Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Allright, I'm posting all my sheets here for conveniance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Name: Vincent Fox
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Designation: 13th child
File Photo:
Dossier(Personality): Vincent is the son of a american Nintendo exec who married the daughter of an important higher up years after moving to Japan for business, and as such Vincent has all ways had an odd relationship with his family. At the age of 6 his mother died and their were problems because of Japan's non imegration policys and his grandfather, the important Nintendo higher up (now retired) thought it would be best if he was raised in a traditional way. He and Vincent's after agreed and he was brought to an old money compound were the grandfather was raised.
For years he lived in isolation, only bearly going to the local school and nothing else. But his father decided to give him a powerful, and hard to break, IBM laptop as well as a game system and a selection of Nintendo games. Soon he became absorbed in the internet, becomeing interested in international forums. His grades never dropped, and his grandfather was to old and ambivalent to see the effect it had on Vincent, so he became engrossed in these things without any real hampering.
Over time he drew more into himself, and grew morbid in his thoughts and personal research. He keeps a leather bound journal, an old worn book that his dad had given his mother after a trip to Europe. If you look in that book you can see how his thoughts changed over time due to sleep deprivation and being subjected to the stress of trying to reconcile his grandfather's workman ethics and the slacker internet culture he was subjected to in the internet from America and Australia.
He eventually began to get into hacking, at first out of curiosity, then out of a feeling of necessity. He never really got far beyond the script kitty phase, but he loved it.
Other: (Notes, voice actors/actresses/seiyuu, associated tropes, etc)

Seat: 12
Name: (If Overarching. Omit if not applicable)
Control Method: all of his moves are attacks, and most are light based, if those can be blocked that's it.

Name: Botamon
Gender: Male
Attribute: Virus
-Bubble Blow - Shoots bubble-like substances from its mouth.

Name: Wanyamon
Gender: Male
Attribute: Virus
-Smile Fang - Smiles cutely, then surprises the foe by biting suddenly.
Personality: Wantamon isn't vary ferocious looking, but inside that little fluff-ball is a warrior. Still, the little guy knows that he has to wait until he's powerful enough to really fight. For now he relies on his cuteness and bides his time to attack.

Name: Strabimon
Gender: Male
Attribute: Virus
-Licht Nagel - Slices up its enemies with claws on both arms that radiate with light.
-Licht Bein - Hits its enemies swiftly like a ray of light.
Personality: Stabimon can be ferocious, and sometimes a bit out of control. He is willing to take risks and his combat instinct is usually able to keep him through, but sometimes that kind of out of control fighting can be his weakness.
Over all he's Fiercely loyal, and protective of his friends. He is instinctively distrustful of anything or anyone new, but once you get close to him you have a friend for life. He will take every action to protect those who he cares about, and those he deems to be worthy of being protected. He is willing to lay down life and limb, and do whatever it takes to keep everything good. When he doesn't get his way, when he is unable to save even a single person from even the most trivial of problems he is prone to breaking down. But on the other side of the coin, he wont stop on his vendetta to make things right until he does. He works himself to death, but he's always light in spirit as long as he can do his 'job'.

Name: lycanmon
Gender: Male
Attribute: Virus
Note: His fur will be Purple, like the other Digimon in his line.
-Leichte Klinge - lycanmon materializes two knifes of light and slashes with them
-Leichte Wurfmesser- materialises a knife of light and throws it at his enemy.
-Klingenbohrer Wirbelwind - Slashes violently with his duel blades in all directions.
Personality: Lycanmon has perfected the beast warrior techniques that Strabimon is known for, and he has started to learn the control that the rest of the line knows.

Name: Wolfmon
Gender: Male
Attribute: Data
-Licht Sieger - Slashes with the Licht Schwert swords.
-Zwei Sieger - Unleashes light-ball from a Licht Schwert cross-slash.
-Licht Kugel - Fires laser shots from arm cannon.
Personality: Wolfmon has gained allot of control, and now he sometimes even seems cold and calculating.

