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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Zmerr
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Zmerr The Android's Conundrum

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

![Cover Photo](http://i.imgur.com/YTh50ot.png "enter image title here") **THE LAST OF US** Zmerr took one more look around before setting his plasma rifle on a log and kicking his worn boot off. He stepped into the stream, letting the cold water run over his toes before submerging his whole foot. It sent a chill through him. The warmest part of the year had passed weeks ago. Fall was settling in and blowing its cool breath through the flame-colored trees. Leaves just beginning to carpet the forest floor. He waded a little further into the water before he removed the makeshift fishing pole from his pack. He strung it and baited the hook. He cast the hook out into the deepest part of the stream, keeping a close eye on the cork he used for a bobber. The current carried the hook downstream a few feet and Zmerr reeled it back in. He cast it again and missed. The hook hit a bush on the other bank and something moved behind it. A quick fleeing motion. Zmerr carefully and quickly grabbed his rifle and aimed it at the bush. He focused most of his attention on the spot where something had been. what he didn't spend there, he used to listen for sounds around him. His pointed floppy ears stood straight to enhance hearing and his eyes dilated to detect any change in light.!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Out from the shadows of the bush came... Well, nothing, actually. They rustled several times and went still, silent. One with those ears, though, could hear the sounds of something moving lightly away, something scraping against this or that, a tiny thud where something hard, but would give way, hit something much less forgiving. After a minute, the sounds disappeared at a diagonal route away from the Zmerr. One might relax; one might stay wary, but still go back to what they were doing. Wielding a weapon as such, one may even go after whatever had nearly intruded. Nevertheless, the source of the noise burst from the stream, as if invisible when in the water. Water flew in the air, becoming sparkling diamonds as they leaped up and rejoiced, then gravity caught hold and yanked them back down, and a fearsome creature, scaled in murky green- that had somehow blended with the water- scale, with leather straps slung across him, leather gauntlets with claws showing through the tips, and iron bits studded into it at choice places, meant for cutting with an elbow or a backhanded-hit, or for blocking a blade. Wielding two throwing axes, the lizard-man landed on his feet after shooting out of the water, not a couple feet from the bank, snarling. But when he took in the very much smaller form, he immediately relaxed; his expression slowly lost fury, his arms lowered, but one wouldn't- couldn't- mistake his posture as 'relaxed.' He was still tense, still ready to spring into action, but his anger was not towards the smaller sentient that stood before him. He would defend himself if necessary, but he was no longer ready to kill on a dime.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zmerr
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Zmerr The Android's Conundrum

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Zmerr's eyes opened wider making them look as though they might pop right out. He'd only heard stories of creatures like this one. He dropped his fishing pole and stared. The lizard-like figure in front of him didn't look as though he planned on hurting Zmerr, but the overall image of the being struck fear into the Asura. He trembled awkwardly for a moment before clumsily retrieving the pole and making a break for his pack. He pulled his plasma pistol from it's holster on his hip and held a finger on the trigger in case of emergency. He stopped after throwing his pack over his shoulder and turned to face the other. He had recovered enough to give him a fake look of slight irritation. He held the pistol tightly in his hand but kept it at his side so as not to appear threatening. "You scared the fish."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 4 days ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Unknown100
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

