Hey, guys.
I'm back with a hankering for an MxM plotline/pairing. I don't have any that I really want to do, I'll leave that up to you. I hate rhyming. Anyway, I'll do pretty much any genre besides historical/medieval, sci-fi or anything to do with animals or animal hybrids. As for--
--No, there's no grilled cheese sandwiches here. I'm sorry for lying to you. As I was saying. As for particular pairings, go for your life. Vampire x Human? Sounds sick. Psychiatrist x Mental Patient? Awesome. Noodles x Cheese? Delicious, but I don't think an RP would work for it. Now, genres. As you can probably see from the tags and as aforementioned, I'm interested in pretty much all besides the ones listed above. I also really enjoy horror and thriller, psychological being one of my favourites.
And now, requirements and details! Super boring, but necessary:
- I live in Australia. So, timezone is weird but I reply as I can. I'm on most every day.
- I write anywhere from two to four paragraphs and beyond. I'd like someone who can do the same or write more so that prompts me to write more.
- Acceptable grammar and spelling is awesome. Of course, mistakes are made and it's fine!
- I don't do smut. However, I do relationships, flirting, dubious situations, etc. The 18+ warning was for possible gore and suchness if it was a horror plot.
- I prefer to RP via PM.
And that is the end of my topic. Thank you for paying attention, even if it's just to the gifs. Chuck me a message or reply here and we can work something out while I clumsily attempt to befriend you.