Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by SirensCall
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SirensCall The Siren Hellspawn

Member Seen 24 days ago

The Last few days had gone by in a haze, at least that was what Bill Weasley thought. Since the battle on the Astronomy tower, Bill had been in and out of consciousness, he could vaguely recall the news that Dumbledore had died, been murdered really, but the reality of that was setting in all too quickly as he, supported by his brother Charlie, got to the seats for the funeral. His face was still in pain, and he was feeling quite weak... but that just reminded him he was, in fact, alive.

His other brief memories were coming in. His parents. His siblings. The other Order members... and two blonde witches that he wasn't sure who they were. They had arrived within the last few days, and when he asked McGonnagell about them, She simply answered that they were students of Dumbledore's. But he was certain he'd never seen either within Hogwarts before then, but pushing for more seemed rude.

Especially considering he had been informed that the two of them, upon arrival, had been helping Madam Pomfrey. In fact, the healer he knew from his time at Hogwarts had explicitly said that without their help, He might not have looked as good as he did now. He'd have scars, but werewolf bites were cursed, and he felt awful at the moment. His face was throbbing, his head pounding, but he needed to pay his respects.

He looked to Charlie. "Thanks," he grumbled, clearing his throat like he hadn't spoke in ages. "Again." He finished after a moment. Their parents were in front of them, and towards the front he noted the two blondes that he wasn't quite sure how they fit in. He did recall a conversation between Remus and McGonnagell though.

"I've never seen these girls before, or heard of them even." Remus began, his voice.low, and Bill could hear McGonnagell sigh.

"It was in his final wishes, Remus. These women, they are under the care of the Order now. I have no idea who they are to Albus exactly, but they are important to him. Extremely so." McGonnagell said.

"Had you heard of them?" He asked.

"Briefly. Albus was a very private man. He only ever mentioned two girls that he loved teaching." She answered.

His mind gauged back and he brought his hand to his head. This was all too much. Too much indeed.


Katherine hadn't felt this way in years. Lost. Scared. Depressed. This time, however, she had some control, and a friend who understood what she was going through. She had Addie, but the two really hadn't had time to slow down since their arrival. They were holed up in Hogsmeade for the moment, and Kat had just slipped into her black dress and heels, her eyes damp.

They were helping out in the school, and she hadn't even had time to relish in the fact she had finally gotten to see Hogwarts... but the circumstances hung too heavily over her. Her mentor... the only father figure she had ever known was gone. Just gone.

Her mind was heavy and she brought her hair up into a neat, braided bun, and placed her.cap with a short black veil over her face on. She used her handkerchief and dabbled the running mascara from her face. Her wand was in a garter secured beneath her dress, as her wand never left her side. She felt incomplete without it anymore, but with Addie around she didn't have to face it all alone.

She looked.over to Addie, trying her best to swallow tears. "Addie? What happens now? With the Order?"

She was worried. She was anti social to say the very least, but with Dumbledore around she felt safe. If word got out about them ,then every dark witch and wizard would be hunting them. And She wasn't handling the loss well on top of everything else. It was just hard.

And once they were before the tomb it took all of her Might to swallow down her depression. She took her seat, and hung her head low, wiping her tears still.

The.message came to her.too late, and she would.never stop blaming herself for not helping enough.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rosalind
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Rosalind ... douleur exquise ...

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She stood before the mirror, her face blank and staring. She couldn’t feel, her every sense was numb. But Addie wanted it that way, she did not want to feel. If she opened up to the grief it would consume her, and her emotions were far too powerful to ever be given in to. She was dressed in black, the colour as bleak as it was did not seem to do the day justice. Addie could not put effort into her appearance, she did not want to put effort into anything at all. Albus Dumbledore, her mentor and her father (so she had assigned him) was dead. He had been murdered at the hands of Severus Snape, and now the world was empty of the greatest an she had ever known.

Kat came to her and spoke and she turned to face her. “We must carry on” she said to her sister (again, as she had assigned) and she reached out to fix her veil and straighten it out. “For Albus” she added sadly. Her own sheet of waved hair fell around her face, and her blue eyes threatened to drown her face in tears. “In his honour we must do what he has trained us for, to help” she said.

