Our world has not always been in a state of warfare. It was once a peaceful place for all four races to live in peace and harmony. For the last thousand years the races of Aurora lived with one another using each other’s strengths to improve their life styles. Trade routes flourished with wagons filled with goods and for a time Aurora was paradise. This was parsley due to the empire who ruled over all the races. He was a gashes ruler who held open court to help solve problems between the races and to come up with a solution that would benefit both parties. When one empire passed away, his heir took the thrown. However, the last empire was unable to produce any children and when she passed. Aurora was left without a ruler. All the races began to argue about who should be the next ruler and soon war broke out to see what race would take the thrown. The war revenged the land and destroyed the once peaceful feeling that blanketed Aurora. For ten years the war continued to rage before a lone mage sent a message to all the races. In his message he described champions from each race would rise and one day chose which leader would rule over Aurora. He would travel across Aurora to hand pick the four champions and take them to a hidden place where they couldn’t be corrupted and allowed to choose who they felt was a better leader without corruption. The mage soon gathered four children and one guardian from each race to help the children to understand the weight they carried and to protect them from those who wish to kill them. The mage's prophecy might have depicted the four champions, but it never could have predicted the threats, turmoil’s, and challenges the children would face to choose a new ruler. In the end the four will travel across Aurora to see what the war has done to the world, what corruption fills the world, and find out a tragic outcome as a result of the war.
Eves: Elves are honed into the planet and can absorb the planets Mana to conger up magical spells that are able to manipulate the elements and also call fourth monstrosities known as elementals. Elves are experienced in hand to hand combat and are at their deadliest when using long ranged weapons. They are able to see creature’s pressure points in their body and deliver a barrage of strikes that disables any opponent
Neko: Neko’s are humanoid creatures that also have animal like qualities. Many historical scrolls call the neko’s as humans who have embraced their inner animal. Nekos can speak to animals and also transform into an animal that represents their own tribe. Example: Wolf neko can change into a wolf, Alligator Neko can change into an alligator, etc. they are skilled assassins and move through the shadows to strike. A neko can hid in plain sight thanks to their abilities and also distract enemies with their animal allies.
Mechanics: Mechanics are, by far the most intelligent of all the races. They are able to create many weapons and devices using various irons and ores found in Aurora. Mechanics also are able to resurrect giant mechanical creatures known as titans that lay dormant in the many temples hidden in Aurora.
Humans: Humans are a wild card in Aurora. Many historical scrolls state the humans descended from the heavens with the great angels and where given celestial powers. Many of the races seem to disregard this fact since many humans only use weapons and tricks to survive. Many accounts of humans using celestial powers have been word of mouth and no real documentation has arisen to back it up. Humanity seems to be nothing more than smoke and mirrors. Out of all the races, humanity seems to be the most peaceful of them all.
Playable Characters:
Name: Viper
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Race: Snake Neco
Abilities: Change into a 20 foot boa constrictor, talk to animals, and scales can shift color.
Bio: Viper was taken from her mother when she was only two. As the oldest of the children she sees herself as their protector and will do irrational things to help them. She’ll jump into danger without thinking and put her own life at risk to save the children she calls her family. Viper learned at a young age that she was very different from the other Lizard Nekos. Her scales could change color to her surroundings and make her practically invisible.
Name: Jade
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Race: Elf
Abilities: Healing magic, Manipulation of fire, lightning, and weather.
Bio: Jade at a young age showed she was a skilled fighter. At the age of ten she was able to hit pressure points to disable enemies. She is a skilled fighter and sometimes clashes with the guardians who believe they aren’t ready for the outside world. She knows she can fend for herself and would fight alongside any of her friends.
Name: Maximillian
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Mechanic
Abilities: creation of weapons, resurrection of titans, and magnetism
Bio: Max was always intelegent. He built his first weapon at the age of four under the guardian’s supervision. The weapon nearly destroyed the whole secret temple and the guardians needed to control his urge to build weapons. They were amazed that Max was able to manipulate magnetism. Certain ores and iron where like paper to him as he let them fly through the air like air ships. He used this talent to help him craft new weapons, that couldn’t destroy their hideout. His ego sometimes gets the better of him which results in many arguments.
Name: Arthur
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Abilities: N/A
Bio: Arthur is the youngest of the children the mage took and as such he still questions why he’s even here. He’s not built for fighting and during training he does more running and hiding them actual fighting. Whatever kind of celestial powers where inside of him seemed to have left. He doesn’t want to fight but feels sitting down to talk would make better results. With his peaceful demeanor he usually is the peace maker of the group when there is an argument. The guardians always say he has a great destiny like the others, but he doesn’t see it.
None-playable Characters:
Name: Dagger
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Race: Neko
Name: Ozark
Age: 40
Gender: Male
Race: Elf
Name: Lizzy
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Race: Mechanic
Characters: (First Come First Serve)
Arthur: Rex