From the Ashes shall be Woken

Chapter I: Twin Lamps
Ilvel woke with a start. He’d had that dream again, the one he’d been having for the past week. Always the same dream, and never any less disturbing. Worst of all, it robbed him of his sleep, and he wasn’t getting enough of that as it were. Muttering softly under his breath, he looked around him. It was dawn; he could see the light from the sun slowly conquering the shadowy ground of the city, street by street. None of it fell on him yet, but he found that he could warm his leg by letting it dangle from the space in between the strange wooden bars of his cage. That felt really nice. He kept looking around him, and stopped at his peers. The other slaves. His fellow brothers and sisters in captivity. He knew so little about them, and he’d been with some of them for such a long time. Made him wonder. Most of them were still asleep, but he found to his surprise that one of them was looking back at him.
Panicking, he set a mean frown and hissed at the other one.
What do you think you’re looking at, s’wit?