Addie and Kat were unique, descendants of a powerful line. Their existence was a secret, but also hunted by Voldemort and his army of Death Eaters. Their powers were formidable and unstoppable, and entirely too dangerous. Albus had taught them to control and to tame, that the good within them would always outweigh the desire for bad, so long as their hearts remained pure. Addie loved unconditionally, proven by her career as a healer. And she loved none more than Albus and Kat, her family by choice. “Come” she said to her friend, taking her by the hand and heading with the masses into the grounds of the infamous Hogwarts.

It was Hogwarts luck that Kat and Addie were not here at the battle. Their powers, strengthen by emotion, would have caused the ancient building to collapse. Addie forced herself to take control of herself just as Albus had told her, and she followed the sombre procession into the vast grounds. There was easily over a thousand people here, including a gaggle of journalists. She took her seat in the row and sighed, still sitting close to Kat.

. . .

Charlie sat with the other Weasley’s, surrounded by a few of the Order members. There were some that were on patrol, keeping guard. With the end of Dumbledore came the end of his charms, and the castle was vulnerable. Charlie looked down to his own hands that were a little battered, but nothing compared to his brother. Him and Bill were as thick as thieves, they’d always been close growing up. Bill was a little more academic, but he was as bold and daring as Charlie. He had always looked up to Bill, and perhaps that was why he felt Bill’s plight more than others.

He looked to his brother, the “lady-killer” of the family as it were, now with three scars down his face. Bitten by Greyback, Charlie had sworn that mans end by his end. Bill spoke and Charlie looked to him. “Maybe now it’ll be fairer game for other men” he teased about the scars on his face. Charlie laughed a little, to show that he was joking. But as he looked to his Brother, he saw the pain and struggle he was going through. He brought one of his calloused hands to his brother’s shoulder. “You don’t have to be here” Charlie said to him with concern.

As the pain in his face showed, Charlie sighed and looked up to try and find Pomfrey. It was then that he saw the two blondes that were unknown to everyone looking over, and one in particular seemed to observe him a little closer. “Here you go bro, even with the blemishes you’re getting the ladies” he said lightly, as he tried to bring up his brothers mood.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SirensCall
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SirensCall The Siren Hellspawn

Member Seen 24 days ago

Bill looked to Charlie. Of the siblings, aside from Fred and George, they were the closest. And Bill had never been so thankful to have his brother at his side than at this very moment. He had been beaten down, lost a great mentor, and just weeks ago he lost Fleur. They had been going through a rough patch, and it turned sour. Needless to say, Bill nearly packed and went to Romania to visit Charlie, but the younger sibling beat him to the punch.

He sighed though, "I do have to be here. Pay my respects." He reminded his brother, but when he brought up the witches, Bill turned his head and looked. There they were. The mysterious ones who just magically appeared once word of Dumbledore's death made its rounds.

He gave a small chuckle to Charlie's remarks though. "Maybe they like scars." He gave a gentle tease, but soon rubbed his face and winced a bit,, bringing his hand back. Some clear liquid had come from the most raw one, and he dabbled his handkerchief over it. He wasn't happy with that much, but he knew the services wold be beginning soon, and then he could rest some more.


Katherine nodded to Addie's notion. They would do as Dumbledore wanted them to. Help when they were needed, but Katherine was hesitant with it. She knew how destructive their powers could be under certain emotional ranges, and anger and depression would definitely follow the events of today. Not to mention the Dark Lord wouldn't rest.

Her eyes looked to Katherine who was looking back to the werewolf bite patient. They had done all they could, Addie using her knowledge of healing and Katherine brewing whatever potions she needed, simply to avoid human contact. However, the man beside their patient, a brother she assumed, caught them looking, but Katherine studied him a moment. Worry was an apparent emotion over him, but she couldn't blame him.

If it had been Addie, Katherine wouldn't have left her side period. But she didn't have to worry about Addie.

Soon Katherine face forward and pulled her wand out, waving it silently, and flowers appeared in her lap. Easter Lilies. They were her favorites and since she had met Dumbledore, she always received them on her birthday. So, she would place them on his tomb because of what they meant. She looked to Addie, placing her wand back. "I'll be right back." She said, taking her arrangement and placing it before the tomb.

