[Dragon] (http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/316/d/d/red_dragon_girl_october_winner_art_by_the_sixthleafclover-d5ktw35.jpg)
Name: Twinkle
Age: 330 looks about 20
Race: Dragon~ elf
Personality: Shes very bubbly and fun although she can be serious at times, when it is needed. She is very playful and ambitious though sometimes a little too playful- That normally gets her into all sorts of trouble. When shes serious its like shes a whole different person
Bio: Twinkle got her name when she was a younge girl, one night she heard music from a near by elf village and began to dance to it she was then called from then on twinkle toes as she got older other dragons would call her twinkle, and the name stuck. She learned about the evlen way in school and was very intrigued by the species, Later on in life around 17 she discovered how to transform into an elf and from her elvan form she learned about the elements and now knows how to create fire at will, also some minor healing spells. She hopes to find a mate that dosent mind her dragon and elvan form..