Hey there folks. It's your friendly neighborhood Axil here, just wondering if anyone is interested in my new RP titled: "Spectrum."
Spectrum's a fun little idea based off of a story concept I wrote up a few years back. I won't clutter you with too much here, as everything you need to know can be found on my actual thread link here:
and in my signature. The plot is going to be extensive, consisting of 4-6 story arcs, some of which are relatively short while others can be longer. It of course takes place in a fantasy world where people can use magic, the details of which can be found, once again, in the thread itself. If you want the gist of it, a dark and mysterious magician is planning on inciting a destructive rebellion against a peaceful kingdom, and your characters, be they freeroamers, royal police, military members, or gladiators must figure out their path of action. I plan on introducing other magics you can learn later, but for now you're restricted to one of three types. Keep in mind, the types themselves present a wide variety of customization.
I hope you all look forward to this dark adventure in a world of color.