She was relatively alone , and as she stared at the tomb, she swallowed, hard. "I hope we live up to what you hoped we would." She whispered before she turned to head back to her seat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rosalind
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Rosalind ... douleur exquise ...

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Addie could almost feel his pain, and as he winced she felt a twinge herself. Addie looked away; there was something about that man, a sense of destiny. The blonde’s brow furrowed and she looked down as Kat joined her, just as the ceremony began.

The ground was filled with sobs and the emotional, and though Addie herself didn’t cry it was clear to Kat alone that she was crippled with emotion. Addie was fighting to control herself, for should her true emotions burst free the very castle beside them could explode and the skies pour fire. Indeed as the blue flames engulfed Dumbledore’s tomb she was almost overcome and the once sunny day was now black. Whispers and gasps sounded as the blackened sky reflected Addie’s mood, and though her jaw was clenched she could contain herself any more. Her fingers began to spit sparks and it was time for Addie to leave.

The blonde got up and under the guise of being distraught she left the scene, the clouds too taking their leave and lightening. But a permanent shadow was cast over her as she left the funeral service. Addie had never known Hogwarts so she had no idea where she was headed. Addie just walked, forcing back the tears and the pain. Dumbledore would not want her to lose it, he had always told the girls to find their distraction, find their constant that kept them from losing it. For Kat it was her herb lore and potions, and for Addie it had been healing.

It was then that she stopped and looked back round to the wounded red head, and she was sure the way she felt now she could help him. So (as wrong as it was) she entered his mind and made him follow her.

. . .

Charlie sighed and his shoulders dropped. He was littered in burns and scars from the Dragons, but his were little things, not infected or impacting. Bill’s would never heal, werewolf venom dripping from them as he knocked a scab. Charlie took a hankie from his mother and offered it to Bill. He frowned as he turned back to the tomb and watched as one of the blonde witches moved to lay a wreath before Dumbledore’s final resting place. As inappropriate as it was, he couldn’t help but admire her.

The service began and the cries started, and Charlie’s eyes were filled with sadness. His fists were balled in his lap as he watched, before darkness washed over them. “What the…?” Charlie hissed as he reached for his wand, looking to the storm clouds that were a shade of black he had never seen. The rest of the order around them too seemed to reach for their wands, not noticing of the girl who rushed away from the scene. But the clouds slowly turned to grey, and Charlie looked wildly around him for a moment. Surely the death eaters wouldn’t be here. Dumbledore was dead and they would now change their target, and that would be Harry.

Charlie turned to talk to Bill but the man was gone, and he looked around to see where he was. He frowned, putting it down to his scars and the new ‘condition’ he would now have to deal with. He felt renewed pain for the senior brother as he looked back round to the conclusion of the ceremony.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SirensCall
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SirensCall The Siren Hellspawn

Member Seen 24 days ago

Bill accepted the hanky rather gratefully, the pain was enough, but did it seriously have to ooze? When he finished dabbing his wound, he noted that Charlie was watching the blonde near the tomb, and Bill simply wrote it off as nothing. Plenty had placed things at the tomb, and everyone seemed to watch as more did. He.shook his head as the ceremony began.

And then it happened, and the moment the.tomb burst.into flames, black clouds littered the sky and he reached.for his wand as many others had. However, it began to break away and he watched one of the blonde witches took off, disappearing from his.line of sight.

He couldn't quite.explain it, but the urge to follow her too hold, and he.stood and headed off in the direction she went. He wasn't focused on the pain he was in, but more so on finding this witch. It was an odd feat, but he felt nothing but the urge to find her.

Finally he saw her and slowly.pain returned and he clutched near his face and he looked.up to her. "Hello?" He said, and he collapsed, the pain returning fully, and he closed his eyes trying to block it.out. He didn't.understand why it was so intense so suddenly, perhaps.it was from the shift in focus. "Please make.it.go away." He whispered, feeling his skin throbbing.


Kat could feel the eyes.on her as she placed her wreath on the tomb, and watched in silence as the tomb engulfed in flames as the ceremony proceeded. Kat could feel Addie losing it, and she could feel herself starting too. The change.in weather didn't make her bat an eye, but once Addie was.gone, the sky stayed a softer shade of grey and not long after rain began to drizzle.down. Kat was beginning to feel it more heavily on her with Addie not present, but she was.keeping the little bit of grip she had for now.

