Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Allen stopped and turned to face her as Kalinda began scolding him, crossing his arms. When she finally finished, he spoke, his voice edged with anger, and he spoke condescendingly, but he kept himself from yelling. His hands clenched into fists in his pockets, but he didn't bring them out. "If how I'm acting is really bothering you so much, why in the hell did you come and bother me? I'm already leaving with the full intention of avoiding further competition." He turned to start walking again, but turned his head. "Besides, chances are you'll, if anything, fair better against the fear wavelength if you have another strong conflicting emotion. But that's an untested theory." He resumed walking, his face set to an unhappy glare.

Myth stood up and moved over next to Tori, sitting down. "H-hey, It'll be alright Tori. We'll figure something out, alright?" He put a hand on her shoulder, trying to cheer the younger girl up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kalinda could tell that she was just angering Allen further, but she didn't care. He hadn't hit her, and he seemed to be doing enoigh not to do so. Again, she didn't care. It wouldn't be the first time she had been hit, nor would it be the last. "Because that's what friends do, you stupid jerk! They bother and try to figure out what's wrong, even when you are being a complete and total jerk, a complete and total tool!" Kalinda said, still following

Tori nkdded, but T the moment, she just didn't see how. She sighed softly "I suppose it will. Eventually." She looked to Myth, and gave him a small smile, holding out the flower "here"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

oh why cant this ever be easy? just fight and get it over with!" Angelo called to them following from a distance watching not going to really interfere but honestly they never really consider the good aspects of a fight, the adrenaline pumping and the unspoken language of blades being told to each other with each hit. They just really need to fight and get it over with so they can move past it. Angelo is starting to realize if Kalinda is really as smart as she acts in not realizing that a fight doesn't solve everything but it does solve anger management and civil disputes like this and honestly their meisters its in their nature to fight.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

When Kalinda finished speaking it was clear that Allen had every intention to hit her. He was halfway through raising his hand to do so when Angelo interrupted, and he dropped his hand, and turned to face him. His anger finally starting to win out over his self control as his voiced raised. "Will you just butt the hell out of this? You can't fight to solve every damned problem, even I understand that. This is one such situation where doing so would probably come back and bite me in the ass hard, seeing as I might have to trust my life to you in two days, I'd rather not have someone who hates my guts. While being friends is out of the question, I've been trying my damnedest here to be civil and you attacking me and yelling at me isn't making it any easier." He rolled his shoulders back, half-tensed. "If you really want to fight that bad, I'll give you a fight. But I'd personally like to avoid one." After this burst of anger he managed to force himself to calm down some, though his posture still suggested the kettle hand't quite boiled over yet.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

now why would you think being friends was out of the question?" Angelo asked tilting his head questioningly but then smiling at him "oh please like a simple fight was going to be the end of the trust for us if anything id trust you more if we did. Hate me all you want because ill still trust you with my life no matter what. As they say Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters. Now if I didn't trust you to be by my side I wouldn't offer to fight which wont solve every problem but to fight is to be human to have a dispute is to be human and to have trouble having trust in others is one of the most difficult tasks a person can understand. Now I am always here to be your punching bag so long as you remember that no matter what ill trust you with my life even if you hit me and nearly kill me my trust belongs to you and to Kalinda and our weapons. im just that kind of guy my friend" Angelo said to him smiling jumping down to him then giving him a quick hug for a few moments before smiling and patting his shoulder encouragingly to emphasis his point...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kalinda didn't even flinch as Allen raised a hand, as if to hit her. She just stared at him diffently, without a hint of fear. When he didn't hit her, but instead looked and spoke to Angelo, she just blinked.

"being friends is out of the question? Well, that's good to know then." she stalked off, thinking that she would have felt better if he had hit her.

She had thought that there had been progress, with this training. Evidently not, if today was any indicTion. She stalked furiously away, in the direction of home. She shouldn't try and make friends. It always ended up in tatters.

Tori watched Kalinda stalk off, "others have problems to, and maybe if you weren't so self absorbed you'd see that, and see that people care!"[/color] Tori stepped forward, and shoved Allen in the chest, the young girl clearly furious, "Kalinda's been trying so hard, which is saying something, since six months ago she was stealing bread to survive! She didn't trust anyone, and one of the first people that she begins to trust acts like a big, stupid jerk-face, and ruins everything! The fact she actually gave a damn to argue means a lot"

She was shaking with fury, and really, a little bit of fear, and then she just turned away, "I need to go before she hits someone"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Allen sighed softly, and looked over at Tori, his voice back to being cool now. "I don't see why she even began to trust me, she's gotten mad at me almost every time I've opened my mouth around her. Not the best start to a 'trusting' relationship, is it? Certainly didn't seem like we'd ever have a chance of getting along to me." Allen turned back around and continued back towards his home, calling back. "And Angelo, you misquoted. It's 'to err is to be human', not 'to fight is to be human'. Some people have made it through their lives without ever fighting, but not one has made it without making a mistake. Beyond that, I don't like punching bags that can break without me slashing them open." He pushed his hands into his pockets as he finally moved out of earshot.