![enter image description here](http://i.imgur.com/IA7Sg3Z.png "enter image title here") ### Cat Silence had returned to the old place. A ruin. Even after all her time on the Island of Ruins, Cat had not seen everything. Who the men were, and why they had attacked were concerns long gone. Gone, like the light in their eyes. The bow and arrow in their hands and naked, tattooed chests suggested some kind of tribal Indians. None-humans probably – clearly not GE agents. What did GE mean? Cat sure didn’t know. She just knew that those people were packing powered exoskeletons and some serious firepower. If you managed to kill one there would be a squad on your tail in no time. And they only went for the heavy hitters of the island. Only chased, hunted, interrogated and killed people like Cat. Maybe their time was precious, or maybe they didn’t care for the little people. With a sigh Cat dropped to a crouching position and took a look around, from what had probably once been a wall. She couldn’t stay here; her fight had made noise, and noise usually attracted predators of all kinds. Like most days, her red hair was tied up in a knot in the back of her head. Her top and shorts both had the mark of time and hardship upon them. Only her blades still regained a type of indestructibility on their sharp surfaces. They had served her well just now. The cuts on her opponents were hardly visible. No blood. No trace. She wiped the glimmering sweat off her forehead and picked up her small backpack. _ Never stay in the same place. Always advance. If you get soft, you get dead,_ she reminded herself and went in to the thick, thick jungle.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Vala'Keer's cold eyes bore into the smaller creatures', though they did show a flicker of respect for this foolish little creature for not immediately running away. However, the little creature wouldn't stand a chance in Vala'Keer's eyes- he was naught but a small little creature, short and with stubby little legs in comparison. Fast, maybe, but not as fast as a knife or blade. But his mind churned through scenarios and possibilities, thinking up new ones and dismissing old ones, filing away the promising. He began considering the idea of aligning himself with this small creature; whether it with him or vice versa, he didn't care. There was a safety in numbers, and this one, however small, might prove to be more ferocious than its size, and maybe quite a bit smarter. Vala'Keer was about to open his mouth, to voice his offer to the space between the two deathly-still non-humans, when someone else walked right into the small clearing. This one looked human- carrying two blades of some kind, a kind he hadn't seen before. A flicker of alarm, then the fight-or-flight response kicked in, followed by a lingering curiosity by the weapons- regular humans used advanced range weapons, even in close combat- and a very distinct urge to tear and rip. However, he did not give in to the urge of a possibly human opponent- humans had a tendency to have clever, dishonorable knickknacks hidden any and everywhere. So, in less than a moment of the humanoid shoving her way into the clearing, Vala'Keer whipped to face her, then a moment later, not even a second, he continued in his spin, turning back to the water and diving, a thick scaly form whipping around like a whirlwind and then launching himself into the stream, weapons sheathing as he speared into the small river-of-sorts. It wasn't very large, not even three-bodywidths deep, but it was enough for him to kick up the riverbottom, clouding the water and providing an impenetrable screen for him to hide in. From under the water, Vala'Keer sat, resting against the bottom, hands and feet dug deep into the mud and sand, rocks idly itching their way under some of his scale. It was nothing compared to the danger of the human. His sight extended farther underwater, even with the murk, allowing him to 'see', more or less, what might be poking the water above. Should the human female- that's what it appeared to look like- approach the water and dip a finger or three in, then Vala'Keer would make sure to tackle. A gutted human might be good for the need of revenge, and maybe sate his appetite for the moment, but he knew that prisoners were valuable- knowing how close and how many would be valuable, as well as where they were. So he waited, hidden under the water, in his domain. He occasional thrashed his tail whenever the dust started settling, reaching around all around him, keeping his whereabouts unknown.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zmerr
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Zmerr The Android's Conundrum

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Zmerr was again surprised as a woman popped out of the bushes. With his attention attracted to her, he didn't even notice the draconian disappear into the water. This time, he response more out of self defense and less out of shock. He'd seen humans before and he *hated* them. He held his pistol up, aiming it right at the woman's head. "And you scared the draconian." He kept his cold stare on her, his narrowed eyes throwing metaphorical daggers of ice at her. "Give me one reason why I shouldn't shoot you where you stand."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 4 days ago