Her emotions caused the rain to pick up more, and soon she excused herself, and she.headed down to the lake and she sat, the wet stones felt odd against her as she watched the rain come down, her tears flowing steadily. She.took her wand.from her garter and soon a cauldron and.ingredients appeared as she began mixing them together, but she willed.it away after a moment. Instead she stood and walked.over to the water's edge and watched as some fish swam by and.some grindylows chasing them.

She watched, intently, and soon the rain slowed to a steady light rain, and.she closed her eyes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Rosalind
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Rosalind ... douleur exquise ...

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

She did not know where she walked, did not know that the forest that loomed was one of danger. But Addie stopped in the empty courtyard before the pathway to the woodland and she sighed, the drizzle falling but not really affecting her. She pushed a hand through her hair as the phoenix song sounded, looking up to see the great bird fly odd through the skies, taking its leave of the castle just as his master had. It pained her to think of it, so she welcomed the presence of another and turned around to welcome the tall red head.

"Hi" Addie said in reply, her tone laced with sadness as she smiled to him. But once her eyes locked on him she could feel the pain, it struck deep to her core as she watched him fall. Addie followed, her hands suprisingly strong as she took a hold of the top of his arms, guiding him to his knees in a more gentle fall.

Addie's expression reflected his pain, and she could not leave him. As he pleaded for aid, the blonde moved her hands to his face and guided his eyes back to her. Though the scars burned him, there was a deep and rugged handsom air to this male. "I can help you" Addie said to him gently. She knew she could take the pain away, draw the venom out of his body. She could make the scars go away and return him to his previous attacked state. Never before had she believed in anything as much as she believed in herself now.

She leaned down on her knees and placed one hand on his shoulder, and her other hand slowly glided over up his jaw. But as her hand brushed over his skin, a warm and soothing sensation would take over his skin. When her hand rested over his scars a violet light shone, her hand pulling the werewolf poison from his body. Addie stared into his eyes as she felt the sensation, her great powers consuming his curse. Addie's hand the slowly pulled back and a ball of brilliant violet light formed, hovering just above her hand before she held it before him. "Blow" she said, watching the raging red of his face fade to the palest pink.

. . .

At the end, Charlie sadly got to his feet. He stuffed his hands into his pockets and looked around to the forming order, they had limited places they could talk now. There were several safe houses, but each would be watched and so they had to keep on the move all the time. Grimauld Place was no longer an option, Snape would certainly have handed that vital information to Voldemort and the death eaters.

He nodded to Remus as they grouped, am eye still on that blonde. She walked from the scene and visable upset, and with no one following. Not usually and affectionate or emotional soul, Charlie was shocked to find himself compelled to follow. He put it down to the indescribable grief they all shared at the loss of Dumbledore.

"Excuse me" Charlie said to Remus and he walked the familiar route down to the lake. Happy memories of his time spent here flooded. Diving into the lake on scorching days and spying the giant squid, playing pranks and impressing girls. They were happy days indeed.

"I wouldn't recommend it" Charlie said as he approached from behind, looking to the bowed blonde head. "It's bloody freezing... and that squid has a heck of a temper" he said to her with a kind smile, stopping beside her. "Clipped me round the back of the head one year" he added with a chuckle.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SirensCall
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SirensCall The Siren Hellspawn

Member Seen 24 days ago

The series of.events that ensued were extraordinary to say the least. This woman had helped him move, and soon he could hear her say she could help him. He could see a brilliant violet light, and soon his eyes locked on the blonde, and he.could see her. She had a beauty to her face that was calming, and he could feel the pain slowly leaving his face.

He watched.in sheer amazement as this magic continued and she held the brilliant ball before him and told him to blow. He.couldn't at first, simply too stunned to move even. How could.she have done this? No magic he.knew.of could cure cursed wounds. Finally he allowed himself to blow the ball, and he felt his face. His.wounds still felt hot and sore, but not near as bad as it had. And there was.no ooze.

Finally he stood at his full height and looked down to her. "Forgive me, I'm Bill Weasley. I can't remember.if.we've met before, I have been a bit hazy the last couple days." He said, offering his hand out to her.


