Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Aqutanama
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Aqutanama The Only Juan

Member Seen 9 days ago

**Name:** [John, Jonathan Alexander Vanderswift](http://prod-guild.herokuapp.com/topics/60022/posts/ooc#post-1974607) **Age:** 44 Looks 21 [Full teacher mode](http://38.media.tumblr.com/9b6f1b765fb7f9a1897efb35dac09afb/tumblr_nd7xpfEtFI1sj0tydo1_500.jpg) [Now Class](http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs41/i/2009/029/0/7/Alucard__Hellsing_Ultimate_by_Nemesis_Eris.png) [Aura?](http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs42/f/2009/128/f/d/Cromwell_by_ImpendingEternity.jpg) [A Gun!](http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111002152209/hellsing/images/3/34/Alucard_-_004.jpg) [Armored up!](http://wallpoper.com/images/00/28/69/57/hellsing-alucard_00286957.jpg) [His teeth](http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/216/4/d/alucard___hellsing___by_kyunae-d59s3no.png) [Guns](http://th03.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2012/210/5/c/alucard___hellsing_by_marxedp-d593jn1.png) [More of his guns](http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/011/5/f/hellsing_alucard_wallpaper_by_edd000-d4m1jvx.jpg) [Even more on… you guessed it GUNS!](http://static.zerochan.net/Alucard.%28Hellsing%29.full.1177613.jpg) [Magical Hair](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v677/morrigania/Alucard.jpg) [Bloodthirsty](http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/104/d/6/speedpaint__nosferatu_alucard_by_chickenoverlord-d61nfuf.png) [At War](http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/023/f/6/alucard_by_hitokugutsu-d37vqib.jpg) [His healing ability before being struck by lightning.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80JRY-e8g_c) **Appearance:** Stands at 6'2" with long hair as Black as the Abyss, His eyes are the color of the setting sky. He keeps his hair up in a Samurai hairstyle. His muscles are toned and there is not a bit of noticeable body fat on him. He wears a Black cloth shirt, White head sweatband, White Trench Coat, Black Samurai GI pants, Mugen's type of sandal, Black wristbands, Black ankle bands, (Vampire hunter d) hat, Samurai sword named Tensigumah or Tamashii Kyushu and Tensikumah a giant blade of dimensional Void (the Length of Sephiroth's and the width of clouds) all his clothing are magically imbued to make them weigh more. The clothing also increases in weight as he becomes stronger, but not too heavy, to where it burdened too him. He can also give a command word to make them weigh nothing, another to have them recommence were they were, and a command to multiply the weight. **Personality:** Cool calm and collected. Years of training in many things including his mind. Before he found out about his power he heard a saying. With knowledge comes power. He is a bit arrogant and likes to test people’s abilities. Once he was a chaotic bloodthirsty killer, he tries really hard to keep that in check. **Magical Schools:** Expert of Life. Almost expert in Matter, Law/Prime,Timespace and basic really weak training in Death, Fate, Otherness Knows several different martial arts. Brazilian jiu jitsu, Krav Maga, Aikido, bullet ballet(Gun kata), Muay thai, Kajukenbo, Judo, Jeet Kune Do, Bugei, Bujutsu, budō, bushidō and ninjutsu... [Picture 1 Bullet Ballet] (url=http://i229.photobucket.com/albums/ee167/move_it/5%20Things/gunkata.jpg) [Picture 2 Bullet Ballet](http://i.ytimg.com/vi/wPBeWlnqBlI/maxresdefault.jpg) ["Bullet Ballet or GunKata"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2KJHysK6k8) **Flaws:** He is reckless, doesn’t like to talk about himself. Can be an asshole. **Side:** Magical Peace Corps. **Job:** Teacher for the new mages. **Favorite Color:** not a color but Imagine looking through an iceberg while the sun is setting on a somewhat cloudy sky. **Favorite Food:** He loves food, that’s why this lifetime he chose to be a master chef. **Theme Song:** Windpipe meditation type music. Ocean waves Acoustic Guitar. **Hobbies:** Flower arraignment, anything need repairing? (if he can fix it he will) and looking for others like him. Likes to stretch and do daily Katas for his Martial arts. **Daily or weekly training:** Many different Martial Arts training, Swimming and anything that will make him stronger without making him slower. **Bio** When he was twelve, he walked up to his father offering to help him with the repairs, on what he cannot recall. His father was a special person and would get angry very easily. Upon looking back at his son he had used his power of telekinesis to send him flying through the air. The initial impact snapped Jonathan’s poor neck as he was sent flying about forty feet into the air, upon landing unluckily on a fence. Where they lived this specific fencing was strong and looked like spears. His mother screamed