It's The Cornetto Trilogy :) Simon Pegg and Nick Frosts' films: Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz and World's End. They're not related films but they're part of a trilogy of movies they made together. They're my three favourite films. I need to add to them.
Are you kidding me? It's plenty! And more importantly: It's interaction between the chars
:) Love it!
I'll try and reply tomorrow. Have a Pen and Paper round going on an when my char's out of the scene I have plenty of time for other things ;)
Take your time buddy! I'll be away this weekend, got a friend at University who could do with some cheering up, but I'll be back on sunday. However, I'll be posting until then :)
It's better than telling yourself you need to write before you can go to sleep. Promised three posts today, well four but one can wait and it won't take long. I just dont have the inspiration for it.
How's your Pen and Paper going?