Its been 20 years sense the mutant registration act was made, in those 20 years mutants have more respect, and Xavier's school is still open, but are still treated like secondary class citizens, and are still met with violence. The Mutant Registration act II is made again and this time it has more support. This time if the mutants dont register they will be arrested and if they fight killed on the spot. A new generation of Xmen and the Brotherhood of Mutants begin to rise. Both fighting the registration act, so the goverment asks SHIELD to open the Avenger's initiative and bring back the Avengers to take out the rising teams
can have original characters.
Characters who were young(IE ShadowCat, Rogue, or Iceman are ok but they must be older) and characters who are immortal(Wolverine, Sabertooth, And Thor) are ok
no killing unless theyre a NPC or have permission
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