and ran to his limp body, using her power to move him through the fence. His mother was also a unique individual and immune to his father’s power. She thinking her son dead knew of her husband’s powers and doused herself in oils from the lantern and ran into the area his father was working, setting it ablaze, and killing them both. John had awakened to see the entire thing happen but couldn’t speak due to his neck still being out of place. He wandered for a while, finding work repairing whatever he could. Then a man came to him and asked him if he wished to learn all he knew, for the man was old and didn’t want to be forgotten. Taking Jonathan to his mansion he told him all of his stories and even taught him to read and write. Jonathan Caught on quickly and never forgot anything he was told. His parents had sheltered him from the outside world and never allowed him to learn much of anything. Save daily chores and on a farm that was many things. Upon his deathbed this old man left Jonathan Alexander his fortune and name. He was unable to have children and found a son in Jonathan. Thus he gained the last name of Vanderswift. With his adopted father dead and gone Jonathan was shattered. Tears formed in his eyes over the loss of this his friend and one of the only people to actually love him. His parents seemed more of a cold blooded lot and never praised him, only toughened him up for his life to come, as a “special thing”. Never did he feel at home until he met Lord Cain Vanderswift. With all of Cain’s knowledge in his head, his adopted father’s life stored away; Jonathan wrote a novel containing his father’s life within. It was a five part book novel that contained every little thing in Cain’s life. Afterward he wrote about his parents, creating a story all his own of how they met and filled in their lives. Never really knowing about his parent’s pasts, he himself, filled in what he could and in the end of the book killed himself. This was a seven book series, and people loved the “Witchcraft” as they called it then. But never would say it because it was blasphemous but people gobbled it up like candy. Soon he had made seven times the amount of money that Cain had. By now Jonathan was turning Thirty years old. Had no friends and didn’t look at all aged passed his twenty first birthday. He had wished he could have done something for his adopted father; Knowing that his actual parents were burnt to nothing in the fire. He took on many different names throughout the world, most known but others not and when he would find his life in that area over. Simply put, he would kill himself or set it up to where he would be killed. His fortune would always be transferred before his death to some distant land beforehand. Finally he ended up in Japan and fell madly in love with the people there. Off in a secluded area of Japan he found himself on one of the last Samurai Towns. Living there for many years he fought besides them and bled with them. Trained in their ways, learned to read and write in their language and even took a bride. She was no one of any special standing there but to him she was the world. Learning the ways of the samurai from the old masters there; he perfected his skills within a two years. Something that would have taken a few lifetimes. But thanks to his healing ability it took far less. It was a hassle to keep it a secret but he ended up doing a fine job of it. Stumbling upon the old smith there he asked him if he would teach him how to make things. Jonathan always liked working and making things work. After a few months he wore the old man down, into teaching him his masterful ways. Spending six years he finally grasped the art of molding metal. Within a two more years he had learned all the old smith knew and went on his way. This entire time he was trying with his wife to have children and yet they could not. Sometimes she would cry on him and blame herself of not being fertile. Sadly, on a night he would never forget, there was a raid from a band of thieves, which called themselves Ninja. They had been fallen Samurai known as Ronin. In the commotion his wife was killed, he got there only too late and slew the assailant. Holding her in his arms he cried as a spear plunged through his back and through his stomach. How he wished he could die from such an attack, for the first time he felt cursed. He laid her down lifeless as she was and stood up. Quickly he pushed off the ground with his feet sending himself sliding up the handle to the attacker, looking up at him as he did; his face emotionless, as he stared deeply into his eyes. Scared into paralysis, his attacker stood frozen, so scared was he, he could not even scream. Not until he was run through by Jonathan’s Katana. Grasping the spear and pulling it all the way through him so he could heal. Looking off in the distance, the rains blurred his vision but he knew there