(Working from my phone. Please excuse any faults in this post due to this. I just really want to post) A young girl opened her eyes. She sat up, barely, and looked around at the forest around her. nothing looked familiar, not even her own nude body, as far as she could think, she did not even know what everything was, she did not know the color's of the tree's or leaves, she did not even knew what a tree was. Suddenly she noticed a strange sound, if she knew what it was she would have known it was a the sound of running water and possibly a splash sound. Indicating a small rivier or something, but she did not knew it. Yet this sound was interesting for her and she started to crawl, yes crawl. It was instinct, nature that compelled her to crawl as a baby, reason, she did not even know how to walk. -------- **Blake** Unknown to them all was that they were being watched. off course it was fair to admit it was hard to know when the watchful eyes were hidden high in a tree. Nearly perfect in its silence and hiding its presence, as near perfect as the black panther it was. yet this was b ot a normal panther, its eyes were like a blavk void and only the drawings of its iris shape and patterns were colored neon blue, yet what might be stanger is the package that was tied to its back by robe. At first the creature was estimating the situation, that was when a small man started to fish, taking in if this man was dangerous or not, he had thought to make himself appear to the little man, it was the first sentient creature he had met since he had started to run and best yet, it was a none-human, a survivor and with that ut was surely open to hear his story. but then some lizard man showed up, the panther decided to stay hidden en see how things went, but things went wierder real soon, a human (?) Female had entered the rivier area holding 2 engraved blades, he almost chucked thinking about how long it has been since he had seen such blades but it quickly turned to a more saddening mood as the memory was one if the only home he has known, a home that is now all dead... he quickly had to push the thought away, he did not wanted to think about it at all, he has been able to keep those thoughts out for a long long time. Suddenly he noticed a new sound, rustling sounds of bushes near the waters other edge then where the female entered. when he look at that direction an other female haf entered the picture, she looked asian and... was... crawling? In the nude?? the look on her face showed confusion and it looked like she was out of it for a good bit. Something that became just much clearer as she tried to crawl on top of the water, was she thinking the water was solid as the ground or something? , at any rate as everyone would know, water cant hold her so she fell right in and for a second or a few did not surface. The panther was beginning to fesr that the young girl was unable to swim and was drowning by now but to his relieve she came up a bit further down the rivier currents, it was clear that she indeed did not know how to swim and was surprisingly swept away with the gentle riviers currents until she reached an undeep bit, saving her live, as she looked up, barely holding her head above the water, her eyes shockrd and more confused as she looked at the other creatures in the area (I will keep seras and chii for later)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Vala'Keer's supply of oxygen was running low. As the few minutes passed, his slowly began burning. While he could stay submerged longer than any other creature that walked the ground, that doesn't mean he can stay more than five to ten minutes. Eventually, he kicked off, swimming downstream. Like any lizard, his arms and legs were pinned to his side and tail, his whole body wiggling back and forth like a snake or an alligator, swimming by spearing through the water with head, tail bushing him like a fish's fin. As he swam downstream, he noticed something falling in the slightly murky water. He caught legs and a face before he jerked away, grabbing the bottom to observe. A human, or so it seemed, struggling with the current and the water, clearly not being able to swim. The Blademaster's vision began going red, but he forced the urge to tear and break out, taking in the apparently naked victim-of-the-water. He watched impassively, hatred boiling deep, before darting up. He broke the surface of the water behind her, his nostrils flaring open and multiple deep breaths, before he shot forward towards the struggling human. His hands grasped a shoulder and the human's side, and he pushed himself towards the opposite shore. Reaching it quickly, he planted his feet, turned his tail to keep it from the water persistently pushing him, and he tossed the human out of the water, to the somewhat rocky, sandy, grassy, shore. Her well-being didn't matter- only what she might know. He didn't give her a chance to even cry out before he was out of the water and towering over her. Murder shone in his eyes, and yet he didn't lift a claw to gut her. Instead, he pointed at her, and the pointed down at the ground, trying to tell her to 'stay.' Hopefully, the claws and the array of throwing axes, swords, light waraxes, and throwing knives studded across his body would mark him as someone she wouldn't defy. He surveyed the area, before stomping over the wet girl in search of prey, hopefully a deer. A hide would do well to cover her- she was his charge, and while he may be a monster in their eyes, he wouldn't let anyone under his care, prisoner or no, die of cold or lack of food. He didn't think she could escape very well, anyways.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Unknown100
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

![enter image description here](http://i.imgur.com/IA7Sg3Z.png "enter image title here") ### Cat Cat’s eyes blinked rapidly in surprise. It wasn’t often anyone got the drop on her, and yet it didn’t quite seem like that was the case here. Some kind of stare down seemed to have apparently happened, as she walked by. "And you scared the draconian," a short creature spoke with anger in its voice. The gun in its hands seemed loaded, and it clearly wielded it with experience. "Give me one reason why I shouldn't shoot you where you stand." With pause Cat swallowed hard. Removed a lock of hair from her forehead and moisturized her lips. “I’ll give you 16, Little warrior,” Cat answered and took one step away from the lake in a none-threatening manner. “Because that is the number of painful seconds it will take for a water-lizard like that to skin you, before it eats you. I’ve seen it all before.” The exact second, her pointing finger made the other shift focus, and take a look at the blank water surface, was the exact second her head made a radical turn to the side followed by the rest of her body. Away from the barrel of the gun, away from certain death. Cat’s incredible and often underestimated speed had saved her skin more times, than she could count. And with an acrobatic flip at tremendous speed, she jumped into the protective cover of a thick tree. Her blades were drawn almost as natural as the simple act of breathing, and now the fight was on…
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zmerr
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Zmerr The Android's Conundrum