Katherine's eyes were trained.on the water below, watching everything going on. She wiped her eyes upon seeing the dark shadow of the giant squid Dumbledore spoke of to her and Addie before a voice came and she turned, the rain stopping once she looked at him. Met eyes.with him really. It was odd, but.something behind them spoke to her. She shook her head. "Oh, I wasn't... I was just admiring." She said, mentioning to the water as the dark shadow moved under the water.again.

When he spoke.she gave a phantom smile. "I've endured worst. Besides, he's just misunderstood." She said, flicking her wand and watching as some krill appeared and forced their way down through the water towards the moving shadow. She placed her wand back in its holder before she felt herself shying away, but then she caught it. A small scar on the man's neck. "Forgive me, but you're a Dragonologist, aren't you? There's no other way for someone to have that sort of.burn unless in close.proximity to Norwegian Ridgebacks."

She covered her mouth and quieted. "My name's Kat, by the way, Katherine Gerau. I was helping make potions for the hospital wing." She said before her eyes moved.back to the water. The overcast.never went away, but the rain never started again either.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rosalind
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Rosalind ... douleur exquise ...

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His pain vanished at his own breath, the light shimmering for a moment before disintegrating into sparkled dust that fluttered away in the breeze. Looking back into his face she could see the instant relief that now coloured his handsome features. The rawness of his wounds was gone and now replaced with a gentle pink scars. Knowing Kat was an expert with salves and concoctions she was sure she could get her to make something for him. Addie did not know why, but she was inexplicably drawn to this man and was once more touched by that sense of destiny.

It was only confirmed when he offered his hand and she lay her palm across his. There was a literal spark that sizzled between their hands as she took to her feet. She smiled as she placed her arms once more at her sides. And as she smiled the rain around them stopped, nothing now stood but warmth and comfort.

"Addie Vallis" Addie introduced herself, her tone suprisingly light for someone so powerful. That was the thing with the Addie and Kat, though they could set the world on fire, they remained still girls. "To be honest with you the last few days have been nothing but an unpleasant blur to me too" she confessed sadly.

. . .

"Misunderstood... but still cranky" Charlie quipped, doing what he could to keep the air light and from giving in to sorrow. Though he had shed a tear in private, Charlie wasn't one of show it in public. In truth the only one who had ever seen him sad was Bill, the only one he has ever been close enough too to drop the barriers.

"Good eye" Charlie replied as his fingers touched at one of the more prominent scars. His skin was littered in scars and callouses, he hardly even noticed when he was burnt these days iy was all too regular an occurrence in his occupation. "Now they're cranky sods" he told. Though Charlie was one of the rare few who had a magnificent and unique bond with Dragons. But even he got on their wrong side from time to time. Charlie had always had a way with animals, in truth he sometime preferred them to humans. So much so that he turned down an offer to play Quidditch professionally to head to Romania.

"Charlie" he said to her before adding his surname. "Weasley. I don't get many chances to introduce myself formally... Dragons don't give much a toss about manners" he said to her as he watched on of the squids tentacles reach out of the water and slap down slowly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by SirensCall
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SirensCall The Siren Hellspawn

Member Seen 24 days ago

Bill took her appearance and allowed the name.permanently stick with it in his mind. She had done so much for him and she barely knew his name now. This.woman was nothing short of extraordinary. He barely noticed as the overcast began slowly breaking, and he just gave a gentle.nod.

"I remember bits and.pieces. Most of it I can barely comprehend myself. I definitely owe Greyback." He said. That part he remembered vividly, he remembered how he had been lunged and.the.fight he put up in return. After that it faded though. He allowed the thought to flee his mind as he offered her his arm. "Well, Miss Vallis, I do believe that a walk would be quite.nice."

He was.inwardly thinking, now that he didn't need help to stand. "I do have one question though. Where did you learn your healing magic? I've never seen anything like it before." He was honestly curious because it wasn't everyday you got to witness something so beautiful but so powerful. It wasn't hard to grasp, but it also wasn't very common. Most everything that was destructive had an ugly head to rear, but that wasn't present here. Not at all.


