Imagine if you will a world where boats never took off as a mode of transportation. Instead people turned to lighter than aircraft as the major mode of transport. As newer technologies advanced, so did the human scope of the world. Cartography was thrown into an age of exploration, as coastlines were now clearer and seen from a raised perspective. This made the discovery of the New World that much greater of an impact on the globe. When Christopher Colombus sailed his borrowed Spanish Airship across the Atlanticus sky and reached the americas, believing he had hit india, he sailed northwest over the coast in search of the major trade centers Persepolis and Susa. What he and his cartographer assisstant, Amerigo Vespucci discovered, was a whole new continent. Quickly named, America. Keeping the New World a secret from the Eastern Nations, the major European powers quickly staked their claims to the various lands of America. The Native Tribes were quickly isolated by the "White Gods and their Flying Sky-Eaters" and were moved to their own country on the coast, "Oklham" while the ones in the southern continent, who called themselves "Aztec" were allowed to keep their sprawling stone cities. Both Oklham and Azteca were soon after struck by disease, and while the healers and wise men of Oklham saved about half of the population of their country with the help of the white mans medicine, the proud Aztecs would do nothing but sacrifice to their Gods, and when 3 quarters of their population had been struck down by disease, the mighty warrior king Moctezuma had his men create a giant flaming Sky Bow, which ignited one of the sky-eaters that were flying past the south American mountains.
The balloon crash ignited both the 75 souls of it's passengers, and a great war between the Spanish Nations and the Aztecs. Even with his dwindling and diseased population, Moctezuma managed to cut down the Spanish Conquistadors that flew into his city, and songs are sung that when he captured their Admiral, he named him a worthy opponent, and had a likeness created of him in gold, with the living man trapped inside the statue. The statue was raised into the sky on one of the war balloons, and crashed in an unknown place with its cargo, never to be seen again. This defeat led to the creation of a new breed of war balloon, one where the balloon Itself was plated with metal, impervious to cannon, trebuchet, or sky bow. With these "Acorazado" or "Dreadnought", the King Ferdinand rained fire down upon the remaining aztecs, destroying their cities and temples, and collapsing the great pyramid onto Moctezuma, who was quivering inside begging his Gods to save him.

Once the world saw the destructive power of these dreadnoughts, every country with them money imediately began research and construction of their own, as well as anti-dreadnought weapons. While dreadnoughts were almost impervious to any attack, there was one man who invented the first real way of destroying them. Completely on accident. An increase in the studies of various gases led to the identification of the microwave, a form of radiation which jumped mankind ahead about 100 years. And with that discovery, came the MASER.

The maser was a highly intense and invisible beam of microwave radiation that could be created simply using gas in a crystalline chamber and a certain type of lamp. Using redirective zinc plates the Maser could fire this beam at a target up to 500 yards away with pinpoint accuracy and with none of the kickback of conventional guns. Because it could be intensified or broadened depending on the desired effects, it was a very versatile weapon and tool, used for everything from cutting through metal, to instantly cooking a plate of food, to heating up gas for emergency lift. With its adaptability, low cost, and light weight it quickly became a favorite aboard vessels of all class. While sky bows were still also used, the Maser became the most common and dangerous weapon in a Airship's arsenal.
Now the sky above cities is often littered with the gleam of zinc plated balloons, and trade is at an all-time high. But as always, an increase in trade and the need to supply new settlements also means the rise of Pirates...
The year is 1746.
You are a sky sailor, an agent of the wind and air.
Are you a captain?
A pirate?
A cabin boy?
What ship do you fly, what port do you call home?
Who are you in this world, and are you prepared for what's to come?
The RP will start out in the Settlement on the Florida Keys in a Pub. All of us will be there, and afterwards everyone will go to their ships. Events will happen on a predetermined storyline, but for the most part how you respond to NPC's and individual situations will be up to you. I expect gore will likely happen, and if there is a sexual encounter I would prefer (well, really I mean you have to as per the rules) that it take place in PM. This will be a potentially offensive RP. Rascism is likely to be apart of many characters and NPC's as well as bawdy humor and aggressive language. If you are easily Offended, or are underage, or suffer from heart conditions which may prove fatal if you are startled or aroused, please press the left arrow in the top-left corner of your screen and go somewhere else.
Thank you for your time.
Welcome to the OOC Post for Airborn. Airborn is set in the world of Kenneth Oppel's book "Airborn. If you are an avid reader I do highly suggest it.
Anyone wanting to take part in this roleplay will be required to submit and have a CS accepted. Post your character sheet and...
If you are not a captain, please do not specify what ship you are on. This is because it will be alot more fun if a player is not the only RP'er aboard a specific airship. If you are not a captain than any non-NPC crew will be assigned to you from the non captains. If there are enough players then you will be asked (as a ship captain) to GM a PM-group for you and your shipmates to avoid confusion. If you choose to be a captain please keep in mind that there will be some level of responsibility to your shipmates involved. Crew members please specify whether you want to be pirate, merchant, or Navy. Or if you have a specific preference as to who your captain is, then please clarify that as well. Rank will come on a first come first serve basis and will be subject to change at the captains discretion.