was one there in the darkness. Quickly he grasped the spear and threw it like a missile through the air. The tip of it landed into his foes chest with such a force that he was lifted off the ground and stapled to a tree. John walked out and called the attackers to him. As he did, bolts from crossbows pierced into him; one into each hand, one into each shoulder, one through his left knee and one through his stomach. He could hear the screams of his people or the people he came to know as his own. Several of these ninja came from the shadows and what seemed to be their leader approached him. “You are not one of them why fight?” His words were like venom in the air. “…” John’s words did not come; he only knelt on the ground. His arms spread out; his katana was still in his hand as the leader got closer. “Why fight white man?” He asked in English, very good English which was surprising. “Because, of honor and love.” Jonathan finally spat out the words. “And these people why fight for them?” He said getting closer, getting foolishly in range of his attack, Jonathan’s wounds had healed around the bolts and his strength was regained. “Because these are my people and your men killed my wife.” Jonathan said in Japanese. “Well, your people are all dead… removed from history and no one will remember them!” He said looking over to his men and as he did, Jonathan sprung forward pulling the crossbows from the men holding them. “I will but none will remember you or your men!” Jonathan said as he moved and cut off his head. Quickly he pulled out the bolts as much as it hurt and they launched forward to attack him. Brilliant, was the flash of lightning that hit Jonathan. Quickly slumping over he fell onto his face, even in the thick rain the smoke could be seen from his smoldering body. The men all surrounded him and poked him a few times. “What about him?” One of them said. “No matter, we only followed him because of his strange power. The master never said to attack here.” Another said as a man came out of the shadows and looked them over. “MASTER!?” They all gasped in unison, quickly he surveyed the area. “That one lives.” He said, pointing to Jonathan. “Was it he who silenced this fool?” Their master asked kicking the limp headless corpse. “Y..Yes master.” One stammered. “Bring him with us, nothing remains here for him.” Their master demanded as he departed. Awakening after taking so much damage, he let out a groan. His body was bandaged and wounds were all healed. Slowly he rose and his muscles were tight and sore for the first time in his long life. Finding it hard to open his eyes but soon he did and found a woman sleeping over him. He let out a small smile as his vision became clear. She reminded him of his wife, as he thought of her he knew she was dead. Tears cams, blurring his vision as he looked at her; she seemed young and looked exactly like his wife did when they first met. Slowly, he moved out of the bed or mat like bed, which they had in Japan. As he moved she moved a little not waking. Slowly he moved her into the bed and took her slippers off. She must have been watching over him night and day to be so exhausted. Doing a few stretches to loosen his soreness up he then got dressed finding that they had brought all of his things. “You’re finally awake.” A voice came from outside the small home. Almost in shock Jonathan opened the door quietly and walked out of the home, meeting a man about the age of fifty or so. “Thank you for taking care of me but if you will excuse me. I will be going home if you would be so kind as to show me the way.” John said looking at him, his eyes burning with fire in them. “I could let you go but that village is being repopulated so to say. You see it was my people… well someone from the outside with considerable persuasion skills came into my village and took some of my people and killed who they could. Sadly I got there too late, I didn’t tell them to attack but that fool did and they went. It was like he spoke and when he did you were forced to do what he said.” The old man said looking at Jonathan. “Well, were the dead buried and sent to their ancestors?” Jonathan asked and with a nod the old man replied. “Then if it is ok with you I would like to bathe.” Jonathan said with a smile. “You have been sleeping for two months; I am surprised to see you up and walking about.” He said to Jonathan. “Two months?” He asked looking at the old man as he bowed to him. “My name is John.” “I am Shin and my daughter in there has been tirelessly watching over you, I will allow her to introduce herself to you once she awakens.” He said with a smile as they walked about the lands. Shin explained that the Ronin Samurai had no lord, so he took the position of Lord Samurai to give them a purpose. _**Hidden/unknown Information:**_ Has a brother/sister who runs Twilight Fade.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

