![enter image description here](https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/250505_10204847773727832_4086647411212640656_n.jpg?oh=48e03a5d648dc09958dcfd48f3ec4df9&oe=55614368&__gda__=1428546529_6fa753b52387478d1128d31f509f95c7 "enter image title here")
**Character Name**
>Tarik Sand
**Character Gender**
**Character Age**
**What is your Character's Occupation?**
>Heir presumptive to House Uller
>At first glance, Tarik might seem like someone you could easily befriend. With a disarming Dornish charm, he is exceptionally skilled at talking his way out of any and all situations. But that doesn’t mean that with his playful repartee and downright infectious laugh that he isn’t dangerous - the Uller blood still runs strong in his veins, after all. Mercurial and self-serving, he doesn’t abide by the rules, he doesn’t play fairly, and he certainly doesn’t let anyone think they can get one up on him. Every thought in his brain is designed toward his purpose, his goal, and anything at hand will be treated like a tool. If there’s any atrocity he won’t commit, it is only because of its impracticality. Despite all that, Tarik’s unwavering confidence may very well end up being his downfall. This isn't to say that Tarik has no spot to speak of, merely that it's particularly well-hidden and difficult to find. Born minutes before Myriah, he has always felt a brother's obligation to keep her safe.
>Tarik stands at a solid 5’10”, weighing in at around 154 lbs. Dark-haired and olive-skinned, it is not hard to notice his Dornish heritage. His eyes, however, are a different story. One hazel, one blue - this genetic "error" is what sets him apart from the common rabble. While some might call it a defect, he couldn't care less what they think. The wealth Tarik has acquired through his Lord father has allowed him to form a taste for fine clothing. Embroidered tunics, precious jewels, and fancy footwear; these are a few of his favourite things.
>Tarik and Myriah were born amidst the vast deserts of Dorne - the products of an illicit tryst between Lord Uller and a merchant’s daughter. Once the pregnancy was discovered, the merchant’s daughter refused to drink the moon tea proffered to her, instead choosing to seek refuge Hellholt - the seat of House Uller. When she got there, however, Lord Uller was a little less than welcoming. As the saying went: "half of the Ullers are half-mad, and the other half are worse". Lord Uller denied the girl entry for a full day and night, out of nothing but his own cruel amusement. By the time he finally relented, the merchant’s daughter was near-delirious from the sweltering heat.
>What possessed Lord Uller to take her in, no one knows, but that was what he did. While the girl had hoped for Lord Uller’s love and acceptance, she never did get what she wanted. Months later, and things finally came to a head. The merchant’s daughter gave birth to a pair of twins, dying soon after from the strain of the delivery. Lord Uller had half a mind to throw them out onto the streets, along with their mother’s corpse; then he realised - the twins could be put to good use. Lady Uller had been rendered infertile by an earlier miscarriage, and in such turbulent times, it simply wouldn’t do for the House to be left heirless. As much as he resented passing on the dynasty to a couple of baseborn twins, something was better than nothing at all, and he’d be damned if he let the Hellholt fall into the hands of those Martells.
>Thus, it was with that decision that Tarik and his sister were spared. The two grew up within the sandstone walls of the Hellholt, raised as if they were Lord Uller’s trueborn children. From courtly etiquette to spear fighting, they were well-educated and prepared to take the helm of House Uller. With each passing year, Lord and Lady Uller’s attempts to conceive a child were met with utter failure. As the Lord’s star falls, the twins’s rise.
>Though their future looked bright, their ascension couldn't come soon enough. Lord Uller was still alive, and they had to play the waiting game. Of course, there was always the option of carrying out an assassination, but they knew doing so would be foolish. As baseborns, their natures were thought to be questionable, and they would be under suspicion right from the start. The last thing they needed was the Martells breathing down their neck more than they already do.
>Despite having to wait for their father to meet the Stranger, the twins could wait. Lord and Lady Uller would soon pass, and their patience would have payed off. Playing the game, watching and waiting for their time. Tasting the desire dripping from the mouth, its sweetness ever calling them.