Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Entropsy
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Entropsy bad post

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Phew, that was the longest intro for a character I had ever written for any RP to date!
I'm really honored then! In my RP? Whew!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ugh ... I have to contribute to society according to the rules? Ugh.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rosette Christopher
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Rosette Christopher Smug Militant Nun

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Mind if I join?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SgtEasy
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SgtEasy S'algood bro

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Mind if I join?
Rosette Christopher
Yeah, I think there's a character limit but it's still not reached its peak yet. I can't speak for the DM though
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stephanie Dola
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Stephanie Dola

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

May I join as well~?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

May I join as well~?
Stephanie Dola
I would believe that this quote would work for you as well:
Mind if I join?
Rosette Christopher
Yeah, I think there's a character limit but it's still not reached its peak yet. I can't speak for the DM though
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SgtEasy
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SgtEasy S'algood bro

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Just going over with you guys, my next post will require some serious reading. Please read all the way through. It is very big. It will introduce you to the warp and a bit of Ghazghkulls memories in the galaxy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SgtEasy
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SgtEasy S'algood bro

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Feedback on what I have posted? I love feedback
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JohnWolff


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Feedback on what I have posted? I love feedback
Hah, I was worried that might happen. Sayaka doesn't condone murder of any kind. Man, this is gonna get ugly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Feedback on what I have posted? I love feedback
I would give feedback if I knew one thing about what your character was talking about. Mostly I am confused on all the terms and things. What's a "Noize"?
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by SgtEasy
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SgtEasy S'algood bro

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Yessss. We need to form up and kill the Noize marine. TOGETHER! But please though. Show their reactions to the warp and Ghazghkulls memories. At least them two. Please please please. EDIT: Noize is Noize. It is psychic sound. 100 times louder than the highest sound. Noize is the gift of the Ruinous Powers or the Dark Gods if we use layman terms. This can kill
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JohnWolff


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Yessss. We need to form up and kill the Noize marine. TOGETHER!
Question - can Sayaka attempt to heal the Marine? The way I see how it's going to turn out - Sayaka enters battle mode, then realizes how powerful Ghazghkulls is when Ghazghkulls fires up his weapon or whatever (not that she's gonna be intimidated by his strength), so she decides to check out the dead body in the room instead and see if she can perform her magic.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SgtEasy
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SgtEasy S'algood bro

Member Seen 6 mos ago

You can not heal the marine. He became like that by choice. He is corrupted. You should hurry though marines can call friends. Bigger and stronger.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SgtEasy
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SgtEasy S'algood bro

Member Seen 6 mos ago

I shall rundown the history of the warp, here is some basic information of the warp from the wiki: The Immaterium (also referred to as the Empyrean, the Aether, the Sea of Souls, the Realm of Chaos, Warpspace or most commonly, the Warp) is an alternate dimension of purely psychic energy that echoes and underlies the familiar four dimensions of the material universe. It is the source of all psychic powers and known instances of so-called "sorcery" or "magic" as well as the home dimension of the Chaos Gods and their myriad daemonic servants. In fact, the terms "Chaos" and "the Warp" are often used interchangeably by those aware of their existence within the Imperium of Man. Superficially, the Immaterium is Mankind's solution to the problem of faster-than-light travel, an equivalent to the Star Wars universe's dimension of hyperspace. This function as a faster-than-light medium for space travel is achieved because the Immaterium is a domain of pure psychic energy, with spacecraft navigating between its currents, as in an ocean. The psychic energy that makes up the Immaterium is believed to be the direct result of the existence of sentience in the universe, in particular the intelligent species of the Milky Way Galaxy. Considered to be a dark reflection of the material universe, the Warp is an ocean of chaotic psychic energy, raw emotion given physical form. Stirred by emotion and action, the Immaterium is the true Realm of Chaos, home to the Dark Gods who comprise the Ruinous Powers and their legions of daemonic followers. The Immaterium is also rumoured by many cultures, human and xenos alike, to be the final resting place of the spirits of the dead, and therefore can be considered the "Underworld" of the Warhammer 40,000 universe. Here is some basic info on the wars of Armageddon The Second War for Armageddon is the second of three massive conflicts between the Imperium of Man and the Ork Warboss Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka that took place between 941.M41 through 943.M41. The war was fought on the Hive World of Armageddon in the Segmentum Solar, where Ghazghkull Thraka launched an Ork WAAAGH! consisting of five separate Ork tribes in an attempt to seize the planet for themselves. Three Space Marine Chapters were involved, including: the Blood Angels, Salamanders and the Ultramarines, along with dozens of regiments of the Imperial Guard as well as a large contingent of Inquisition forces from the Ordo Xenos composed of Squats. A notable effect of this invasion resulted in Ghazghkull earning the wrath of Commissar Yarrick, who dedicated his efforts after the Second War to hunting down Ghazghkull, with little success. The main war lasted for only two standard years, but continuous combat took place between the various forces for another next twenty years until 961.M41, a colossal effort between both factions for the control of a single, highly strategic planet. The Third War for Armageddon that began in 998.M41 was a massive conflict between the Imperium of Man and the largest Ork WAAAGH! ever raised, led by the Greenskin Warlord Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka. The war was fought on the Hive World of Armageddon where Ghazghkull Thraka had launched his first attempt to seize the planet exactly 57 standard years before. The conflict eventually drew in portions of over 25 Space Marine Chapters, dozens of Imperial Guard Regiments, several Titan Legions and caused immense destruction to Armageddon before essentially ending in an extremely narrow Imperial victory, though neither the Imperial nor Ork forces were able to secure complete control over the contested world and fighting is still ongoing in many regions. If you have more questions, ask away
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JohnWolff


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

You can not heal the marine. He became like that by choice. He is corrupted.
Ah well, I'm just gonna post that Sayaka tries to heal him but fail because she can't resurrect dead people.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SgtEasy
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SgtEasy S'algood bro

Member Seen 6 mos ago

You can not heal the marine. He became like that by choice. He is corrupted.
Ah well, I'm just gonna post that Sayaka tries to heal him but fail because she can't resurrect dead people.
He's not technically dead. Just corrupted. He might corrupt the others, if he stays long enough. If they attracted to Lust. Anger. Tricking People. Anarchy. Greed. So if your not a saint or the pope, you need to deal with him quickly
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Thinking of using a P.E.K.K.A. from Clash of Clans as my character.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JohnWolff


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

He might corrupt the others, if he stays long enough. If they attracted to Lust. Anger. Tricking People. Anarchy. Greed. So if your not a saint or the pope, you need to deal with him quickly
lol Maybe, but Sayaka doesn't know about the lore of Warhammer 40k, as interesting as it might be. All she knew was that some brute killed some guy with a big-ass gun. xD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SgtEasy
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SgtEasy S'algood bro

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Thinking of using a P.E.K.K.A. from Clash of Clans as my character.
We have a badass over here! Wow, never thought of that. I think this group of people was normal when we came. Now it's just anarchy. First a green behemoth and now, a samurai robot. Ace!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SgtEasy
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SgtEasy S'algood bro

Member Seen 6 mos ago

He might corrupt the others, if he stays long enough. If they attracted to Lust. Anger. Tricking People. Anarchy. Greed. So if your not a saint or the pope, you need to deal with him quickly
lol Maybe, but Sayaka doesn't know about the lore of Warhammer 40k, as interesting as it might be. All she knew was that some brute killed some guy with a big-ass gun. xD
She still needs to surf through the memories of Ghazghkull. Which includes some cultists, I might add. If she had sense, she would see. But you make a valid point
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