Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Marcus XVI
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Marcus XVI

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Ramius Kastagir Race: Yan-ti pureblood Age: appears to be in his late 30's in truth closer to 70 Gender: male Appearance: Ramius stands just under 6 feet, his shoulders are quite broad, but his arms and legs obviously have not been used to physical work. Upon the first look the man looks quite ordinary if a bit effeminate. Upon closer inspection there is just something off about him. For instance his skin is nearly gray in color and his eyes are slitted - even their striking blue color isn't enough to hide that fact. His left cheek looks like it has a burn mark on it - which in fact is a patch of scales extending from under the eye all the way down to his neck. His thin dark hair - which extends to his shoulders even when tied - is kept away from the eyes with a strap of red cloth that hides his ears. Judging by the horrible scars that crisscross his back the man has felt the lash a few times. The area around his right shoulder blade is also covered by scales - as is most of his right arm apart from the fingers and palm. Clothing/Armor: Ramius wears very simple clothes - usually wide cloth pants and a loose tunic that extends below his knees. The clothes are made of cheap cloth and have been colored brownish-green. The only part of his clothing that is a bit more expensive is the wide belt of his - made from some scaly leather and has a wide brass colored buckle. Over his other clothes the man wears a gray cloak - it too made from some cheap cloth, the cloak has obviously seen better days judging by the tattered hem. Alignment: Lawful Evil Weapons: A thin bladed dagger with a noticeably curved blade. The handle is adorned with two small emeralds and has a silver wolf's head pommel. Ramius keeps the knife hanging from his belt. Skills/Abilities: Ramius possesses extremely good reflexes - so good in fact that he's able to dodge or even catch arrows if he knows from which direction they are shot at. His ability with the dagger is below average at most. He is a bard by trade so his skills in story telling, singing and flute playing are exceptionally good. Ramius is the self titled 'King of Liars' - his skill in lying is so great that he can make the even most impossible story sound completely plausible and believable. As far as talking to other people goes those who do not let his rather odd looks distract them they'll find that Ramius is actually a very verbose fellow. Magic: Due to his Yan-ti heritage Ramius is able to see well in dark places, he is also able to spit acid at his foes - though that ability is highly limited. He can break curses and other magical effects by playing his flute (countersong). Ramius possesses a limited planar walking ability - which he got by angering one of Faerún's many fickle gods. He has no true control over the ability, but he does know exactly when a shift is going to occur. Inventory: A rather battered rucksack containing food and water for roughly a week, spare clothes, a beautifully crafted silver flute, two money pouches, one with 50 gold coins with odd markings that are not recognized by anoyone - they are still solid gold so people don't often compalain. The second pouch at the moment contains 11 copper coins and two silver ones. Backstory: Ramius - as he has chosen to call himself during his travels - was born in the Underdark to a society of Yan-ti. He became a spy and courtier at a relatively young age. His travels and odd jobs took him all the way from Amn to Luskan and Neverwinter. Somehow he ended up as a part of an adventuring group of very distinct individuals who set out to find an ancient artifact. During the adventure Ramius somehow managed to anger a god who cursed him to another plane of existence. His first excursion to planar walking brought him to Castle Grayhawk where Ramius had to contend with all sorts of horrors, lies and intrigue. After what had felt like an eternity something pulled him away to a different plane again. The Yan-ti found himself in Barovia and again joined an adventuring party of sorts - these ones were actually on employ of one Strahd von Zarovich, whom had his own goals in mind. Ramius was forced to spend several years in Barovia - taking in even more horrors and bad memories - before another planar shift again happened. The thus far last planar shift occurred nearly four years ago and Ramius found himself in Estermere. He found himself in a much pleasing environment - atleast in comparison to his last two planar excursions. Though people still are wary of the odd bard at the very least he has an audience to tell his weird stories to. He has integrated himself well to the society - or at least the part that visits taverns. In reality Ramius doesn't care if he'll ever see Faerún again - he has found a new home where his worst enemies are his dreams.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Forest Bandit