Mega 1-
Name: Beowolfmon
Gender: Male
Attribute: Data
-Zweihänder - Raises its saber forming a giant wolf of light energy, and then takes a slash that is faster than the eye can see.
Licht Angriff - Fires missiles and lasers at its opponents.
Trinität - Uses the Trinität to attack its opponent.

Mega II/Royal Knight-
Name: Gankoomon
Gender: Male
Attribute: Data
Light Dragon punch - summons all his power into his fist, punching hard enough to shatter most beariors and instantly digitize any unprotected rookie or lower

Lightning strike - punches the ground and lightning strikes, causing damage to the struck enemy and causing the ground to fissure dramatically.

Light god mode - after chargeing for a little bit his eyes shine bright and he slams a large aria with a wall light.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"My father was a madman... and he kept with worse company”

Name: Alexander Montgomery

Alias(s): The Fox

Age: 18

Physical Appearance: He mostly just looks like a normal young man with brown hair and a pale countenance until you begin to look closely. First thing you notice is that his eyes aren’t quite right, they appear to be vulpine. Soon you'll begin to notice oddly animalistic mannerisms, and you might be surprised. If he brushes his hair right you can find a pair of Fox ears on the top of his head, which match a tail that is usually hidden by his coats.

Personality: Alexander is quick to anger, and not to good with regular social conventions.

Abilities and skills:
-He is fairly good at fighting, most of all hand to hand.
-He is just starting to learn how to use firearms, and is still a novice. He can shoot fairly well most of the time.
-He has a set of retractile claws in his fingers which are fairly sharp and he can use them to fight, but they are painful to use because of the way they were hidden in his fingers.
-He has a good understanding of surgery and anatomy, he can do the many operations required to keep him in the form that he is in.
-He can see fairly well in the dark.

Weapons & Equipment:
-A pair of colt action army's
-A medical journal written by his 'father'

Brief History: Alexander is the creation of Montgomery, the assistant of the infamous Dr Moreau. Montgomery was a bit more sympathetic of his creations the Moreau and decided to raise his most successful creation as his own son. He had improved on Moreau's handiwork and was able to create a creature that was almost perfect in mind and body. Still, their were remnants which he had to remove from him before returning to civilized society. At the age of 12 Alexander was deemed ready to return with Montgomery to London, and from that point on he was raised in a boarding school. Recently Montgomery died, leaving what was left of his fortune and experiments in Alexander's care.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Name: Alexander Van Helsing
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Nationality: British
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 160lb

Profession: Professionally a anthropologist and historian specialising in mythical creatures and the supernatural.
Strengths: Helsing is an expert shot with a revolver, a master of long forgotten lore, and he has degrees in psychology, anthropology, and sociology.
Weaknesses: Helsing has a weekness for books of less known lore and anything unknown or mythical.

Personality: Helsing is extremely anti social, or at least he seems the loaner type. He has a case of assburrgers which is of course undiagnosed

Biography: Helsing's family claims to be descended from van Helsing the vampire hunter of Dracula and their minds are appropriately open. Trained from birth Alexander was ment to take up the mantle of a hero and from a vary young age he was studying lore and marksmanship. When he grew old enough he went to Cambridge to study, where he got three related but still vastly different degrees. He became a somewhat well known person in the field of crypto psychology, a study of the fantastic and supernatural type things and their effect on the human psychy.
He met Indy as a historian while consulting on one of the artifacts at Indy's museum, one that was 'donated anonymously'. He was called in because the artifact, a silver crucifix, was a relic from Vlad the impailer, who he had take an intrest in because of his family's crock of shot stories. In his work he was always more objective then most anyone else, never instantly coming to a mundane bias. In the end the good doctor congratulated him on good work, which was a great help for his resurch.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"My whole family is a bit nuts, this is our work!"
Name - Vincent Helsing
Age - 16
Apearance -
Team - undesirable
Skills/abilities - master of lore and fighting craft
Weapons - a silver weapon that shifts between a pair of guns and a pair of swords
Ahort Bio - descended from a long line of fighters of evil, he was given his weapons from on high. Most of his past was training from his hard ass taskmaster parents. They died last year, and he is fairly happy about it... At least after he killed the bastard what did it.
Mental Issue - assbergers syndrome
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Name: Alexander Van Helsing