Katherine looked over to her.company, again, a small smile coming. What was.it about this man that just took her away from it all? Why could he do that? It was weird. "Alright, I suppose you're right there, Charlie Weasley." She said, watching as the squid sloshed the water about. It was nice to finally see. Then Kat turned fully and looked over to Charlie completely.

Despite all the scars she could see, he was quite attractive in a rugged way. He was clean cut for now. But she found herself asking a.new question. He was a good distraction. "So, what got you into dragonology?" She inquired. "Magizoologist is a broader field, but it's a question I ask all Dragonologists."

Kat had met a couple in other.colonies. Dumbledore had taken Kat and Addie right after she turned 17 to the Romanian colonies because Kat.loved dragons. They reminded her so much of she and Addie. Beautiful, strong, but dangerous all the same. They were creatures of raw power and raw beauty. It was something she.connected with well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Rosalind
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Rosalind ... douleur exquise ...

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Addie agreed to the walk, she was always so curious about Dumbledore's beloved Hogwarts. The man had always spoke with real fondness, the school and his desire to teach was his greatest love. As she walked along the stoned walk and craned her eyes up to the tallest turrets. Addie blinked a little, breathing in the ancient castle in all her glory. She really was a formidable fortress that would undoubtedly fall to ruin if they did not defend her.

The question that she dreaded came, and Addie was reluctant to answer. It was not that she was ashamed of who she was, nor was she worried of his response. But more that he would not understand her unnatural and unmatched gift for magic. Daughters born of prophecy, combined she and Kat were unstoppable and the ultimate weapon for dark magic. Dumbledore had raised them not to see themselves as anything other than extraordinarily talented witches, something she was always grateful for.

"A very long story" Addie said honestly as they walked. "Dumbledore just said that some people are born with excelled talents. My aunt was the great healer Vallis, I aspired to be like her from a young age" she informed. None of that was a lie, of which she was glad as she felt like she could not lie to him. She was aware that some of the Order knew of their existence and what they were capable of. Alistair Moody was one, a formidable auror she had learnt. Kingsley Shacklebolt was another, a kind man but one Addie immediately respected. The Order would come to know of them soon enough, but Addie was not going to steal this day from Album Dumbledore, a man who had been a father, protector and mentor. "I never came to this school" she admitted. "Me and Kat were taught by Dumbledore. I had always wanted to see Hogwarts... just not like this"

. . .

"Dragons always fascinated me" Charlie confessed, his hands in his front pockets. About his neck was a black thin rope chain, with a dragons tooth on it. It had belonged to Norberta (Norbert as she had previously been called) one he had reared from a young age. It had been one of her infant fangs, a little token of the ridgeback he was most fond of.

"I've always been more the outdoors type, took Care of Magical creatures at both OWL and NRWT level" he informed her as the sky began to clear. "And though the many animals in the forest were incredible, I just always had a thing for Dragons. So when I left school it was either Quidditch or Dragons" he told her.

"And so I went to Romania... been there ever since" he concluded his tale. Not once had he ever regretted his decision, he had a real passion for his career. Of course now, his work with the beasts and also recruitung foreign wizards to the course would be put to a halt.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SirensCall
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SirensCall The Siren Hellspawn

Member Seen 24 days ago

Bill listened to Addie as she spoke and nodded along to her words. It explained so much with few words, but he noted her honesty. At least he was sure it was. "I'm quite glad you aspired to be like her." He said, softly, but her.next words caused him more questions, but they could be saved for a later time. "It's been years since I've been back here, it wasn't like this that I had wished to return."

His eyes fell upon the castle as they continued to walk on, a few people straying off as they had. "So, you and your sister were taught by Dumbledore directly?" He asked, vaguely remembering the other blonde. They had to have been sisters, that he was sure of. "What is your fondest memory of him? He oversaw all the students here ad he was always so wonderful, but I was never taught under him directly."

Perhaps the chat would.bring fond.memories on the gloomy day. At least it had seemed that way before, but the weather wasn't even sure it seemed. He allowed his eyes to look over to his company, but when he looked forward he could see more people. His family were all together, with the absence of Charlie it appeared. That was odd.