Forest Bandit

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Name:Petro Pasternack Race: Human Age: 37 Gender: Male Appearance: Petro is a stocky man, with short legs and wide shoulders. His face is rather plain, and lost easily in a crowd. He wears his blonde hair in a ponytail, keeping it fastened in place by a bow string. His eyes are blue, and kindly looking, but his crooked smirk betrays a colder nature. He is generally seen with a couple weeks worth of beard growth. Clothing/Armor: Petro wears a brown woollen tunic, which is often shabby looking and stitched in multiple places. He wears woollen hosen, dyed green. His brown leather boots are well worn, often caked in mud. A black leather belt with a silver buckle holds his apparel together at the midsection. Weapons: Yew short bow, quiver of 32 arrows of varying styles and a wood axe. The bow is usually unstrung and fastened to his back. The axe is also strapped to his back, crisscrossing with the bow. His quiver is fastened to his belt, and hangs by his side. Additionally, a skinning knife is stashed into a small pouch, usually located on the opposite thigh to his quiver. Skills/Abilities: Petro is a capable archer, but should not be considered a champion or professional. He is fairly knowledgeable in forest lore, having dwelt in woodlands for a decade. Hunting is his main profession, however, animals are not always his prey. As a result, he is an able sneaker, and also has a certain charm about him, which often gets him out of trouble with the law. Magic: N/A Inventory: A leather face mask with two eye holes, 3 silver pieces, a variety of animal skins rolled up and stored in a sash he carries over his shoulder, bed roll, fire lighting untencils, sharpening flint. Backstory: He's a funny one, that Pasternack. He came into town... well, near on fifteen winters ago. Was a real happy, go-lucky sort. Had with him a fine woman. Aye, they were both young. A lovely couple really. They bought a house here, so they must have come from money. The girl was a generous type, I remember that much. Always giving scraps to the beggars, n letting them kip in the barn when the frost settled. That right there, was her folly. Only problem with being nice to broken men is, is that you forget why they ended up beggars in the first place. Now not all of them are bad, no sir. Some are just good folk, falling on hard times. Others though? Scum. Greedy, lustful vermin- a cancer really. They drain the good people, aye, take advantage they do... and well, one night as Petro's Mrs was letting a couple of roughians into the barn, some advantage taking went down. Petro killed them both, but not before the damage was done. I still remember that night, ya know? The screams. That poor lass, she must called for help for half an hour. No one that heard did anything... myself included. When Petro came down the street, swaying with wine, he heard her screams and became a man possessed. Never knew such rage could be found in the hearts of men... no sir. Well, in any case the poor lass died a month later from her injuries. That's when Petro sold up shop, and started living out in the country. He'd disappear for weeks on end, sometimes returning with animal skins and meats. Other times with the kinda valuables one dont find out in the woods or the fields. Still, no one thought too much of it. We like to keep to ourselves after all. That's when things got a bit weird. Joal Thomas, the watchman on guard the night Petro's Mrs got herself done in, vanished. Aye, and he was followed by Petro's old neighbour a week later- and then Cathy Fletcher from the stores at the end of the road. The guard could never make much of it, but you know what I think? I think Petro is after everyone who coulda done something, but didn't, them ten years ago. That's why I sleep with an axe under my pillow, and a dog at my feet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Fated Fallen
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The Fated Fallen Doesn't know what to put here