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Zmerr flicked his attention back to the girl when he heard her footsteps. She was running away. Half of his hatred and fear dissolved when he realized she did so with inhuman speed and gracefulness. He brought his gun down, still holding the trigger. He knew pursuit would be pointless. He was fast and agile himself, but he could barely outrun a human, let alone this girl. He looked into the water. The draconian was gone. He was alone again. Even more alone than he was before because, now, not even the fish were there to accompany him. He shook his head and walked into the forest, deciding he'd need to come up with some other source of food. Tonight was going to be rough. He trekked through the trees, his feet barely making a sound against the carpet of fallen leaves on the forest floor. He had swapped his plasma pistol for the rifle. He kept his large eyes open for any sign of movement. It was getting late and he needed food.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 4 days ago

**Blake** The Panther watched as the group started to scatter. The young girl was taken down by the lizard man, he had wanted to help her but he already knew that he would not be able to reach her in time, the poor thing was done for.... The other female had jumped into the tree's, she was close by and had moved as no human can move, it felt like a relieve to know she was not human, with this he now know all humans in the group were either lizard food or proved to be something else. As she kept in the tree's The panther wondered if he could follow the smaller man or show himself to the other female. In the end he decided to talk to the female. . The panther hidden inside the tree's started to shift its shape, its fur started to disappear and its build and facial features became more human, a scar shaped on one of his cheeks, both eyes gained their eye white, yet where one had the neon take hold and became a normal iris, the other iris became bright yellow. While changing Blake started to open his back pack, the outer cloth ended up being his clothes he quickly pulled on, the insides of the pack showed a variety of weapons, 2 katars were strapped on his belt, a short blade was strapped on his lower back and a staff was put on his back by the robe that now functioned solely to keep the staff there. Once he was done, which took him a little longer then in the old times as it has been a long while, Blake looked at the female. He knew the female had noticed him most likely, getting dressed in a tree is bound to make sounds, and his equipment also makes fitting sounds. "yo, nice reflexes, what race are you, dont worry, I am not a human either" Blake said as he pulled some branches away to get some face to face time. ------------------ **Seras&Chii** "Chii wait up" "Okii mommy" the little girl yelled as she came running back to her mother. "So where we goooing?" "I told you before sweety, once Kiro comes back we know where we need to go" "when's he comming back?" "I dont know Chii" . Suddenly Chii looked up "there he is" A small flame made bat came flying towards them and landed on Seras her hand. The bat's soul was one of Seras her favorites and she had made or called it so many times it was able to last without the banished goddess her powers, Seras was even able to understand the bat's movements due centuries of experience, it was truly a living soul now. The bat shorty started to make something like a little dance ending with pointing to the 2 girls and then towards one direction. "other mortals?" "weawwy?" Chii replied. "Kiro, lead the way" Seras commanded the bat. - As the bat fly in a direction Chii ran after it excited going "WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" "Easy Chii" "okii mommy" she said as she ran back with her arms extended. . After a few minutes Kiro suddenly stopped its advance, having noticed that one of the few it had seen had traveled closer to them. Seras noticed this change in Kiro's behavior and already guessed why the bat had stopped moving. "Chii wait here" "why??" "just do it" Chii nodded and crawled behind a dead bush, she was still visible which made Seras laugh a little, especially when a pink tail was wagging behind her. . Slowly she exited from the bushes towards the small creature, surprised to see the creatures appearance "an Asura?" -------------------------------------------- **Runa** Suddenly she noticed something grabbing her shoulder and side, stopping her from breathing for a second before she was suddenly pulled to the other shore before getting thrown onto it. Her skin got cut by some rocks and other parts would later on likely get bruised, but other then that she was fine, shocked to a point that she did not dared to move for a small while but fine. . The moment she found herself back in control she looked up, her wet hair covering her face a little and her eyes big in both fright and awe at the large something colored thing that was breathing above her, its eyes had a shine in it, and the shine frightened her yet nothing happened until he pointed at her, before pointing at the ground. Off course she had no idea what he meant and the strange items on his clothes were more interesting with sounds they made when they bumped against each other, making her reach for them wanting to touch it, but before she could touch it the thing moved, stomping on the ground. Not understanding the meaning of his stay command, she did started to crawl again but not in an attempt to escape, no rather she still wanted to touch the clinging thingies, following the giant creature thing. In the mean time the water that was on her body had been starting to heal her small cuts due to an subconscious act.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zmerr
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Zmerr The Android's Conundrum