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Nationality: Caudium Empire


Alexander was born in a small town run by a conservative branch of the church. The town was constantly besieged by minor undead and other supernatural threats and it was up to the church to protect the town. The church ran an orphanage and when a child became a part of the church they would begin the child in some basic education until they got adopted, but that was rare. Usually the church was forced to raise the child into a practitioner of the church.
There are several paths a child in the churches care can take, but by far the least popular and the most dangerous is that of an exorcist. Still, as Alexander was raised it became clear that he was unfit for any of the other branch of the church. They were reluctant, waiting until they were absolutely what the almighty wanted, but eventually they started him in training as an exorcist.
An exorcist is a warrior-magi who relies on Divine magic inherent in religion and is bound to fight the evils of the land. Most don't survive vary long, so it is important to train a new crop every year. This particulate branch of the church feels that calling it 'magic' was an affront to their deity, but that is what it was and everyone knew it. Many exorcists learn to specialize in a single type of spell, which they use to fight the evil that the church commanded.
Alexander was instantly enthralled with the battle aspect of his new line of work, and he became adept at sword-craft. Young exorcists are at one point in their training allowed to meditate on a single tome before they begin their final test. Alexander chose an obscure text on the holy warriors of the church from which he learned the avatar fighting stile.
As an avatar the mage takes on the aspect of a powerful being, and wielding this might fighting in the name of that being. It was amazing how quickly he was able to learn this powerful magic, and when he practiced it during his test the counsel was blown away. Of course at the time he could only call upon a lowly spirit, but still it was the spirit of a powerful exorcist and he was able to blow away the undead he was being tested with.
Slowly his skill grew, until at the age of 13 he was able to take on the spirit of the hero of the exorcists, the first of the exorcists to become a part of the order after the patron saint and founder! Still his skill grew, until the order realized that he was waited on the low-level evil that their little Podunk town had. They decided that they should send him to the Order of the Hunters, so that he may do battle with the greatest evil scourges of the land. Still, they bided their time, and only once he reached the age of 15 did they tell him of their planes. It took a year of time to get the entire thing in order, and now he has been with the Hunters for several months.

Fighting Style: Fights without a shield, just a single sword and a free hand for magic.

-He wields a strong steel sword with engravings in a dead mystic language done in silver.
-He wears minimal armor, its mostly just a cloak.
-He carry’s a tome of lore which he draws upon to fight the unholy.

-Average swordsman
-Journeyman in divine magic, specializing in the holy battle benediction of the Archangel.

Other Information: He's young and just... don't complain. I'm fairly sure I have a fairly good explanation in the bio... and I just like to play a character close to my age...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Name: Ace Vulpedia
Age (cannot be below 18 as this seems to be the age limit of potential targets): 18
Bio (everyone lived in the human world, and was transported here at some point) (not mandatory and can be TBR): Ace was a somewhat normal gaming geek who was fascinated with the morbid and creepy. When he found himself outside of his own world, he immediately began using his texts on mythology that he has in his devices. He records everything, in hopes of createing a guide that will lead to him being able to live near forever in this fasinating land.
Skills (hunting, combat, ect.): He can drive a motercycle or a plane if he has one. He is an expert in marsial arts, mixing styles into his own fighting style. He is a programer and has a grand knolege of morbid and creepy mythology. He has weapons training and can fight with many weapons, including those he has on him.
Weapons (if any): A pair of Ruger Blackhawk Specials,