Katherine listened, and her eyes fell to the Dragon fang around his neck as he spoke and she felt her small smile staying. "Quidditch or dragons? I have to say, I think you made the right choice." She said, stepping closer to the water to the squid. "Animals are amazing creatures, they are honest and their love is unconditional. They are never fake." She said, and she finally got to the edge, and looked over and saw the massive squid.

She felt some of the backsplash and she brought up her wand and tapped it against the water and motioned for Charlie to come.closer as she situated herself on her knees. The water had cleared and the squid was fully visible. "Dumbledore used to tell me stories of the creatures beneath the water, and I never got to come here before.today. I am so glad I finally get to see the beauty he spoke of.though. I do wish it would have been under different circumstances though."

She watched the squid, and tapped her wand against the water again, watching the ripples.fall to the creature who seemed pleased and then she stood and with a wave of her wand she allowed the water to return to normal before she began heading towards the path away from the lake, but stopped a moment. "Will you help me? My sister, she got up during the services, will you help me.find.her?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rosalind
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Rosalind ... douleur exquise ...

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

“I have too many to pick just one” Addie confessed, avoiding the walk through memory lane with such determination, she could not risk her emotions spilling over and causing an earthquake or something, which had happened once. “But it is the little ones that meant the most, ones that would seem insignificant to others but were perfect to me” what she did not say was those moments of normalcy. Christmas dinners cooked by hand, laughing at his ancient taste in music or fondness for the muggle sweeties. Time spent alone where they did not practice control and learn of their powers, just time shared in fond company, those were her favourite.

Looking up, she saw a clan of red heads grouped with some order members, including the two who knew what she was, and who she was. Addie had no time to hide any more, and she knew she would never be able to leave Bill. There was something that connected the two, something that she could not explain, and the one person who could had just been lain to rest. Addie pushed a hand through her hair and looked up to Bill.

“I am part of the Order” She confessed, at least now she was. “I will be seeing you a lot more, and I’ll keep an eye on those scars of yours for you” Addie had the power to completely remove the curse from him, but it needed a great deal of control. A slip of the hand or too much power and she would kill him. “But we need to head back to where we lived, to collect out things. Dumbledore was secret keeper on the cottage, and we’re too vulnerable now” It may have sounded confusing to Bill, why was there so much protection around the two girls. But it would show itself in due time, or be announced before the whole order just how important a part they would play in this battle against Voldemort and his dark army. But also, just how fragile their magical alliance was! Not that Addie wanted to be dark, but her powers had a natural pull to the dark side and as Dumbledore once said, they just needed to find something to fight for.

. . .

“I wouldn’t say that” Charlie said as he looked to the giant squid. “They have some interesting hunting patterns, and can be as fickle as the weather. Anything that has a heart as the ability to change” Charlie added with a shrug of the shoulders. He looked down into the lake and to the large tentacles that slapped against the weed, prying for food or tempting out fish for a snack. “Yeah, there are all manners of critters in there. Mermaids, Grindylows and some pretty interesting looking fish” He said “Though some of them are my fault” he said with a private chuckle, thinking back to his sixth year and his introducing one breed to another and creating something with four eyes and two mouths.

“Certainly” Charlie said at her request, and he straightened up and offered her his hand. When she accepted he felt a cackle of lightning pass through their palms. He looked perplexed for a moment before he turned and looked back to the castle. “I think my brother went after her” He said, offering a little comfort. All of the Weasley’s seemed to have a prolific knowledge of Hogwarts, though the twins seemed to know it inside out. Even when Charlie was at school he had a nose around, and always loved the forest with Hagrid. And Bill had been Head Boy, so had the right to inspect every inch of the corridor, although he was always a damned sight more cool than any previous head boy, and always turned his head away to trouble.

The continued up the grounds and before he had rounded into the courtyard he could see Bill and her sister heading towards the order and his family. “She’s there” He said to her, indicating the pair as they were greeted by his mother. “Would you like to come meet the rest of the red head bunch?” He asked with a charming smile.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SirensCall
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SirensCall The Siren Hellspawn

Member Seen 24 days ago

Bill listened to her and nodded. The little things meant a lot to her. She wasn't much unlike him, because he.often felt the same way. Then suddenly she spoke, once the rest of the Order, which was now mainly his family, came.into sight. So they were part of the order? Then why hadn't they met them before.now? From how it sounded, Dumbledore took every measure to protect the girls, but he.nodded.