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Zmerr turned on the source of the voice, rifle poised to shoot. His eyes met those of an unnaturally beautiful woman. She radiated some sort of magic aura. If Zmerr hadn't believed in magic before, he certainly did now. She seemed more shocked than threatening. "An Asura?" "Yeah. What of it?" He didn't let his guard down. His experience with magic had only been bad. This was the third time today that someone had managed to sneak up on Zmerr. This was irritating enough. To add to it, the woman spoke as if being Asuran was strange. Given the fact that the Asura preferred to keep to themselves, they had certainly been well known at some point. They invented or at least mass produced just about any electronic technology in any given household from self-powered toasters to city-sized electricity generators. It was no secret that the Asura did in fact exist. Maybe she just didn't expect that any of them had survived. She probably had good reason to believe it. The Asura may have been known for their genius, but they were also quite well known for their pride and stubbornness. It wouldn't really surprise Zmerr much if he was the only one left either. Either way, the possibility that she doubted his ability to survive was still slightly insulting even if the thought was completely false and assumed from no credible sources.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Unknown100
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

![enter image description here](http://i.imgur.com/IA7Sg3Z.png "enter image title here") ### Cat Her greatest victories had always been the battles she had avoided. _That’s right, Little Warrior, you keep walking,_” she thought with slight relief, and it didn’t take long before the rabbit-mutant was gone. Only then did she holster her eager blades. This place - this island, was getting more dangerous. With each passing day she felt as if, every living soul became more desperate, more bloodthirsty, more savage. Weakness got stumped out in this world where mercy barely existed. And yet its beauty could not be denied. Cat had seen the sunsets rise over long gone monuments. Heard the call of birds grow in both strength and numbers. Tasted fruit that would only ripen once a year. And felt the pounding heart of a ferocious creature she spared. She wondered what part this new creature would play; would it be part of the island’s curse or beauty? Oh yes, she had seen the panther. Not at first, but as it moved closer. She saw it shift its shape without losing a tad of its natural strength. And with much attention she stared right back – very much aware and ready. She moved closer, much like a panther would step, but on 2 legs. She bend down at the lake, and as she held her open hand on the surface, something made the gentle pushing of the stream divert slightly. The lizard perhaps. Splashing water. Revealing his direction to whatever sea creatures who lived there, and those, like Cat, able to listen to waves. _But why? Why risk such a thing?_ Maybe it didn’t matter; Cat and the cat-man would have privacy, because The lizard was at a distance for now. Occupied with... something. "Yo, nice reflexes, what race are you, don’t worry, I am not a human either," the former panther said, while pulling some branches away. “I rarely worry, mate,” Cat answered and stood up, knowing full well those words weren’t quite true. “And ehm… let’s keep our histories to ourselves, shall we?” Suddenly she lowered her shoulders, dropped her gaze and wandered over to the bottom of the tree before looking up once again. “I’m Cat. And you might wanna tell little ol’ me what you want?” A harsh tone, and yet there was a certain respect in the way she looked at him. Maybe because he had approached her, as if she too was a predator to be acknowledge. _Two hunters in the deep jungle._
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Vala'Keer was just a little irritated at the human being around, and letting her escape. But she did sneak up on him- he'll have to- wait. He turned around, hearing scraping sounds, and his eyes widened in anger. He approached, and instead of her shrinking from him, she reached for one of the knives strapped to his leg. He paused, and took a step back, out of reach, before figuring out what she wanted. He raised a scaly ridge that another might call an eyebrow, and he took a throwing axe from on of his belt loops. He held it up, and the girl reached up for it, captivated by it in someway. The Draconian knew better than the give a weapon to a possible enemy, a human, and so he turned perpendicular to the woman, pointed at a tree, and then flung it. It flew end over end for a second, before coming to a complete and utter stop when it slammed into a tree. The Draconian nodded at this- it was very unlikely that, unless the girl had an unseen strength, the axe would be pulled out of the wood. Content that pulling the shiny axehead out of the tree trunk was sufficient, he pointed at it, and looked down at the crawling humanoid, as if saying "Go get it!" Then he turned and darted into bushes too prickly to be entered without scale, or while naked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 4 days ago