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Tirarian Smooth-Tongue Race: Gnome Race Description: Short, curious, social. Average life-span: 60, Age of maturity: 10 Age: 28 Gender: Female Appearance: Sharp violet eyes (with the left being outlined by a cog tatoo) point out from under dark green eyebrows and unkempt, shoulder length hair (normally kept under a hat). 3' 2'' Tirarian is quite supple and can easily dance out of the way of most attacks, height, Lighter skin with cog tatoos down her spine and over her left eye Clothing/Armor: An oversized duster (for someone who is 3 foot 2) underneath is a typical outfit of padded cloth armour. She is laden by multiple satchels and belts with potions attatched. Atop her head is the stereotypical wide brimmed hat with a harpy feather and a small flute through it. Weapons: A very heavy crossbow that requires setting up on a stand for Tirrarian, that is even beyond the strength of a normal sized person to wield.(to fire properly she has to set it up) because of crossbow needing setting up she often uses a poisoned shortsword which acts like a bastard sword to her. A plethora of alchemical arrows, ranging from combustible, to poison cloud to 'deus ex machina' brand. The crossbow is kept on her back while the arrows line the inside of her jacket (hence why it is oversized). Several kinds of bombs strapped around her A collection of potions in her satchel Skills/Abilities: A strong alchemist and a talented tongue Sells her potions on a stand in Estermeres market by day, and gets free drinks from Pucket at the good old Jolly Hippogriff by playing her flute at the bar. This arrangement is on shaky ground, however, due to Pucket not making quite enough profit due to recent thefts. Known in the criminal underworld as being able to talk the team into and out of any situation Magic: Inventory: (I formatting this by having items on person listed, though she does have a collection of potions at her hideout. Also all in all she is quite weighed down, though Gnomes are tough little people and can carry more don’t expect her to run marathons) 750 Gold Coins (total, probably only carries 5 around max) 3 health potions 2 Energy vials 1 Clear sight vail An accompaniment of conveniently obvious potions I probably forgot Considerably rarer better potions back at base 2 cure-most antidote potions (works for basic poisons and alcohol, but for anything more she would have to create a different potion that would require her crafting it back at her lab) 1 ‘Apocalypse bringer’ satchel of explosives 3 grenades 2 incendiary grenades Set of dice Backstory: Gnomes in Daiar are generally Nomads, but at an early age Tirarian’s parents moved to Estermere, because of this Tirarian considers herself a Gnome only in appearance. Her father worked as an alchemist apprenticing Tirarian, and Tirarian’s mother worked as a seamstress before leaving the family and Estermere with a trader when Tirarian was 5. Tirarian’s father threw her out of the family household at the age of 10, as Tirarian was making wares to sell to criminals. Luckily the nice ‘Coin Rippers’, as the group is called, were there to give her another lab and housing arrangements in order for her to continue plying her trade for them, as well as picking up the occasional job by them Lately though he has been having second thoughts about working for criminals all her life, and after not turning up to her father’s funeral is thinking strongly about leaving town and leaving this life behind
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Orior
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Livet Spiritcutter Race: Human Age: 20 Gender: Female Appearance: Livet is a comely woman despite dwelling outside of the city. She has long brown hair, typically kept braided and coiled around her head to keep it out of her way. She has soft features and large hazel eyes. Livet stands at 5'3" and has a normal build, neither svelte nor bulky; she has no obvious muscle definition other than a taught stomach. Her skin is a delicate alabaster that does not seem to burn or tan in the sun, and displays no obvious scars. If seen without a shirt, colorful tattoos wind up her back and sides, depicting blooming flowers interlaced with diving birds and coiled snakes. Clothing/Armor: Although it was not uncommon for Livet to dress casually in luxurious robes in the comfort of her own home, she now wears more practical attire. She wears a textured navy blue shirt made of padded wool, long sleeved with gold piping and a high fitted collar, and a pair of plain navy blue wool trousers. A brown belt cuts across her waist. Livet wears high black boots, which go over her fitted trousers, and a heavy dark gray velvet cloak with a hood. Weapons: Livet wields an ordinary shortsword. She keeps it sheathed at her right hip, the side opposite her dominant hand. It's attached to her plain belt. Alignment: Chaotic Neutral, leaning toward good. Skills/Abilities:
  • Shortsword Proficiency: She knows how to use her sword and has before, but her experience is limited.
