Some kid on Craigslist is selling his "vergenity."

Yesss, I've been looking to buy some fresh vergenity to top off my latest spell.THE ONLY SKNARKY REPLY FOR THIS IS A DOUBLE EDGED SWORD MY FRIENDS
Yesss, I've been looking to buy some fresh vergenity to top off my latest spell.Screw you,i need it for my latest invention
<Snipped quote by Robeatics> Screw you,i need it for my latest inventionHey, buddy, I saw it first. Well, OP did, but yeah. I wonder where that kid is now. Creeping over his classmates, maybe?
I wonder if there's an underground market for sad people's virginitiesIt would be the biggest of all the market's. Incredibly humongous actually. Like a giant monster that moves faster than cheetah.
I wonder if there's an underground market for sad people's virginitiesDisturbingly, there is one. For female virgins. Particularly where there are cultures that are... how to say this in a politically correct way... fucking medieval-levels of ass-backwards in their ideologies about sex. For guys, I doubt it, but it wouldn't be the first time the interwebz has surprised me.
Disturbingly, there is one. For female virgins.time to make some money off of this shit
<Snipped quote by Halo> time to make some money off of this shitYou still wouldn't get enough money for a free ride to college. lol
You still wouldn't get enough money for a free ride to college. lol
Yesss, I've been looking to buy some fresh vergenity to top off my latest spell.This.