**Character Sheet**

**Name:** Ascot Harper

**Age:** 13


![enter image description here](img716.imageshack.us/img716/3333/raj3... "enter image title here")

**Personality:** Ascot is a studious, curious young boy who is naturally kind to those that are suffering, but, at the same time, capable of cold behavior towards people he considers his enemies. Despite his intelligence, he can be impulsive to the point of recklessness, emotional to the point where it clouds his judgement, and, of course, he is someone whose psyche is like a glass cannon; it is capable of great things, but fortitude in the face of extreme stress is not one of them.

**Magical powers/Physical Abilities:** Ascot has all the 'Released Spells' in Prime/Law, Space, and Mind/Mentalism, while as for physical abilities, he was raised by an Eskrima instructor and an Acrobat for parents. However, his intellectual forte is in History and Literature, which are only selectively useful. Despite his intelligence, he only knows a little more than the average person about the 'hard sciences'.

**Flaws:** As noted in his personality, Ascot can be impulsive, reckless, and lacking emotional fortitude in extreme stress. Not merely that, but physically, he is a glass cannon as well, able to hit hard, and hit fast, but not be able to take hits. More to the point, his magical powers are in their infancy, meaning that he, like everyone, are not able to do much yet...but that will change.

**Bio:** Ascot had always been a curious boy, one whose curiosity was matched by his intelligence. This brought the notice of his parents, who made sure he had the best education possible, as well as his Uncle, the FBI Head Heinz Harper. Heinz was a driven man, who, though hardened by years of service, and slightly corrupted by taking 'under-the-table' measures to keep his country safe from the worst criminals, had a kind core, a kind core that let him reach out to Ascot, who returned said kindness. From him, the boy learned much about the world, both good and bad. And so, he grew up, finding out about his own strengths and his own weaknesses, and only sometimes succumbing to the latter.

And then, the world changed. Everyone, everywhere, in the world began to see strange energies, causing massive chaos. But, Ascot himself was strangely unaffected; he can see the energies, can feel them break his worldview, but due to the fact that he was young enough to believe in magic, yet intelligent enough to analyze it, he did not surrender to the urge for madness and disorder. Instead, he did something else.

He analayzed the strange energies, and found out that instead of shutting them off like most other people on Earth did, he can channel said energies through his body, and even make them do...things. Things like allowing himself perfect sight of his surroundings, reading the emotions of others, and analayzing objects changed and added by The Event, knowing what powers they held, and that they had powers in the first place.

Of course, the boy kept this secret, because if humanity found out that they, as a species, had become 'witches', who knows what disorder may ensue. Of course, when his Uncle Heinz went to his home and told him that he had powers, too, Ascot told him everything. And so, the two planned to make sure that the inevitable fallout was softened, by founding a 'Magical Peace Corps', an organization to make sure that this new power was not misused.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Spatula

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**Name:** Serenity Arvennicus **Age:** 22 **Appearance:** [![SerenityThumbnail](http://i.imgur.com/Bkzah.jpg "Serenity")](http://i.imgur.com/KwBbg.jpg) **Personality:** Serenity is a curious young woman with a penchant for invention. This inclination of hers gives her great ability with the magic she possesses, as she is able to layer effects and create complex spells. **Magical powers/ Physical Abilities:** Law, Matter, Energy and Mind. She is physically meager, but makes up for it with intelligence, and she's handy with computers. **Flaws:** Anti-social, **Bio:** Serenity grew up with her father. The man worked as an independent Magitech developer, with all the equipment he needed available to him within his home. She was fascinated by his work, which prompted him to begin teaching her magic. He died or something, I'll figure it out.
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