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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by TJByrum
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TJByrum Jed Connors

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Storming of Vessex
Welcome to The Storming of Vessex, the prelude to an upcoming large-scale war RP. This RP will familiarize the players and myself with the combat system which will be used, as well as establish kingdoms throughout Ventora. If you wish to create and rule a kingdom in the upcoming RP, then you must begin here, as I will probably no longer accept new entries afterwards (newcomers will be officers). King Rael has ruled the land of Ventora with an iron-fist for far to long. His reign of corruption and evil must end, and heroes from all across the land rally to bring about his downfall. After pushing Vessex forces from their homelands, the Allied forces have joined together and march for Castle Vessex, King Rael's personal stronghold in the northeast. Those who are still loyal to King Rael march in his defense, meeting the Allied forces on Raknor Fields. The Allies must first defeat the Vessex forces on Raknor Fields and then advance to Castle Vessex and defeat King Rael once and for all. You will be one of these heroes: a general in command of a small force that has banded together with the other generals in an attempt to overthrow King Rael. You will provide a bio detailing your commander, his/her soldiers, and their kingdom/nation of origin. These creations will carry over into the upcoming roleplay, and will be available to you. Anyone who does not participate in this prelude will not be able to create new kingdoms/nations. The defeat of King Rael should bring about an age of peace and prosperity, but the absence of a king is a void that will need to be filled. The only question is, who will fill it? Very special thanks to Kellehendros (BattleOn! Forums), to which all credit goes.
Combat is divided into two phases: Camp Phase, and Battle Phase. During the Camp Phase the commanders will gather within the strategy tent and discuss potential strategies and tactics to defeat the enemy army, depending on scout reports. Once a strategy is determined the Battle Phase begins. In the Battle Phase you will lead or command your forces in battle. You may follow the strategy which was agreed upon, or ignore it entirely, it is up to you. The goal is to defeat the enemy army. I will post first, detailing the enemy formation/movement and you will post in retaliation, describing what you want you and your forces to do. Once everyone has posted their actions I will post once more, describing the results of those actions. This continues until one side is defeated. In this particular RP, once the Vessex forces have been defeated, a siege battle will be next, which will play out a little differently. I will run you guys through it when we get to that point though.
Name: Age/Gender: Humans only, by the way. Appearance: Armor/Clothing: Weapons: Other Items: Other Info: Any additional information on your character that does not fit anywhere else, such as skills and traits. Background: Only if you want to provide some back story to the character. Kingdom: You need to give me a brief, but characteristic description of the kingdom, nation, or faction from which this character and his forces hail from. Names, locations, landscape, culture, etc are necessary. Just remember that all kingdoms are part of Ventora; however, Ventora is home to many cultures, so you are not restricted there. Command: For this RP, your commander was allowed to bring no more than 300 soldiers; it can be less if you want it to be, but 300 is max. You need to give me names of these soldier types (Highland Archers, Ruki Samurai, Heavy Galiran Cavalry, etc), numerical values of them (50 Highland Archers, 25 Ruki Samurai, 30 Heavy Galiran Cavalry, etc), and information about them. The information should explain their function, general appearance, usage, and even history if you want to.
Commander - Player - Origin - Forces (Total #) - Fatigue- Morale Koda - TJByrum - Vessex - 50 Vessex Knights, 25 Vessex Archers
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by TJByrum
Avatar of TJByrum

TJByrum Jed Connors

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Koda Verrill Age/Gender: 35 year old Vessex male Appearance: Vessex stands 6'5 and is built like a warrior. He has shoulder-length, dark brown hair and a rough stubble, with an average skin tone and dark blue eyes. Armor/Clothing: Koda wears Vessex armor. It is a dark, polished, silver (Vessex Steel), complete with a dark purple cloak. Weapons: Koda carries a dark, polished silver longsword as well as a dark, polished, silver tower shield (both forged from Vessex Steel). The shield bears the Vessex crest of a purple dragon. Other Items: Other Info: Koda is a former knight-commander who served under the liege of King Rael, but betrayed him and joined the Alliance in an effort to overthrow the cruel and corrupt king. Koda was joined by a small force of other former Vessex soldiers. Background: Koda was born into a noble family and so received training from a young age. He was destined to become a knight, and a knight he did become. For a few years he squired on conquests all across Ventora, but his most renown achievements came as a full-fledged Knight, personally conquering dozens of other kingdoms in the name of Vessex. When Rael came to power, Koda faithfully served him, but grew increasingly offended by his reign. Koda finally left Vessex and betrayed King Rael, joining the Alliance and plotting to overthrow him. Kingdom: Koda and his men hail from the Kingdom of Vessex itself. Vessex is cradled in the northeast and its rocky landscape has helped keep invaders out for centuries. In the few fertile grasslands that sit in the far-east of the region, a few towns and cities can be found. Vessex Castle is the main focus of its military might, sitting on the end of Raknor Fields - which serves as its only entrance. For decades the Vessex people have annexed kingdom after kingdom, deploying their powerful Vessex Knights to wreak havoc on the battlefield. When King Rael came into power five years ago, it brought about an age of corruption, prompting many to question his rule. The Storming of Vessex may very well see the end of Vessex as a whole country. Command: Koda commands a force of 50 Vessex Knights and 25 Vessex Archers. Vessex knights wear the same Vessex armor as Koda does; these heavily-armored swordsmen are capable, well-trained warriors. These Vessex Knights are without horses, and so act as sword-and-shield infantry. On foot these heavily-armored swordsmen are better suited to defensive positions. Vessex Archers are also knights, but have been transitioned into a permanent archery unit. They are well-trained, disciplined soldiers who rain hell from above. They are lightly armored and carry bows, quivers, and arrows, as well as a short-sword for close-combat.
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