Power (by the rules of the universe, a person can have one starting power): The ablility to keep all his devices at full power and networked.
Equipment (armor, canteen of water, food, rape whistle, ect.): A powerfull IBM laptop, upgraded to modern standerds but just as indestructible as they used to be. A cell phone, Ipod, Ipad, and several hardrives. Together these are all networked and he can listen to music or look at his texts on any of them. large library of relgios and mythilogical texts on his hardrives, allong with a bunch of vido games movies and music.
Vices (everone has a vice or fear, and there are many creatures here to be fearful of): He is encredably adicted to his electronics.
"I will not survive!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Name: Deus et Vulpedia don Infernos
Age: 13?
Powers or magic: Pyrokansis, interdimantional travel, all based on his relics. He has some other powers, only mentionable in the molment.
Appearance: brown haired, blue eyed, caucasion, at times he has ears and a tail which are those of a red fox. He wears a hody and jeans. he allso wears a black collar, as well as numeras other items of jeulery that bring him his powers.
Any other forms: he can transform into a small red fox at times. the fox still has the collar, but all the other relics become markings in his fur.
Personality: semi kleptomaniac, he has asperger's which influences his relations with people.
Crush: N/A
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Name: Vulpin
Age: 13
Species: Shade/shadow person
Appearance: He usually doesn't have an appearance, but when he chooses to show himself he looks like a paleskined, black haired kitsune.
Bio: the shades are each created to atack a single being. Normaly one would be raised from birth to fight the being in question, but Vulpin was not because of the acsident. Now he has no perpos.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Name: Vinsent Vulpes
Gender: Male
Appearance: He has the ears and tails of a fox. He wears jeans and a black trench-coat with a grey tee-shirt under it. He wears a black and silver collar, with a bit of heavy silver chain along two cuffs on each of his rists simuler to the collar.
Gift: He has the ability to manipulate cosmic energys through glifs and the like, inter-dimensional travel is a norm which alows him to speak with the beangs he uses to controll his gift.
Bio: He was orphaned at birth by the cosmic energy that he uses to control his gifts. He was bound to the cosmic Kitsune, a fox being, which bound him to itself with the silver chains. The being also granted the 'gifts' of his vulpine morphology.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Name: Alexander Fox
Age: 16
Gender: male
Digivice: black and grey
Skills: an avid gamer, Xander is good at keeping facts straight and has lightning reflexes
Personality: he is autistic and that's his man charicter trait, he is completely socially awkward and a bit brash but he has a kind heart
History: austrisised for his social problems Xander retreated into the world of gameing. Thair he found out how good he could be when he honed his skills. His parents each tried to understand but his problems were a mix of his father's add tendencies and his mother's social anxiety with some unique problems all his ow n thrown in and they could really understand. Still whenever he could he helped peopple, even when he could only speak to them online.
Other: this is basically me :p

Digimon: Candlemon
Personality: Candlemon is somewhat of a loaner and he can be almost as awkward as his trainer, but he has a big heart. Candlemon loves to help other Digimon, but he sometimes has trouble expressing it.
Digivolution Line: Mokumon-Demi Meramon-Candlemon-Meramon-Blue Meramon-Death Meramon
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Name: Vincent Fox

Gender: Male

Alias: Glitch

Powers: Glitch can manipulate technology, and video games in particular. Glitch has wandered for a while and he has gathered allot of other gaming spirits into a modified Nintendo Gameboy.

Bio: Glitch was a normal kid, but his parents thought him to avid a gamer. His parents were supper religions and the games offended them. They locked him in the basement to stop him, but one day he was able to sneak a Gameboy past them. They found him with it and beat him nearly to death, then left him to die and bricked up the place but not until after they dumped all his games and his computer all down their. He somehow survived, or maybe he came back from death, but in any case fed on rats. He was able to set all the games and electronics up eventually and he eventually learned about his ability to manipulate the games. Eventually he was let out, where it turned out he seemed to be the same age.

Appearance: Glitch has white hair with streaks of onyx black, and his eyes have grown read. His canines have grown razer sharp and he cant eat anything but raw meat.

Personality: He is neurotic and he doesn't understand social situations at all...