**Blake** Blake grinned when the woman spoke about keeping the histories to themselves "yeah" He did wanted to know what her race was without the entire history but it did not matter much anyway so he did not care, it saved him from talking about his past as well this way. . When she acted more like, well funny enough like a cat while calling her self Cat, it did raised his guard about her. She was acting humanly and relaxed for a while, so this pose and especially the harsh tone meant she was getting ready to fight. Personally he hopped to avoid that much, but he would keep his own guard up for the time being, though he did not grab one of his weapons as that might provoke her, so if hell broke lose he had to fight using his shifting. "Names Blake, and I am not here to fight so calm down if you can" He said calm and kinda of a mixture between friendly and respectfully, the woman seemed to be similar to him in some ways. "I've been running around for more moons then I can remember so I figured it to be nice to get back into my human shape and have a chat or something, you people were the first none-humans I have had the pleasure of meeting since my Tribe g....." he turned silent at the thought, unable to finish it while his eyes glazed over. But before something could happen he shook his head to chase away the thoughts, focusing back on the woman in front of him, having a little difficulty in finding something to say next. --------- **Seras** "Yeah. What of it?" The Asura said, irritation oozed from his voice. . Seras took a breath to recollect her self before continuing. "My apologies, Its just I have not yet seen any of your race, there used to be so many on this plane, but I fear the hunting has caused your peoples numbers to dwindle by a lot, are you here alone or is this Island housing an tribe that has escaped the hunting?" Kiro kept high in the air, outside the Asura's vision. "Ah, where are my manners, My name is Seras, you do not need to reply to my questions, curiosity took hold of me for that second" . Chii was secretly hiding still behind the dead bush which was located behind the bushes from where the Asura was standing, fully out of sight for now. ----------------- **Runa** The girl looked as the creature showed her one of the thingies that was on his body. She had no idea what it was, but it looked interesting so she reached for it before he threw it into some large upright thingy a little further away. She already had started to crawl towards it before he even pointed towards it and once she reached the tree she tried to grab the thing but it was too high up for someone that could not even stand on her own legs. Still she tried to grab it one way or an other for quite some time before she realized that the thing itself was gone. Her face furrowed, unknown to herself that the large man thingy had just left her here and had put the only toy he had given her out of her reach. She started to crawl back to the water, wondering if he had gone back into that stuff, not realizing that he had gone though the bushes. . She looked at the water, not knowing what it was, but this, for some reason felt so familiar. Touching the river with the tips of her fingers she giggled. It was a really short giggle as she was surprised about the sound that came from her, making her look at her stomach. She looked behind her wanting to see the thing but it was still no where to be found. Frustrated she hit her hand on the water, splashing up more then should be normal for a girl of her build, but she did not know that. However suddenly she heard something behind her, it was some kind of stomp like sound. As she looked behind her she could see the shiny toy had fallen out of the tree, immediately she started to crawl to it with a big smile on her face, sitting as she grabbed it up and started to look at the thing which was wet from water it seemed. The moment the thing-man came back she looked at him and with close eyes grinning she showed him the thingy as a child would do.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zmerr
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Zmerr The Android's Conundrum

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Zmerr eyed the woman, assessing the level of threat she posed. He lowered his weapon after a moment, but kept a sharp-nailed finger on the trigger. "I'm the only one. Up until recently I thought I was the only thing with a mind on this island, but clearly that isn't the case." He shook his head. "Anyways. Seras, was it? Don't worry about your manners. No one cares about manners anymore. There's no room for them. Survival is top priority." He walked to a tree and dropped his bag onto the ground, giving up hope on obtaining a meal for the night. He sat down next to the pack and opened it up, pulling out a delicate swath of cloth. He unwrapped it to reveal a few small strips of deer jerky. "However, because you have shown them to me, I will return the favor. Sit and have some jerky." He held the meat out for the woman to take some. "My name's Zmerr and I am not proud of my Asuran heritage. There's nothing inspiring about stubbornness and the endless fight for fame and fortune."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

