Gender: Female
PERSONALITY:Pragmatic - When her curiosity is not getting in the way Beatrice approaches everything sensibly. This mixes well with her charisma as she learned how best to get her way.
Charismatic - Beatrice is extremely charismatic, which has saved her from detentions a fare amount. She can see people’s weakness and uses them against them, in a very roundabout way. Many times people walk away from talking with Beatrice thinking she was the sweetest girl, not having realized she had weaseled her way out of them.
Clever - All of that culminates in her cleverness. She wouldn’t have a high IQ if tested, but if in an odd situation she’d find an obscure way out of it.
Experimental - Beatrice let’s her mind wander too much. She thinks too much about things that aren’t connected, but somehow she makes it work in her head. This leads to her trying new things, and new spells that are quite clearly not how it should work. About 80% of those backfire in someway.
Private - If you asked anyone they’d say they like Beatrice, and they’d talk about her, but they wouldn’t be able to really talk about her thoughts, feelings, or past (unless they were there). She has a small clique, and is the Beta of the group, lacking the drive to be the Alpha.
Curious - Beatrice can’t help but question. Sometimes (more often than not) that is not appropriate for a girl in her time. She uses her Charisma to make it work, and for the most part has only a few people she’s pissed off. One of those being the headmaster, another her Potions Master.
Bio: Beatrice, as she only allows to be called, is the only girl-child of her parents. Both purebloods and both alumni of Durmstrang. She has an older brother and two younger brothers. The older brother has joined Grindelwald and promised his younger sister as future ally. Beatrice does not agree with Grindelwald. She has, from a young age, agreed that the magical and muggle communities should be separate.
The reason for that belief is something she has never told anyone. Including her Mother, before she passed away. When Beatrice was six years old she got lost on a hiking trail. She met up with some muggles and asked for help. At first the group seemed to be willing to help the young girl, but as things got more and more desperate looking Beatrice became panicked and sparks literally flew.
The group of muggles were decidedly freaked out and one of them pushed Beatrice. She was found hours later by her older brother. Her wounds were healed, but she never spoke of the incident except as “that day I fell”. Her brother sensed something more had happened, but never questioned Beatrice.
Beatrice’s mother passed away while she was at school during her second year. The loss was devastating to her and at first she refused to return to Durmstrang. Her father convinced her by telling her where to look for their names carved together. When Beatrice returned to school she found the names and would return to that spot whenever she needed to ‘speak’ with her mother.
It can be said that Beatrice’s greatest flaw is her curiosity. While it may be useful at times for school work she has been considered a bit nosey at times, and at worst a danger to herself. Because of her curiosity she has tested spells that are dangerous, and found some of the secret paths within the small castle of Durmstrang that no student should wander into. Lucky for Beatrice she is charismatic enough that her prying has never come off as anything but friendly. Her clever mind has kept her safe from the other dangerous things she has encountered. It is likely if she had gone to Hogwarts she may have been sorted into Ravenclaw.
Both of Beatrice’s younger brothers have come to potentially participate in the TriWizard tournament. Beatrice is not pleased about that.
SKILLS & ABILITIES:StrengthsIn a way Beatrice is lucky. Usually that luck is good. Despite her overwhelming sense of curiosity, Beatrice has only gotten into a couple bad scrapes, and never any she couldn’t figure a way out on her own.
Beatrice is exceptional at charms (her wand is willow, and flexible).
One of the things taught very sternly at Durmstrang is Silent casting and Beatrice has shown to be brilliant at it.
Durmstrang teaches Dark Arts with a fever not seen at other schools, and Beatrice has found that while she has no liking for the skill, is able to cast efficiently enough for good marks.
WeaknessHer weakness are the need to answer questions, even when the answer is something very dangerous.
She likes making new spells (which is a very dangerous thing to do)
And the inability to stay attentive enough for a potion. She has not made a proper potion over the equivalent of OWL level, and wished she could drop out of the class but it is mandatory at Durmstrang.
WAND: Willow, 10 3/4 inches, Flexible (on the wispy side), unicorn hair (Gregorovitch wand)