Theme Song: Game Over-Falling In Reverse

Glitch's Slaves-

Name: Ben Drowned
Age: 10-ageless
Skills/powers: Some manipulation of technology, possible mind control, mid range teleportation,
Biography: Ben drowned at some point, haunted a Majora's mask cart, became king of the gaming creepy-pastas, got defeated by Glitch. For more detail, see his wiki page.
Personalitly: Crazy, a bit insaine, resents Glitch's overthrowing of him but consents that he cant overpower Glitch so helps him out for his freedom
Theme song:

Name: Brvr
Age: Unknown
Skills/powers: Mainly just the abilitys of a pikachu,
Biography: See Brvr wiki page.
Personalitly: Encredably emotional, resents abandonment and has serios isues with that, goes psycho.
Theme song:
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Username: 22xander
Name: Zaiver Vulpes
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Allegiance: Himself
Feral Form:
Flare Blitz - Dark Pulse - Hex - Inferno
Personality: A bit disturbed, fiery temper.
Biography: Zavier grew up in a small city, renowned as a tourist attraction. The local pokemon all fought in roaming packs, but Zavier wasn't welcome in any of the packs. The domesticated pokemon found him to crass, while the wild ones could smell the human on him. Constantly he had to hide from all the packs that thought of him as fair sport. But if he shifted back into a human the Watchmen would try him as a vagrant and the local gangs of kids would pick on him just as much as the pokemon did. So he stayed mostly in his pokemon form, until he found a graveyard where no-one came except ghost pokemon and the odd mourner or psychic. He grew to love that place, even spending hours as a human, but he always reverted to a pokemon for when he was to get food and when he slept. One day he was seen by a few humans in the graveyard, but he thought nothing of it until the next morning where he found himself in a crate. That crate was being shipped to a big port city, well his adventure has only just began.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Name: Vincent Fox Age: 16 Gender: Male Designation: 13th child File Photo: ![[IMG]http://i62.tinypic.com/6z3qf4.png[/IMG]](http://i62.tinypic.com/6z3qf4.png "Vincent") Dossier(Personality): Vincent is the son of a american Nintendo exec who married the daughter of an important higher up years after moving to Japan for business, and as such Vincent has all ways had an odd relationship with his family. At the age of 6 his mother died and their were problems because of Japan's non imegration policys and his grandfather, the important Nintendo higher up (now retired) thought it would be best if he was raised in a traditional way. He and Vincent's after agreed and he was brought to an old money compound were the grandfather was raised. For years he lived in isolation, only bearly going to the local school and nothing else. But his father decided to give him a powerful, and hard to break, IBM laptop as well as a game system and a selection of Nintendo games. Soon he became absorbed in the internet, becomeing interested in international forums. His grades never dropped, and his grandfather was to old and ambivalent to see the effect it had on Vincent, so he became engrossed in these things without any real hampering. Over time he drew more into himself, and grew morbid in his thoughts and personal research. He keeps a leather bound journal, an old worn book that his dad had given his mother after a trip to Europe. If you look in that book you can see how his thoughts changed over time due to sleep deprivation and being subjected to the stress of trying to reconcile his grandfather's workman ethics and the slacker internet culture he was subjected to in the internet from America and Australia. He eventually began to get into hacking, at first out of curiosity, then out of a feeling of necessity. He never really got far beyond the script kitty phase, but he loved it. Other: (Notes, voice actors/actresses/seiyuu, associated tropes, etc) Seat: 12 Name: (If Overarching. Omit if not applicable) Control Method: all of his moves are attacks, and most are light based, if those can be blocked that's it. Baby- Name: Botamon Gender: Male Attribute: Virus Appearance: ![[img=http://wikimon.net/images/e/ed/Botamon.jpg]](http://wikimon.net/images/e/ed/Botamon.jpg "Botamon") Technique: -Bubble Blow - Shoots bubble-like substances from its mouth. Personality: Botamon is just a little creature, and he knows it, but he also knows that he