Myth moved over to Tori, speaking softly. "Mind if I go with you to make sure Kalinda doesn't hurt anyone? Allen cools off best when he's alone, and I'd like to get to know you two a little better anyway." He gave the young girl a little smile, trying to cheer her up some.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

I wasn't quoting anyone when I said that part about to be fight is to be human that part was me." Angelo replied as he got down and started to follow him letting Maria and Lorenzo go off with tori so that the weapons could go and get better acquainted while Angelo proceeded to follow his FREIND Allen to wherever he wanted to go not saying anything and not doing anything he could stay walking in silence but Angelo was not going to give up on being his friend he cared to much about the team to just let things collapse this way into a bad trust team. Angelo would be the glue that stuck them together and he would be their for any of them and last time Angelo remembered he actually hurt Allen the last time they fought so their was no chance Angelo would break just because he decided to fight...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Tori looked back, as Allen spoke and said "she fights with everyone. She rarely makes cupcakes for anyone" she sighed, and looked back to myth, giving a nod, "sure. Let's go" she managed a smile, and she followed after Kalinda, breaking into a jog.

She looked back, as Angelo spoke, and sighed. She watched for a moment, but then continued to follow Kalinda, even as Angelo's weapons came with them

It didn't take her long to catch up with Kalinda. She hugged her around the waist, looking up at her, and giving her a bright smile, and then reaching up and sticking the flower in her hair.

"myths gonna join us for a while, okay, and apparently Angelo's weapons"?"

Kalinda just sighed and nodded
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Myth swallowed as the other two weapons began following as well, and he just kept quiet, content in watching how the others acted, and just enjoying walking about with thim, even if he knew he would inevitably have to go back home to a grumpy Allen. He idly wondered what their stories all were, but figured if he just payed attention Allen would antagonize them into revealing it. He already knew that Kalinda and Tori had originally been living out on the streets. But they were at the academy now, which was good. Lost in his thoughts, Myth would slowly end up fading into the back of the group, and ending up just behind everyone else.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Tori continued to nudged Kalinda towards home, figuring that that was better then anything else at the moment. She glanced back, seeing that Myth had fallen behind, and feeling like a herd dog rounding up sheep, as she matched her pace to his.

"Earth to Myth" She said, smiling brightly, trying hard to do so, and to remain cheerful, but it was all weighing on her, as she tried to keep everything okay, but really, she was just tired and hurting now her arm pounding and stinging.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Lorenzo and Maria:
Lorenzo watched tori talk with myth and seeing myth stare off into space but Maria was just smiling at them giggling when she said earth to myth. Lorenzo sighed a little watching wondering if they will be okay. They were all weapons so maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to try and get a conversation going. hey myth, ive been wondering how is it that a timid guy like you became the weapon to Allen don't get me wrong I bet he has his moments but its hard to figure out how you guys are able to resonate when he is so....spiky. I guess I should say Lorenzo asked him and in all honesty it was something that was bugging him since he fought both of them before seeing how they acted and how on a personal level one wouldn't think they could resonate.


Angelo hummed softly as he followed Allen wondering where he would walk to, if he walked home Angelo would stop and just go home himself but he didn't get that feeling from Allen, he didn't seem to be the kind of guy to be upset then just walk home. He would blow off steam and Angelo wondered how he would do so since he didn't want to attack Angelo to do that
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

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Myth would blink as Tori caught his attention, and glance over at her. "S-sorry, I was thinking about what happened." He gave Tori a little apologetic smile, before looking up to see one of Angelo's weapons talking to him. The name Lorenzo vaguely popped into his mind. "Uh, well, i-it was more of a p-pairing of, no other weapon c-could resonate with Allen, a-and I came in halfway through a s-school year. S-so, since I can be used by a-anyone, I got stuck with him." He bit his lip, then gave his head a little shake, closing his eyes for a second. "That made it sound bad. I ended up with him because I-I could resonate with him and th-there were no other Miesters that needed weapons... S-since then I've started to understand his quirks a little better, so our resonating has gotten stronger. He really does mean well, he just doesn't g-get how other people think." The last part would be a little quieter, and Myth would speed up just a hair to re-join the rest of them instead of being a bit behind them.

After Tori and the others walked off, Allen would find himself walking about the park to cool off. He had noticed Angelo following him a while ago, but had made no move to indicate he did. He was glad for his aura of uneasiness, as it caused most people to avoid him if at all possible. Eventually he found a nice place to climb a tree, and he relaxed on a limb while watching people scamper about on the streets and in the park, finally relaxing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Tori sighed heavily, but ran off ahead to open the door to their little house, giving a wince as she thought about how Kalinda might act if she had to play hostess. Tori climbed onto a bench after running inside, and reaching for the cupcakes, those remaining, then climbing down.

