Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GhostWing
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"I'll leave in a while, make sure no one tries to follow," Lila said. "And if I run most of the way, I should get there by tomorrow morning."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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"Alright, Amber. Let's check it out" Klondike squeezed himself down the hole and into the cave. It was roomier than he had imagined it would be.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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As Renzo reached a far enough place and he couldn't detect any more scents that came from human, wolf or tiger he put the tube down. "Now... let's see here..." He examined it and saw the arc like thing on the bottom. He tried to reach out to it but he couldn't simply because his paw couldn't fit. He sat down. "Now... if I remember correctly..." He muttered to himself while looking at the arc like thing. He saw the humans with their hands in it so is it possible that that thing is used to make the tube pop?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whitewolf
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Misty nodded. "Alright, I'll keep everyone here and if they ask I'll tell them that you're scouting for me. Good luck, Lila."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Renzo, having no luck whatsoever with the rifle, picked it up again and headed back to camp just in time to see Lila leaving. He watched as she left alone and he headed inside. Renzo saw Misty so it was probably just a scouting trip. He dropped the rifle on the ground and headed outside. "Hey Misty, I'm gonna head out for a bit." He said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whitewolf
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Misty sighed once Lila was gone. She wasn't happy about her sister's plan, but she knew how stubborn that Lila could be and there was no stopping her once she had her mind made up. Just then, she heard Renzo say that he was going out for a bit. She poked her head out of her den. "Alright, but don't stray too far from the dens and watch out for those human traps!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GhostWing
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Lila ran until she was tired, moving to lay under a thicket to rest. It would probably be night in a couple hours and it'd take the better part of tomorrow to reach the tiger territories so it was probably a good idea for Lila to stay where she was for the night, maybe get a bite to eat. Lila sighed and laid her head on her paws, closing her eyes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KiraChan
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Em had been sleeping in an abandoned den for quite some time now, she would hunt mostly early in the morning only rabbits and small animals because she was a bit frightened to hunt for the bigger animals. She sniffed the air and growled lowly on the scent of hunters and wolves, her skinny body slinked through the area with cation, she spotted a wolf hiding by a thicket not too far from her she laid low and watched over her as it seemedto have fallen asleep. Though Em wasnt a wolf she looked like one and could blend in with a pack if she could but, no pack has taken her just yet. Em was strong and could take care of herself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Renzo followed Lila's scent. As much as he didn't want to admit it, he became worried. It wasn't good for a wolf to be alone at a time nearing night with humans up and about. He knew that he was leaving without permission but hey, you have to break the rules once in a while right? It had been a long time since he was running but he has a lot of stamina. Once he saw the familiar white coat, he slowed to a stop.

"And what are you doing alone?" He asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GhostWing
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Lila stirred as a new scent drifted to her nose. It smelled like a pup but what was a pup doing out on its own? She lifted her head and looked around, spotting Renzo. "I'm scouting for Misty. What are you doing here, you should be back at the dens," Lila said, standing and sniffing out the pup's hiding place. "Come on out little one, we have no interest in hurting you," She said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Valkyr
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Amber followed Klondike down into the dark cave. She still was having trouble seeing in the dark, but she could tell the cave was larger than she had thought. She still didn't feel very convinced, however. They weren't sure how long they'd have to be away, and this cave felt less than practical. "Well, this might work. Do you want to keep looking around, Klondike?" She asked uncertainly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KiraChan
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Em Growled softly at the other wolf at first taking in both of their scents, Recognizing them as peaceful wolves she didn let her garddown though becasue she knew the could harm her if they really wanted to. "My names Em, i got seperated from my.. uh pack a long while ago" She said and looked off into the distance kinda sadly but gave them a wolfy smile
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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"Yeah, no. I am not going to leave you alone." Renzo said firmly and it was clear that he won't leave. He then turned to Em, the pup. "Separated? How unortunate." He pointed out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GhostWing
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Lila gave Renzo a look from the corner of her eye. "And just why not? Seriously, you really should go back," She said then looked to the pup. She didn't look like any kind of wolf she had seen but then again, she and Misty were the only white wolves in the pack. "Well, we can't just leave you on your own. Are you hungry?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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"We can keep looking if you want" Klondike replied. Suddenly, he smelled something. "Wait... is that-? Do you smell it too?" He thought he had caught the scent of humans. It had not been present before, so either the wind had carried it into the cave, or humans were on the move not too far away.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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"You're alone... in the night and headed towards the Tiger territory, I had think you need at least one wolf for company." Renzo said before looking at the pup again waiting for her answer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KiraChan
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KiraChan The dainty & Easily Annoyed

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Em began to step forward and saying "I am hungery, and instead of just one wolf how about two?" she said wagging her tail confident and happy. Maybe now i wont be so alone She thought to herself and for some reason wanted to howl, she hadnt dont that in such a long time she almost missed it. Because being alone and trying to stay hidden wasnt very easy if she was howling, And anyways she didnt have anyone to howl to. She just wanted to help and proove that she was strong and not so Little
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Renzo looked at the cub. "You want to come too? You sure, looks like she's heading to tiger territory. Pretty dangerous but if you think you can handle it, I have no arguments there." The older wolf said, seeing how excited the wolf cub was. "What's your name?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Valkyr
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Valkyr Pacific Standard Time

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Amber whipped around and faced the entrance of the cave. She lifted her nose and sniffed at the air. The fur on her back stood on end. "Oh no..." She whispered. She crawled back up through the tight cave entrance and stuck her head out. The smell was strong. She didn't see anything around yet, so she assumed the wind was picking up the scent. She quickly crawled back into the cave. "Klondike, what are we going to do?" She asked, slightly panicked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GhostWing
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Lila looked at Renzo and flattened her ears going to sit by Em and wrapped her tail around the pup protectively. "Are you insane? We can't bring a pup into tiger territory, which is why I left on my own because I am going to tiger territory. No, we get her something to eat and then you are taking her back to Misty," Lila said, her tone firm.
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