was born to be a warrior. For now he lies in wait, but in time will show his true colors. In-Training- Name: Wanyamon Gender: Male Attribute: Virus Appearance: ![[img=http://wikimon.net/images/f/f2/Wanyamon.jpg]](http://wikimon.net/images/f/f2/Wanyamon.jpg "Wanyamon") Technique: -Smile Fang - Smiles cutely, then surprises the foe by biting suddenly. Personality: Wanyamon isn't vary ferocious looking, but inside that little fluff-ball is a warrior. Still, the little guy knows that he has to wait until he's powerful enough to really fight. For now he relies on his cuteness and bides his time to attack. Rookie- Name: Storabimon Gender: Male Attribute: Virus Appearance: ![[img=http://wikimon.net/images/c/c2/Storabimon.jpg]](http://wikimon.net/images/c/c2/Storabimon.jpg "Storabimon") Technique: -Licht Nagel - Slices up its enemies with claws on both arms that radiate with light. -Licht Bein - Hits its enemies swiftly like a ray of light. Personality: Storabimon can be ferocious, and sometimes a bit out of control, but over all he's a kind and caring digimon. Now he has learned that a warrior needs honor. Still he has the itch to fight, and that gets the better of him. He realy wants to help the others, and he'll do what he must if he can. Champion- Name: Wolfmon Gender: Male Attribute: Vaccine Appearance: ![[img=http://wikimon.net/images/a/a9/Wolfmon.jpg]](http://wikimon.net/images/a/a9/Wolfmon.jpg "Wolfmon") Technique: -Licht Sieger - Slashes with the Licht Schwert swords. -Zwei Sieger - Unleashes light-ball from a Licht Schwert cross-slash. -Licht Kugel - Fires laser shots from arm cannon. Personality: Wolfmon fights for the lives of others, although some say this weakens hi, that the ruthlessness was what would keep him at the top. But to those he says that this is his calling, and when he does they realize the power of the glowing indestructible armor that separates him from their attacks. Ultimate- Name: lycanmon Gender: Male Attribute: Vaccine Appearance: ![[img=http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r39/Ogreal/animewerewolf2.jpg]](http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r39/Ogreal/animewerewolf2.jpg "Lycanmon") Note: His fur will be Purple, like the other Digimon in his line. Technique: -Leichte Klinge - lycanmon materializes two knifes of light and slashes with them -Leichte Wurfmesser- materialises a knife of light and throws it at his enemy. -Klingenbohrer Wirbelwind - Slashes violently with his duel blades in all directions. Personality: Lycanmon is still the beast warrior, and he is much more ruthless then his previous form. At this point he has been corrupted by the influence of something... Something outside the reach of his mind. So now he fights, and he is uncaring to the rest. He uses his twin knives to find victory, and thats all he now knows. Mega 1- Name: Beowolfmon Gender: Male Attribute: Vaccine Appearance: ![[img=http://wikimon.net/images/9/9b/Beowolfmon.jpg]](http://wikimon.net/images/9/9b/Beowolfmon.jpg "Beowolfmon") Technique: -Zweihänder - Raises its saber forming a giant wolf of light energy, and then takes a slash that is faster than the eye can see. Licht Angriff - Fires missiles and lasers at its opponents. Trinität - Uses the Trinität to attack its opponent. Personality: Beowolfmon is the ultimate hero, after driving away the beasts that tore at him he rose from his from the couruption that held his last form. He became a Mega with true power, and he would use that power to save Digimon just like he always wanted. Unlike any of his previos forms, Beowolfmon is adverce to fighting and will seak any course before drawing his blade. Mega II/Royal Knight- Name: Gankoomon Gender: Male Attribute: Data Appearance: ![[img=http://wikimon.net/images/d/da/Gankoomon.jpg]](http://wikimon.net/images/d/da/Gankoomon.jpg "Gankoomon") Technique: Light Dragon punch - summons all his power into his fist, punching hard enough to shatter most beariors and instantly digitize any unprotected rookie or lower Lightning strike - punches the ground and lightning strikes, causing damage to the struck enemy and causing the ground to fissure dramatically. Light god mode - after chargeing for a little bit his eyes shine bright and he slams a large aria with a wall light. Personality: Gankoomon loves all the other digimon, and he will do everything he can to protect them. He is adverse to fighting and will look for alternatives, before useing a single atack.
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