She hurtiedly opened the fridge and took out milk, and then glasses, setting it
All on the counter. She looked up as Kalinda began pouring milk and smiled, leaning against her for a mkment, before running off TO wash her hands, putting the flower she had collected safetly away

Kalinda looked to the other weapons, and said in a resigned voice "don't track mud into my house."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Lorenzo was about to say no when Maria walked in doing what kalinda said making sure not to track mud into the house. Sometimes that girl just doesn't think Lorenzo looked at Kalinda and shook his head softly thanks but im good I just wanted to make sure nothing happened to tori on her way back. ill be out here if you need me Lorenzo said sitting down by a nearby bench just relaxing.

Angelo and Allen:

Angelo sat under the tree's shade relaxing a little getting ready to fall asleep when he saw some students well what Angelo could only assume were students of the DWMA but the odd thing was that their cloths were completely dyed red instead of the traditional black and white. Angelo saw that they came closer and closer Angelo looked up at Allen I don't like this, they don't look like normal students Angelo said to him as he stood up and was about to call out for his weapons when he realized they weren't around. Just perfect; Angelo looked at the two students who came towards them one was wielding a scythe while the other one was a great sword as long as his body. please join us. join the school of the true master the girl with the scythe said while the boy with the great sword just got closer getting ready to strike. Angelo wouldn't be able to kill them but he knew he could at least knock him out with his soul wavelength if needed...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

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Myth took his shoes off as soon as he came in, putting them bu the door where they would be easy to find, before entering Kalinda's and Tori's place proper, looking around. It was a nice place, and he saw Tori get out cupcakes and milk. Myth smiled a little, she was a nice person, to think about her guests, and of how Kalinda didn't seem like she wanted to be hostess right now.

As the odd studentss came over and began talking, Allen slid down from his perch on the tree, landing gracefully, and he immediatly began talking. "Guys guys! You're doing it all wrong! You don't get people to join you by running around and threatening everyone you ask! That'll get you nowhere! You've gotta do a lot more than that." He smiled a crocodile's smile and clasped his hands together in front of him. "If you really want to get followers, you've gotta tell people who this 'true master' is, and why he's the better choice. You need posters, plastered everywhere! Especially in the DWMA, and you've got to approach people while they're out on jobs, talk to them, show them the light or whatever your doctrine is. Intimidation really won't go as far as a well-designed HR campaign. You guys can be so much better than common thugs!" Allen spread his arms when he finished talking, hoping Angelo wouldn't open his mouth and ruin the on-the-spot speech. It wasn't much, but Allen hoped he had been charismatic enough to at least get them thinking, and give him time to come up with a better plan than just talking like a salesman who's new to the business.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kalinda's back stiffened at Lorenzo's comment about wanting to make sure nothing bad would happen to Tori on the way back home. "Like i'd let something happen to her?" She called after him, annoyed and angered, shutting the door when everyone was in.

She sighed, grumbling as she began to cut up vegetables, and meat for a hot lunch, Tori giving her a quick hug, before putting the cupcakes on the dining room table, before beginning to ferry the glasses of milk across as well.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Lorenzo sighed knowing that what he said was misinterpreted by Kalinda. Lorenzo meant nothing by it he just didn't want tori to be alone walking after her is all. Maria was inside smiling as she ate one of cupcakes "so yummy" she giggled smiling as she ate it happily.

Angelo and Allen:
Angelo covered his mouth and did his best not to laugh at that speech it was just so fake! Angelo made sure to cough and calm himself down from laughing out loud but the speech seemed to just go right past the kids as they either didn't listen or didn't care. they raised their weapons and the first one to charge was the scythe meister as she charged Angelo head on. Angelo quickly ducked avoiding her blade and he jumped back to gain distance Angelo would need to fight her on his own as the boy with the great sword charged Allen it seemed they weren't the talking type as they charged in for the fight. Angelo decided to just say "dude that was just so fake" Angelo said laughing a little as he fought the girl in front of him and avoiding her attacks...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Allen sighed as the boy charged, and he quickly ran directly towards him, avoiding any hastily made attack by his sudden opponent, and ducked down just before impact so that the boy would go flying over him. That was the hope anyway. After that brief attack, Allen would take a bouncing step or two backwards, away from all three miesters. "I'm serious though, attacking people is a horrible way to get new recruits. Angelo, let's ditch these wimps and go find our weapons." As he spoke, Allen didn't drop his eyes from either Miester, save to glance back at the group Angelo had pointed out earlier.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Sounds like a good idea but I don't think these guys are actually thinking clearly" Angelo said to him as he gave the girl he was fighting a good punch in the gut making her reel back and Angelo immediately jumped away landing next to Allen. "lets go their going to follow us if their really being controlled." Angelo said thinking that normally if a target is running you don't chase after them especially if they were just recruiting like Allen said instead of actually being out for blood. Angelo started to lead the way towards Kalinda's place knowing that's where his weapons would most likely be...
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