone, as if anyone who he’s just met, he’s known for the longest time. His clean, dark hair, short and maintained at the side whilst the top is allowed long and puffed enough to be a lion’s mane, short of covering his eyes, curling rightwards, made him look like a young experimental man, yet the look of concentration in his eyes, and his poise and seeming alertness reveals more to see a sharp, attentive, perhaps intelligent and worn man who has been through life in a way fewer men have. He was of an above-average height, perhaps a good six feet, a lean but muscular body it seemed by the control and articulation he has with his movements. His clothes gave out a sort of mysterious air to him, on most days – not the common man’s daily wears, not all the time anyway, sometimes of the kind that a traveller, or a wander, would don, as if one were always on the move. It would be a sleek coat, not a sight of ruffles about him. Dark coloured too, and entrenching him, concealing a lot of him, but allowing still the freest of movement. Tonight, he was dressed in his usual wears.
“Yes, my good man. I come from Drupali, and my mother and I have been there for the longest time. I leave every now and then to go on business trips. They don’t take long, and I usually come back in time for dinner time with mom!”
“What sort of business do you do? I see you ‘round here but no one seems to know what you do?”
“Well, you wouldn’t believe me if I told you this… But, for you, I’ll indulge you with the secrets of my life.
You see, I’m an assassin. I started when my father died and I took out the BloodHyres single-handedly. The local authorities got word of it and while they don’t exactly tell me who it is they want me to off, they… leave clues around and I just follow them. I also do political assassinations should the leaders bode poorly for the innocent folk like you all.”
“Wait, the BloodHyres? The group of no-good bastard thugs and murderers that has been around for the last decade or so that suddenly happened to have died all at once in one night? You’re telling me you did that?”
The two maintained their stares at one another, silent in the middle of the bustling bar and music, then the two burst into laughter, the man more uncontrolled the Dante, cackling away, his beer spilt, Dante ordering another round as he struggled to hold back his giggling.
“Oh, my friend! You are good, you are good! You really had me going there with how you shifted your head around, looking at me serious-like, intending murder at Shaunder over there,” the man said as he nodded his head towards the portly man, the same one Dante had looked at during the “declaration.” “Please, I would like to invite you over to my home. I’m sure my family wi-”
Dante held up a finger, a gentle smile spread across his face, polite and collected as a gentleman, “Please hold that thought.”
In a blindingly swift move, Dante flung his right hand from the left side to the right, his right arm extended and flexed, his hand open. The man tried to follow the direction of his hand in motion, and at the end of the point saw Shaunder, the butt-end of a knife protruding from a bleeding hole in the front of his head. His mouth agape, eyes wide-open in shock at the last second of life he had had left. His table companions started, and soon the whole bar erupted into chaos as fear and shock took over and everyone treading over another to flee for their lives. The man, however, remained where he sat, and Dante leaned forward to his ear and whispered:
“Filiph Shaunder had bludgeoned his two servants to death and threw their bodies in the river nearby. No one could found a good enough reason to convict. Take care of your family, my friend.”
As fluid as his death blow was, his escape seemed far too natural for anyone to suspect him. It all seemed easy to him.
“An assassin… well how about that?”