When he returned with a small deer slung limply across one muscled shoulder, he found that the girl had, somehow, pulled the axe out of the tree. Its head was buried all the way in the wood- even he would have a little difficulty pulling it out. He would've started in surprise at this, and he let the deer fall off his shoulder and flop against the ground. It landed with a dull *thump*, and he walked forward towards the girl. He reached out and took the handle of the throwing axe, gazing at it accusingly as if it were somehow responsible for letting the woman retrieve it. So, Vala'Keer instead gave her a throwing knife. Not large enough to do enough damage to his scale unless slipped up and under, or shoved in with enough force which he was *sure* she didn't have. It was odd, though- humans attacked on sight. And they were never naked. Nor were they so... immature. It was like she was newborn. He let her play with the knife while he turned to the deer carcass, and began using a knife and a throwing axe to skin it, gut it, etc.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 4 days ago

**Seras&Chii** . "YAAAAAAAAY" Chii yelled as she ran towards the funny creature giving out food. Seras sighed, she had already seen her daughters stupid action coming the moment Zmerr came with food, well it was not surprising, she was a growing girl and they did not had the chance to eat anything decent for a long while. "Sorry, that is my daughter, Chii come here" "okii" Chii said as she came back to her mothers side, a trip of jerky sticking out of her mouth while her pink tail was whipping around pretty much like a happy dog. Seras bend down to face her daughter. "Next time you need to ask before just rushing in and grabbing a piece, now what do you say" She said to the little girl. Chii's eyes widened when she realized her actions, quickly she turned to the funny creature and bowed her head. "thank you Sir" ---------------------------- **Runa** . The Girl smiled a big bright smile when the nice thing took the shiny thingy from her as she presented it to him. The smile was replaced with a exited face when she was given the knife instead, quickly she started to play with it, giving the big nice thing time to play with the bug furry thing. . When she noticed that the big nice thing was breaking his fuzzy toy she dropped the knife and crawled to towards him to see what it was doing. Nicely sitting on the sideline and looking, she tried to touch it a few times but was prevented by the big nice thing. . Eventually she crawled back to her own toy and started to play again. Not long after however she started to make the first sounds the Draconian would have heard from her, She started to cry as she had cut her arm with the knife.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Unknown100
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

![enter image description here](http://i.imgur.com/1RJZ9YH.png "enter image title here") If there was one thing Cat recognized, it was the pain only bitter memories could inflict. On this island her own past seemed so long ago. And she had nothing – no signs or proof it had even existed. Not a single token. Every stone, mark, sign or trinket on her came from somewhere else than her home with the Goldsteins. For a moment it too showed on her – the bitterness. And then she removed it. Replaced it with a smirk. “Well, mate, I will totally do my best to calm down, then,” she said to Blake with a fabricated cheerfulness. “I calm _down_, and you don’t roar when I jump _up_. Ready?” And then she was off. In a fluid movement Cat jumped up to a nearby branch. Swung further upwards like an Olympic with a gymnastic bar. And landed on the neighbor tree, as if gravity didn’t apply to her. “Tell you what. I say what _I_ want.” She balanced on a thick branch and approached Blake. Looked into his eyes - one yellow, one not. Only at the edge, less than two meters from the one he sat on, did she continue her words. “I want you to help me with something. You see the way I came from, to the east?” she pointed briefly. “There’s a ruin, not 500 meters from here. I left something there. If you go with me, and don’t ask questions until we’re there. I’ll make it worth your while, mate. You might wanna change back though. There is only one pace - my pace.” Giving the mysterious creature, Blake, a moment to think, she sat down and crossed her legs. It was in moments like these she rubbed the amulet on her neck with the symbol of “freedom” in Kanji. It was not often she let anything get this close. Not unless she wanted something. But the east had been a concern ever since she left the forsaken ruins there.
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