"Good to know I'll see more.of you. And that you'll be keeping an eye on me. I'm sure.my mum will be thrilled to have more.girls around." He gave a gentle smile as they approached his.mother.immediately brought Bill into a hug and looked over his face.

"My boy! I was worried about you!" She exclaimed. Bill gave his.mother a gentle smile.

"Mum, I'm alright. This is Addie Vallis, she helped.me." he introduced, "Addie, this is.my mum, Molly Weasley."

Molly looked over the pale haired girl with almost unease, but smiled anyway. "Such a pleasure to meet you, dear." Molly exchanged a look with Bill before Moody came.over.

"Hello again, Miss Vallis, and where is Miss Gerau? We Must introduce you both." He said, a bit gruffly.

Bill rose a brow, perhaps.it was because the two had never been in any of the formal Order meetings before, but by chance Bill glanced over to see Charlie and the second blonde coming. "I think she's coming, Mad-Eye."


Katherine felt the spark the moment their hands.touched. It was warm, and it over took her whole body. It wasn't something she had felt before, and she looked to their hands before allowing him to lead her. She gave a nod though. "If he's like you, then I have nothing to worry about. Without Dumbledore, she's all I have left." She admitted, though maintaining a certain level of control over herself, but a tear still slipped.

The group of red heads came into view as a few.others.joined the group. She looked to Charlie, and she stopped. "A moment first." She said, making herself stand before.him and look up. "I believe you should know, beforehand, that my sister and I will be around more. We are part of the Order, and with Dumbledore..." She trailed, but picked up, "My sister and I must return home.for a short time to sort out our affairs, but with him gone, we are vulnerable there." She was.near echoing the words Addie was telling Bill.

She then looked down a bit, but she then looked.up. "Anything I should be aware.of.before I meet them? I'm not normally good with meeting others." She.asked him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rosalind
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Rosalind ... douleur exquise ...

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“Too much to say” Charlie said with a sad and heavy laugh, as they re-joined the group. He immediately noticed Bill’s ease, the scars looking a lot less menacing than they had before, and there was no pain in his eyes. He looked a little questioningly at the blonde by his side, and then to the other before Moody stepped forwards.
“Right, Potter is to be escorted back to the Muggles this afternoon” He said, and instantly there were objections which he silenced with a barked command.
“It was Dumbledore’s request that Harry remain with his Aunt and Uncle until his birthday, he remains protected by his mother and is untouchable by you-know-who all the while he is there. It is the safest place for him” Remus informed in a calm manner. “He will be under guard until such time as we can bring him to the Burrow, but for now he must return to Privett Place for his own safety”

Addie looked down to her feet for a moment, she felt like an intruder in this meeting. Of course she knew who Harry Potter was, and she knew she would help him, but this Order was a close unit, friends as well as allies, and she was a complete stranger. A protection and weapon, someone deemed important by Dumbledore. To them, Dumbledore was the ultimate and his word was never questioned. Of course, only a select few knew that Addie and Kat were the descendants of Hecate, knew just what they were capable of. She still couldn’t help but feel awkward.

“An escort is needed for Miss Vallis and Miss Gerau” Kingsley said, and eyes were quickly upon the blondes. Addie was to protest that they didn’t need an escort, but Kingsley quickly explained that the Order left no one alone, but also that the Burrow was heavily protected and only those who knew the charms and its whereabouts could find it.

“Me and Bill can” Charlie volunteered, and Addie found her heart flutter a little but she did not show it.
“Oi oi” Teased Fred and George in unison, but received a look from their mother in scorn and they quickly supressed further laughter, though it was clear they were still amused.
“Two days” Moody barked, holding up two very scarred fingers. “Any problems… send word”
“Two days?” Addie questioned, how was she expected to pack up a lifetime in two days?
“Yes. Snape knew of your existence, he knows what you are and who you are… right now you’re as vulnerable as Potter” Moody replied, which instantly gained the attention of the entire group, and they looked to the girls with curiosity and trepidation. Addie stared at Moody, not appreciative of the revelation, nor the looks they now received.
“Fine” Addie replied curtly, and she took Kat gently by the arm and guided her away, fully aware that eyes were still boring into their backs.
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