@Dinh AaronMk: I'm having trouble understanding what problem you're having. Nothing should have changed with URLs. As
@TheMaster99 points out, the title is totally superfluous and doesn't actually do anything.
For linking to posts, I recommend using their permalink form (Example:
http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2404669). That's called the "canonical URL" in that it will never change but will always redirect to the the right location in a topic. For example, while it hasn't happened yet, it's possible for the page of a post to change. If I update the system to display 25 posts per page instead of 20, then the pages will change. If I allow people to configure their own posts-per-page setting, then links to posts on pages will not be consistent.
permalink will point to the right page and that's why it's a "permalink" (won't change), but a link to
will possibly break.
If you think you've found a bug that you can help me reproduce, I'd like to fix it.
The Guild already supports high res image embedding. What prevents using the same concept for profile pictures, and then have the server scale it down, and perform all the necessary alternations (such as the displayed resolution, as you mentioned)? For instance, is there anything that would make it impossible for the server to take these image URls, make the alterations server-wise, as if it were a local file, and display the altered output?
It's just a low priority feature because the effort-to-reward ratio is abysmal.
To support server-side image processing, I have to allow image uploads to the server, ensure the processing can't be used to DOS the server, upload the resulting images to a remote datastore, ensure that uploading new images will invalidate the old images, and then maintain it.
There's just a lot of moving parts for a feature that's only slightly more convenient than pasting an avatar URL into a box. It's something I will eventually do, but the opportunity cost is too high right now.
I'm not sure what you mean by "high resolution" in this context, though. The avatar limit is 150x150 pixels regardless of whether you scale the image yourself or the server does it for you. I link to imgur.com in the avatar URL box because it has a built-in scaling service if you click "Edit Image". I count on people to not abuse the system by using a 5mb gif as their avatar.
@Captain Jordan:
GraphicsMagick and ImageMagick are language-agnostic command-line utilities (C libraries). Pretty much every language that runs on the server including Javascript (via Node.js runtime) has wrappers for it. Or you can just execute commands on the shell from the server-side language. For example, in Javascript:
conosle.log(yield shell.exec('ls'))
I think you may be looking at server-side Javascript (not much different than Python, Ruby, Scheme, ...) through the lens of client-side Javascript running in the browser. The latter is obviously very limited.
The main drawback of Javascript is that it's single-threaded, but same with Python and Ruby and PHP -- effectively -- due to their global interpreter lock (GIL). You simply shell out CPU-bound operations to other processes. In this case, ImageMagick/GraphicsMagick, which may spin up a dozen threads to process an image before handing the result back to the Node.js process.