  • First Aid: With her kit, Livet can treat many different types of wounds/maladies. Having survived on her own for a while, she's grown into a skillful healer
  • Hunting/Fishing: She has been taught to feed herself in the wilderness, and has for some time.
  • Minor Herbology: Livet can recognize and utilize plants with alchemical properties in a forest or tundra environment. This is mostly to supplement her first aid kit.
  • Climb: Where Livet grew up/resided there were many rock formations and cliffs. She can climb exceptionally well.
  • Survival: She can make shelters, feed herself, and navigate out in the open. She knows how to get safe drinking water and how to keep herself clean and free from unwanted visitors. She can make fire. Livet has basic survival skills.
Magic: Livet is a sorceress, a status she inherited from her mother. She can channel magic through her own innate ability. She has magical energy, which she expends and regains without physical repercussion aside from fatigue. This fatigue can escalate to losing consciousness, but thanks to being genetically built for such use she has never gotten physical injury from her exploits. Livet's ability is specifically that of elemental manipulation. She can channel the elements in different ways of her choosing in varying degrees. She has been able to summon minor elementals in the past, but finds that she has trouble controlling them and avoids it in chaotic settings. Her 'elements' include fire, water/ice, earth, air, electricity, acid, and flora. Because her magic ability is natural, she is not limited to particular spells or spell archetypes. Whatever imagined use of her magic she concocts, she can try to materialize. Livet is a novice sorceress. She can use her magic efficiently, but cannot produce large explosions, call major elementals, or cause other cataclysmic events. She can defend herself with it, but a degree of her success with it comes from the fact that it frightens her normal opponents. Inventory: Livet carries a brown leather satchel across her abdomen that rest on her lower back inside her cape. Certain items are kept in pouches on her belt.
  • First Aid kit including several pouches of medicinal herbs, banadages ( 1 large, 1 medium, 2 small), tweezers, small mixing bowl, and a few long pieces of string.
  • Water flask
  • Three days of rations
  • Blanket, kept coiled and strapped to her pack
  • Skinning knife, strapped to her belt
  • Sewing needle and thread
  • Fishing line and three hooks
  • A change of small clothes
  • Wallet: 12 GP, 3 SP, 7 CP
Backstory: Livet was born to a hermit of a man who resided in the wilderness south of Estermere. He was closer to other, smaller towns than the great city but whenever he had need it was there he traveled. He had lived there for many years since his youth thanks to his cynical world view. He had never grow tired if his isolation, but when a mysterious woman appeared in the forest near his home he gave her refuge eagerly. He assumed he had found someone like himself, but in reality he had just become enthralled by a sorceress. Isadora, as she called herself, moved into his home in the woods without hesitation. She never became a local menace, but rumors did exist about a witch in the woods in some of the nearby villages. It was not long until Livet came along. The sorceress was incredibly pleased, knowing that a female child would carry on her lineage. However, the girl merely existed to Isadora as an extraction of herself, and when she didn't follow exactly in her footsteps, the enchantress no longer favored her. She dumped the child on the her father, and eventually disappeared before the girl's 8th winter. Her father tried hard with the girl, but Livet turned into a handful when she became able to channel magic. They grew distant, even though he cared for her basic needs and taught her how to do it herself. Their lives were peaceful until Livet's 16th winter. Her mother came back, hoping to manipulate the girl into becoming her protege. Having realized long ago that her mother was evil, Livet wanted nothing to do with her plans. The child ended up having to flee her home after her mother tried to kill her. She went north, knowing her mother didn't like the cold. The girl kept moving, stopping in many small towns and villages but never staying long. Her end point was the great, populous city of Estermere. She hoped to disappear within the city's sturdy walls. She knew both the religion of the Light and the general distrust of magic mixed with her mother's flamboyant ways would be the best bet in keeping her safe. She has only just arrived in the city.
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